MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 44

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Since Huo Lan took over, Star Crown has had three emergency meetings.

For the first time, the star-crowned warrior broke his wrist and abolished redundant departments in a large area.

For the third time, the management of Star Crown went online collectively in a dazed and nervous manner, participated in an emergency video conference with no content, and dismissed the meeting dazedly and nervously.

"Is it an assessment?"

The director of the operation department was worried and secretly called the housekeeper, "Mr. Huo has set a question and intends to test us..."

The wood is hidden in the forest, and the water is hidden in the sea.

Hide content to no content.

Everyone who fails to deeply understand Mr. Huo's intentions must write three thousand words of work reflection.

The housekeeper glanced at Mr. Huo and said in a low voice, "Let me see..."

The housekeeper slipped out to find Mr. Liang halfway through, and discussed it with Liang Xiao at this moment, one was ambushed at the door, ready to hook up, the other came in to explore the way first, and the specific situation of the meeting was still unclear.

The housekeeper took time to look at the minutes of the meeting while talking on the phone.

No one dared to raise any doubts about the fact that Mr. Huo didn't wear formal clothes and only wore simple and unpretentious pajamas to the meeting.

The housekeeper raised his head and discreetly discriminated the little snowflakes floating above their head, Mr. Huo.

The housekeeper decided to give some hints: "The star crown has regulations, even if it is a video conference, you must wear formal clothes to attend."

The director of the operation department is incredible: "It's all so hard, how can you use this kind of thing to ask Mr. Huo?!"

“…” Butler reminded: “Yes.”

"We're not here to find faults."

The director of the operation department was very unhappy: "The regulations are dead, and people are alive. In fact, I am wearing a suit and tie, and I also wear big pants."

Housekeeper: "…"

The housekeeper tried his best: "Write slowly."

The director of the operation department was stunned: "Write what?"

"Three thousand words." The housekeeper is skilled, "Reflections on wearing pants during a video conference."

The director of the operation department hung up the phone in a trance.

The housekeeper fulfilled his responsibilities, put away the phone, and walked to Mr. Huo.

Huo Lan sat at the table, his shoulders were silent, his eyes were lowered, and he couldn't see anything special.

The housekeeper called him softly: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan sat quietly, not answering him.

The housekeeper is used to it: "When I first went out, the captain of the bodyguard asked me outside the door."

"The captain of the bodyguard asked, where did Mr. Huo wear the pajamas today."

The housekeeper slowly tested: "He also wants to buy——"

Huo Lan said in a deep voice, "Why is he joining in the fun?"

The housekeeper coughed and pretended not to see the little snowflakes on the top of Mr. Huo's head turning around: "He looks good."


The housekeeper didn't know about it before, but now that I think about it, Huo Lan deliberately wore the pajamas given by Mr. Liang and went to the present, but no one mentioned it, and his heart became more and more unbearable.

The housekeeper is hesitant and lifelike: "Where did you buy it? We also want to buy it in a group-"

Huo Lan: "No."

The housekeeper secretly clenched a fist.

"I don't know either."

Huo Lan lowered his eyes and felt inappropriate, so he couldn't help but say one more sentence: "Mr. Liang sent it."

The housekeeper was surprised: "Wow!"

"Mr. Liang gave you pajamas, it must be because you haven't rested for so many days."

The housekeeper made persistent efforts to help him analyze: "Mr. Liang also cares about you, seeing your hard work, don't worry..."

Huo Lan: "I don't work hard."

"Mr. Liang worked hard."

The housekeeper is very good at negotiating: "Mr. Liang sees himself as hard work, and thinks that you wear a shirt every time you sleep, and it is uncomfortable to hold."

Huo Lan was stunned and frowned: "Really?"

The housekeeper didn't know either, but the housekeeper dared to make it up: "Really, Mr. Liang said, a good pillow..."

Huo Lanmeifeng frowned silently.

Before in a bedroom, he felt that the two of them were not familiar enough, and he always just leaned against the bedside with his clothes, and dealt with it for the night.

In the past few days, he let Liang Xiao hold him to sleep. He thought that the other party slept well, but in retrospect, in order to make it easier to take care of Liang Xiao, he never even bothered to change his pajamas.

Huo Lan almost forgot about the pillow, and he closed his eyes and fell silent.

The butler turned around a little and saw Huo Lan's expression.

"Omega, the skin is more delicate." The butler thought for a while, and tried his best to look back, "The touch is also sensitive."

Butler: "Inevitably."

Huo Lan naturally knew this: "It was my negligence."


Huo Lan carefully adjusted the collar of the pajamas, looked down, and his tone was a little unstable: "I remember... change this."

The housekeeper breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement, "You don't look the same when you wear this."

Huo Lan: "Why is it different?"

The housekeeper has never seen Mr. Huo talk so much, and he is very pleased: "Looking at

I usually get closer and people seem more relaxed. "

The butler strikes while the iron is hot: "Mr. Liang must like you like this—"

Huo Lan taught him: "Don't talk nonsense."

Butler: "Yes."

Huo Lan was almost uneasy when he came out, and now he calmed down vaguely, and felt that his actions were inappropriate.

He didn't want to talk about Liang Xiao behind his back. He instinctively felt that it was inappropriate for the housekeeper to say such words, and he couldn't help but want to talk more: "What Mr. Liang likes, only he can decide."

"His own business." Huo Lan said, "What he likes and what he wants is his own right."

Huo Lan: "No one else should arrange for him."

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, looking at Huo Lan, his heart could not help but soften.

The housekeeper was a little glad that Liang Xiao was outside the door at this time.

After all, every time Mr. Liang is behind Mr. Liang's back, Mr. Huo can say this kind of words firmly and frankly.

But in front of Mr. Liang, they didn't even manage to say thank you for the pajamas until they rushed out the door with their pajamas.

The housekeeper tried his best to lead him to the door and pushed the boat along the flow: "Will you let Mr. Liang take a look?"

Huo Lan followed him and instinctively took two steps to the door.

Huo Lan actually wanted to see Liang Xiao for a long time. Halfway through the emergency meeting, he was already impatient, and after a few words, the meeting was dismissed.

He hasn't thanked Liang Xiao yet, put on his pajamas, and hasn't let the other party see it.

Huo Lan took a few steps, suddenly came back to his senses, and stopped.

The housekeeper grumbled: "What's wrong?"

Huo Lan stopped in place: "...No."

The housekeeper knew and sighed: "Why?"

"I...before I came out." Huo Lan completely regained his composure, and his thoughts also sobered up, "Mr. Liang is frivolous."

Huo Lan lowered his eyes, stood for a while, then walked back to the table and sat down.

The housekeeper is only one step away from success, and he wants to try his best: "It doesn't matter."

The housekeeper whispered to him: "Mr. Liang won't care."

"Mr. Liang doesn't care." Huo Lan said, "It's not the reason why I don't respect him."

The housekeeper was startled.

Huo Lan: "Today..."

Huo Lan closed his eyes and said nothing.

The housekeeper was a little distressed, and said softly for him: "You are so happy today, so it's a little rude to behave carelessly, isn't it?"

Huo Lan nodded.

"It's not entirely your fault."

The housekeeper deliberately paved the way for Mr. Liang, who was preparing to tempt them at the door, and continued to guide patiently: "There is a first time for everything, and it is also the first time you receive a gift from someone..."

"It's Mr. Liang."

Huo Lan corrected: "It's not someone else."

Housekeeper: "…"

The housekeeper didn't want to pave the way anymore, so he corrected numbly: "Yes, Mr. Liang is no one else."

Huo Lan

This time I felt that there was nothing wrong, so I nodded and said nothing.

"It's the first time for Mr. Liang."

The housekeeper recited the lines dryly: "Mr. Liang thought you didn't like pajamas, so he ran out of the bedroom crying, and now he has run to the stairs."

Huo Lan didn't expect this level, his heart tightened, and he raised his eyes suddenly.

Housekeeper: "Mr. Liang is in poor health, and the road is long. He coughs and weeps while running..."

Huo Lan couldn't sit still, got up and walked quickly to the door, holding the handle.

The butler held his breath.

"...Not far." Huo Lan closed his eyes and tried his best to stay awake, "The door to the bedroom is the entrance to the stairs."

Housekeeper: "…"

Too bad.

The housekeeper was dedicated to creating an atmosphere, ignoring the objective structure of the villa, and wanted to go back on it: "Run to another staircase..."

The housekeeper looked weakly at the two people who were separated by a door: "…"

According to this height, if this door disappears, Mr. Huo's hand will probably just be able to touch Mr. Liang's buttocks.

The housekeeper misses Mr. Liang's **** now: "What's the matter with you?"

Huo Lan whispered: "I like it very much-"

He was not used to saying this kind of words at all, it was almost difficult, and he forced himself to slowly and clearly articulate: "I like... this set of pajamas."

Afraid of scaring him, the butler was extra kind and nodded in cooperation.

"If he is angry." Huo Lan asked, "Will you want to go back?"

The housekeeper was at a loss: "Why is Mr. Liang angry?"

The housekeeper didn't know this, Huo Lan didn't want to say it at first, but at this time he had to admit: "I almost... took off Mr. Liang's clothes."

The housekeeper widened his eyes: "When?!"

"Before I came out, I misunderstood..."

Huo Lan was never used to discussing this with others, and today was really disturbed, so he reflected in a low voice: "Blame me."

Huo Lan closed his eyes: "I don't know good or bad."

The housekeeper stared at him blankly, his charming and delusional thoughts dissipated, and his heart was sour and bitter: "No."

"Mr. and Mrs. didn't treat you well." The housekeeper ignored Mr. Liang for the time being, and hurried to solve him, "So you don't know, you don't know that you can receive gifts... Mr. Liang will definitely understand of."

Huo Lan: "Mr. Liang cried and ran away."

"..." The housekeeper has made up so many nonsense, but no matter what, he did not expect to successfully persuade him this sentence: "Mr. Liang... does not know the way."

Huo Lan frowned and looked up at him.

"Mr. Liang may have been crying and running around the villa now, and now he is just outside your door."

The housekeeper gave up the logic: "Open the door and see."

Huo Lan was in the susceptible period, and he was not familiar with the scope of gift-giving.

The housekeeper sighed.


Good. Huo Lan had been vaguely persuaded by his last sentence, but he didn't believe it anyway, "How can you run a full lap?" "

"You are good for me, don't lie to me about this kind of thing, forgive me."

Huo Lan vaguely knew the thoughts of these people, but he was not someone who indulged himself and made up warmth: "To be honest, I can't stand it."

When I was young in Huo's house, the housekeeper would do the same thing, bringing something to coax little Huo Lan was specially given to him by Mr. and Mrs.

Little Huo Lan is crazy with joy, no one can stop

Stay here, go up hard, and thank your parents.

Huo Lan didn't want to be confined to the past anymore, took a deep breath, forbidding himself to be happy because of this illusory hope, and opened the door with one hand: "Mr. Liang——"

Huo Lan was startled.

Huo Lan held her breath and hugged Liang Xiao, who fell into his arms. For a while, his mind began to doubt his own.

"..." Liang Xiao didn't recover too much, and coughed: "Here."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao fell hard, and was hugged by him, her cheeks brushed against the soft fabric of the pajamas, and her ears burned unconsciously.

The butler's bedding was too long, Liang Xiao put on clothes, poked at the door and waited for a long time, but did not wait for the housekeeper's appointment to throw the cup.

Liang Xiao leaned against the door and rested for a while, she couldn't help it, she simply began to listen to the corner.

Only heard the key, and the back was suddenly empty.

…The whole person just fell in like this.

Although I don't understand how the story developed to this point, Liang Xiao actually heard the plot of "running around the villa crying and coughing".

Liang Xiao was a little tangled, not knowing how to express such a complex character, hesitantly, took out the eye drops from his pocket: "...Mr. Huo."

It is too unhuman to drop eye drops and hold tears in front of Mr. Huo.

Liang Xiao still has professional ethics, and whispered at his cuff: "You put your hands down..."

Huo Lan's arm suddenly tightened.

Liang Xiao didn't answer in one breath, and the rest of the words were silent.

Huo Lan almost suspected that he even had hallucinations during the susceptible period. He wanted to dispel it, but the person in his arms was extraordinarily real.

His chest heaved violently, took a few deep breaths, suddenly bent over and hugged Liang Xiao horizontally.

Liang Xiao was taken aback: "Mr. Huo, I can go."

Huo Lan's eyes were fixed on him, and he refused to let go: "Don't run around the villa next time."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao: "Oh."

Huo Lan was afraid that he would be tired and that he would be uncomfortable.

Liang Xiao noticed that his muscles and bones were relaxed, and he felt pain in his heart: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan raised her eyes.

Liang Xiao closed his eyes, stretched out his hand to embrace him, and buried it in his neck.

Huo Lan shuddered: "No—"

"Okay." Liang Xiao said, "Mr. Huo, I'm running out of strength."

Liang Xiao: "The glands are uncomfortable, the pheromone is unstable, the heart is uncomfortable, and it's just..."

Liang Xiao sighed: "Just ran around the villa twice."

Huo Lan's arms were stiff.

Liang Xiao's whole body was terribly hot, and the breath he exhaled was also hot, and the warmth swept the skin between the neck and drilled in along the neckline of the pajamas.

Huolan's pheromone is also unstable, he closed his eyes and tried his best to slow down. <

Liang Xiao has never done such a thing before, so she really can't hold back any more words, so she buried herself in his arms and teased vigorously, "I want to sleep with you."

Huo Lan was silent.

Liang Xiao squeezed the eye drops, hesitantly, ready to give himself a face when Mr. Huo couldn't see, crying and going back to the room to sleep, suddenly slapped from behind.

Liang Xiao didn't hold the eye drops, and hurriedly hugged Huo Lan's shoulders.

Huo Lan hugged him tightly, strode out, and went back to the bedroom.

Carefully put Liang Xiao down on the bed, Huo Lan looked at it again, there was no second Mr. Liang in the bedroom, and finally he was completely relieved.

Not a hallucination.

Huo Lan knew that he was agitated, afraid of scaring him, so he covered Liang Xiao's quilt and went to take it easy.

Liang Xiao turned his head to the side, looked at Huo Lan who was silently facing the window, and couldn't help but prop up.

Huo Lan wanted to open the window, but did not want Liang Xiao to catch a cold.

Liang Xiao lifted the quilt and got out of bed and hugged him.

Huo Lan was slightly stagnant: "...what's the matter?"

Liang Xiao didn't really want to do this by the window.

But this time...what he was going to do, he had no confidence.

In case Mr. Huo is frightened, the current position is too suitable for Huo Lan to pick him up with one hand and throw him out of the window.

Liang Xiao went out today to get some air, and I specially saw that there was a lotus pond outside the study, and a short pine outside the bedroom.

Ling Shuang Aoxue, lush.

The leaves are all needles.

Liang Xiao was a little worried.

Huo Lan instinctively did not allow himself to relax, closed his eyes and shook his head: "You say."

"You say it." Huo Lan looked at him, "I'm listening."

Liang Xiao met his gaze, and his heart softened a little.

Liang Xiao ignored it, dragged his sleeve all the way up, and held his hand: "Huo Lan."

Huo Lan's breathing stopped for a while.

"Together with you..." Liang Xiao was selfish, and vaguely changed the concept, "I'm very comfortable."

Liang Xiao held his palm and said in a soft and serious voice: "So I are more comfortable."

Don't be tense all the time,

You don't need to punish yourself, and you don't need to hurt yourself and be imprisoned somewhere alone.

Don't believe it.

"So I gave you pajamas." Liang Xiao asked, "Are you comfortable?"

Huo Lan opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't make a sound, and he was afraid that he would think he would not respond, so he nodded forcefully.

Liang Xiao looked at him eagerly nodding, her eyes were a little sour, and explained to him seriously: "I sent you this, I won't want to go back."

"If you like it." Liang Xiao smiled, "

Just give me a hug. "

It works a little too far.

When Liang Xiao was suddenly pulled from the ground by Mr. Huo, he wanted to hug Huo Lan and shouted for help.

But Huo Lan didn't do anything else.

Huo Lan leaned back against the cold window edge, the soft fabric of his pajamas was stained with a little chill, and still didn't feel it, he hugged him tightly.

Liang Xiao instinctively hugged him back: "Mr. Huo——"

Huo Lan was reluctant to tighten his arm, the pain was so severe, he groaned.

Liang Xiao changed his words softly: "...Huo Lan."

Huo Lan looked cold and hard, with short and dry hair, and the hair was hard, and it was itchy and tangled in the palm of his hand.

"You can feel uncomfortable." Liang Xiao has experience and taught him softly, "At this time, you can feel uncomfortable."

Liang Xiao tugged him in his direction, put one hand behind his back, separated Huo Lan's back from the frosted window: "It's too uncomfortable, you can still use force Hit me on the shoulder."

Liang Xiao taught him according to his own experience, and he said it smoothly. As soon as this sentence came out, I regretted it: "Also-don't try too hard..."

Huo Lan shook his head gently, lifted him up, and lowered his head against his neck.

Liang Xiao numbly paid tribute to the lost height difference: "…"

The difference between the heights of the two was not so tragic, but Liang Xiao's proportions in omega are also extremely outstanding. Most of her height is supported by her legs, and her waistline can abuse a part of actors of the same height.

Mr. Huo is holding his **** like this, he is not very suitable.

But in this atmosphere, it seems that it is not suitable to bring it up.

The housekeeper said that Mr. Huo was never happy in this family.

Liang Xiao didn't know what it was like, he didn't have a place to return to, and wherever he was unhappy, he just patted his **** and left, and replaced him with another one.

Huo Lan is different.

Huo Lan was bound by this place, unable to break free, unable to walk, unable to escape.

The housekeeper said that Mr. Huo was used to it alone. At first, he was separated from his husband and wife, and no one around him could approach him. Later, he was stern and decisive, and no one around him dared to approach him.

The heights are so cold.


Even if you really want to get along with people, you can't do it.

"If you really don't like it."

Liang Xiao tried his best to think about it, and felt that he could actually change his mind: "Wait for me to earn a few years of money."

Huo Lan was slightly startled.

"Don't buy the house yet... Don't you want to buy Longtao?"

Liang Xiao is vague: "It is a fortune to save a fortune."

Huo Lan was silent for a while, trying to explain that the money for him to buy a house and the money for the acquisition of Longtao were not in the same flow, but instinctively felt that at this time

Should not speak, she nodded.

"Didn't I tell you?"

Liang Xiao relaxed, and his instinct changed back to the name: "What is my pheromone called."

Huo Lankan recovered his voice: "What?"

"Grass color." Liang Xiao said, "The light rain on Tianjie is as moist as crispy, but the grass color is not seen from a distance."

Every time she fills out the form in the hospital, Liang Xiao introduces herself to the pheromone file and uses these two sentences.

But in fact, he will recite the last two sentences.

"Is there a process for the star crown? Hurry up and buy me."

Liang Xiao smiled: "Give me three years."

These things are trivial, but they may not only be the heart of the people.

"Give me three years." Liang Xiao said, "I will earn a home that can take you back."

Huo Lanzhuo raised his eyes and fell into his eyes.

Liang Xiao greeted him, smiled, with clear eyes.

He never felt that Huo Lan was unapproachable, nor did he believe that the heights were too cold.

In the past few years, there have been many things that are as difficult as the sky. He once thought that he could not live, and he lived healthy and healthy until now. Mood, risked his life and earned it.

If you think you can't do it, you can do it.

If you want to chase them, Mr. Huo, try your best to get a position where you can be side by side, just chase them upright.

"There is still the second half of this poem." Liang Xiao asked him, "Can you memorize it?"

Huo Landing stared at him, his eyes moved: "I——"

Liang Xiao rarely had the opportunity to ask someone this kind of question once, so instead of giving him a chance to answer, he answered by himself: "I will."

Huo Lan opened his mouth, but said nothing, the corners of his lips pursed slightly.

Huo Lan nodded and looked at him quietly.

"The best thing about spring."