MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 107

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Come back on Monday night and bring back two stacks of cash to Guo Zhi.

"What money?" Guo Zhi asked.

"My ex-girlfriend paid me back."

"How is it cash?" Guo Zhi is strange.

Liao Yuan said honestly: "She said it was inconvenient to transfer money, and she had to meet to pay cash."

"Meet" Guo Zhi's tone was slightly different.

Liao Yuan's eyes lit up

"Jealous" He hugged Guo Zhi, his eyes curled.

"Tsk no." Guo Ye didn't admit it.

"To lie is to be jealous" Liao Yuan smiled happily.

"Tsk" Guo Zhi hummed, "So see you"

Borrow money or something. The ex-girlfriend is in trouble and asks for help. If Liao Yuan really stands by, Guo Zhi will feel chills.

Really, think about the man you love now and die, who knows if we can get together in the future. Thinking that you might also become an "ex" girlfriend in the future, if you really encounter something and ask for help, he will be indifferent, and it will be chilling if you love deeply now.

So Guo Zhi didn't mind Liao Yuan's help when his predecessor asked for help. Instead, she supports his behavior.

But the transfer is inconvenient, you have to meet for cash or something


Guo Zhi is also not made of stone, she also has emotions and desires, as well as joys and sorrows. It's impossible not to eat vinegar at all.

What's more, the former's skills are not very clever. Although Guo Zhi is straightforward, he is not stupid.

"If you admit to being jealous, I'll tell you if you've met." Liao Yuan smiled.

More bargains

Guo Zhi grabbed his face and pulled him to both sides, turning the handsome guy into a handsome pot: "Hmph, hurry up!"

"Ouch, oops, tap it" Liao Yuan rubbed his face and said aggrieved, "Of course I'm gone. I asked Dawei to go."


"Yesterday. She called in the morning and asked to see you in the evening."

Guo Zhi: "Huh."

On my birthday, I really care.

"Guo Zhi" Liao Yuan lay on Guo Zhi's shoulder like a big bear, rubbing.

The more unhappy Guo Zhi is, the happier he is.

It's so beautiful to be jealous

He hadn't told her what David said.

"When I saw me, my face turned blue." Dawei gasped with laughter, "Emma, ​​you didn't see that face"

"Western restaurant, steak also prepared a birthday cake for you. People come prepared" he said.

"What you paid for" asked Liao Yuan. If Dawei pays the bill, he will reimburse him.

. "I saw that her face was very ugly, and I thought she had to turn her face. She was able to bear it, chatted with me for an hour, and cried. She said that things are not going well, she broke up with that man, I regret it, and I want to see you again. See you, I'll tell you what I'm sorry for, don't be soft-hearted."

Liao Yuan gave a noncommittal "um".

"What the hell. It's not good now and I regret it. Who forced her to choose the way I did. I just hummed and ordered the most expensive steak. I watched her eat it. After waiting for me to pay the bill, I said, this cake belongs to Liao Yuan, I will bring it to him. She will buy the bill." Dawei patted his belly proudly, recalling the supper last night, Praise: "The cake is good, what about the black swan, high-end"

Liao Yuan silently gave Dawei a like. But he did not comment on the girl Mu Rong. Guo Zhi said that he should stay on the line as a person. Although there is no possibility or necessity to see her again in the future, he does not want to say anything about her.

The past is past, anyway.

"Hey, Liao Yuan, let me tell you, don't be confused." When Dawei said at the end, thinking of Liao Yuan's soft temperament, he became worried again, "I will tell you Say she wants to call you again, don't pay attention to her anymore. I see that she is doing well, and buying cakes is so expensive, it doesn't seem like she has no money. She just came up with a fool.

"Don't worry." Liao Yuan said.

He took out a cigarette, and David and David each, nodded and took a breath. After going out for a while, he said, "You know, Brother Li and Brother Sun, they have not contacted me in recent months. Xu Jun, Zhao Maocheng, Er Feng, and Gao Shengyang have several more. I called and said to get together and have a meal or something."

He took a few puffs of cigarettes silently before saying, "People are really different."

Listening to his words, Dawei felt relieved.

"You just need to understand in your heart. I'm afraid that Mu Rong will cry and pretend to be pitiful, and you will be soft-hearted. Hey, you are too soft-hearted." Dawei said, and sang emotionally, "You It's just that the heart is too soft~ The heart is too soft~ I cry alone until dawn~ You love that ouch without any regrets."

Liao Yuan punched him and smiled: "Go away."

He said, "Look at my schedule. Someday I have time to call Brother Li and Brother Sun. Let's have a meal and get together." Friends, relatives Ye Hao, often move around, in order to maintain the relationship. If you don't see each other for a long time, you will naturally become distant.

Liao Yuan didn't want to be alienated from those who really cared about him and treated him well.

Listening to what he said, Dawei laughed until his white teeth appeared.

The careful thoughts of Mu Rong, anyone who Liao Yuan has never seen her can guess. But he didn't plan to tell Guo Zhi all. Guo Zhi was a little jealous, but he was satisfied. It really made Guo Zhi unhappy, it wasn't his intention.

He wants her to be full of energy and vitality every day.

Looking at it makes people happy.

"It's just this time. There's no next time." Guo Zhi gritted his teeth.

Guo Zhi has no objection if you really need help or something. But this ex has to make it clear that if she wants to get back together, she will go as far as she wants.

Knowing to guard their territory, not only male lions show their fangs, but male lions are afraid.

"There will be no next time" Liao Yuan promised. Knowing what Mu Rong is thinking, he won't care about her next time.

Guo Zhi was a little satisfied, and felt that her second child was actually quite good.

Pulling his face and pulling.

Liao Yuan grabbed her hands and lowered his head to cover her lips.

Guo Zhi's hand was released.

Suck, penetrate, hook. Hard to tell. When the two are in love, these things are so beautiful that it is intoxicating.

Feel Guo Zhi's warmth and moisture, and the softness of her body in her arms. Liao Yuan has a sense of peace and quiet in the years.

This quiet and beautiful feeling fueled his ambition. He stared at Guo Zhiqing's closed eyebrows, he hesitated for a long time on the bridge of his nose, and finally summoned up his courage.

"Guo Zhi" he called her softly.

"En" Guo Zhi opened his eyes, and was taken into Liao Yuantan's dark and deep eyes. She couldn't help but be startled.

"What's wrong" she asked.

Liao Yuan was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "Can you keep some distance from Brother Lin?"

For a moment, Guo Zhi didn't know how to face Liao Yuan.

Some stunned, some unexpected, some embarrassed, and some embarrassed.

Even, there was some panic.

She took a few seconds to settle down, and said abruptly: "You" and then she couldn't go on.

Liao Yuan looked into her eyes and said with certainty, "Brother Lin is that person, right?"

Guo Zhi didn't answer, just looked at him with complicated eyes.

There are memories, pains, reluctance, struggles, and finally relief.

She let out a sigh of relief and asked him, "How did you know and when did you know?"

"It's been a while" Liao Yuan lowered his eyes.

In fact, from the beginning, he had a subtle feeling. Guo Zhi treats Lin Bo differently than he treats others.

Those feelings are hard to describe, subtle and invisible, but everywhere. The way she looked at him, the tone in which she mentioned him, the trust she had in him Liao Yuan once felt that he was too suspicious and narrow-minded.

Guo Zhi and Lin Bo are both people he admires. Lin Bo's aura is even stronger than Guo Zhi. Liao Yuan was impressed by his maturity and calmness, his sophistication and tact, and his calmness and manners.

In general, women mostly pursue a sense of security, especially women of a certain age.

Among his female fans, the most radical and crazy ones are all little girls. A mature woman like Guo Zhi, in reality, if she chooses, Liao Yuan admits in frustration that she is more likely to choose Limbo than herself.

Limbo is the ideal type for many women. Or, it may be Guo Zhi's.

After all, they were in love.

When the news of Gu Qingxia's death came, he was always by Guo Zhi's side. Guo Zhi had been holding on to his emotions, but when he heard Lin Bo's voice, he burst into tears.

At that moment, Liao Yuan was deeply affected.

He later recalled it carefully and deeply. Finally understand that for Guo Zhi, he is not a man who can be relied on with confidence.

In her mind, he may still be just a "boy".

To her, Limbaugh is the "man".

The gap in between is a gulf. It will take many years for him to pass. This made him very depressed for a while.

Guo Zhi asked for marriage at that time, like a spring breeze, blowing away the fog in front of his eyes.

What about the chasm? Give him enough time and he won't be a "boy" forever. Even Limbaugh must have grown from a "boy" to a "man", right?

He suffers, being born thirteen years later than him. But he couldn't just admit defeat because of that.

Guo Zhi wants to marry him. The person Guo Zhi wants to marry and spend his life with is him, not Lin Bo. no

He was chosen by Guo Zhi, how could he admit defeat.

But at the same time, he couldn't stand the wordless intimacy between Guo Zhi and Lin Bo. Upright and bright, people are blameless, but sullen in his chest, making him unhappy and worried all the time.

He remembered what Guo Zhi said to him before, that this kind of request should be made loudly and confidently.

What's more, he and she already have a marriage agreement and are already a fiancée.

Liao Yuan finally gathered up the courage and made this request to Guo Zhi.

Of course, at this moment, his heart is actually very uneasy and nervous.

Guo Zhi did not expect this to happen.

She never felt that there was anything wrong with what she was doing. Limbo and her are already in the past, and he wasn't even the last man before her official relationship with Liao Yuan.

After being with Liao Yuan, they both maintained a one-to-one absolute relationship between men and women, and there was no one else.

She handed Liao Yuan over to Lim Bo, also because Lim Bo was the best agent she knew, and he was an absolutely reliable person in business.

She couldn't tell whether she was unintentional or intentional, and ignored one of the very important things, that is, Liao Yuan's own feelings.

She looked at Liao Yuan's appearance, listened to what he said, and knew that he had seen the clue for some time. In her heart, bursts of guilt could not help.

Liao Yuan is a person who lacks love and security. Give him a hint of warmth, and he holds onto it tightly. As if he just let go a little and he will be lost forever.

So, he always bows his head first, compromises first, and changes for her first.

So, what kind of torment has he suffered in his heart these days?

Guo Zhi has passed his 29th birthday this year and is approaching the 30th mark.

She has always felt very mature. Although sometimes when encountering some things, my mother would say to her "you are too young to understand", but she always scoffed.

But now, she suddenly felt that what her mother said was right. It turned out that she was really not as mature as she thought.

She and Liao Yuan shook hands, involuntarily getting harder

Liao Yuan raised his eyes, looked at her quietly, and asked, "Is that ok?"

Guo Zhi asked: "You don't like it, do you?"

Liao Yuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily: "I don't like it very much."

A little nervous and asked: "Is it alright?"

If a man told Guo Zhi a year ago that he hoped she could adjust her social circle for him and stay away from someone, she would definitely "heh" him.

So Guo Zhi never imagined that one day when a man did this, she said almost without thinking


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