MTL - The Puppeteer of Academy City-Chapter 937 fireworks

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Time back to half an hour ago.

A high-speed transport plane traveled thousands of miles to the airspace near the floating fortress.

Excessive chaos, the stroke that squeezed the limit of the body made this transport plane close to the limit. Two of the four engines have been scrapped, and the remaining two are also violently surging, and there is a possibility of strike or even disintegration at any time.

In the cabin, Kumiko Yanaka unbuckled her seat belt, threw herself on the passenger seat, and looked at the instrument panel in fear. Looking around, there were red lights of warning lights everywhere, and the alarm bells in the cabin were endless, which was disturbing.

All the signs at the moment indicate that the plane is not in good condition and may crash at any time!

—At this time, they were at an altitude above 50,000 meters.

Even as a magician and senior mercenary, Kumiko Yanaka has never tried to escape by parachuting at this height.

Thanks to the reliable performance of the aircraft produced by Academy City, it is still able to maintain normal flight until now!

"Stay a little longer, we are only a hundred kilometers away from the floating fortress!" Kumiko Yanaka prayed in her heart.

But things backfired, and suddenly there was another sharp alarm sound in the cabin.

Enemy attack! This is the alarm sound triggered when it is locked by the enemy's radar, and it is especially harsh when mixed with a bunch of various alarm bells.

Kumiko Yanaka's heart tightened, but she reacted immediately. This is normal - being targeted by enemy air defenses.

But it just shows that they are close enough to the destination.

"Is this good news?" Kumiko Yanaka said, "But the problem is, I'm just a transport plane!"

And she is not an ace pilot, she just mastered some piloting skills, which is barely usable. It is really difficult to maneuver a heavy transport plane to avoid attacks.

Suddenly, there was a burst of blue light in the rear cabin, and a thick beam of light could be seen penetrating the fuselage and projecting on the medical cabin.

The medical cabin vibrated violently, resonating with the blue light beam, and even the entire plane trembled together.

"As expected!" Lu Cun said excitedly, his voice echoing endlessly through the speaker cabin, "You really did it! As expected of "Thousand Machine Changes", you actually forced Platinum God to go this far!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Lu Cun immediately urged loudly, "Time is running out, send me to the city center immediately!"

"No!" Kumiko Yanaka also shouted, "The anti-aircraft firepower is too dense, we can't get close!"

She took over control of the plane and was driving it around the floating fortress, avoiding enemy attacks.

The previous action team from Academy City and Silver dropped directly from a higher altitude without touching the air defense siren.

"I don't care, quickly find a way for me!" Lu Cun said firmly, "I must seize the opportunity to reach the battlefield!"

"Even if you say so, boss..." Kumiko Yanaka curled her lips, showing a troubled expression.

"Teleport, use your teleportation magic!" Lu Cun suggested.

"No, no," Kumiko Yanaka shook her head repeatedly, "I can only go to the places I have been to, and the magic is quite rough, boss, your current state is not suitable for using that."

"In short, you must find a way to send me to my destination!" Lu Cun said stubbornly, "We have cooperated for so long, this is my last order."

"I should have gotten a fighter jet if I knew it earlier..." Kumiko Yanaka muttered, "I want to double the bonus!"

"No problem!" Lu Cun agreed, "I'll give you the company, and then you can deal with it as you want!"

"Really? But I haven't planned to change careers yet..." Kumiko Yanaka said, immediately handed over control of the plane to the puppet, turned her head and left the cockpit.

"Anyway, just make sure that the plane breaks through the air defense network." She opened the hatch and turned over to the fuselage.

Seeing the missile flying in the distance with a long trail, Kumiko Yanaka ignited the bomb in her hand.

boom boom boom...

Explosions sounded one after another around the transport plane.

Kumiko Yanaka turned into a humanoid close-in defense system and used her own explosives to detonate in advance to destroy all incoming missiles. Also destroyed more than a dozen incoming flying puppets.

Escorting the transport plane all the way broke into the sky above the floating fortress.

It can also be seen from this that the defense force of the floating fortress has been insufficient, otherwise it would not be possible to rely entirely on the automatic air defense system to deal with the invading aircraft; at least one Yanshi would be dispatched to deal with it.

"We're coming in! Boss, prepare to make an emergency landing!!" Kumiko Yanaka shouted to Mike at the collar.

For the bonus, she risked her life all the way to fight against the Yanshi organization's specialized version of the modern air defense system. Although she barely escorted the plane in, it was by no means foolproof.

No matter how powerful she is, she is only a mere person, and the area she can defend is limited.

The large transport plane below her was too big for her.

The huge fuselage is the best target for anti-aircraft firepower.

Kumiko Yanaka blocked all the missiles and flying puppets, but not every shell.

As a result, transport aircraft were sieved by relatively unsophisticated anti-aircraft guns. Especially the pair of wings, which were riddled with holes and broke directly in the air.

Lucun's medical cabin was placed in the thickest part of the fuselage armor, so it survived.

Therefore, rather than "break through the air defense system and break in", "crash to the floating fortress" is a more accurate expression.

Kumiko Yanaka shouted for "forced landing", but she could only hope that the fall would not be too shattered.

No matter how tense the battle situation in the floating fortress was, seeing such a big guy flying in, the local automatic puppets reacted immediately.

The densely packed automatic puppets swarmed over, making the scalps of those watching feel numb.

"Oh, I might lose money on this order!" Kumiko Yanaka smiled wryly, "'s my job to use people's money to eliminate disasters for others."

She took out two more tubes of dynamite, cut open the casing, and spilled the flames inside.

The black gunpowder floated in the air, and under the control of Kumiko Yanaka, a rough and gorgeous magic circle was drawn.

"Remember," Kumiko Yanaka took out the last cigarette in the pack, and took out a disposable lighter to light it, "Never push a gunpowder magician into a corner. You won't like the result... well, with It doesn’t make sense for these puppets to say, so be it.”

Taking a deep she exhaled the cigarette.

The cigarette **** ignited the black magic circle, and a magnificent explosion appeared.

Over the city, a huge flaming red lotus bloomed.

The petals formed by the raging fire slowly opened, then closed immediately, and finally exploded into a mushroom cloud that rose slowly.

The automatic puppets surrounded by them were wiped out, and the ones a little further away were also blown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

The whole sky is empty.

Moments before Kumiko Yanaka's magic was activated, the belly hatch of the transport plane opened, and a medical cabin was launched, like a missile.

Under the cover of a grand "firework show", no one cared about the whereabouts of a "missile" that did not explode.

In the end, the medical cabin accurately hit the intended target—the low building in the center of the city.

A few minutes later, Lucun successfully exited the cabin.

Read The Duke's Passion