MTL - The Puppeteer of Academy City-Chapter 906 deja vu scene

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Using force to overcome ingenuity is always the most effective tactic, especially when the strength gap between the enemy and us is obvious.

Even though Lu Cun has all kinds of skills, he can't hold back the building that Ling Xingye smashed down.


At this moment, Lu Cun suddenly snapped his fingers.

Scene switch!

The surrounding environment changed suddenly. From the concrete forest of city ruins to the endless hot desert.

The building that Ling Xingye cut off with a silk thread and swung it down as a weapon also instantly turned into fine sand and collapsed.

Lu Cun was submerged by this sandstorm, but he did not suffer any substantial damage after all, so he escaped a catastrophe.

"There is another trick?" Ling Xingye was also surprised by what happened in front of him. He didn't expect that when the environment changed, it would change with all the objects in the environment.

Ling Xingye's menacing blow to break the trick with force was broken by this more direct and rude method.

Seeing that the attack failed, Ling Xingye raised his hand again, and the flying blade in his hand turned into a long knife, which looked like a long whip, and slashed on the sand dunes in front of him.

All of a sudden, the sky was filled with dust, and the huge sand dunes burst in response, revealing the buried Lu Cun.

"I found you!" Ling Xingye rushed forward in a few steps and was about to continue attacking.

But Lu Cun stretched out his right hand again, and snapped his fingers with a "snap"...

Scene switch!

Abandoned villages and towns - looking around, everywhere you look is such a deserted and dilapidated scene.

Different from the "concrete forest" scene just now, there are only low buildings in this abandoned village, preferably no more than three floors, so it is difficult for Ling Xingye to use it as a weapon to attack Lucun.

To make matters worse, Ling Xingye's foothold in this scene is the roof of a private house in the village.

But Lu Cun stood steadily on the ground.

Without giving Ling Xingye time to react and think, he saw Lu Cun sacrificing himself and crashing into the house at Ling Xingye's feet.

There was a bang, the house shook twice, and finally it was overwhelmed and collapsed.

Ling Xingye was already one step ahead and jumped off the roof.

Lu Cun turned his head and saw Ling Xingye who landed safely. So, snap your fingers again.


Scene switch - modern city!

This time it is an urban scene that can be seen everywhere, surrounded by tall office buildings.

Ling Xingye raised his eyebrows, feeling that the scene in front of him seemed familiar for no reason.

But before he had time to think about it carefully, at the moment of distraction, Ling Xingye suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

He subconsciously raised his arm to block his neck.

The arm was cold, and then blood gurgled out, and finally there was a burst of late pain.

As if being scratched by some kind of ferocious beast, three slender wounds appeared on his arm.

But Ling Xingye didn't see how the enemy attacked.

"Invisible attack..." Ling Xingye didn't pay too much attention to the injury on his arm. Although the concentration of silver blood in his body was insufficient, it was still no problem to heal such a degree of flesh injury.


"This attack always has a sense of déjà vu... By the way, it was that time!" Ling Xingye seemed to think of when, and suddenly realized.

At this moment, this situation, isn't it the scene of the first battle between myself and Lu Cun during the summer vacation?

The invisible attack was the special weapon used by Lucun at that time—the Yan-shaped dart made of special materials with a transparency of more than 99%.

"Do you think the same attack will still be effective?" Ling Xingye said.

Even if he can't see it, as long as he knows the secret of the attack, Ling Xingye can resolve it—his strength now is vastly different from what it was a few months ago.

Sure enough, as he said, the next few rounds of attacks by Lu Cun were directly intercepted by him in mid-air with silk threads, and he couldn't get close to him at all.

At this moment, Lu Cun raised his hand and snapped his fingers again.

Ling Xingye immediately made preparations, but this time the scene has not changed, it is still a modern city.

It's just that the two came to the roof of a certain building from the flat ground just now.

The sense of chaos brought about by the scene change made Ling Xingye feel dizzy before his eyes, but the moment he relaxed, his body suddenly burst into blood.

The invisible Yan-shaped dart finally showed its power again.

"It's quite capable, bastard!" Ling Xingye pulled out a swallow-shaped dart stuck in the wound, and crushed it with force with his fingers.

Ling Xingye originally thought that this "outdated" trick could no longer cause him any harm, but who would have expected that the other party would soon slap him in the face with the facts.

In the semi-permanent field in the swimming pool, a simple "scene switching" function was played by Lucun. Not only can it be used as "space movement", it can also be used as an interrupt skill.

Using the sense of time and space disorder caused by scene switching, Lucun revived the outdated attack methods.

Ling Xingye was disgusted by this set of combo skills. Although Yan-shaped darts have limited attack power, it's not a problem to be harassed by these gadgets all the time.

So he used a silk thread to protect the change, ignored the attack of the Yan-shaped dart, and rushed towards Lu Cun.

Of course Lu Cun would not let him approach him easily, so he snapped his fingers one after another.

The scene didn't change, but every time he snapped his fingers, the distance between him and Ling Xingye would increase out of thin air. So much so that Ling Xingye was never able to arrest him and bring him to justice.

The field's home court advantage is undeniable.

To be able to fight against a domain, there is only another domain—this is a "common sense" circulated among silver puppet masters.

Although the semi-permanent field cannot be regarded as Lu Cun's Pot of Realm, it is better than Ling Xingye, who currently cannot use the Pot of Realm.

So much so that after a chase, Ling Xingye's mentality also collapsed a bit.

"Did you call me here just to play hide and seek with you?"

"This is my fighting style," Lu Cun responded from a distance, "There is no way, after all, you are too strong. In order to win, I have to take some measures."

Lu Cun didn't lie, he knew that if he competed for strength, he was no longer Ling Xingye's opponent.

After all, their new-style silver is generally somewhat weaker than the old-style silver.

What's more, Lu Cun, known as the "Silver Mist Magician", is not the type who is good at confrontation.

In the past, he had bullied Ling Xingye and hadn't fully grown up, so he could fight him repeatedly, evenly matched.

Lucun started from an ordinary place, but counterattacked step by step to reach the present situation, which can be described as going against the sky!

If there is no field, try to find a way to create a field by yourself.

In order to obtain the corresponding technology, he even did not hesitate to cooperate with the automatic puppets and use their technology to build this semi-permanent field.

Unlike the real pot in the world, this semi-permanent field has no special effects, and the only ability is scene switching.

But even such a simple function has been played by Lucun to create an advantage for itself.

In the modern city, the two chased and fled, jumping and shuttling between buildings.

Just like the first battle between Ling Xingye and Lu Cun.

Lu Cun carefully maintained the rhythm, hung Ling Xingye behind him, and attacked with various long-range weapons.

At this moment, a third figure suddenly rushed out from the side.

His whole body was covered in black robes, like a jet of black lightning, he charged towards Lu Cun.

Substitute puppet!

Lu Cun immediately realized the identity of the other party.

Ling Xingye is a puppet master, but in today's battle, his puppet never appeared, and he shot it himself.

—It’s not a and it’s not a clown, it’s just an ordinary stand-in puppet.

Lu Cun made a judgment and solved this puppet first.

So, he snapped his fingers and moved Ling Xingye far away.

Then take the opportunity to concentrate their strength and take away the puppets in one wave!

Turning around and clenching his fist, Lu Cun exerted all his strength, and his fist blasted out like a battering ram!

"I've caught you!" The puppet in front of him suddenly raised his head and smiled.

The silk thread between the hands is intertwined into a net, wrapping around Lu Cun's fist, and hugging it tightly.

Ling Xingye's unique skill - puppet. Double dance.

"Don't waste time," Ling Xingye said, "let's finish it."

Lu Cun's face tightened, and he immediately calmed down: "Come on, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Read The Last Adventurer
Read Paladin of the Dead God