MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 46

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Mr. Huo agreed at that time.

When Liang Xiao gave out the small paper umbrella, he was even thinking about whether to put on something else.

For example, make a meal for Mr. Huo himself, such as helping Mr. Huo press his shoulders and rub his temples.

…Or let them hold up and take a bite.

But Huo Lan agreed too quickly, he had not even had time to increase the price, and had already obtained a new right of abode.

Liang Xiao was stunned for two seconds before swallowing the other conditions in line.

Liang Xiao even regretted: "Thank you..."

Huo Lan shook his head: "I should say."

Liang Xiao was startled: "What?"

"It's nothing." Huo Lan raised his eyes and opened his mouth to speak. He hesitated for a while before turning to the top of his head unconsciously.

Liang Xiaoren was under the eaves and bowed his head: "You touch."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao waited for a while, saw that he didn't move, and simply grabbed Huo Lan's hand and put it on his head: "Do you have anything else to do with me?"

Huo Lan nodded, finally couldn't help it, first gently rubbed the top of his hair twice: "...There are a few jobs."

Yunlian's material Reuters is gradually being released, it deserves its name, and the popularity is higher day by day. The filming of the variety show has also been edited, and the first episode of the webcast will be broadcast tonight.

Weibo has been attracting traffic these days, and it has initially become a scale, just waiting for the premiere of "Fengjun".

Xingguan made a detailed plan for Liang Xiao, and Liang Xiao himself had to decide how to choose.

"There are three variety shows."

Huo Lan read the report and relayed to him: "The direction is slightly different, but they all focus on entertainment and reality shows."

Liang Xiao didn't even think about it: "Don't think about this for now."

The reality show that is currently receiving entertainment is indeed the fastest way to make it popular, but the backlash is equally serious.

To do this kind of reality show, there must be people. Once the audience has a mindset about people, the moldability as an actor will be greatly reduced, which will adversely limit the play paths that can be chosen in the future.

Liang Xiao actually has two variety show resources shared by Jiang Pingchao's team.

"It's not easy to act well." Liang Xiao smiled, "I want to act so I can't sleep."

Huo Lan looked at the uncontrollable arrogance in his eyes, his pupils moved slightly, and nodded: "Okay."

Huo Lan opened the report and looked at it, pondered for a while, but was still ready to finish: "Quotation—"

"I can't say it." Liang Xiaofei quickly interrupted: "If you say it, I really can't sleep."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao was too dangerous to stop in time, and still had some lingering fears, she tightly covered her eyes and refused to look: "You are also not allowed to tell Brother Duan, and then let Brother Duan tell me."

Huo Lan lowered his eyes, this time he really failed to suppress the curvature of his lips: "Okay."

Liang Xiao cautiously moved her fingers away: "What about the rest?"

Huo Lan put away the report: "Two TV series, one movie."

Huo Lan has actually written down the content of the report, and does not need to confirm it again. He holds his hand and drops it together: "The group news has not yet been decided, and it is in the lead actor contact period."

Liang Xiao has not yet starred in experience, and the momentum is just right. The first movie starring not only has its own traffic, but also has a very broad moldability.

Not only Liang Xiao needs resources, but the crew also has a hard time finding such starring candidates.

Xingguan's recent investments are all on "Fengjun", and no other projects have been filmed in parallel, but those who can come to Xingguan are naturally not just casual crews.

The two TV series that came to you, one ancient theme and one modern urban theme, the producer has cooperated with Xingguan more than once, and the quality is guaranteed.

The rest of the film is also an ancient theme, high investment and large production, and the shooting is aimed at rushing for awards in the future, aiming at the best visual effects of art modeling.

Liang Xiao listened intently for a while: "I want to hear your opinion."

Huo Lan was slightly startled: "Me?"

Liang Xiao actually had an idea in his heart, but he still wanted to hear Huo Lan, and smiled: "Do you care about me?"

"No." Huo Lan frowned, afraid that he would misunderstand, "You—"

Huo Lan touched his hair: "Turn."

Liang Xiao's glands jumped along, almost groaning.

…Probably the aftermath of the estrus.

Liang Xiao tried her best to get rid of distracting thoughts, and sat upright: "Speak, I'll listen."

Huo Lan nodded: "Ancient costume movies, aiming at art awards, usually relatively suppress the expressiveness of actors."

"The reputation will be very high." Liang Xiao nodded, "But to enhance the atmosphere, the background characters will definitely be weird."

Liang Xiao even remembered a weird one, and added an explanation: "It's just... weird and unpredictable."

Huo Lan was slightly dumb: "Hmm."

"It can increase the expressiveness and impact of the film, and it is also suitable for actors to show off their skills."

Liang Xiao thought about it for a while, and continued: "But the character design is suppressed by the atmosphere, destined to be weak, and many behavioral logics are inevitably untenable."

Huo Lan nodded.

Huo Lan did not intend to deny that he was selfish in this matter.

"Suitable for seniors in the circle." Liang Xiao concluded, "I won't join in the fun."

Huo Lan didn't feel relaxed, nodded, and continued to say: "You can choose between two dramas, I prefer "Cloud Flag"."

Liang Xiao was curious when he heard the words: "Did Director Song report a new drama with you?"

Huo Lan was startled: "What?"

"Normally speaking, I have already made a film on the theme of the Republic of China, and the city will be smoother."

Liang Xiao: "You want me to pick up ancient costumes, it means that you want me to start a modern drama."

Liang Xiaohan rarely has the opportunity to chat freely about his own business, and there is no outsider at the moment, so he simply said while thinking: "The actor's personal award cannot rely on movies with strong cultural elements, but modern themes. The big vision starts. Director Song just told me that there will be a film at the end of this year or next year."

Liang Xiao took a stab at it and analyzed it firmly: "Director Song reported you a film that can be the best male lead. You have seen it and you feel very hopeful. You want to surprise me."

"..." Huo Lan couldn't sit still, and even wanted to check the job-hopping contract that only had the last few steps left and was going to give Mr. Liang a birthday surprise.

Liang Xiao's eyes lit up: "What theme?"

Huo Lan looked at him for a while, shook his head, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Surprise."

Liang Xiao: “…”

The talent of Mr. Huo is simply extraordinary.

This powerful learning speed, maybe when he comes back from the filming of a drama, he will be able to hold his waist and press him on the door to kiss.

Liang Xiaofei quickly patted off his random thoughts. Looking at the faint smile in Huo Lan's eyes, he couldn't help but be happy and smiled: "Okay, then I'll wait."

Since the script has been given, it is necessary to contact sooner or later. Contacting early is beneficial to both parties to make a suitable decision.

Liang Xiao didn't plan to wait any longer: "Is the crew set, I'll go see it today?"

Huo Lan nodded: "The car is at the door."

He got up and helped Liang Xiao get the coat and hand it over.

Liang Xiao walked around the house for a few times, neatly and skillfully packed her things, took the phone and checked the battery level.

Huo Lan watched him walk to the door and suddenly said, "Liang Xiao."

Liang Xiao was startled and turned around.

Huo Lan practiced for a whole morning, but he still felt offended when he called it out, so he couldn't help frowning: "...Sorry."

Huo Lan changed his words: "Liang——"

"I'm here." Liang Xiao said, "What's wrong?"

Huo Lan looked up at him.

This kind of near-daily, extraordinarily ordinary and extraordinarily relaxed atmosphere almost makes people feel some kind of illusion that they should not indulge.

Huo Lan looked at him for a while, closed his eyes, and habitually suppressed countless thoughts.

Can't hold back.

Huo Lan opened his eyes and looked at the two rough little paper umbrellas in his hand.

"I want..." Huo Lan tried his best to make his tone easier: "How many days?"

Liang Xiao spoke very well: "You will."

Huo Lan was slightly startled.

Liang Xiao pointed to the rent: "If it's not enough, tell me in advance, and I'll make it up."

"Tonight." Liang Xiao coughed, and his breath was a little unsteady, "Can you listen to your studies?"


Duan Ming listened to him finish the whole paragraph, and he was still unfinished: "It's gone?"

Liang Xiao was at a loss: "Is there anything else?"

The next plot...not at all.

For example, Mr. Huo held two small paper umbrellas, circled the room a few times, and finally went back to the bookshelf, carefully placing it at a height that he could not reach.

For example, Mr. Huo followed him for a long time, and when he was about to go out, he suddenly reached out and stopped him.

For example, Mr. Huo held him and buried him quietly between his neck.

When Liang Xiao finally couldn't help it and wanted to make it clear to Mr. Huo that this posture was not right, he heard Huo Lan seriously and softly say thank you.

But Liang Xiao felt that he had the right to keep some privacy, and was very firm: "It's gone."

Duan Ming hesitated for a long time, and sighed.

Liang Xiao was inexplicable: "What happened?"

"You don't know." Duan Ming patted him on the shoulder, "During the half day you were out, everyone in Huo's house learned something in different ways."

"..." Liang Xiao vaguely had an ominous premonition, "What?"

Duan Ming: "Mr. Liang has paid all the rent and meals, so he has the right to live here as long as he wants."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Minggang joined the head-pressing team, coughed, and helped Huo Lan cover up: "It's not what President Huo said."

"It's not Mr. Huo."

Liang Xiao's eyes were lost: "Is it because the heating is broken, and the receipt that says I paid the rent can't wait to rush out along with the heating water?"

Duan Ming thought about it, and thought it was okay: "You ... convince yourself first."

Duan Ming: "When the radiator pipe was pouring out your receipt, he refused to tell anyone what you paid for."

Liang Xiao's eyes darkened: "..."

According to the time, as soon as he left the villa, Mr. Huo probably held a meeting for his family.

The content of the meeting mainly revolved around all the rent that Mr. Liang suddenly settled.

"Don't blame the heating pipe." Duan Ming tried his best to make up for it, "He just wanted to inform everyone that you will have the final say in the villa in the future."

In a world where heating pipes do not understand, the implication of this notice is too obvious.

The whole Huo mansion believed that Mr. Liang must have given his body to Huo to sum up the account. I heard that Liang Xiao was going to go out to work today, so I was very worried and sent it all the way to the door of the villa.

Duan Ming didn't really believe it, but he was also curious.

Liang Xiao was sent to talk about the script of "Yunqi", and the director talked for a long time at first sight.

Duan Ming couldn't wait, and took Xiao Gong to pick him up.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go back to Liang Xiao, I chased after him all the way, and finally asked the truth like squeezing toothpaste.

I didn't expect it to be so simple.

Duan Ming sighed: "I thought you were at least on Mr. Huo, and Mr. Huo took you and took a bite."

Liang Xiao didn't think about it.

But Mr. Huo agreed too fast at that time, and there was no time to increase the price.

Things once again derailed all the way to a very familiar situation, Liang Xiao was a little vicissitudes, paralyzed on the back seat and slowly melted: "The world is unpredictable..."

Duan Ming didn't understand: "What?"

"Go on like this." Liang Xiao sighed, "Maybe it's only me and Mr. Huo who know that we are innocent."

He actually just found a reason to stay in the villa and folded two umbrellas, just to make Huo Lan happy.

I will be busy again, and I may not be able to go back every day. Huo Lan has helped him temporarily mark these days, his pheromone has stabilized almost, and the frequency of marking can be appropriately slowed down.

Liang Xiao wanted to leave something, so that when Huo Lan watched it, he would feel better.


Liang Xiao felt a little regretful, covered her eyes and sighed.

What rent?

You should be completely shameless, relying on the villa to cheat food and drink.

"Mr. Huo didn't do it on purpose."

Duan Ming saw his reaction and whispered to him: "He should be... can't help it."

Duan Ming: "The housekeeper has been in Huo's house for so many years, and I have never seen them like this."

The staff of Huo's house were forced to hold a meeting to inform Mr. Liang that he would also live in the villa in the future, Duan Ming also went in and listened.

From beginning to end, Huo Lan did not say anything disrespectful to Liang Xiao.

Strictly and conscientiously, word by word.

"Huo said."

Duan Ming patted Liang Xiao's arm and whispered to him: "All the keys to the villa will be given to you."

"..." Liang Xiao murmured in a trance: "The note by Mr. Huo's bed is too valuable."

Liang Xiao originally planned to stack one for Mr. Huo a day, and pay the bill every day.

Even the keys were exchanged.

Liang Xiao couldn't help but worry about how Huo Lan led Xingguan to the top of the industry in these years: "Did Mr. Huo say? some type of…"

"I didn't say it." Duan Ming said, "Mr. Huo said, I'll give you the key."

"Mr. Huo also said."

Duan Ming repeated to him: "From now on, Mr. Ren Liang is free to come and go."

Liang Xiao was startled.

Instinctively, he didn't want to be emotional on this occasion, took a deep breath, and quickly rubbed his face.

Liang Xiao sat up straight and reached out to Duan Ming.

Duan Mingzhao slapped his palm: "What do you want?"

"The key." Liang Xiao's heart was throbbing, but he couldn't hold back completely, and he couldn't help but want to be romantic, "Didn't Mr. Huo tell me?"

When the time comes, take it with you and hang it around your neck with a red rope.

Count the keys when you think about it.

Duan Ming looked at him with a strange expression: "Now?"

Liang Xiao nodded shyly: "Yes."

Duan Ming persuaded him: "It's too late to go home."

Liang Xiao was anxious: "Can't you do it now?"

"Okay." Duan Ming said, "Get ready."

Liang Xiao frowned: "What are you going to prepare?"

"More than three hundred." Duan Ming clucked: "Find a plastic bag."

Liang Xiao: “…”

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