MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 50

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Liang Xiao hugged him for a while and sat up straight.

Huo Lan was silent for longer than he expected.

If it weren't for the pounding of the heart, and the healthy warmth on his body, Liang Xiao would almost think that Mr. Huo finally accidentally froze himself.

Huo Lan was so upset by him that he moved, and held his arm with his eyes down.

Liang Xiao raised his head: "Huo Lan?"

Huo Lan: "Yeah."

Liang Xiao met his gaze, and after two seconds, she opened her eyes in the heat.

Huo Lan was worried and frowned: "Why—"

Liang Xiao sighed: "It's okay."

Huo Lan has always been focused in his work, Liang Xiao understands it, but every time he can't stand being stared at him so intently.

The coldness melted away, and the bottom was almost visible.

Being watched by him, Liang Xiao's heart was beating fast, and for the first time, he had some thoughts of hating iron and not steel for his half-destroyed glands.

The boat at sea rolled forward.

Liang Xiao was so young at the time that he chose the path of burning jade and stone without thinking about the ascension ladder that used the innocence of others as a stepping stone.

Now I suddenly regret it.

Principles can't be compromised, Long Tao's filth he won't compromise, the means...but it's not that he can't be smoother.

If you don't hurt others, it's not like there is no way to not hurt yourself.

If he hadn't tossed himself so hard, now Mr. Huo might be able to permanently mark it and give him a stamp...

Liang Xiao groaned at her own wave, touched the gland, and rubbed it.

Huo Lan noticed his movement: "Uncomfortable?"

Huo Lan didn't let him fool him any more, he held his hand and checked the pheromone level on the bracelet.

Liang Xiao's body burned so badly, she couldn't figure it out in a trance: "It shouldn't be..."

Now that the estrus period is over, it should be the time when the pheromone is the most stable.

…What kind of inducer is there?

One day I thought about it, I ran while thinking about it, and I ran to Mr. Huo's office just to start.

I heard raindrops falling on the green grass all the way.

Liang Xiao was hot and confused, thinking wildly, watching Huo Lan pick up the phone and call the doctor: "No--"

Huo Lan supported him and told him to lean into his arms: "Don't take medicine."

Liang Xiao was startled.

"Just take a look." Huo Lan said, "Be sure to take medicine, so that they can use it without suffering."

Liang Xiao couldn't believe it: "Brother Duan even told you this?!"

Huo Lan looked at him, his pupils moved, but he did not respond.

Liang Xiao didn't expect the manager to defect so completely, a bit of vicissitudes, and sighed.

I am afraid of suffering, but if I drink too much medicine, I can bear it.

In front of people, at least he is still a tough guy who can put anything in his mouth.

Liang Xiao still cherishes this character in his heart, so he slowed down and discussed with Huo Lan: "Is it okay not to tell others?"

Huo Lan nodded.

Liang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on him.

Tonight, I have been holding my breath, my whole heart is on Huo Lan, and I have no time to pay attention to my own situation.

Relaxing at this moment, Liang Xiaocai felt that she did feel uncomfortable with lack of acidity.

Liang Xiao was confused for a while before, and didn't rest for a long time. Now, he was a little bit lacking in energy, so he raised his head and looked at Huo Lan carefully.

Huo Lan met his gaze: "What do you want?"

Liang Xiao shook his head, feeling a little cold, and leaned over to him: "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Huo Lan's eyes moved, closed his eyes and shook his head.

Liang Xiao was afraid that he would not tell the truth, so he raised his hand and pressed his hair twice, and just as he was about to withdraw, Huo Lan grabbed his wrist.

"..." Although Liang Xiao taught him to drag himself, he wasn't in such a way to keep his hands free: "Mr. Huo—"

Huo Lan frowned: "Why is it so hot?"

Liang Xiao was stunned, touched his forehead, didn't feel anything wrong, and touched Huo Lan again.

Huo Lan's expression sank, and he sent another urging message to the doctor.

"When the patient's pheromone is stable."

The personal doctor came in the middle of the night and said: "It feels like a fever, it looks like a fever, and the patient feels like a fever."

Personal Physician: "The patient may just have a fever."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao murmured in disbelief: "Am I so sick..."

It's not that he hasn't read novels that have fever after confession, but people who have fever usually have logic and reasons for the previous article.

Even if there is no preceding text, there is a line ellipsis.

Liang Xiao really couldn't figure out why he didn't even deserve an ellipsis: "It's so simple now? Is there only a plot line?"

"Today is the first day your estrus ends."

Duan Ming took advantage of Mr. Huo to communicate with the doctor, and reminded him in a low voice: "You talked about the script outside during the day, and opened the door of two floors in the villa in the middle of the night."

Liang Xiao felt that the amount of exercise was just right: "Didn't the doctor say more activities?"

Duan Ming was angry and said that the doctor didn't let you stay up in the middle of the night just after the estrus period, and ran back and forth in the cold corridor, sweating profusely.

At that time, it was important to find Mr. Huo, Liang Xiao was calm, so anxious that he was joking, and he didn't realize it yet.

Duan Ming sees it in his eyes, let alone say it.

Looking at the posture of the two people, the problem is probably solved.

Duan Ming was relieved and reminded him: "The weather is bad tonight."

Liang Xiao was stunned and looked out the window.

Liang Xiao found the culprit and was relieved: "God will trick people."

"Fuck you." Every time Duan Ming sees him suffer, he can't help but think of what happened at the beginning, and he finally finds it hard to calm down, "I don't know where the alpha you met back then is now. It's not to save people, and you--"

Liang Xiao interrupted him: "Brother Duan."

Duan Ming knew that he didn't like to listen: "I won't say it."

"...No." Liang Xiao cautiously glanced outside the door and lowered her voice, "I can't mention the alpha I met."

Duan Ming is confused: "Why?"

Liang Xiao didn't know why, but looking at Huo Lan's reaction, he always felt uneasy: "I suspect... Huo is a little jealous."

Duan Ming choked: "Huh?"

Liang Xiao was worried: "Really."

After all, at a critical moment like tonight, Mr. Huo couldn't hold back and mentioned to him twice and a half about the person he knew at the beginning.

Duan Ming couldn't figure it out: "Can you just coax Mr. Huo and say that he is far worse than Mr. Huo?"

Liang Xiao was in a dilemma: "But he is as good as Mr. Huo."

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming didn't tell Liang Xiao that the housekeeper was actually dragging him over the past two days, hesitating and hesitating to reveal that, when Mr. Huo was young and not deeply involved in the world, there might be someone with a different meaning.

Duan Ming just accepted this setting, but he really didn't expect Liang Xiao to be so unfavourable: "You also have a white moonlight?"

Liang Xiao shook his head: "How is that possible."

At that time, he didn't even know what his friends were, so how could he be more interested in friends.

Especially Mr. Huo didn't know why, but he kept reminding him.

Liang Xiao sighed with emotion for a while, and suddenly felt that Duan Ming's words were wrong: "There is also Bai Yueguang - who else?"

“…” Duan Ming: “I.”

Liang Xiao widened her eyes.

Duan Ming patted his shoulder melancholy, touched a thermometer and stuffed it in his mouth, and left.

Mr. Huo was too nervous. The doctor checked it systematically and checked the pheromone level of cardiopulmonary function for Liang Xiao, but there was no major problem.

It's nothing more than the weather, and it's getting cold again.

Even the patient himself did not feel any obvious discomfort, the doctor already knew a lot about his body, and the doctor's order was loose: "Keep warm, sweating-"

The housekeeper brought him a cup of coffee.

Doctor: "…"

The doctor held the coffee, looked at the biscuits in the butler's hand, and changed his words: "In a warm enough environment, do some activities that can make you sweat."

Liang Xiao leaned against Huo Lan's arms and was drinking Banlangen in small sips. Hearing that, his hands trembled and he almost threw the cup on Mr. Huo's lap.

The housekeeper was afraid that Mr. Huo would not understand, so he asked loudly: "What are the activities that can make you sweat?"

The doctor looked at him in disbelief.

After all, the doctor is not a pimp. When it comes to this step, it is already at the limit of the old friendship.

The doctor held the biscuits stuffed into his arms and opened his mouth: "…multiple and frequent temporary marks."

The housekeeper breathed a sigh of relief and looked back quickly.

Huo Lanmeifeng was still frowning, not knowing whether he heard them or not, he was holding the water glass in Liang Xiao's hand, watching him drink the medicine.

Mr. Liang swallowed it in one gulp, raised his head to speak, and was suddenly caught by Huo Lan with one hand on the back of his head.

Huo Lan circled him, leaned forward, rested his forehead lightly on his forehead, and tested the temperature.

Mr. Liang may have burned more severely. He was pressed to his forehead in a daze, his eyes were stunned for a few seconds, and he could not sit still and drip down Mr. Huo's arm.

Huo Lan hurriedly grabbed the person, his pupils were still anxious, and he was about to call someone when Mr. Liang dragged him and whispered a few words.

Mr. Liang took a deep breath, learned his movements, and Hong Tongtong grabbed Mr. Huo's head and posted it.

Mr. Huo was silent for two seconds, then turned red.

The housekeeper looked at these two people who didn't know what they were doing, but they were naturally happy, and didn't even know what to say for a while: "..."

The doctor chewed the biscuit and took a sip of coffee: "It's unnecessary."

Butler: "…Yes."

Doctor: "Blame us for maturing too fast."

The housekeeper rubbed his forehead: "Yes."

The doctor sighed: "The knowledge is too broad."

Butler: "Yes."

Doctor: "Twenty years later."

The housekeeper was stunned: "What?"

"Twenty years later, if Mr. Huo suddenly wants to kiss Mr. Liang."

Doctor generous offer: "You can call me for a free exam."

Housekeeper: "…"

The housekeeper had no way of refuting, not without vicissitudes, so he looked back.

The doctor folded his fists, brushed off his clothes, and walked out of the bedroom door with coffee and biscuits.

The butler tried to do something when the two were head-to-head, but when he saw Mr. Liang holding Mr. Liang, he read the script in a low voice, and finally gave up completely , quietly closed the bedroom door.

The screenwriter was born in Hong Kong. The script is full of detail and meticulous. It is completely different from the style of "Sui Chu", which starts with enlightenment. From the scene to the characters, there are labels.

In a few scenes, the line drawings of several main characters have been clearly listed.

Huo Lan recited: "The sky is bright, so that Chen's car covers are gathered, and armed guards are patrolling around, but no one notices the clouds on the roof."

Liang Xiao has actually watched it once. Now listening to it, she can't help but feel that she has an inexplicable relationship with this surname: "There will be a third film, I might be called Yun San."

Huo Lan lowered his head and taped his forehead: "It's because of the 'Yunqi'."

Zhenyuan Hou's family was convicted, and it is no longer worthy to use the word "cloud" for the battle flag.

Little Marquis fled all the way. He was unarmored and his horse was unsuitable for a saddle. He had a pewter spear with a tassel in his hand, which could not hold his momentum.

The young general who was wounded and sick faced the disgraced soldier.

"As long as there are clouds in the sky."

Huo Lan: "His flag is still there."

Liang Xiao's eyes became hot, and she closed her eyes: "Mm."

Huo Lan has also read the script and turned back: "He shouldn't die."

"No worries, my wish is fulfilled again."

Liang Xiao was a little worried, and sat up in advance to take a firm stand: "It is too useless to die on the way to escape, and it is too shameful to be tied back to the capital and beheaded, it is better to die in a proper place."

"..." Huo Lan: "I don't want to change the script."

Liang Xiao doubted: "Really?"

Huo Lan looked at him for a long time and couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

He doesn't have any strange obsessions.

If necessary, the death of a character is definitely more touching than living, and it is easier to create a classic.

He just wanted Liang Xiao to live well, not necessarily to let Mr. Liang live well in every corner of the camera.

Liang Xiao originally wanted to tease him, but seeing Mr. Huo's sincere headache, he couldn't help laughing: "That's good."

Liang Xiao's arm was a little sore, so she moved: "Huo Lan."

Huo Lan looked down at him.

"It's all fake." Liang Xiao looked at him, "I'm alive, don't think about the past."

Liang Xiao knew that he had a heart attack and didn't want to say more.

Of course Liang Xiao had read his own medical records.

Liang Xiao himself thinks that 70% of the whole thing started with Long Tao's filthy and vicious hands, and 30% blamed him for being agitated and not knowing how to turn it around.

But they may think that Mr. Huo is completely blaming him for not falling into this trap back then, and he directly took a bite of himself.

Can't explain it, just take it slow.

Liang Xiao couldn't help but put a little pornographic film in his mind again, coughed, and his ears turned red: "Still... continue reading?"

Huo Lan nodded and took the script.

"The ceremonial officer ordered, and the trumpet sounded."

Huo Lan didn't ask himself to think more: "It is solemn and magnificent, tributes are carried in flowing water, car covers are gathered, and envoys from various countries gather."

Huo Lan: "Yunlang has seen enough of the excitement and feels bored. He lay in the corner of the hall and peeled chestnuts to eat."

Huo Lan finally couldn't help: "Your agent said that you have been on all the roofs of these studios."

The agent even said that he was sick of medicine, Liang Xiao was not surprised, nodded: "Almost."

Liang Xiao did not mention this, and shared with him enthusiastically: "The Jiangnan studio is the best, there are several halls dedicated to shooting big scenes, and the small beasts in the corners of the hall are all gilded."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao sighed: "I almost broke one."

Huo Lan had heard from the agent about Liang Xiao's ability to interrupt, and he was ready, but he still did not hold back and was abducted by him: "Mostly it is copper plating."

Liang Xiao was stunned: "Isn't the copper-plated one not rusted?"

"You can spray a layer of varnish..." Huo Lan noticed something was wrong and tried his best to pull back his thoughts, "The Star Crown will be equipped with experienced Weiya teachers."

In "Sui Chu", Liang Xiao has nothing to do with somersaults, except for walking around, and he doesn't use martial arts.

Costume dramas are indispensable for flying over the eaves and walls.

"Actually—it doesn't matter."

Liang Xiao stopped making trouble, and explained to him seriously: "This is about experience, and no one is used to it at first. Once you get used to it, it is not much different from walking."

"There are many scenes of me hanging Weiya." Liang Xiao was interested, "The 7th, 9th, and 13th episodes of "Biography of Heroes", and the 9th, 16th, 25th, and 37th episodes of "Covering Rain", "Under the Willow" male protagonist's entire Weiya scene is all me, and it is widely accepted——"

Liang Xiao was used to memorizing resumes, so she coughed and put it away.

Huo Lan frowned: "What do you undertake?"

Liang Xiao was embarrassed and finished reciting: "Undertake all kinds of stand-in work...high quality and low price."

Huo Lan closed his eyes, pressed his chest and turned over silently.

Liang Xiaofei quickly added: "It all depends on experience."

"I don't have many injuries, especially in the past two years.

Omega is very gifted at not leaving scars, Liang Xiao sat up and, relying on no evidence, brazenly made up with him: "I'm usually not so hypocritical when I'm in estrus, I'm not afraid at all. pain."

Huo Lan lowered his eyes.

Liang Xiao took a deep breath and said, "Really, you can see."

If you let this opportunity pass, all the little yellow books over the years will be read in vain.

Liang Xiao has rich experience and feels that he should bravely take on the responsibility of the advancement of the two people.

At this time, Huo Lan would probably not agree immediately, and would feel that he was frivolous.

Two people push and pull the tangled kung fu, Liang Xiao can break the buttons of the pajamas if he is not careful, and then according to different story types and plot development, some more in-depth exchanges.

Liang Xiao gave it up, she raised her face from her heart and threw it to both sides, took his hand and dragged it into her arms: "If you don't believe me, check it—"

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao lowered his head and stared blankly at Huo Lan's hand to unbutton his clothes.

Liang Xiao was a little dazed: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan didn't look at him, and lowered his eyes to untie his neckline: "Yeah."

"You—" Liang Xiao swallowed, "Did you just check."

Huo Lan really wanted to know, and felt that he should be respected. He just lowered his eyes and groped to unbutton his clothes: "I don't look at it."

Liang Xiao felt that this was the crux of the problem: "If you don't look at it, how can you confirm it -- on me..."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao watched Huo Lan suddenly woke up and closed his hands, opened his neck, and closed his mouth in a trance.

How did he experience a chance that Mr. Huo touched him?

Huo Lan woke up and regretted: "I'm sorry."

Liang Xiao regretted more than him: "No..."

Huo Lan clenched his fists and closed his eyes forcefully, not thinking about the thoughts running in his mind.

He didn't believe Liang Xiao's words, he just knew that Liang Xiao was lying to him.

He may not be able to realize it until the two people are completely connected.

When he was in the south of the Yangtze River, Xiao Liangxiao was clearly afraid of pain and bitterness. sky.

Little Huo Lan couldn't do anything about him, and worried that he would be uncomfortable, so he would drop his homework from time to time to take care of him.

Xiao Liangxiao put on a Band-Aid and couldn't get up from the bed. He was hypocritical and insisted on blowing on the wound on his forehead.

Huo Lan had a stubborn temper when he was young. After coaxing for half an hour, seeing him twisting and refusing to take the medicine, thinking that there are still more than ten papers left to finish, he finally put down the medicine and left.

Huo Lan closed his eyes, his chest hurt.

He didn't know at the time that Liang Xiao had no family, and it was not a frivolous rude to ask someone to help blow the wound.

Xiao Liangxiao has never been treated well by anyone, so he learned some routines by reading books and watching TV with only a limited understanding, so he picked the ones that made him feel excited, and he wanted to try it together.

Huo Lan forced back his eyes and said in a low voice, "That year—"

Liang Xiao was still too late, and said sullenly: "What?"

Huo Lan: "Back then... that person."

Liang Xiao was stunned for a long time, then came back and sighed maturely.

…and again.

This terrible jealousy.

Liang Xiao held Huo Lan's hand and patted his arm to comfort him: "Don't worry, he never took off my clothes."

"I kept my injuries from him."

Liang Xiao remembered the agent's suggestion, tried her best to find a place to compare, and comforted Huo Lan wholeheartedly: "I will not hide it from you."

Huo Lan had another knife in his chest: "…"

Huo Lan was silent for a while: "Have you been injured?"

It's been long enough, and it has nothing to do with acting. Liang Xiao felt that there was nothing to hide about this kind of thing, nodded and told the truth: "At that time, I was short of money, so I worked three jobs. "

Huo Lan remembered the smell of safflower oil in the one-bedroom back then: "Then was accidentally knocked over."

"Yes." Liang Xiao felt that she was very clever at the time, "It's strange to knock it over every day, I usually only knock it over once a week."

Huo Lan clenched his fist silently.

Huo Lan endured and endured, and finally couldn't help it, and his voice became hoarse: "Do you want to see him?"

Liang Xiao was stunned: "Huh?"

“…can find him.”

Huo Lan whispered: "Tell him to see you—"

Liang Xiao resolutely: "I don't want to."

Huo Lan was stunned and looked up at him.

Liang Xiao was a little worried.

Liang Xiao does not doubt that Huo Lan can find someone. With Star Crown's information integration ability and Huo's financial resources, it should not be too much to find an elite alpha whose future is probably very clear now hard.

Not everyone is like him without a student status and wandering around, only to go to college to find out that he is a black family

Liang Xiao sighed and muttered: "I'm really a disaster..."

Huo Lan didn't understand: "What?"

"It's fine." Liang Xiao shook his head, "I really don't want to see him."

It's not because of guilt, nor because of the fear that Mr. Huo will freeze people.

Liang Xiao instinctively did not want to let the other party know what happened to him when he ran away.


At that time, he just thought that such a good person... should continue to be such a good person.

Open and clean.

There is no need to bear a life-heavy truth.

"The past is the past."

Liang Xiao was very emotional: "If I see him again, I will definitely run away, as far as possible."

Huo Lan: “…”

The words of Huo Lan's confession were already in his mouth, he chewed it hard and swallowed it back, and fell silent.

Liang Xiao thought about it for a long time, couldn't help laughing, and sighed softly: "I don't know what he thinks of me now or what he wants to do to me."

Maybe I want to stab him.

An Ono omega who plays with other people's feelings.

Liang Xiao will never admit that he is so firm, maybe most of the reason is actually because he does not want to repeat the nightmare of his endorsement when he was a teenager: "He probably hates me..."

"No." Huo Lan said.

Liang Xiao was stunned.

Huo Lan met Liang Xiao's gaze: "He——"

Huo Lan was afraid that he would run away, so he closed his eyes forcefully, clenched his fists silently, and said nothing.

Liang Xiao was moved: "Mr. Huo."

Liang Xiao held his hand: "You...don't do this."

In order to open up myself, I have to say good things for a jealous object.

Liang Xiao was hooked by Huo Lan and remembered what was on his mind. He accidentally said too much. Now he calmed down: "What he wants to do is his business, I don't care, you want-"

Huo Lan took his arm and wrapped him in his arms.

Liang Xiao was surrounded by him, her heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously held her breath and raised her head.

Huo Lan lowered his eyes, and his pupils fell on him.

Xiao Liangxiao had already attached great importance to her face back then, and smashed her forehead, worrying about her appearance for a whole week.

He really had no choice but to go to Huo's hospital to ask for a remedies that would not leave scars.

Xiao Liangxiao applied the medicine very actively, without his supervision, he squatted in the bedroom every day, and carefully and carefully applied it in front of the mirror for several days.

No scars left.

Huo Lan closed his eyes, pressing down the bottom of his eyes and surging fiercely.

Liang Xiao raised her head slightly, her eyes blank.

Huo Lan raised his hand and brushed it away for him, and blew carefully and carefully.

Liang Xiao was not quite sure what he was doing: "Huo—"

Huo Lan closed his eyes and kissed his forehead.

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