MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 98

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Liang Xiao saw through the red dust, got up from Huo Lan's arms, and all four were empty and dressed.

Huo Lan wanted to get up to help, but was pushed back to the bed by Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao lay on his shoulders, half worried, but couldn't help laughing.

To go to the temple, don't be too presumptuous. Liang Xiao coughed, suppressed the heat, and said vaguely, "Wait... I'll be back."

Liang Xiao slept in a daze last night, and knew that Huo Lan didn't rest much, he pressed the person on the bed without relaxation, and pulled the quilt around him: "Sleep, get up and work again. ."

The curtains were drawn tightly, and the light was warm and dim across the eyelids.

Liang Xiao was busy in the room for a while, helped him pack up the things he was holding, then went back to the bed and sat down to check Mr. Huo's sleep condition.

Huo Lan cooperated with him intentionally, lying quietly with his eyes closed, breathing gently and motionless.

Liang Xiao hid a piece of tea tree leaf from nowhere, held his breath in his hand and approached, fiddling with his eyelashes twice.

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan closed her eyes, making her eyelashes even thicker. Liang Xiao was addicted to playing, and couldn't help but go to the other side.

Huo Lan couldn't help it, opened his eyes and grabbed his hand.

Liang Xiao was not at all conscious of being caught, so the wicked complained first, and pointed at him with a leaf in his other hand: "Pretend to be asleep."

Huo Lan has always been unable to argue with him, but for some reason, he became the one who made a loss again, and calmed down: "It's also very useful to rest your mind."

Huo Lan held Liang Xiao's wrist, his palm was close to the wrist bone, he could almost feel how much weight Liang Xiao had lost these days.

Huo Lan didn't want him to worry about himself: "I'll lie down for an hour, don't worry."

Liang Xiao looked at Huo Lan's stern attitude again, even with a headache and a soft heart, he was reluctant to toss him again, and said on Huo Lan's lips: "Don't move."

Huo Lan was slightly startled.

Liang Xiao brought an outdated watch box this time, and looked at it very tightly. He was not allowed to open it. Huo Lan also abide by the rules and never touched it once.

Huo Lan did not move as he explained, watching Liang Xiao bring the box over: "What is it?"

"I wanted to wait for you to get into trouble, and I would take it out to coax you."

Liang Xiao smiled: "It's so easy to give you... a loss."

Huo Lan frowned: "I won't make trouble."

Liang Xiaoxin said that you were a little awkward, so she patted Mr. Huo Xuexue? Pufferfish on the shoulder comfortably, opened the box, and took out a cufflink from it.

Huo Lan sat up with his arms supported, and wanted to explain his emotions to him. Looking at what Liang Xiao handed over, he paused, and subconsciously raised his hand to take it in his palm.

The cufflinks are extraordinarily delicate, with silver metal edging, which is a hidden button shape that can be opened and closed, and the material inside is very special.

Light cyan, like some kind of amber, with a clear ice crystal sealed inside.

The fresh and cool rain came at the same time, Huo Lan subconsciously clenched the cufflinks and raised his head suddenly.

"I asked Chi Che." Liang Xiao smiled, "He said that this can save a little pheromone... It was closed after such a turn."

Jiang Pingchao also has an amber pendant with a coriander leaf inside. mutual affection.

Liang Xiao asked Chi Che specially, besides using pseudo-pheromone to deal with the susceptible period of alpha, there are actually other ways.

Omega's information source can be extracted and purified, and the condensed amber-like material slowly volatilizes, but it is only extracted directly from the glands, which requires some toss.

If it weren't for this... Maybe it wouldn't be ten minutes.

Liang Xiao thought about it and said, "I'm really not that fast..."

Huo Lan looked at him for a while, then took Liang Xiao back into his arms.

Liang Xiao was still depressed for ten minutes, when he was suddenly lifted up, startled, and instinctively hugged Huo Lan: "You move yourself for a while, I have to go out, now I can't Recklessly--"

"..." Huo Lan: "I won't mess around."

Liang Xiao was half relieved and half regretful: "Oh."

Huo Lang touched Liang Xiao's hair and put his palm on his gland: "Is it still uncomfortable?"

"It's all right." Liang Xiao said, "Last time I went for a check-up, the glands have almost recovered, but the autonomy is still poor, and the excitation and inhibition are weak."

The wounds that fell over and over again have been watched and raised by Huo Lan for so long. Fortunately, they are almost better.

Liang Xiao was afraid that he would not understand, so he specifically explained to them Mr. Huo: "I either don't enter the estrus period, and once I enter, it is not easy to come out for seven days and seven nights."

After all, Huo Lan was used to Duan Su, so he was a little at a loss when he said it. He turned his head and whispered: "Don't say this."

Liang Xiao knew that he was not messing around, so he wanted to say a few more words: "When this stage is over, there will be no problem at all, and I can sneak into your office."

"Fix the sound insulation better." The more Liang Xiao thought about it, the more he felt, "When the time comes, your heart will move, hurry up and close the door..."

Huo Lan couldn't help it, he lowered his head to kiss him, and kissed the omega, who could only hold on for ten minutes, until he lost his voice.

Liang Xiao was so kissed by him that he was speechless, lying on his stomach, contented: "I thought you would be angry."

Huo Lan carefully grouped Mr. Liang and wrapped it in his arms: "Why am I angry?"

"I'm hiding this from you..." Liang Xiao vaguely said, "You're afraid that I will hurt my body."

According to Huo Lan's usual style, Liang Xiao is actually a little worried. They will not return the gift to him because he doesn't cherish his body again. he.

The young Huo Lan must be angry for this kind of thing, Liang Xiao even prepared a second plan, stubbornly and steadfastly ran away from home with tears, for the sake of the two of them A love story with a little innocuous twist.

Then they were brought back by Mr. Huo, locked in a small dark room, or even more serious, they might be **** directly and pressed on the bed in a storm...

Huo Lan noticed that he glanced at the cufflinks, frowned, and clenched his fists behind him.

Liang Xiao couldn't hold back the joy: "Don't rob."

Liang Xiao was distracted, hugged him and patted twice: "What a pity."

Huo Lan couldn't keep up with his train of thought. He didn't know how many miles the car in Mr. Liang's mind had gone all the way. He shook his head and kissed Liang Xiao's forehead: "You are measured."

The kiss that fell down was too soft, Liang Xiao woke up from the dream of violent wind and snow, and raised her head to meet Huo Lan's sight.

"You know what I'm afraid of." Huo Lan said, "You don't care about yourself very much, but for me, you will never cause yourself an accident for this reason."

Liang Xiao was not used to being so caught off guard, opened her mouth and blushed a little: "Yes, it's not that great..."


Liang Xiao couldn't control his conditioned reflex, and sat upright on his lap: "..."

"I will be responsible for the rest." Huo Lan looked at him, "You don't care about yourself, you should correct it."

Liang Xiao vaguely felt that something was wrong: "This is what I told you before..."

Huo Lan not only learned this sentence: "Otherwise, when we are old in the future, once you are not in good health, I will carry you around and take care of you."

Liang Xiao murmured: "Aren't you taking care of me?"

“…” Huo Lan: “Take care.”

Liang Xiao: "Aren't you running around with me?"

It is clear that now he is in good health and no illness, and they have already donated his legs to him.

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan was speechless by his rebuttal. He instinctively felt that he must have overlooked something, so he frowned and lowered his eyes in thought.

The group went to Qishi Temple in a mighty way, enjoying the scenery and the historic sites. Liang Xiao found a space, flickered with the film director to help Teacher Su catch the grasshopper for Yu Zhi, and went around the temple to find the housekeeper.

The housekeeper has been waiting for him for a while, his eyes brightened, and he greeted him: "Mr. Liang..."

Liang Xiao nodded and smiled: "Thank you."

The housekeeper was polite and dared, and led him through a small door to the Buddhist hall dedicated to pilgrims.

Liang Xiao followed the instructions of the novice, solemnly saluted according to the younger generation, paid incense, and silently prayed for a few times.

The blue light in front of the Buddha is quiet and peaceful.

The housekeeper was with him, with mixed feelings in his heart, he quietly continued the incense in the temple, and when he came back, he was stunned: "Mr. Liang, what are you asking for?"

Liang Xiao didn't lift his head: "Same fate."

The housekeeper was shocked and hurriedly stopped him: "No, no - I'm not joking with you, Mr. Huo really doesn't like this."

It's a surprise..."

Liang Xiao looked at the little novice who was glaring at the side, took the two amulets in time, and dragged the butler out of the Buddhist temple.

The housekeeper stared at him worriedly.

"It doesn't matter." Liang Xiao patiently explained to him, "The bell must be tied."

Liang Xiao has a 100% certainty about Huo Lan's character, and knows better than anyone: "He can't get over this hurdle in his heart, it's not that he doesn't touch it, and he deceives himself and finds something to cover it up, You can pretend the road is smooth."

The housekeeper had no way to refute, and was embarrassed: "Do you want us to pretend that Mr. and Mrs. are back?"

“…” Liang Xiao: “Huh?”

The housekeeper and Huo Lan discussed Mr. Liang's fear of ghosts, and he didn't dare to explain it to him. Very good, and I support you two together..."

Liang Xiao said with awe: "No."

Liang Xiao came to this incense stick, not just to fulfill Huo Lan's thoughts.

Since the two of them are considered a family, no matter what, of course, they must come to see Huo Lan's elders.

Besides, Liang Xiao has always been very confident in herself: "Besides, why wouldn't my uncle and aunt not support the two of us together?"

Housekeeper: "…"

Liang Xiao felt that this sentence was superfluous, she carefully put away the two amulets, and went out of the temple together with the housekeeper: "The amulets are used to protect people, if they are not spiritual, they only See if you can get what you want."

"Yes." The housekeeper was speechless, "Mr. Huo—"

Liang Xiao understands: "Mr. Huo listened to a lot of people in Huo's house when he was a child, and was influenced to some extent, and some believed it."

The housekeeper regretted: "Yes."

Mr. Huo not only believed this, but also criticized Mr. Liang for being too unlucky while handing over the notarized suicide note to Mr. Liang.

For fear of the picture repeating, the housekeeper followed Liang Xiao nervously: "You and Mr. Huo have a good talk, try not to mention life and death..."

Liang Xiao was most sure of this, nodded: "You can rest assured."

The housekeeper was worried and sent him back to the recording venue all the way.

The night talk around the furnace is mostly a special session of the director group. Everyone sits in a circle in the old house drying field, the moon is bright and the wind is clear, and the tea furnace is surrounded by the moonlight and the breeze. Listening to the story of the screenwriter and director, it is rare to come out What a fork link.

Yin Chi rarely had peace of mind, and commanded the camera to take a lap peacefully.

The producer and these two people met more than once, and his ears became calloused, and he pulled Meng Feibai to play poker.

Su Man failed to catch the grasshopper for Yu Zhi, bit the grass and taught the little omega girl to make a grasshopper cage.

It was rare for Jiang Pingchao to stay with his manager for a while, so he could barely listen for five minutes, and then he had to look back for Chi Che's position.

"It's fun." Yin Chi sighed.

The assistant director nodded in agreement: "If only everyone could be so harmonious all the time."

"..." The butler didn't know what happened to the show crew before, so he was far away from the Yiran tea crew, guarding the camera in the dark for a whole night, and finally went back full of worries span

"Okay, let's talk about the rest tomorrow."

The screenwriter was carefully reminded by the follow-up director that the filming was over three times, and he still calmly told the last story of begging for safety. He spoke highly of Huo Lan with a smile: "Mr. Huo has a bright future."

Huo Lanqian thanked him, helped Liang Xiao, who had slept for two, to sit up a little, and patted his back lightly, wanting to wake him up.

Liang Xiao slept drowsy, barely opened his eyelids to take a look, then yawned and threw himself on his shoulders.

Huo Lan was worried about the screenwriter's misunderstanding, so he stretched out his hand to support him: "He is not—"

"He didn't fall asleep on purpose." The screenwriter nodded with a smile, "He didn't need to listen to this story."

Huo Lan was slightly startled.

"What talisman protects what person, what disaster recites what scripture."

The screenwriter is not in a hurry: "If you have an obsession, you will concentrate on listening to this."

Liang Xiao specially asked the screenwriter in the temple, Pei Guang was entrusted by others to be loyal, and asked Huo Lan with a smile: "What do you think now, what is the purpose of the same fate talisman?"

Huo Lan was stunned: "Life and death are the same..."

Pei Guang waved his hand, patted his shoulder in a very profound way, snatched a ham sausage from Director Song, and scurried away.

The film crew did not follow closely this time. Liang Xiao was half asleep and was led up the mountainside by Huo Lan. The camera followed to the door of the hut and went down the mountain wisely.

Remembering the promise, Huo Lan hugged Liang Xiao and shook it twice. Seeing his eyes wide open, he raised his hand and carefully peeled off his clothes for him.

Liang Xiao: "!"

Liang Xiao sleepy bugs flew about ten times: "Which section?"

Huo Lan was stunned: "What?"

Liang Xiao specially wrote an outline for tonight with the support of the screenwriter, lying on his arm and woke up, suddenly full of energy, and excitedly going to the hot spring.

Huo Lan circled him back in time, rushed through the hot water meticulously, prepared glucose and fruit drinks to replenish his strength in advance.

Huo Lan put down the fruit plate and touched Liang Xiao's forehead: "Are you dizzy?"

"It's all right." Liang Xiaojing said, "Would you like to take a dip together?"

Huo Lan smiled: "No hurry."

He knew that Liang Xiao was looking forward to a day and a night, handed the iced fruit plate to Liang Xiao, sat by the pool, asked Liang Xiao to put the pillow on his shoulders, and slowly rubbed his shoulders whole body.

Liang Xiao was sore and comfortable, breathing air-conditioning silently, and once again dormant under the extraordinary talent of Mr. Huo: "Why did you learn this..."

Huo Lan said softly, "You said the bathtub is uncomfortable."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Disperse completely.

Liang Xiao lay on his arms, closed his eyes, and put a sticker on Huo Lan's chest.

Huo Lan bowed his head: "Pain?"

"It doesn't hurt." Liang Xiao smiled, "Help me get something."

Huo Lan hugged him back to the pool: "What?"

"That stone over there." Liang Xiao said nonsense, "I had a dream, in which the white-bearded old man told me that there was something under the stone..."

Huo Lan looked at the stone with a downward arrow made of fluorescent paint for fear that he could not see it: "..."

Huo Lan went over, lifted the stone surface, saw what was pressing underneath, and frowned slightly.

"Huo Lan." Liang Xiao called him.

Huo Lan didn't like this kind of agreement, but he wouldn't take out two brocade bags with talisman paper inside because of this refutation of Liang Xiao, and returned to the pool: "I'll collect it. it is good."

Liang Xiao was lying on the edge of the hot spring, her eyes were clearly reflected by the stars in the pool: "Huo Lan."

Huo Lan stopped.

Liang Xiao: "Do you know what this is for?"

Huo Lan has been asked this question once today. He couldn't think of any more answers, so he was silent for a while and shook his head.

"The purpose of this thing is not life and death."

Liang Xiao said: "I asked the temple, it guarantees the same life and death."

Huo Lan raised his eyes in confusion.

Liang Xiao smiled at him: "We don't have to ask for something to die one day... that's boring."

Liang Xiao: "We use it to ask... as long as one person lives, the other must live."

Liang Xiao: "Live well."

Huo Lan's breath stagnated for a while, and she focused on Liang Xiao.

"I begged."

Liang Xiao looked at him, eyes rolled down, Yu Ji Yunshu: "Are you following?"

It stirred up a pool of stars.

Huo Lan stared at him for a while, then clenched the two amulets with the same fate, followed, and held Liang Xiao's outstretched hand.

Chapter 99

They always followed Thunder and Frost Snow.

Liang Xiao overturned in the hot spring snow for an unknown time, contented, and slowly melted on Huo Lan's arm, and completely wiped the hot spring from the safety word of the crew.

He was really sitting down, and his body was so soft and relaxed that he didn't have the slightest strength. He started to doze off when he lay on the pillow, and the whole person slowly drifted down along the water surface.

Huo Lan was worried about Liang Xiao choking on the water, so he sat up and sat up, leaning on himself: "Be careful."

"No problem." Liang Xiao noticed that he was following his pulse, turned his wrist, took Huo Lan's hand and held it, "I can still run around halfway up the mountain now. "

Huo Lan looked at him for a while, his pupils were completely warm, and he touched his hair.

Liang Xiao squinted his eyes comfortably and rubbed his palm: "I'm thirsty."

Huo Lan pulled the corner of his lower lip, nodded in coordination, took the fruit plate and waited.

Liang Xiao still had the heart to stir and stir, so that Mr. Huo completely flattened this small ridge, and waited for a long time for the fruit plate to open his mouth and closed his eyes, closed his mouth and was slightly surprised: "Is there any process?"

...Could it be that they have made rapid progress and have learned to kiss and change the fruit.

Liang Xiao thought that she was not very good, coughed lightly, and pretended to give in vaguely: "It's not suitable..."

Huo Lan: "Very suitable."

Liang Xiao happily revolted: "Yes."

Liang Xiao cheered up, poked the little snowman who had been playing with him for a long time to the edge of the pool, maintained his human shape and rushed forward, ready to kiss them, Mr. Huo.

As soon as he gained momentum, he watched Huo Lan hand over the fruit plate: "...what?"

"Waiting for too long." Huo Lan said, "It's not cold anymore."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao: "Oh."

"It's snowing for me." Huo Lan analyzed in detail with him, "The local cooling effect is not very good, which affects the overall look and feel, and needs ice cubes—"

Liang Xiao was so angry that she slapped it on the shoulders of Mr. Huo.

Huo Lan has become proficient in relaxing his shoulder and neck muscles when he pounces on him. Mr. Liang gave him a firm bite and felt faint pain. He still raised his hand to protect Liang Xiao in time and did not let him Knock to the jagged rock wall at the edge of the hot spring.

The two have been together for a day or two long ago. Huo Lan is familiar with the routine of Liang Xiao's attack.

Liang Xiao was hugged and kissed on the forehead by Mr. Huo, and his anger still remained, and he snatched the reddest piece of watermelon in the fruit bowl.

Huo Lan squeezed the corner of his mouth and coaxed him in a low voice: "I know it's wrong."

"Are pheromones used to play like this?!" Liang Xiao condemned him bitterly, "The snowman is about to melt!"

Huo Lan responded and helped the little snowman to make some snow.

Liang Xiao wanted to say a few more words of righteousness and strictness. He raised his head to meet Huo Lantong's smile, but before he could recover, a small piece of hail fell.

Liang Xiao: “…”

Huo Lan took some and placed them in the fruit bowl, carefully chilled them properly, picked a grape and peeled it for him.

Liang Xiao hadn't recovered from the smile in their eyes, Mr. Huo, clutching his chest and struggling to stay awake, opened his mouth to pick up the grapes, and accidentally ran into Huo Lan's cool Finger pulp.

Both of them trembled uncontrollably.

"No." Liang Xiao held the grapes in his mouth and was in pain, clutching Huo Lan's wrist eagerly to restrain the sticker, "Snow is fun, hail will make us cry..."

Huo Lan shielded him from the crackling ice cubes, the corners of his mouth couldn't hold back, he lowered his head and kissed Liang Xiao's eyes.

Even kissing in the heavy rain is a romantic enough thing, Liang Xiao really can't think of any interest in the hail, raised his head to emphasize the problem, and greeted the smile in Huo Lan's eyes. Uncontrollably followed completely without the bottom line.

Hail, hail.

I didn't teach them Mr. Huo to drive, but taught them Mr. Huo to joke, which is also a great achievement.

Liang Xiao really liked seeing Huo Lan smile so much, so he poured water on his face, seized the opportunity, and messed up Mr. Huo's hair.

The next day, Huo Lan asked Liang Xiao to leave for the early recording.

"..." Su Man was eating a sandwich, looking at the expression of the boss of his company, he couldn't say anything: "Is it so urgent?"

Huo Lan frowned: "What?"

A production crew almost knew the details. This morning, a group of people received the sandwiches sponsored by the friendliness of Room No. 4. They were moved, and they had nothing to spare to make a bet together.

Betting when investors can't help but brutally make omega entertainers that are too delicious.

There are still two days and one night in the recording, Su Man bet two bottles of beer, betting that Huo Lan can endure until this afternoon, is already the most advanced in the crowd.

They all underestimated top-level alpha.

Mr. Huo still couldn't understand this level of cipher incision. The head of the public relations department was so worried that he was so worried, he followed up and explained: "It's not... Mr. Liang hurt his leg."

He said it seriously, and the group of people who had been chatting and joking also froze for a while, realizing that it was not a joke, and they all cared: "Is it serious?"

Minister of Public Relations: "Not serious..."

Considering the need to record the program, Mr. Huo and Mr. Liang were actually very restrained and did not do anything to affect the shooting.

…It’s just that Mr. Liang hasn’t had many hailstorms. Relatively speaking, his experience is somewhat lacking.

When the two came out of the hot spring, Mr. Liang did not notice the small ice ballast, and his feet slipped accidentally.

Split a fork.

Although Mr. Huo's response was timely and Mr. Liang was not further hurt, the established facts have undoubtedly seriously hurt Mr. Liang's body and mind.

The head of the public relations department went to report the work in the morning, and accidentally heard the details, and now I am very worried that he will be silenced, so I cautiously looked at Mr. Huo's expression: "rest... It's good to rest for a long time. ."

"That's good." Yin Chi breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you need us to pick it up?"

Yin Chi saw the needle: "We happen to have the sponsorship of an off-road vehicle, and it is like walking on the ground. Just ask our staff to carry Mr. Liang to the car first-"

Huo Lan said in a deep voice, "No."

Yin Chi: "...good."

Yin Chi watched Mr. Huo go up the mountain to pick up Mr. Liang, called the camera back, and comforted the investment team in a low voice: "We can ... pretend Mr. Liang came down in our off-road vehicle that was flat on the ground."

After all, Mr. Liang did not take his legs to participate in the show, and he must strictly follow the principle of unfamiliarity. At this time, helping investors add an advertisement is a reasonable win-win.

Yin Chi has been a variety show director for many years, and he is not surprised. He directed the show team to drive an off-road vehicle to park outside the old house, and raced against time to introduce the stability of fuel consumption configuration.

The camera switched to Mr. Liang, who was carried down the mountain by Mr. Huo himself, and sat firmly in the tea room.

"Kneading is the last step in tea making, after which only drying is used."

Liang Xiao took over the instruction, so calm and cool that she couldn't tell that she had split a fork last night: "Generally, there is a special kneading table for handicrafts, with strips on it, you have to be patient, not fast. Can't be slow."

Liang Xiao has done a lot of work in the tea garden, and now she is still doing it with ease. He gathers the tea ball in the palm of his hand, turns it over and pushes it on the bamboo sheet without haste or slow: "Drying process, baking or There are more fried ones, as well as steamed ones, depending on the type of tea.”

Su Man smashed his own lump, took a look at the tea leaves that Liang Xiao kneaded, and was curious: "Is this how you usually drink tea?"

"Machine is probably popular now." Liang Xiao smiled, "We were mostly manual workers at that time."

The tea leaves in Huo Lan's hand were also broken a lot, Liang Xiao went over to help adjust, and explained patiently: "This can destroy the tissue, squeeze out the tea juice, adhere to the surface, and soak it. The tea soup is excellent."

The host felt that there were some points worth digging into here, and raised the microphone: "Have you really done this work?"

"Almost." Liang Xiao smiled, "It's all the old yellow calendar."

The host did her homework specially and showed Liang Xiao's skillful movements. She sighed: "I don't know if Yun Lian's resumes include tea making in tea gardens..."

Tea was originally very elegant, Yunlian's past was shrouded in mist, and the Jiangnan charm of the suit in the play was matched with the antique tea room, which was unexpectedly harmonious.

"Press and knead briefly."

Liang Xiao thought about the tea-making workshop, which was not at all elegant, but did not break it. He took Huo Lan to try it a few times: "These are tender leaves, so don't use too much force."

Liang Xiao saw that he was still unable to do anything, so he simply moved over: "Lighten up, yes-"

The camera followed Liang Xiao for a while, and watched Mr. Liang pass by Mr. Huo, and quickly passed it to the other guests.

"Mr. Liang is blatantly partial." Meng Feibai laughed and joked, "We also crushed a lot, why didn't we get this treatment?"

"They're not familiar."

Su Man changed his group again, unable to control his strength, and said to the broken leaves in his hands: "We need to communicate more."

This kind of work is undoubtedly particularly unfriendly to alpha, Jiang Pingchao also failed for the third time, put down the tea in his hand, and sighed.

Yin Chi pondered for a while, then his eyes lit up with inspiration: "Whether you have it in the past or not, will it be enough in the future?"

The screenwriter thought of a way with him, and the two of them murmured together for a while, and called a special camera.

Liang Xiao was concentrating on guiding Huo Lan, when he noticed the camera approaching, he couldn't help but wonder, "What do you want to record?"

"Many years later." The screenwriter motioned for him to smile at the camera, "Brothers who have crossed Jiebo are here, we will meet each other with a smile and forget our grudges."

The audience, who was still tortured, cried and sent the blades all over the place.

The online broadcast will be supplemented with some deleted scenes, and the clips that Liang Xiao was filmed by the screenwriter will also be broadcast as Easter eggs, and the ratings will undoubtedly be guaranteed.

But it's the icing on the cake, and of course it can't be missed.

"When the time comes, it will be a small theater." The screenwriter explained while supervising, "The situation is settled, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and brothers Jing Ming and Jingzhe have put aside their previous suspicions and brought their loved ones to visit the tea garden. old friend..."

Writer: "…"

The camera dutifully followed.

Jiang Pingchao made more and more mistakes. Seeing that the pheromone was going to be unstable, Meng Fei quickly protected the innocent tea leaves and stuffed him to Chi Che, who was disguised as FollowPD.

Su Man was clasped by Yu Zhi's hands, softly coaxed to lose his temper, and followed step by step to learn the essentials of operation.

The elegant old friend who opened the tea garden was dressed in the south of the Yangtze River, sitting on the investor's lap, the whole person was firmly circled, rubbing the tea leaves in his hand intently.

The screenwriter pondered for a long time, closed the lens cover, and pulled the director out of the tea room.

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