MTL - The Puppeteer of Academy City-Chapter 929 you are too slow

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On the ninety-ninth floor of the Tower of God, Ling Qianji and Bai Jin launched a domain battle.

Before Yiduanlan Festival, the two of them once had a similar duel. "Thousand Machine Workshop" and "Platinum Star", the fields of the two collided and blended with each other, and finally turned into a huge spherical chaotic body, containing terrifying energy capable of blowing up half a city.

But Ling Qianji knew that, in fact, that time, there was no real war between him and Bai Jin.

Using Huzhongjie and Fangcunshan is just a means for them to show their strength to each other. Then, using the Chaos Domain as a cover, the two negotiated—agreed on matters such as "mutual non-aggression" and "information exchange".

Of course, this is just their verbal agreement, and its authenticity cannot be counted on.

Just look at Ling Qianji's decisive attack on the floating fortress this time.

"It was at Aleister's home court at the time, and I was not in my prime, so I let you escape." Platinum said, "Now that you have thrown yourself into the trap, it seems that you are ready to die!"

"It's not certain who will win the battle!" Ling Qianji responded sharply.

With a sound of swiping, he briefly entered the "Thousand Machine Workshop" in the Pot Middle Realm again to refresh his physical state.

Seeing that the result of his long-term fight was completely canceled out by the opponent's "refresh", Platinum just snorted coldly. At the same time, liquid metal flowed out of his body, repairing the damage and returning to the original state.

Both sides have self-repair ability, but the irony is that Ling Qianji on the side of "Silver" is actually a puppet, and his "refresh repair" is actually replacing the spare Parts or even whole bodies.

On the contrary, it is Bai Jin, who is Yanshi, who uses his "platinum blood" to heal wounds—this is the orthodox silver puppet master's ability.

Bai Jin was not in a hurry, and just spent time with Ling Qianji patiently. The two played ping-pong-pong for a long time, but they were still unscathed.

Bai Jin was still calm, but Ling Qianji gradually became restless.

—The enemy is fighting at home, so his self-recovery will not deplete his own strength, and he can even get supplementary blessings from the domain. And his own recovery must rely on the world in the pot, and he must actually consume the blood of silver and the resource reserves accumulated before.

Under the ebb and flow, the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for Ling Qianji!

Ling Qianji was "burning" his silver blood, so as to gain the strength to fight against the enemy.

"Hey, Ling Qianji." Platinum asked suddenly, "Are your reserves still enough?"

"You don't care." Ling Qianji said coldly.

"Do you know why I am willing to spend time with you?" Platinum continued, "Just like you, I am also waiting for Ling Xingye's arrival."

Ling Qianji's heart sank.

"You don't know the ability of my 'Platinum Star', do you?" Platinum continued, "As the God of Puppets, I have the ability to 'touch' all things. Just like this..."

As he said that, Bai Jin suddenly volleyed and pointed at a piece of wreckage at Ling Qianji's feet - that was the part of Ling Qianji's left leg that was broken just now.

The next moment, the wreckage suddenly jumped up, and when it fell back to the ground, it turned into a small puppet! His hands were a pair of sharp spikes, and he rushed towards Ling Qianji fiercely.

Ling Qianji waved his knife, split the little puppet, and then cut it into pieces with a blade of light.

"If you lose your body and have to live in the body of a puppet, your silver blood will become water without a source. I wonder how much of your own blood you have left?" Bai Jin said.


Ling Qianji's expression became more and more ugly, this guy Bai Jin wanted to "enchant" himself!

"It seems to be at the top!" Lily shouted, bowing her head.

"It seems that this is the place, and there are many more enemies encountered at this level." Ling Xingye also nodded.

"But I only counted to the ninety-ninth floor?" Saten Saten said.

"It seems that it is not so easy to think of the hundredth floor." Ling Xingye said, "In short, let's go first."

Lily nodded, and opened the small door on the ninety-ninth floor.

A chilling atmosphere gushed out from the door.

"It's Master!" The troublemaker rushed out suddenly.

"Wait, don't run around!" Saten Ruiko hurriedly chased after her.

"It seems that we have come to the right place." Ling Xingye shrugged.

Passing through the maintenance passage, the group came to the lobby on the ninety-ninth floor.

I saw Saten Renko and Troublemaker, who arrived earlier, standing at the door, staring blankly at the front.

"What's the matter... Oh, I'm getting serious." Ling Xingye looked over.

There was no one in the vast hall, but it was not difficult to see from the damage that could be seen everywhere that the place had just experienced a brutal battle.

In the center of the hall, there is a palm-sized mountain and a simple pot floating in the air. The two are about three meters apart, facing each other from a distance.

"Fangcunshan, the world in the pot." Ling Xingye approached a few steps and observed carefully, "Ling Qianji's situation is not good!"

There are obvious chips and cracks in the kettle.

"Master!" The troublemaker became even more anxious.

"Master..." Saten Leizi also turned to look at Ling Xingye.

"Don't mess around." Ling Xingye ordered, "Lily, attack!"

"It's been ready for a long time!" Lily was so angry that her whole body seemed to be on fire.

She opened her palm, and hot blood dripped down like a ruby.

"Extremely hot bomb!"

The extremely hot bullets containing endless heat bombarded Fangcunshan.

Thirteen hits in one go!

Even Fangcunshan, the platinum **** of puppet, couldn't withstand such a violent attack for external defense.

Ling Xingye made preparations, and waited for the moment when the Platinum Fangcun Mountain showed a flaw, and took the opportunity to break into the battlefield.

At that time, he and Ling Qianji will join forces for two against one, so what if Platinum is even stronger?

But before Ling Xingye could find an opportunity, both sides on the opposite side suddenly disbanded the domain at the same time. Two figures appeared from their respective domains.

Seeing this, Lily fired the fourteenth extreme temperature bullet at Platinum without the slightest hesitation.

Platinum, who had just come out of Fangcun Mountain, was also unambiguous. He caught the mass of ultra-high temperature material with one hand, and then threw it aside.

With a bang, the walls of the tower were ignited and burned blazingly. But because the tower body is incombustible, the flames quickly extinguished, leaving a huge hole.

Lily was shocked by his tough countermeasures. It was the first time she saw a "person" who dared to pick up her extremely hot bomb with bare hands!

Of course, Platinum was not unscathed, his left hand was eroded by high temperature, leaving only the inner metal skeleton.

Liquid metal—platinum blood gushes out immediately to cover his hands, quickly repairing the damaged parts.

Opposite Platinum, Ling Qianji also appeared in front of everyone. His condition is much worse, his whole body is full of damage and scars, and even the lines and pipes in his body can be seen, which is quite miserable.

Bai Jin raised his left hand, which was being repaired, and pointed it at Ling Qianji.

More platinum blood gushed out from his wound, covering Ling Qianji's whole body.

Soon, Ling Qianji's wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But obviously, this is not good news.

Platinum's movements were quick, and Ling Qianji seemed to be too heavily injured, so he didn't have much energy and consciousness to resist, so the whole "treatment" operation went very smoothly.

Before Ling Xingye's flying blade had time to slash the enemy, Ling Qianji shot him and also intercepted him with a silk thread.

"You came too slowly!" Ling Qianji stood in front of him, his eyes flickering.

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