MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 86

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Mr. Huo not only knew that he went home to rest, but even took the initiative to order dinner.

The housekeeper was overjoyed, hurriedly urged the kitchen to make it, brought it upstairs in person, and carefully knocked on the bedroom door.

The housekeeper stood at the door and probed cautiously: "Mr. Huo?"

Huo Lan put down his pen and raised his head.

The housekeeper held his breath, carefully bypassed the overwhelming amount of paper, and tried his best to move to the table sideways: "Are you... designing any sketches?"

When he brought Mr. Huo back, Mr. Huo also said that he would take off Mr. Liang's gift when he rested.

The housekeeper failed to find a piece of pure land on the desk, hesitating, holding the meal high, and placing it on the bookcase aside: "Have you not seen Mr. Liang's gift? Listen to the broker People say he prepared it all night and did it himself."

"I see." Huo Lan said, "It's very delicate."


The housekeeper was pleasantly surprised: "What did Mr. Liang give you? Where is it? I'll put it away for you..."

Huo Lan dropped his gaze.

The housekeeper was stunned, hesitated for a while, then moved over and bowed his head: "..."

The housekeeper was complex in body and mind. Looking at the exquisite hexadecahedron drawn by Mr. Liang himself, it was difficult: "Yes...very delicate."

Huo Lan: "Mr. Liang's sense of geometric three-dimensional space is very good."

The housekeeper almost echoed distressedly: "Yes."

Huo Lan: "The perspective is very accurate."

Butler: "Yes."

Holland paused: "The line... is very straight."

The housekeeper really couldn't bear it, and carefully calculated the distribution of the paper according to him, removed some of the paper that was not needed for the time being, and took the plate: "You eat first, and then count after eating."

As long as it's Mr. Liang's gift, Huo Lan will try his best to find the advantages, but this time it's too hard to start.

Huo Lan removed the sketchbook and watched the housekeeper count the pieces of paper one by one: "Why did Mr. Liang give me this?"

The housekeeper was helping him to pack his things, when he heard the words, he was stunned: "You don't know?"

Huo Lan was slightly startled and looked up at him.

The housekeeper abruptly held back the sentence of heaven and reincarnation, took a deep breath, and asked him as euphemistically as possible: "When you were in Jiangnan... Did you choose gifts for Mr. Liang, and did you send practice questions?"

"No." Huo Lan said, "I will give him the practice questions every day, no need to send them specially."

Butler: "...that's it."

"I sent the copybook, I wrote it myself."

Huo Lan recalled it carefully: "I also sent a reference book, and I must memorize a summary of ancient poems and formulas."

The housekeeper said in his heart how well you deserve it, he swallowed it back, and nodded: "That's it."

"He had an unstable foundation at that time. He had to establish study habits and cultivate a positive learning awareness."

Huo Lan: "Recite more, not only to complete the foundation, but also to speed up the operation of thinking, ensuring agility and flexibility."

Huo Lan is no longer in conflict and thinks about the events of the past. He unconsciously thought about Xiao Liang Xiao, who was crying with joy when he received the gift, his brows softened a lot, and he took back his mind: "I have something to do with this matter. what relationship?"

“…” The housekeeper shook his head: “It’s okay.”

Housekeeper: "Mr. Liang hopes that you can use your brain more, speed up the operation, and maintain the agility and flexibility of your thinking."

Huo Lan thought for a while, accepted his explanation, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

The housekeeper knew that his workload was ridiculously large these days. He originally wanted to call Mr. Liang to talk about it, but now he has no such idea. Unused A4 paper.

Huo Lan frowned: "What?"

The housekeeper took a new box of pens, put it on the new scratch paper, and actively made a fist at him: "Come on."

"You really found a good job for Mr. Huo."

Duan Ming came over with the script and sat down beside Liang Xiao: "The housekeeper told you not to worry, now Mr. Huo lives a very regular life, watching TV every night while doing homework while peeling Walnut."

In contrast, Liang Xiao looks a lot more mature while watching financial news and playing games every day.

Liang Xiao was drinking water when she coughed loudly: "…Brother Duan."

"Now on the third page."

Duan Ming insisted on conveying to him: "The first batch of walnut kernels is expected to arrive on the set tomorrow."

Duan Ming couldn't figure it out: "How can a good love be talked about like this by the two of you?"

Liang Xiao didn't think about it well at first, and didn't expect things to develop like this, and it was too late to regret: "I just want to be warm and reminisce about my youth..."

Inadvertently, Mr. Huo's fighting spirit was provoked.

Liang Xiao's fighting spirit was also aroused by the game machine that was addicted for half an hour, and he passed the level with passion in half an hour every day. The two of them worked **** their own, and the time they spent in contact with each other was several minutes less than before.

Duan Ming really doesn't know what to miss when he was a teenager controlled by hexahedral geometry: "Can't you come up with some simple questions?"

"I can't tell."

Liang Xiao grimaced: "In my opinion, it's all the same, and I won't do it."

"..." Duan Ming has no way to refute: "Yes."

"I don't understand the title."

Liang Xiao was melancholy: "But that hexahedron looks really good."

Duan Ming: "...Yes."

"In fact, I copied the answer on the back of every page"

Liang Xiao sighed: "I also wrote a sentence for him at the end of each answer, which is very nauseous..."

Duan Ming was stunned for a moment, and thought about the picture carefully: "Isn't it good?"

Liang Xiao was careless for a while and regretted it too late: "I forgot, Mr. Huo has always done a complete book to get the answer."

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming shoved the script to him and patted his shoulder: "Go, it's your turn to leave."

After the acquisition of Longtao, it will take a period of time to buffer the transition period. The placement of the company's staff, the integration of departments, and the artists who have moved with contracts all need to be dealt with. Huo Lan's work is still heavy, and it takes half an hour. No time to be distracted.

Liang Xiao discussed with the director of production and asked Director Jin to suppress the number of shows within the tolerance limit, and strive to control the completion within two weeks, and to have a little time before the variety show recording Holiday.

"The state is good." Director Jin looked at Liang Xiao and nodded, "Although you are fleeing in this part, your mentality is different from the previous one, and your state is weaker and haggard than that time. , but the spirit must be there.”

"You were precious on the battlefield back then, and you never suffered any grievances. You need the best guns, the best leather for your saddles, and you have to ask someone to carry the cook on a horse when you run for thousands of miles."

Director Jin told him a play: "Even if you had to run away, you never hurt yourself."

The screenwriter added on the side: "If you don't have a phoenix tree, you won't eat if you don't practice."

"Yes." Director Jin nodded, "If there is no delicious food, I would rather starve to death."

"..." Liang Xiao coughed and nodded: "Yes."

"But this time it's different."

Director Jin turned over a page of the script: "You have to live this time, because you have to live to do things."

"You are not for the inhuman emperor on the dragon chair, nor for the court where everyone retreats. Since you were a child, the bell rang and you were supported by the people's livelihood. When the war broke out, you should protect Live the living people."

Director Jin said: "You feel that this is your responsibility."

Liang Xiao looked at the script and nodded: "No matter what, I have to live."

"He's prouder than anyone, the purest and most clean one."

Director Jin added: "But when he is willing to destroy his pride for something, this purity will have the most extreme brightness."

This plot is the key to Yunlang's transformation. After fleeing and thirsty for three days and three nights, the little Marquis, who had to pick leaves to make tea and drink, rushed to the battlefield in parallel, dine and drink dew in the sky, and did everything possible to survive.

Liang Xiao got the feeling, found the state required by the director, and put down the script: "It's alright."

Director Jin nodded, signaled all departments to prepare, and made a gesture to return to the sidelines.

In response to the director's request, I didn't sleep well these days. In addition to the hard work of filming during the day, Liang Xiao's condition was impeccable.

Compared with young actors, Liang Xiao walks faster and has a higher rate of passing scenes. He is more troubled than middle-aged and elderly actors. All groups are willing to work with him.

The agent stayed on the sidelines, stood for a while, and then gathered a few group directors who had no shooting assignments for the time being.

"I really don't have to choose." The production director followed and looked at the monitor, sighing, "It's very rare to be so beautiful and so miserable."

"You didn't look at him, he was more attentive than other people."

The director of the d group smiled: "Many close-ups are actually meaningless, without any lens language, but we are really reluctant to delete them and leave them all."

"Can we discuss it?" The director of group d has a good relationship with the agent, "We shoot the next scene, and we will give him a close-up."

It is not appropriate for the actors to interfere with the grouping. Duan Ming felt that Liang Xiao might not be able to resist this temptation, so he cautiously pushed back: "It's still the arrangement of the crew..."

D group director: "Full body close-up, let him be independent of the setting sun."

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming explained to his assistant without a trace, trying his best to protect Liang Xiao, and be sure not to let the director of group D find any abduction opportunities.

"God treats you to eat." The director of Group C filmed the court disputes for three consecutive days, and also wanted to come back to take a good-looking face, sighing, "The congenital conditions are too good to choose. "

The director of group a nodded: "He also has a good sense of the camera."

"The shot that fell from the horse might make it into textbooks in the future."


Jin Dao Leng Leng participated in emotion: "How stinky."

Director of Production: “…”

Directors of each group: "…"

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming took a deep breath, pressed his forehead hard, added a message to the assistant, and set a safety distance of more than five meters for Liang Xiao and Jin Dao.

"That's right." The director of group C rarely had a chance to chat and was very interested, "Have you watched "On the Road"? After Liang Xiao's few issues, they introduced a new ordinary person The perspective is also very valuable.”

"I've seen it, it's their new sub-program called "Along the Way"."

The peers paid more attention to it, and the producer happened to come over and interjected with a smile: "It's also a must. The first issue is the owner of Liang Xiao's breakfast car. The starting point is too natural."

The director of the c group nodded: "The names of the two programs also have a heart. When you pass by on the road, you think it is the scenery, but when you return to the road, it is a real life."

Duan Ming also listened to the program team's plan at the time, and was generally prepared, but did not expect to move so quickly: "Has it been broadcast yet?"

"It's aired, the first episode is about the stall owner's family."

, in the training team has been pointed and ridiculed, but also endured them not to say."

"There is still a suspense left, I didn't say what the disease is, I'm waiting for the next issue." The producer has been in the circle for a long time, reminding Duan Ming, "Liang Xiao can also take a look when he has time. , if you like it, help to promote it, sell your favor, maybe it will be beneficial when."

Duan Ming was thinking about something, when he heard the words, he nodded, "Okay, thank you."

The producer made a point, not much to say, and went to chat with the director of group C about the program idea.

"It's not bad. It's safe today, I didn't hit a tree..."

Liang Xiao went back to the lounge, took off his Weiya shirt and handed it over to the field manager, and reported the battle to the agent: "Brother Duan?"

Liang Xiao saw that his expression was not right, and shook his hand: "What's wrong?"

"They said that the copy of the "On the Road" program group has started broadcasting, you have a preparation."

Duan Ming helped him take off his costume and instructed in advance: "It is estimated that we will talk about the condition of the stall owner's son in the next issue."

Liang Xiao froze for a moment, eyebrows frowned, and did not speak.

" Butler Huo may have noticed something during this time, and has been asking me about the past."

Duan Ming: "I can't hide it sooner or later... Did you give Mr. Huo a vaccination in advance?"

Liang Xiao opened her mouth and hesitated carefully: "The question on the last page... the calculated answer is 5211314?"

Duan Ming's eyes darkened: "..."

Duan Ming picked up the phone and was about to call the housekeeper, but Liang Xiaofei quickly held it down, and persuaded him to go back to the sofa and sit down.

"It's a headache for you!" Duan Ming was pressed by him on the sofa, hating that iron was not steel, "If you don't want to hide it, tell Mr. Huo as soon as possible-"

The dramas these days are all high-risk and difficult. Liang Xiao suffered a lot of injuries. He sucked in his breath and smiled bitterly: "I think so."

Duan Ming frowned, looking at him without speaking.

"President Huo is also sensitive to my emotions..." Liang Xiao rubbed between his ribs and smiled helplessly, "When I didn't know he was Jiang Nanye, he said a lot, but he couldn't do it now. I can't hold my breath for now, so I'm just revealing my secrets, right?"

Liang Xiao still hasn't come up with any way to properly resolve this matter.

Huo Langyuan is not as fooled as he was when he was a teenager. If there is anything wrong with his state, he may be noticed.

Duan Ming was stunned for a while, and after trying to understand what he meant, he rubbed between his eyebrows and sighed: "It's not the way to hide it like this... When the disease comes out, I must talk about the relevant treatment."

Alpha differentiation is blocked, either until the pheromone bursts violently and the glands are closed to heal itself, or a large amount of pseudo-o pheromone is used for shock treatment.

Most people only know the first one. The young Huo Lan was hit by the pheromone alone and fell into a coma with high fever. When he woke up, he was alone, and naturally he couldn't think of other places.

Now the two meet again and know more and more. Looking back, many things have new explanations after careful scrutiny.

The program team undertakes the mission of propaganda and education, and sooner or later will introduce the relevant illness to the public clearly.

"One episode a week, three or four episodes can be dragged on and it's over."

Duan Ming had the final say: "It'd be fine if it was delayed until you finished it, Wan——"

Before the next words could be said, Duan Ming was tightly covered by Liang Xiao, and he was caught off guard and struggled for a long time: "What are you doing?!"

"Brother Duan, you can't tell."

Liang Xiao was very superstitious about his mouth, and shouted the slogan with his agent in advance: "The first sentence every day when you wake up, hide Mr. Huo's temper."

Duan Ming: "…"

Liang Xiao exhausted his life-long literary literacy: "Every day—"

"No need for the second sentence." Duan Ming interrupted in time and pressed his forehead, "I will try to wait until you finish, right?"

Liang Xiao nodded: "Yes."

"After the completion of the project." Duan Ming asked, "Have you thought about what to do?"

Liang Xiao tossed and turned in bed every night. When he asked about it, his heart sank and he didn't speak.

"I know you're worried." Duan Ming pulled him to sit down and helped him to clear things up together, "Mr. Huo was originally resistant to his own pheromone, and it was only after you developed a bunch of usages. It's a little better...but it doesn't make much difference."

The mother was seriously ill because of the conflict of pheromones, and it was always the knot in Xiao Huolan's heart.

Duan Ming's position is here with Liang Xiao, and every time a generation enters Huo Lan's perspective, he still feels shivering.

"The housekeeper probably knows it. I'll let him breathe and discuss what to do."

Duan Mingxin said that Feng Shui took turns and sighed: "Don't worry, Mr. Huo will definitely not notice."

Liang Xiao nodded: "Okay."

"We are all just helping, in the end it depends on you." Duan Ming said, "You have to figure out what to do first."

Duan Ming reminded Liang Xiao: "If Mr. Huo locks himself up again, or thinks that anyone who gets close to him will be unlucky, etc., I want you-"

Duan Ming opened his mouth, resigned his fate and didn't say anything, the little man with the index finger and the **** walked far away: "You... I have a plan in my heart first. It's not that he doesn't like you, he is I like you so much."

Liang Xiao nodded: "I know."

"I thought about it."

Liang Xiao sighed: "I just figured out a way."

Duan Ming: "What?"

"Take some medicine." Liang Xiao closed his eyes, "Permanent mark."

After being permanently marked, the omega must be accompanied by the alpha for a long period of time in order to completely stabilize the pheromone. As long as it is close to the body, the space that can be operated is much larger.

The two stayed together for a month, no matter how big the knot was, Liang Xiao was confident to solve it.

"..." Duan Ming reminded him: "Tears flowed from the corner of his mouth."

Liang Xiao was taken aback and wiped for a long time with a guilty conscience, only to find that there was nothing, and became angry: "Brother Duan!"

Duan Ming almost saw the words "Can't wait" on the top of Liang Xiao's head, he didn't understand at all where his heroism came from: "It's also a way... You can still think of it. "

"Why can't I think of it." Liang Xiao was not convinced, "Aren't we an abo story?"

Duan Ming: "…"

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming almost forgot that this was an abo story, patted him on the shoulder, convinced: "...Yes."

No risk."

Liang Xiao nodded: "I know."

Duan Ming: "Mr. Huo and you are too well matched, so they may not be able to withstand the impact of your pheromones. You have to keep people outside for emergencies at any time."

Liang Xiao nodded: "Okay."

Duan Ming: "I'll look for the medicine, but I can only use the safe dosage form specially designed for inducing differentiation for teenagers."

Liang Xiao nodded and solemnly reached out to him.

Duan Ming shook his shoulders and yelled at the rich and noble not to be promiscuous. He never dreamed that there would be a day of pimping. He sighed, shook hands with Liang Xiao randomly, and got up and left.

Read The Duke's Passion