MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 48

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Mr. Huo is not on the fourth floor of the villa.

Nor in the first three quarters of the third floor from the far left.

"Shouldn't it be easy to understand."

Duan Ming couldn't stand it anymore, so he came up and brought him a glass of water: "How much did you order?"

"..." Liang Xiao didn't want to recall: "Brother Duan, don't ask."

Duan Ming saw the sweat on his forehead, pulled two tissues and handed them over.

"The weather is not good today." Duan Ming was afraid that he would be uncomfortable again, so he hesitated, "I will bring Xiaogong to help you find it?"

Liang Xiaofei shook his head quickly: "No."

"The housekeeper said - Mr. Huo doesn't want to be seen."

Liang Xiao was not used to saying this, so he coughed, a little ashamed: "I-"

Duan Ming: "I understand."

Liang Xiao lowered his head and smiled.

Duan Ming couldn't say more, sighed, and took the cup he drank in one go: "Do you still want it?"

"No more." Liang Xiao wiped his mouth and stood up on his knees, "The dawn of victory is beckoning to me."

Duan Ming: "The dawn of victory has come to you for an hour."

Liang Xiao choked: "…

Liang Xiao confirmed: "Brother Duan, Mr. Huo didn't go back to the bedroom, did he?"

If Mr. Huo went back to the bedroom by himself, and found that he was not there, he would come out to find him again...

The story may be about to go in another direction.

A villa guerrilla chase in the middle of the night.

"No." Duan Ming said, "No one has touched the master bedroom."

Liang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Liang Xiao was sweating, and felt a little cold at the moment, called Tang Feng agitated, and shivered slightly: "Mr. Huo calls me when he goes back, don't let him come out to find him."

Duan Ming nodded and handed him the clothes he brought: "I see."

Liang Xiao took it over and put it on: "You also rest early."

Duan Ming waved his hand, turned around and hurried downstairs.

Liang Xiao put on his coat, moved his arms twice, and added oil to himself to speed up the progress.

Mr. Huo is also not on the third floor.

Even if she didn't think about the unreasonable things, and moved to the second floor with the key, Liang Xiao had to start thinking about whether her luck was too much.

Drawing cards ten times in a row can get nine Rs, the tenth network delay system failure.

Before the action, he even made a careful enough plan to exclude the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, walk-in dressing room and walk-in refrigerator that Mr. Huo could never be in.

Liang Xiao couldn't stand up a little, threw the key on the ground with a thud, and sat down casually against an inconspicuous door.

…Maybe his analysis was wrong.

Walk-in refrigerators should not be excluded.

Behind it was a little cold, Liang Xiao tightened his coat, rested against the door for a while, and made a careful plan again.

Liang Xiao rubbed her forehead, took a deep breath, stood up, and decided to go see if Huo always hides in the cold storage and it snows.

He opened the door of the two-story building with his bare hands, and his arms were not his own. He was distracted and grabbed the sack, and just felt that something was wrong, his hand lightly followed.

Liang Xiao hurriedly bowed her head, the key could no longer be stopped, and it spilled out with a thud along the slanted mouth of the pocket.

Liang Xiao leaned against the door and looked down at the keys all over the floor.

Good things come and go.

This may be meant to save him European energy.

Liang Xiao took a deep breath, let out a long breath, hugged herself distressedly, and squatted down.

"Life." Liang Xiao picked up the key, put it in the sack, and comforted herself in a low voice, "Ups and downs—"

A deep voice inside the door: "Who?"

Liang Xiao’s hands trembled: “…”

Liang Xiao squatted on the ground, grabbed the second key she just picked up, and raised her head.


The ups and downs.

Liang Xiao hesitated for a while, then said softly, "Mr. Huo?"

There was no sound from the door.

The voice just now was very clear, Liang Xiao asked herself, she should not miss Mr. Huo's hallucination too much.

Liang Xiao thought for a while, then moved over, raised his hand and pressed it on the door, carefully testing the temperature.

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao raised his other hand, and knocked on the door with his sleeve on: "Mr. Huo."

Still no response, Liang Xiao was very patient and continued to knock on the door: "Huo Lan."

After a while of silence, Huo Lan finally responded: "...Go back."

"I can't go back." Liang Xiao approached the door and whispered to him, "Can you open the door?"

Huo Lan fell silent.

"Is something wrong?" Liang Xiao leaned against the door through her clothes, "I—"

Huo Lan whispered: "Don't ask."

Liang Xiao nodded: "Okay."

Huo Lan was afraid that he would scare him at this time, thinking about slowing down and going back, but Liang Xiao was unexpectedly coming over, so he tried his best to soften his tone: "...Go back to the bedroom first."

"Go back...wait for me." Huo Lan: "It's cold outside."

"It's not cold." Liang Xiao said softly, "Can you open the door first?"

Huo Lan couldn't calm down, he was forced into it, and his voice was completely hoarse: "No."

Liang Xiao paused: "Huo——"

Huo Lan: "I'm fine, no need."

Liang Xiaolai was worried about him, he knew it.

But at this time, he not only couldn't take care of Liang Xiao, he couldn't even control himself completely.

When Huo Lan, a young adult, returned to his hometown, he relied on being so paranoid that he was forced into a dead end, and he was able to earn a lifeline with the almost dejected Huo Clan.

Liang Xiao is for his own good, Huo Lan doesn't want to be ignorant anymore.

"I need it." Liang Xiao said, "Mr. Huo, you may not know..."

The door fell silent.

Liang Xiao actually felt that this kind of thing should not be said at this time and atmosphere.

But he couldn't help it.

Liang Xiao coughed, biting her head: "This door is made of iron."

“…” Huo Lan: “What?”

Huo Lan had already made up his mind and was about to call the housekeeper to come up. No matter what Mr. Liang said, he would send the person back temporarily.

The phone was already on the dial-out button, no matter what, Liang Xiao would say this to him.

Liang Xiao was a little sad: "The door is made of iron."

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan couldn't slow down, closed his eyes and forcefully dispelled the chaotic thoughts.

Maybe... Mr. Liang happened to be exploring the villa tonight.

I have a new discovery, I can't help it, I must share it with others immediately.

Huo Lan tried his best to convince himself: "Yes... there are some iron gates."

The villa has been passed down in the Huo family for several generations, and it has been a long time.

The house was built meticulously and maintained by someone all the time. Some of the rooms still do not need to be renovated and repaired, and the furniture and doors and windows are still used.

This was originally the vault of Huo's house, and it is normal to use an iron gate.

Huo Lan was silent for a while, forcing himself to chat with him: "This room on every floor has an iron door."

Liang Xiao doesn't care about this: "It's not important..."

Huo Lan was stunned.

"Mr. Huo." Liang Xiao sighed, "Help, my hand is glued to the door."

In the vast territory of the motherland, more northerly areas, there will indeed be survival experiences that cannot be licked on iron railings.

Experience doesn't say, hands are not enough.

Liang Xiao actually imagined more than ten ways to coax Mr. Huo to open the door.

But there are always surprises.

Liang Xiao moved along with the door, squatted on the ground, and watched Huo Lan try to take his hand from the door, a little dazed: "How did you get to this point..."

Huo Lan: "The palm of your hand... sweats."

Liang Xiao: "Huh?"

"When the metal temperature is low." Huo Lan was silent for a while, and explained to him, "It will quickly conduct heat and make the surface moisture freeze--"

Liang Xiao was weak: "I didn't ask this."

Iron can't be touched with wet hands when it's cold. Liang Xiao's hands were firmly glued, and after trying for a long time, there was no tendency to take it down.

Always pressed against the iron door, the back of his hand was faintly pale from the cold.

Huo Lan was silent, anxiety came up again, and closed his eyes forcefully.

"It's fine." Liang Xiao saw that his expression was wrong, "Actually, I don't feel it, it doesn't hurt if I don't pull."

Liang Xiao bent over and tugged Huo Lan's cuff: "Will you help me... 焐焐?"

Huo Lan frowned and looked up at him.

"Metal conducts heat quickly, and it it ice?"

Liang Xiao did his best to listen to the lecture: "If it's ice, won't the heat melt?"

Huo Lan was a little stunned, looked at him for a while, and raised his left hand.

Liang Xiao took that hand up and put it on his own while he was not paying attention.

Huo Lan's palm was not as dry and warm as usual, but the temperature was higher than his.

The palms are folded together, revealing a slight warmth.

"Isn't it—"

Liang Xiao made a decisive move, and didn't dare to look up at this moment, turned his eyes away and coughed: "Wait for a while?"

Liang Xiao couldn't talk anymore, facing Mr. Huo's inexplicable frivolous hand, he took a deep breath and prepared to go back: "Or—"

Huo Lan: "Yeah."

Liang Xiao was startled.

Huo Lan covered his hand, still not looking at Liang Xiao, he propped down the door with one hand, and sat down like his original posture.

Huo Lan embraced Liang Xiao and asked him to sit on top of him.

Liang Xiao was warmly held by his palm, looked at Huo Lan, who lowered his eyes, and called him softly, "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan didn't respond, he warmed his palms for him, put his arms around Liang Xiao's back, and let him lean against his arms.

Liang Xiao was almost encircled by this posture, leaning forward a little, he could notice Huo Lang's particularly cool chest and shoulders.

Liang Xiao suddenly understood why Huo Lan stubbornly refused to hug him.

The chest was a little congested, Liang Xiao closed his eyes and exhaled softly.


After a long time, Huo Lan finally said: "Can you move?"

Liang Xiao tried to tug at it, her mind moved slightly, and she quickly put her hand back with a slit: "...No."

Huo Lan frowned: "I'll find someone."

The iron door is cold, not only because of his pheromone.

Tonight, the temperature was originally cool, and the corridor was cool. This room is located in the corner. It was originally used as a vault, and the heating system has never been installed.

I can't get warm for a while, so dragging on, Liang Xiao will get frostbite sooner or later.

Huo Lan didn't want to delay any longer, so he took off his coat and spread it on the ground for him. He wanted to ask Liang Xiao to sit on it, but Liang Xiao suddenly grabbed his arm.

Huo Lanmeifeng locked tightly: "I'll call the housekeeper."

Liang Xiao just wanted to find a chance to hug Huo Lan well, and didn't want to ask the housekeeper to deal with the hand that he could take off the door accidentally: "No."

Liang Xiao hesitated: "I sneaked out."

Huo Lan was stunned.

Liang Xiao took the opportunity to drag him back, got closer, and honestly admitted: "The housekeeper... didn't know I was coming."

Huo Lan couldn't come back to his senses, and looked at him.

When opening the door, Huo Lan didn't see the overly spectacular keys all over the floor, but he was so restless that he didn't have time to think about it.

No one knows where he is except the butler.

Liang Xiao didn't ask where he was from the housekeeper, nor did he know the structure of the villa.

Liang Xiao brought these keys, and tried it from room to room.

Liang Xiao didn't expect his thoughts to be so clear in this situation, he realized that he had missed his mouth, and coughed: "...don't care about that."

His arm was sore, he might not be able to hold it for a while, hurry up: "Mr. Huo, I-"

Huo Lan's chest heaved and he closed his eyes: "Sorry."

Liang Xiaofei quickly greeted him politely: "I'm sorry..."

"This room." Huo Lan was silent for a while, "There is no key."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao sat in a trance for a while, and stopped pretending, took the handle from the door, stood up and was about to leave.

Huo Lan instinctively reached out and grabbed his arm.

Liang Xiao’s legs were numb, and she took a step forward in the vicissitudes of life.

Aware of the weak force in the palm, Huo Lan was startled, and suddenly let go.

Liang Xiao posed lonely for a long time, watching Huo Lan let go of his hand, his chest hurts: "Can't you cooperate? Stop me—"

Liang Xiao was stunned, frowned, and met Huo Lan's gaze.

Huo Lan was still sitting on the ground, the blood in his eyes did not fade, and his eyes were fixed on chasing him.

Huo Lan has broad shoulders and long legs. Although he has learned his posture, the rules he has developed over the years still cannot be wiped off. His shoulders are silent and sharp.

It was as sharp as a blade, dripping with blood, cutting through the dark and dim reality of the past.

Don't hurt others, only hurt yourself.

Huo Lan shivered slightly and pushed him hard: "Cool."

"It's fine." Liang Xiao tightened her arms, "It won't get cold if you hold it."


Huo Lan's chest rose and fell violently, and he closed his eyes and forced himself: "My body is... cold."

Huo Lan took a low breath: "You will be cold-"

"Huo Lan." Liang Xiao said, "Are you cold?"

Huo Lan couldn't continue, closed his eyes and shook his head.

"You're cold." Liang Xiao hugged him, "You're just used to it, you're also cold, no one can't be cold."

Liang Xiao thought for a while: "There is a poem that you may not have heard before, so you don't have to memorize it. Back then I knew someone... a very good person who taught me to play by memorizing."

"I forgot about everything else, so just write down two sentences."

Liang Xiao said: "If it looks like the moon is bright at the end, don't give up—"

Huo Lan's voice was hoarse: "I will never give up on ice and snow."

Liang Xiao was stunned, smiled, and stroked his hair: "Yes."

"With you, the snow will be the snow."

Liang Xiao exhaled and fell into Huo Lan's arms completely, "Next time you see me leaving, remember to stop me."

Huo Lan's shoulders and back palpitated, and she was silent for a long time: "You——"

"I want to say no."

Liang Xiao babbled nonsense, and warmed him with all the places that could warm him: "It looks like I'm leaving, but in fact, I'm just waiting for you to drag me."

Huo Lan stared at him blankly, his pupils moved, and he raised his hand little by little.

Huo Lan closed his eyes, held Liang Xiao's arm, asked him to come closer, and gently rubbed his short hair.


Liang Xiao smiled: "You drag me."

Liang Xiao turned his face sideways and pressed his cheek: "Look, will I come back soon?"