MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 83

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The next morning, when Huo Lan left, Liang Xiao deliberately asked for a leave from the crew.

Compared with Mr. Huo, who has always been strict and restrained, Mr. Liang is undoubtedly more open.

Successfully coaxed Mr. Huo to make them look a lot better.

"Tell me when you get home."

Liang Xiao took out a collar button that had been prepared earlier, and pinned it to Mr. Huo, who had been dismantled in bits and pieces: "Let's be safe on the ground."

Being there was only oneself in the nanny's car, Liang Xiao was rude, and rubbed against his neck: "If you're tired, send me a message to chat with me, and I'll look at my phone when I'm playing, no Mute."

Huo Lan listened quietly, stretched out his arms to embrace Liang Xiao, and studied with him earnestly, word by word: "Tell me when you are in the play, and send me a message when you are homesick."

Liang Xiao nodded happily and agreed: "Okay."

"Exactly, "Sui Chu" should premiere tonight."

Huo Lan bowed his head slightly, and let him rub it haphazardly: "The first episode is without you."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao did not expect this, and opened his mouth: "Oh."

Liang Xiao tried his best to think: "It's alright, two episodes will be broadcast simultaneously, the second half of the second episode should be out, I'll go back and see the first few minutes..."

Huo Lan: "Seventeen minutes and twenty-four seconds."

Liang Xiao raised his head in surprise, touched Huo Lan's forehead, and carefully touched his own.

"Before the sample was submitted for review, I gave Star Crown a copy."

The housekeeper was on the side and gave Mr. Liang a small report to clarify his doubts: "If you need it, we also have an edited version, a summary version of deleted shots, a white noise version for work without lines, and the details are slow. Play HD Premium Edition…”

Unprepared to be betrayed by the housekeeper, Huo Lan frowned and turned around, his expression sank.

I also share a copy of the work with you.”

Liang Xiao was stunned for a while, looked at Huo Lan, tried his best to press the corner of his mouth a few times, but couldn't help but lift it up: "...OK."

Huo Lan didn't want them to say this casually, and just about to reprimand with a deep voice, Liang Xiao nodded reliably to the housekeeper, and pulled Mr. Huo's head back in time: "Does it look good?"

"..." Huo Lan's whole body was full of momentum, and he was quiet, letting him hold his head in both hands: "It's beautiful."

Liang Xiao happily: "How beautiful?"

Huo Lan has watched those scenes many times, and he knows almost every detail better than Liang Xiao himself.

But Liang Xiao still wanted to hear it, and dragged him with anticipation: "Do you feel it? Is it handsome? Does it make you want to carry it home..."

Huo Lan whispered: "I really want to."

Liang Xiao opened his mouth, but didn't say the rest.

The evaluation was too high, Liang Xiao blushed a little, touched his head, lowered his head and smiled.

"Excellent..." Huo Lan lowered his eyes and put his hand together, "Very dazzling, it will shine."

Liang Xiao was so praised that she couldn't find the North, she grinned for a while, trying her best to be modest: "In general, I haven't played particularly well..."

Liang Xiao tugged at Huo Lan, and whispered to him with red ears: "Then you miss me, remember to watch TV."

Huo Lan nodded lightly: "You miss me—"

Huo Lan paused, unable to draw inferences from Liang Xiao's example, he clenched his fist unconsciously, and frowned.

Liang Xiao had an idea: "I just read the financial news."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao: “…”

The housekeeper sighed and helped open the car door: "Mr. Huo, we're at the airport."

The heat has just gone down, Liang Xiao is not suitable for going to the airport to send people off, and staying in the car, Yin Yin waved his hand for a long time at Mr. Huo, who turned back three times.

The flight time was set early, Liang Xiao returned to the studio just in time for his role.

"No need to hurry."

Director Jin heard that he had sent someone to the airport, and roughly guessed what was going on: "Is the status okay? If not, I will shoot again in the afternoon."

"It doesn't matter." Liang Xiao smiled, "We agreed, it won't affect the work."

Jin Zhenbo took a close look at his spirit, and without saying much, nodded and handed the script to the assistant director in charge of the next scene.

"This part is where you escaped from the dark guards. After being blocked several times, it was dark under the lights. Huashan entered the palace one way."

Jin Zhenbo asked someone to adjust the equipment and told him personally: "You go back to this place, you are already familiar here, and you can walk clearly with your eyes closed."

Liang Xiao was surrounded by makeup artists and nodded.

"But things are different." Director Jin said, "You know Gongque, the people and scenery inside have changed."

"It's like... the place is still the same place, but the people you know are no longer here, and of course the familiar things have been removed and emptied."

Jin Zhenbo recently discussed the experience of drama with director Song Qi, who is also the best director. It is rare to have patience, and he deliberately said in detail: "Can you find the feeling?"

"..." Liang Xiao looked up, looked at the director who was in a righteous suit, and pulled out the knives stabbing in his chest one by one: "Yes."

Director Jin was very satisfied and nodded: "Experience it yourself."

Liang Xiao experienced it for a while, and suddenly couldn't help being a little worried.

Huo Lan just got on the plane, Liang Xiao didn't have time to start thinking, now that the director mentioned it like this, he couldn't help but worry about what the suite would be like.

His luggage is not much, and it can't take up much space if it is full, if it is really emptied...

…that was bleak too.

It is better to ask the agent to help contact the hotel to see if they can re-book a thrifty standard room.

Liang Xiao pressed her thoughts down, not too distracted, and turned her head in cooperation with the makeup artist.

Jin Dao asked himself to appear in the center of the actors' field of vision, and followed him around: "There are no lines in this section, it relies entirely on action language and demeanor language to follow the inner drama, there will be a lot of close-up shots, it is necessary to Get the feel."

Liang Xiao thought for a while: "Okay."

Jin Zhenbo: "We will hang Weiya, and be well protected."

"I see." Liang Xiao smiled, "Thank you."

Jin Zhenbo was always satisfied with his sense of play, no more nonsense, nodded, put away the script and left the dressing room.

After a whole day of play, Liang Xiao returned to the sidelines, and there were already several unread messages sent by Mr. Huo on his mobile phone.

"It should be fine, I'll let you know when I get home."

Duan Ming kept staring at him and handed over the phone: "I specifically told you to concentrate on filming, don't rush back."

Liang Xiao ran around on the roof for a day. Not long after he got down, he was still shaking a little. He wiped his hands and took it over: "When did you send it?"

"It won't be long." Duan Ming asked him to hold a mobile phone in both hands and help him remove a layer of cloth from his body, "I guess the company has a lot of things to do before I get home."

Weiya's clothes have been taken off, Duan Ming frowned when he saw the blushing on his underwear.

Liang Xiao didn't care, she quickly replied to Mr. Huo with his hands, and the corner of his mouth lifted up unconsciously: "It's okay, I have fine skin and tender meat..."

Duan Ming frowned: "Isn't the rib expansion?"

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao finished the message and put down the phone: "No, this is the glory of omega."

It's really not Liang Xiao's ribs and Weiya's rush, omegas are born with good skin, no matter how hard they try, they won't get tanned or rough. When I was running on the set in summer, I was exposed to a high temperature of 30 degrees for a day, and the visual effect was almost outstanding among a group of miners.

When filming and filming, omega actors mostly find beta stand-ins who are relatively thin.

"As long as you wear two more clothes inside, it won't be worn like this."

Duan Ming watched it so many times, but he was still not used to it. He dragged Liang Xiao to remove his makeup and change his clothes. He couldn't help hurting him: "Your road to success is really made of flesh and blood..."

Liang Xiao knew that he was not pleasing to the eye, so he slapped the manager with a smile.

Duan Ming didn't lose his breath, and stuffed him into the dressing room, still couldn't help nagging: "When I was a substitute before, I didn't fight like this."

"The requirements for a substitute are not high." Ancient costumes are difficult to wear and take off. Liang Xiao struggled to unbutton the buttons and explained to him, "For those actors I replaced, two clothes just fit..."

When I was a stand-in before, the requirements were relatively low. In order to stay close to the body shape of the original actor, there were many opportunities to put clothes on it.

The production of "Cloud Flag" took the road of big art. The camera director is always from the film crew, and it took twelve minutes from the scenery to the costumes and props. Even without Jin Dao's request to raise the boat, Liang Xiao couldn't help but strive for perfection.

The phone rang twice, Liang Xiao untied the buckle, and quickly opened the message and looked at it.

"Mr. Huo's news?" Duan Ming couldn't get angry with him, so he found a chair for him to sit down, "What did you say?"

Liang Xiao watched for a long time, but couldn't hold back, the corner of his mouth lifted: "Say he is watching TV."

Duan Ming: "Huh?"

"Brother Duan, you don't understand." Liang Xiao skillfully received "Appreciation and Discussion of the Corner of <Suichu> Zhongyun Lian (1 and stored it in a confidential folder , "It's fun."

"..." Duan Ming didn't plan to save him, so he took the medicine box and said, "Okay."

There are no lines to memorize in these few days of play, Liang Xiaozhengchou has nothing to do, so happily sent Huo Lan two messages and put the phone aside.

Duan Ming just washed his hands and took a bottle of mineral water, ready to help him blur: "…"

Duan Ming: "Did losing Mr. Huo make you so much stronger?"

Liang Xiao was dizzy and dizzy, and she was dying: "Q..."

"AQ, stop talking, shut up and take a break."

Duan Ming helped him finish speaking, picked him up, put him back in the chair, and squatted down to disinfect the wound.

Liang Xiao was exhausted and paralyzed. He touched the phone and looked at it again. He dragged the chat records and turned back.

"Go back and deal with it yourself."

Duan Ming put the Band-Aid on him: "Is there anything else? I'll tell the crew that it's alright, and call a car to pick it up."

Liang Xiao hesitated: "It's okay..."

Duan Ming: "But?"

But when Liang Xiao thinks of the empty presidential suite, he is a little desolate. He doesn't really want to go back, so he whispers with his agent: "How about we add a night show?"

Duan Ming glanced at him in disbelief, lowered his head, and turned over the thermometer in the medicine cabinet.

"Just talking." Liang Xiao held him down in time, covered his clothes and sat up, "I'll take a look, maybe someone will ask me to help me with the lines."

"Who dares to use you..." Duan Ming couldn't help complaining about him. Halfway through his words, he suddenly reacted and looked up at Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao was still studying the two band-aids, and after a while, he took off his clothes to take a look, hugged himself distressedly, lowered his head and took a hard breath on the band-aids.

Duan Ming couldn't bear to talk about him, and sighed: "Go."

Director Jin is not often at night, the production director has always been relaxed, and the actors waiting for the show are also much more relaxed than during the day.

Liang Xiao rarely participated in a tea party, holding a bag full of snacks, couldn't help but wonder: "Why don't you use a model?"

"A set of models costs 5,000." The production director smiled and gave him the hibiscus cake and the sweet-scented osmanthus candy steamed chestnut powder cake. "It only costs 50 to buy snacks."

The financial supervisor on the side sighed: "But we have more than a hundred scenes..."

The director of production smiled and said, "Do you want it?"

"..." Financial Supervisor: "Yes."

The production director calmly distributed two chestnut yokan to him, patted Liang Xiao on the shoulder, and added an extra piece of osmanthus cake to the new member who shared the spoils.

The filming work was very intensive. The staff and actors in the night show were already working hard. They could add a meal and their enthusiasm was much higher. They chatted happily together.

"Is the premiere of "Sui Chu" today?"

The director of production and Director Jin took shifts, just watched those two episodes, and praised Liang Xiao with a smile: "It's better than expected, maybe I can get the best male supporting role."

Liang Xiao smiled and said, "You are wrong..."

"Really." The young actor next to him was also in the fan group, and he excitedly raised his hand to interject, "#我千多云林Please be sure to lie to me#, it's all over the internet."

The premiere will create momentum, and there will be many leading actors in the hot search. Jiang Pingchao and Meng Feibai's brother collided, and Su Man's whip was named on the hot search, and the popularity was certain.

Liang Xiao was generally ready, smiled, and thanked him politely.

"Long Tao probably didn't expect that when he sold you, you would be a blockbuster."

The director of production did not know much about the inside story, so he couldn't help but sigh: "Mingzhu secretly cast, you are really buried with them."

"How can it be so simple." The assistant director had eaten a lot of melons, and just came over to get some snacks, he heard the words and interjected, "Long Tao not only buried him, but simply hid it... Later, I saw that he jumped to another job. The star crown has improved, and I feel hot in my eyes, and I am chasing it to death."

The assistant director handed Liang Xiao a bottle of hot coffee: "Did you and Long Tao have any trouble back then? Why did they target you like this?"

Liang Xiao was just here to relax, and he was caught off guard and became the center of the topic. He smiled helplessly: "It's a bit contradictory."

"Is there such a thing?" The production director frowned, "Should we ask for help? Has it been resolved?"

"..." Liang Xiao thought about what Mr. Huo said, and coughed, "It's resolved."

"Don't be careless, you need to hit the snake seven inches, otherwise they will have to probe next time." The production director has been in the circle for a long time and taught him experience, "When dealing with things, we must solve the problem from the root cause. ."

Liang Xiao nodded cautiously: "It's very root..."

Seeing that he was really confident, the production director stopped asking more questions, and instead reminded: "Don't you have a good relationship with Xingguan Huo? Usually walk around to say hello, and send more messages on New Year's and holidays. ."

Liang Xiao nodded honestly: "Okay."

The production director really admired him, patted Liang Xiao on the shoulder, clicked and stopped, and led people to the next scene.

The crew is in good order, and the young actors are also shameless and courageous, holding the script and burying their heads and memorizing it, without external intervention and assistance.

Liang Xiao really had nothing to do, so he walked around the set, returned with a full bag of snacks and drinks, and got into the car back to the hotel.

Duan Ming was waiting for him in the car and was taken aback: "Is there so much benefit after get off work at night? What did the director of production say to you?"

Liang Xiao pondered: "Let me send more messages to President Huo."

Duan Ming: "!"

Duan Ming didn't expect the director of production to see it so clearly, and thought for a while: "Then you... send more."

Duan Mingxiao saw that he was distracted after the play and returned to the bottom of his eyes. He felt uncomfortable and stuffed the blanket over: "If you have something to say, don't hold back."

Liang Xiao was stunned: "Is it so obvious?"

Duan Ming wanted to find a mirror for him, and glanced at Liang Xiao: "What do you want to toss about again?"

Liang Xiao read the chat log several times, put down the phone, was a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly: "I want to see if I can live in another room..."

Duan Ming was stunned for a moment, and turned over his phone to confirm: "We didn't pay for the hotel money, Mr. Huo has their black gold card, and you can get two months for two months in the off-season."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming didn't know why he suddenly wanted to change rooms, raised his hand and shook it in front of him: "What are you thinking?"

Liang Xiao muttered: "The evil capitalism..."

Duan Ming didn't understand: "What?"

"It's all right." Liang Xiao cheered up and asked again, "Are we currently in the gift period? We won't give money for the room?"

"It's a discount, so I won't give it."

Duan Ming shook his head: "Actually, the environment has been depressed recently. Their location is such that they all depended on the crew to start work and eat, but now they are starving."

Considering the expenditure burden, the crew will choose a relatively cheap accommodation arrangement. This kind of five-star hotel is idling during the recession in the industry, and it will lose money every day.

This year, the film and television industry was caught off guard. Except for the large-scale and deep-rooted film and television company like Star Crown, which is still playing steadily, the loss of money in related industries is light. Longtao has too much short-selling internally. Although bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions are huge, they are not unique in the industry.

"The money will not be refunded, but the room should be changed." Duan Ming thought for a while, "Are you not used to living alone? Afraid of touching the scene? Let me tell the hotel..."

Liang Xiao said firmly: "No change."

Duan Ming smacked his lips and put down his phone.

"I can't change it." Liang Xiao never suffered a loss, and righteously shook his head, "Let me cry and live in the presidential suite alone, I don't make love to the scene."

Duan Ming looked at him for a long time, couldn't help but let out a laugh, and punched him on the shoulder.

Just kidding, Mr. Huo took a lot of people away, no matter how he counted, he did vacate a lot of rooms.

Although there are some bodyguards and assistant teams left, they have always been like NPCs, and it is rare to be able to chat with Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiaozao discussed with Duan Ming and asked the agent and assistant to move in together. Duan Ming thought it was troublesome, so he didn't intend to agree, but after thinking about it, he couldn't bear it: "You have a bleak night first, and tomorrow I will bring Xiao Gong over to be your companion."

Liang Xiao's eyes lit up and nodded.

Liang Xiao swiped his card to open the door and smiled: "Okay..."

He was stunned for a moment, then paused, and looked inside.

Duan Ming held a bunch of snacks for him, but he couldn't see: "What's wrong?"

Liang Xiao rubbed her eyes, pushed open the door and entered the living room, and took a closer look.

When he sent Huo Lan away in the morning, he was still very sleepy, and he was worried that he would be reluctant.

On the way back, he is still trying to prepare himself for being empty in advance.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Duan Ming was a little worried and frowned: "What's wrong? Where has it changed——"

Liang Xiao took a deep breath, blinked back the astringent eyes, and smiled: "Nothing has changed."

Duan Ming was stunned: "Huh?"

Liang Xiao looked at the living room that was still stuffed, pushed aside the side bed, and turned on the light.


Liang Xiao opened the wardrobe and took a look, but was not too surprised to find that in exchange for her pajamas, they were meticulously taken away by Mr. Huo.

Liang Xiao held the wardrobe door, couldn't help but made up for the picture of Mr. Huo sleeping in his pajamas, and quickly snuffed it out: "Impossible..."

Duan Ming was also stunned by the situation in the room for a long time. He almost thought that Huo Lan had not left yet. He dug out the flight information and confirmed it again: "What is impossible?"

"It's too exciting." Liang Xiao couldn't bear to poison his brain, "Brother Duan, has the bathroom changed?"

"No..." Duan Ming probed in, "Yes."

Liang Xiao was stunned: "What?"

Duan Ming went in, took out a little yellow duck that made noise when he pinched it, and put it on his head.

Liang Xiao: “…”

"There is another row, all by the bathtub." Duan Ming said, "Is this your dream?"

Liang Xiao himself can't remember very clearly, he vaguely remembered having a relationship with the young Huo Lan when he was a child, cleared his throat, took it down and squeezed: "It's...yes."

Liang Xiao rummaged in the closet and found an unopened Monopoly flying chess set.

There is an extra dart board on the side door, and a box of colorful darts on the table.

Snack boxes were stacked on the corner of the table for him. In addition to the kinds of candy he was used to eating, there were also many small snacks from childhood memories.

Liang Xiao suddenly thought about what was going on, and quickly went out to open the master bedroom, and sure enough, a game console was turned out on the table.

Duan Ming suddenly had a headache: "This is too spoiled..."

Liang Xiao looked at the note that Huo Lan had left on the table, and took a deep breath: "I persuaded him to buy it when I was a child. He felt that the plaything was demoralized... he didn't agree."

Liang Xiao couldn't hold back, rubbed his eyes indiscriminately, and hugged the game console in his arms for a while.

Duan Ming didn't expect to have such a relationship, he was stunned, and his voice became soft: "Mr. Huo still left a note?"

Liang Xiao said in a slightly nasal voice, "Hmm."

Duan Ming said softly, "What did you say?"

Liang Xiao: "Let me only play for thirty minutes a day."

Duan Ming: "…"

Strict requirements do not affect the emotion of the past, Liang Xiao held the game console, searched for half a circle of treasures in the room with great interest, and returned to the room satisfied with the gifts and notes that were discovered.

"Mr. Huo thinks too well."

Duan Ming looked at the plastic whistle that Liang Xiao was wearing around his neck, couldn't help but pick it up, put it in his mouth and said, "If you look it up tomorrow, maybe there's still more."

Liang Xiao saved a thick stack of notes, and whistled happily: "En."

"I have received everything, just send a letter to Mr. Huo."

Duan Ming helped him pull the quilt on the bed and spread it flat: "Mr. Huo is probably waiting for you to find a surprise."

I don't know when to clean up.

Duan Ming didn't see these when he came in the morning, watching these two people fall in love happily, he couldn't bear to hurt him: "You painted for a night, what did you paint for Mr. Huo? ?"

Liang Xiao felt that her return gift must be worthy of the gift of this room: "Geometry Arcane Problem."

“…” Duan Ming: “Huh?”

"Purely hand-painted."

Liang Xiao clenched his fists: "I looked for it on purpose, and the patterns are all very beautiful. There is a function that calculates it and it is still heart-shaped."

Duan Ming regretted buying him a compass triangle: "...Oh."

Duan Ming took a deep breath, a little weak: "then you hurry... send a message to Mr. Huo."

After all, once the news is sent late, Mr. Huo opens Mr. Liang's gift with great anticipation. Tomorrow Huo's house may become a crystal clear castle in the sun.

Liang Xiao's mind has not recovered from the emotion. Holding the game console, she flips through the phone in a frenzy. After playing it several times, she is not satisfied.

Huo Lan obviously prepared for more than a day or two in order to surprise him.

Liang Xiao consciously "ah ah ah woo woo" this kind of news is not worthy of such a well-prepared surprise, and urgently needs the literary literacy support of the agent: "How to send it?"

"Just say you received the gift, I am very happy and touched, and-"

Duan Ming had a headache, so he pressed his temples to give him a move, and while talking, he lifted the quilt, and was suddenly stunned.

Liang Xiaofei quickly entered the input box and followed him happily: "What else?"

The agent frowned, thought carefully about the subtle discord, opened the door again, and walked around the master bedroom.

Liang Xiao always did whatever he wanted when chatting with Mr. Huo. He couldn't continue with such a formal thank you, so he followed tirelessly: "And then, what else?"


Duan Ming couldn't figure it out, so he turned around and said, "Where are your pillows?"

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