MTL - The President’s Heartbeat: Mermaid Wife is Adorable-Chapter 981 Board the train

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Biquge, the latest update of the president ’s darling: the latest chapter of Mermaid's Wife Meng Meng!

Jun Yu bowed her head, looking like a kid doing something wrong.

As if in front of Junyue, he will always look like a little kid who can break free.

"So what, brother, are we going to get Dasao back?"

And Li Mumu's girl, he didn't want to sleep alone, they just left for a long time, it is a matter of minutes to find them.

"No," Jun Yue got up and stroked the slight folds on his clothes. "Let them play for two days before coming back."

The words were off, and it was like thinking something. Looking up at Jun Yu, who was unhappy, "Don't go to them, just wait until they are happy."

Having said that, he walked out of the hall with his legs raised.

He rushed back immediately after receiving a call from the housekeeper, and the company has accumulated a lot of things waiting for him to handle.

He couldn't hold his daughter-in-law these two days, and Jun Yu didn't even want to hold him. It is absolutely impossible for him to wait for Jun Yu's dog food.

Of course, Xiaoyuer was outside, and he had to be accompanied by a person, so that he could feel at ease, and Li Mumu, who was able to fight with ancient spirits, was definitely the best candidate.

Jun Yu was called a depressed.

How could there be such a bad behavior if he didn't go to his grandmother, and he didn't go to his wife.

He did not dare to disobey his brother's authority.

In the hallway upstairs.

Dabao and Niebo were relieved to watch the drama come to an end.

"Look, Dad doesn't look so bad."

Dabao raised her hand and touched her sister's hair, said softly.

Ni Bao nodded heavily, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

She bit her dad, and she doesn't know if it hurts. Is she angry with her?


Lan Duoduo and Li Mumu were running fast enough, and it was only half a day after they went out that they had boarded the train out of the province.

As for why it is by train rather than by plane, the explanation of Li Mumu is that there is a kind of feel for romantic wanderers by train.

You can also see different scenery along the way, and they do n’t have to hurry, so there is no need to take a plane. Since they are going out to play, why not use a handful of poems and distant interest?

After all, just like this, flickering Landuo on the train.

Of course, Lan Duoduo himself also wanted to take the train.

As a flying fish, airplanes are not uncommon. She has lived in the human world for so many years and she has not even taken a train.

She hadn't even taken such a common transportation, and think of Yusheng as a failure.

With such an idea, Lan Duo Duo followed Li Mumu happily and got on the train to Yuncheng.

Yuncheng is a city with a very developed tourism industry. It not only has national 5A-level scenic spots, but also a lot of rare animals and plants. Many people visit Yuncheng every year.

At the same time, Cloud City is also the preferred shooting location for many film crews. So far, there have been a lot of TV series movies shot in Yuncheng.

Although the scenic spot of Yuncheng is very famous, this is not the reason why Lan Duoduo and Li Mumu went there.

They didn't plan to go to the scenic spot at all. The current scenic spots are all blown out. In fact, when they got there, it wasn't like that.

They went to a small town in Yuncheng, Wutong Town.

Wutong Town is an ancient town with the artistic conception of Xiaoqiao Liushui, where the Indus flowers are very famous all over the country.

Now is the flowering period of the sycamore flower, and they want to see it.

Lan Duoduo sat in his seat, holding his chin in one hand, turned his head slightly, and watched the scenery passing by the window.

In front of him, there seemed to be large swaths of sycamore flowers.

Ah, look forward to it.