MTL - The President’s Heartbeat: Mermaid Wife is Adorable-Chapter 1000 Wind Falling Dust VS Jun Ni Bao Fanwai (Sister-controlled Jun Sihan)

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Biquge, the latest update of the president ’s darling: the latest chapter of Mermaid's Wife Meng Meng!

In a flash of time, Dabao and Nibao have been in their third year of high school and will soon be in middle school.

During this period, the pet daughter-in-law spoiled Jun Yue in the sky and took the young daughter-in-law directly to settle abroad. By the way, Erbao Jun Siyi was also taken away.

The name is so beautiful, in order to train Dabao's independence, after all, Dabao will inherit the position of Lacrosse in the future. It is understandable to start from a young age.

However, what Dabao couldn't understand was that exercise was exercise, why did you keep Nibao also.

As the only female doll of the Jun family, it is needless to say how much she is loved.

She has no need to stay and practice any independent ability. As his younger sister, she just needs to be happy and have fun and carefree. For the rest, he is responsible for his brother.

Really when he didn't know what his father was thinking.

Nibao has always been a noisy child since she was a child, and she is a master who can't relax, and she likes to stick to her mummy. Unlike Erbao, wherever you go to sleep, the whole thing is the Sandman.

It is because of this that the father will agree with his mother and take Erbao away. Anyway, Erbao will not affect them, but Nibao is different. If Nibao is with them, it is estimated that Dad would not want to hold his wife. Already.

Humming, old fox, thought he wouldn't see this caution.

To be honest, he very much hopes that Nicole can go abroad. In this case, a shameless guy won't grab his sister with him!

"Brother, the new skirt is so beautiful."

Nibao ran down the stairs like a whirlwind, and reached Dabao, uh, grown up, now it should be called Jun Sihan.

I walked in front of Jun Sihan and pulled the skirt around in excitement: "Brother, do you look good?"

The fifteen-year-old Nibao, who is so beautiful, has a black, silky, long hair scattered casually behind her head, and her pink-carved face is full of youthful innocence. The beauty that is born is exactly the same as when Landuo was fifteen or sixteen years old.

A pair of dark blue eyes are as clear as innocence. It seems that every blink of an eye reveals thousands of styles.

Ni Bao, completely inherited the high value of her parents, and she was so beautiful at a young age.

At this time, she was wearing a bohemian beige dress that Jun Sihan gave her. She was a pure young girl, but she was pretty and **** at the moment.

"Brother, you haven't answered me yet, look good."

Nicole likes this dress very much. This is her favorite gift from her brother recently.

"Sister is always the best looking."

Jun Sihan complimented without hesitation.

His sister is so beautiful, he must pay close attention to it, otherwise what if the simple sister is abducted by someone else?

The younger sister is his. He is the junior's baby. Sweetie, you must not be abducted!

Especially, a shameless guy who hasn't been right with him since he was a kid!

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Jun Sihan was gone, Nie Bo stretched out his little paw and shook his brother's eyes in doubt.

"It's nothing."

Jun Sihan returned to God and took his sister to his side: "I'm about to take the entrance exam, do you want to go to school?"

"Well ... no," Jun Nibao shook her head, "Ah, let me ask the wind and dust."

When he heard the name, Jun Sihan immediately sank his face: "Ask him what to do and what school he wants to go to. It would be better if he chooses or else he would go to the same school as me."

"We and Feng Luochen have been in the same class since kindergarten. Doesn't my brother think it would be great if high school is also in a school?"

Jun Sihan didn't speak.

Don't feel it, annoying to see him.

"Well, my brother said just now that you go to the same school, so has your brother already chosen which school to go to?"