MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 102

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Guo Zhi handed over the letter of resignation. Boss Xu of the department hugged his belly as if he was pregnant for six months, hummed for a long time, and then signed the human resources resignation form sadly.

Before the vacation, Guo Zhi had handed over the work, and it was just a finishing touch. Quickly, decisively, and neatly picked up everything that should be picked up. On stday, the group organized a dinner for her. Boss Xu asked quietly, "Tell me the truth, where did you jump to?"

"I didn't jump anywhere, I planned to do it myself." Guo Zhi confessed.

Guo Zhi from a fresh graduate who didn't know anything, entered the company as a trainee, and has been under the leadership of Mr. Xu, all the way to the present. Boss Xu has witnessed her growth with his own eyes.

This girl is talented, enthusiastic, and responsible. All together, she is capable. She has reached the top in the company's ranks. At this time, whether to stay or not depends on the character.

Boss Xu knows Guo Zhi very well. In addition to her ability, this girl has ambition. She fluttered her wings and flew solo, which was also expected by Boss Xu.

Feeling her stomach and feeling sad for a while, since she lost a general, Boss Xu sighed and raised a glass to wish her success.

"Thank you for your blessing" Guo Zhi smiled and thanked him.

After the meal, Guo Zhi brushed his sleeves and left K's house.

Following the busy days.

In a large company, there is a mature platform built by the company, and employees only need to perform their duties within the scope of their responsibilities. Leaving this platform, starting an independent business, and even buying a few trash cans in the office, she needs to make the decision herself.

Liao Yuan watched Guo Zhi lose weight. Her chin has become sharper and her waist has become thinner. In this world where thinness is beauty, from the eyes of ordinary men, she will feel more beautiful. Only Liao Yuan didn't think so.

Seeing the little flesh on the cheeks and the round arms that he finally raised for her after he moved in, they all shrunk. of.

Only on the days when he and she are eating at home, they can only make delicious food for her in different ways. But Guo Zhi often came back very late, and Liao Yuan had nothing to do.

It even affects their **** life.

Guo Zhi is often so tired that he falls asleep, even if he is doing it, he has some coping. Liao Yuan was at a young age, but because he felt sorry for her, he did not dare to ask for too much.

If you are dissatisfied with your desires like this, you will naturally feel depressed, so you almost have to write the word "resentful husband" on your face.

Occasionally I can't help but complain to Limbaugh.

In his opinion, Guo Zhi's income is already quite rich, she earns more than many men. He felt that she was already very good, and he still couldn't understand why she gave up a stable position in a big company like K's, and insisted on working hard to start a business.

"You don't understand." Limbaugh has a deep understanding of this, "In any company, as long as you are not the boss, you are always just a screw. No matter how high your position is, you are also a A bigger screw. And some people are unwilling and just use it as a screw."

He and Guo Zhi are both such people. So we can understand each other so deeply.

"Entrepreneurship is a big pit. The further you go, the bigger the pit. But from another perspective, the further you go, the more awesome people will come with you. The process of filling the pit is painful and joyful. In the end, you fill the pit into a mountain, and you stand on the top of the mountain and look down, and the scenery you see will be different." Limbo was smoking a cigarette and was very emotional.

Liao Yuan can understand what he said, but he can't empathize. He felt that his life with Guo Zhi recently was in a very bad state. This made him feel worried, and he couldn't help sighing and frowning.

Lin Bo kept Liao Yuan's appearance in his eyes. He couldn't help but think of the early stage of his business, and he was also exhausted every day.

Guo Zhi is not the type of woman who is good at housework and has a good wife and mother. When he got home, she wouldn't take his briefcase at the porch like a little bird, and sweetly said "It's hard work". She couldn't do this kind of gesture.

He therefore felt a sense of disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Once he came back late and didn't have time to eat, he called her on the way and asked her to make him something to eat. She hesitated on the phone, but agreed anyway.

He went home and had a hot meal, but her cooking skills were really hard to compliment. He was very unhappy eating, so they had some unpleasant language that day. In fact, Limbo couldn't remember what he said that day, but he could recall Guo Zhi's pale face under the lights of the restaurant. She looked at him silently, with unspeakable disappointment in her eyes.

They slept back to back that day. He came back the next day to find that all her belongings were gone. She moved out of his apartment.

After two days of calm, she broke up with him.

After Lin Bo recalled this, he felt an indescribable heavy feeling in his heart for some reason.

He looked at Liao Yuan unhappily, and suddenly remembered that Guo Zhi really couldn't be as soft as he expected, and he was a little bird. But she never complained.

Yes, she never complained about his late return, drunkenness, the smell of perfume on his body and the occasional irritability caused by excessive stress.

She knew what he was doing, she knew how important it was to him, and how difficult it was. So she never acted like an ordinary girl, played with her temper, or complained. She supports him wholeheartedly and trusts him.

So when she finally realized his intention to find fault and distance, her eyes would have such deep disappointment.

Lin Bo stared at the mahogany desk in a trance and took two puffs.

Press the cigarette **** in the ashtray

Liao Yuan couldn't resonate with the feelings about entrepreneurship that Lin Bo said. In terms of Guo Zhi's work, he can't help much, and he wants to make her fat again, but Lin Bo has arranged a lot of work for him, saying that he is in a period of rapid growth and cannot relax.

It made Liao Yuan particularly tangled.

He really wanted to quit those jobs and go home and cook for Guo Zhi. Guo Zhi is so busy now that he doesn't even have time to go to the restaurant, and is often a work lunch. Liao Yuan was worried that she would not eat well.

But more work means more money. He is now worth 100,000 episodes of TV dramas. The original intention of his hard work was to make more money, buy a car, buy a house, and marry Guo Zhi.

Liao Yuan was tangled up and frowning.

Under the operation of Limbo, he received a new drama, this time it is a fashion drama, because the background is in the Shanghai market, so he went to the Shanghai market to shoot the location.

He was leaving the next day. He wanted to wait for Guo Zhi to come back the night before, but he fell asleep and Guo Zhi did not come back. He was also tired during the day, and when he fell asleep, it was hard to wake him up.

I was awakened from a deep sleep, but was woken up by Guo Zhi.

There was alcohol on her body, which suppressed his enthusiasm.

"Liao Yuan, Liao Yuan" she laughed, "I received the account today, the first payment"

Liao Yuan rubbed his eyes, not understanding what she said.

But the way she drank it reminded him of the first time they were together. Alcohol fuming, sparks flying everywhere. His heart became hot.

While she was drunk, she was indulgent.

The next day, the two of them barely got up. Squeezed in front of the sink in the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, Liao Yuan asked her why she was so happy yesterday.

"I made money." Guo Zhi rolled his eyes, "The first payment has been credited, and it has arrived."

She gurgled her mouth clean and wiped her face with a towel. He sighed: "Before the pressure was too great, it was not recorded in the account, and I was burning Qing Xia's money every day. Now the pressure is much less, and in addition to what I am doing now, I have already arranged two projects, I will give The tasks I set for this quarter are definitely no problem.”

Liao Yuan was happy for her, hugged her and said, "I'm going to fly in the morning, I'll celebrate for you when I come back."

"Where are you going?" Guo Zhi asked. She's been too busy recently, and the two of them would fall asleep when they came home for two or three days, and didn't talk properly.

"Go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and shoot the location."

"Hey, Shanghai market, I'll be there the day after tomorrow, and the tickets are all booked."

"Do you have time to see me?" Liao Yuan asked expectantly.

The puppy-like eyes made Guo Zhi laugh. "Depending on the situation, if the talks go well, there will be time."

"Oh" Liao Yuan became happy, "It will be all right."

"According to your auspicious words, hey, my waist" Guo Zhi rubbed his waist and said, "Why is my whole body not feeling well? What did I do yesterday?"

Guo Zhi looked at him suspiciously, he seduced her, hugged her and kissed her again. It turned her from being suspicious to being confused. The faint-hearted one let him go.

She also flew to the Shanghai stock market the next day. Liao Yuan is really good, and the negotiation with the client went smoothly. She used less time than expected, and when she found time, she went to the filming site to visit the class.

Liao Yuan was too happy.

There were still some Alphas who came to visit the class, but Guo Zhi's status as a sister-in-law was publicly recognized by the Alphas, and Liao Yuan and Liao Yuan didn't have to cover up at all, and showed their affection generously. Fans sent a lot of gifts to Liao Yuan, and even to Guo Zhi.

Although Guo Zhi had visited the class before, but it was in the big studio of the film and television city at that time, and the management was strict, and the fans could not enter. So this is the first time Guo Zhi has faced the enthusiasm of fans.

This is the real intuitive feeling that "Liao Yuan has begun to become popular".

Liao Yuan was very happy this day, not only because Guo Zhi came to visit the class, but also because he received a text message about the change of bank card balance today. All the money for the upper costume drama has been received.

He forwarded the text message to Guo Zhi.

He originally wanted to change the mobile phone number of the notification SMS to Guo Zhi's mobile phone number. He was stopped by Guo Zhi.

"You have to know your own money"

In this way, every time he receives a change message, he forwards it to Guo Zhi.

After he sent the text message, he calculated the remuneration of the drama currently being filmed, as well as the various variety shows that have already appeared and are expected to appear.

"Guo Zhi" He was as happy as a sophomore, hugging Guo Zhi against her head, "At this rate, I may be able to buy a house before marriage"

Guo Zhi was speechless and funny when he mentioned this.

At a dinner party in Linbo's company, Assistant Huang asked Liao Yuan at the dinner table, what is his ideal in life, and what do he plan to do after earning money.

Liao Yuan was too drunk at the time, and he said the truth: "I have to buy a house, buy a car, prepare a dowry, and then marry Guo Zhi"

"By the way, I have to get my account book," he said.

After the assistant took him home, he was heard muttering in the car along the way: "Where is the account book, where is my account book?"

Find a way of account book.

Guo Zhi laughed until his stomach hurt. Liao Yuan's ears turned red from the laughter, and he used his method to ruthlessly retaliate against Guo Zhi, making her whole body red before giving up.

Now listening to him say that again, Guo Zhi's eyes crooked with laughter.

"Awesome." She praised him.

But Liao Yuan was worrying about gains and losses again.

"Guo Zhi, if the time comes, if the money is not enough to buy a house, can you, can you?" Liao Yuan acted like a spoiled child, "Can we get married first, then I will work hard to make money and buy a house quickly"

It's a bit embarrassing to say this, but let's talk about Guo Zhi first

"Okay." Guo Zhi patted his hand, "Go and find the account book first."

Finally, I couldn't help laughing.

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