MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 115

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<script>Guo Zhi feels that this year has passed a little tired, and the relatives who are burning with the spirit of gossip have made her tired.

Liao Yuan is about to become a panda. What relatives really want to watch is not "Guo Zhi's boyfriend", but "Guo Zhi's star boyfriend".

Guo Zhi checked the Internet and found that the sales offices of many real estates began to pick up customers on the fourth day of the first day. After reporting to his mother that he had obtained permission, he took Liao Yuan back to the imperial capital on the fifth day of the first day.

The two went to see the room.

New developments are mostly located on the edge of mature areas. After looking around the new houses, Liao Yuan did not see any houses that he was particularly satisfied with.

After the festival, Liao Yuan began to pay attention to second-hand houses.

The two took time off and on to see a few second-hand houses. Finally locked a cell. Outside the North Fifth Ring Road, to the south is the Forest Park. Looking south, it's all green.

Guo Zhi likes this kind of house with landscape the most. When she and Gu Qingxia bought a house together, Gu Qingxia bought a 170-square-meter slab building on the North Fourth Ring Road that was transparent from north to south, but she chose a 120-square-meter tower on the edge of the Second Ring Road, just for the view of the park and lake outside the window.

"I am locked in an office building every day to go to work, and I am stuck on the road after get off work, and I look up at high-rise buildings. Green. It's comfortable that way," she said.

This community obviously meets Guo Zhi's expectations for the house.

, sister and brother, cheers and laughter.

He was attracted to the house almost immediately. Inside and outside the tour, the 199-square-meter three-bedroom, north-south transparent, neatly arranged. There are two bedrooms both facing south and only one bedroom and dining room facing north.

The total price is almost 15 million. Liao Yuan was confused.

His budget is actually around 8 million. That price is more than double that.

But he talked with the agent in the bedroom for a long time and then returned to the living room. Seeing Guo Zhi still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows admiring the large wetland scenery of Forest Park, he immediately understood that Guo Zhi likes this House.

Guo Zhi also opened the living room and dining room windows. The two windows are facing each other from the south to the north, and a pair of currents, the northwest wind in the winter of the imperial capital swishes in from the dining room. cold to death

Guo Zhi quickly closed the windows again.

"It's a bit cold now, but in spring, summer and autumn, it should be very nice," she said. "It's better to have a slab floor. It's transparent and not stuffy."

Her tone was full of praise and love for this house.

Although Liao Yuan wears a disposable mask when he comes out to see the house, the intermediary showed him the several suites on the North Fifth Ring Road, and he already knew who he was. The probability of encountering a celebrity is not high. The intermediary secretly guessed Liao Yuan's net worth, and always wanted to sell him a better house.

Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi followed the agency to the top floor to see the senior residence.

Seeing this, I really can't walk.

It is twice the size of Guo Zhi's house, and it is bright everywhere because it is a double master bedroom, that is, two bedrooms have their own bathrooms, so there are three bathrooms.

If there are elderly people at home, you don't have to worry about whether the elderly live in the master bedroom or the young couple live in the master bedroom.

This is really an ideal house, it's a pity, the price is also ideal, more than 20 million

On the way back, Liao Yuan was a little gloomy.

"Why can't you think about it?" Guo Zhi guided him while driving. "Unless you're the richest man in the world, like Bill Gates, ah, there's always a bigger and better house out there."

"When I was looking at the house in Qingxia, we both went crazy, we even looked at the villa in Yanjiao, what happened, and in the end it wasn't about which one to buy, which one to buy. How much is it to buy?"

"However, after reading this house, I really feel that my house is indeed a little small, and the tower is really stuffy." Guo Zhi also sighed a little. At that time, she only had so much money in her hand. She paid a down payment and then took out a loan, and she wanted the lake view outside the window, so she could only sacrifice the area and the permeability.

"Alas, in the final analysis, it's still too little money" Liao Yuan leaned his head on the pillow on his small neck.

People are just so dissatisfied. A year and a half ago, Liao Yuan was still living a lazy life of three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, and the money he earned was to live a small life by himself.

In just one and a half years, the situation has been turned upside down. TV series, variety shows, interviews, and the most lucrative endorsements. His income has already surpassed Guo Zhi.

Such a situation can only be achieved in an industry where stars like the entertainment industry can have sky-high remuneration.

In the next few days, Guo Zhizhi noticed Liao Yuan's entanglement.

He often studies floor plans in his study. Of course, his favorite is the senior residence with three halls and three guards at 244 flat, but with his current financial resources, it is not realistic. He reluctantly looked at the floor plan again and again, crumpled it up, and threw it into the wastebasket.

Then I have been researching the 199-square-meter three-bedroom.

Guo Zhi heard him talk to the intermediary on the phone twice, saying that he has not made a decision yet, but he is particularly concerned about whether there are other interested buyers of the house.

Liao Yuan's money is in Guo Zhi's hands. Guo Zhi is actually very clear about how much money he has and how much budget he can make.

She couldn't help persuading him: "If you really like the big one, don't rush to buy it first. Wait." With Liao Yuan's current speed of making money, wait another year or two Year, is to buy the set of 244 flat, it is also possible.

But Liao Yuan didn't want to wait.

"Can't wait, I have to buy it." Liao Yuan sighed, "How can you get married if you don't have a house?"

See what he means, is it necessary to buy a house before marriage. Guo Zhi closed his mouth and said nothing more.

Getting married and buying a house is actually a very sensitive thing, and it is very easy to cause conflicts. In particular, Guo Zhi has personally experienced the disgusting incident of being coveted by a blind date.

Purchase before marriage is pre-nuptial property, and purchase after marriage is joint property

Guo Zhi did not intend to participate financially in Liao Yuan's purchase of a house. She is someone who likes to be financially clear. She felt that since it was Liao Yuan who wanted to buy a house, she should not interfere at all, and let Liao Yuan be the only one who made the house neat and tidy. Don't make money together, buy a house together, etc.

Liao Yuanfei wanted to buy it before marriage, and Guo Zhi also felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Originally it was Liao Yuan's own money, not to mention that it was still such a large sum, it was reasonably and legally finalized as pre-marital property, what was there to say.

She also owns a house, which is also pre-marital property. Thinking about it again, when I was just together with Liao Yuan, my mother repeatedly told me that my house must be taken. Don't be fooled by beauty and toss the house.

Mother or Liao Yuan, all these concerns, thoughts and precautions, Guo Zhi thinks are understandable.

So about Liao Yuan's purchase of a house, she rationally did not express her opinion.

Liao Yuan was very entangled for a few days. After seeing the last few suites, all the ones he saw before were rejected by him.

Of course the set of 244 flats was also rejected. The last thing he struggled with was the 199-square-meter three-bedroom.

The budget was too much, but when I looked at the floor plan, I remembered that day Guo Zhi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at a large open view to the south. He remembered that she had a smile on the corner of her mouth and let out a long sigh of relief with a sense of relaxation.

Guo Zhi likes that house

And of course he likes it too. Hanging white gauze curtains and putting on a brown leather sofa, it is almost the home he once imagined, and it is only a matter of having a pair of sisters and brothers running around the sofa and making trouble.

So the house is not the problem, the problem is the money

He tugged at his hair and held a pen to calculate, what has been credited, what has not been credited, and the expected income, it is not a matter of amount, but a matter of time question

It's too late

Liao Yuan finally put down his pen and was stunned for a long time looking at the messy piece of paper he had written on it.

The next day, he went for help

Due to family reasons, during Liao Yuan's growth, there was almost no middle and second phase. Even on the contrary, he has grown all the way to this point, and has become a person who can bow his head and bend his waist.

Among the people he knew, who had enough financial resources and the possibility of being willing to help him, was only Limbaugh.

Although he and Limbo were once subtle "suspected" rivals. But Limbaugh was also his boss, and the big brother he admired. In the face of major life events, he will not give up resources that he can ask for help because of his inexplicable so-called arrogance.

What's more, Limbo has the grace of knowing for him. Although at first Lin Boken signed him, there must have been Guo Zhi's factor, but since he joined the company, Limbaugh has been throwing the best resources on him, often making his brothers jealous.

Limbaugh was always grateful.

"Why are you so anxious? Can't you wait another two years before buying a house?" Lin Bo's reaction was exactly the same as Guo Zhi's.

"Can't wait." Liao Yuan said helplessly, "I have to buy it before marriage. I promised my uncle and aunt to have a house when they get married."

However, when Lin Bo heard this, what he thought in his mind was the same as Guo Zhi, those circles about the so-called pre-marital property and post-marital property. He thought he understood Liao Yuan's thoughts.

As a wealthy man, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what Liao Yuan did. It is him, if he wants to get married in the future, he must also clearly manage his pre-marital property and post-marital property.

Liao Yuan wanted to borrow a large amount of pen, but Limbaugh decided to lend it to him after considering it.

As a slick businessman, Limbaugh certainly would not lend money for nothing, and he also put forward his conditions. Liao Yuan agreed.

After they signed the relevant documents, Limbo wrote a check to Liao Yuan.

"Brother Lin, I will fight for a maximum of two years, and I will return the money to you with interest." Liao Yuan assured.

Limbo looked at him and smiled without saying a word.

Liao Yuan is confused.

Lin Bo looked at this little silly bird and laughed. Opened the drawer, took out a document, and threw it on the table: "Don't use it for two years, not a year."

Liao Yuan picked up the document and saw that it was a contract for him to endorse a young clothing brand in China. Looking at the endorsement fee, I suddenly felt a **** face.

With this endorsement fee, he will be able to pay back Lin Bo's money without spending a year

Looking at the laughing old fox again, Liao Yuan felt deeply

Turning around, Liao Yuan told Guo Zhi that he had already decided on the house, just the 199-square-meter set.

"Where did the money come from?" Guo Zhi was surprised.

"Borrowed, with Brother Lin." Liao Yuan admitted honestly. He also showed Guo Zhi the check.

Guo Zhi glanced at the check and said with certainty, "That amount of money, Limbo will not lend it to you for nothing. What conditions did you promise him?"

I really understand Ringo and Liao Yuan is slightly sour.

Dejected: "The contract is extended for two years."

A 12-year contract is a rare long-term contract among artist contracts, even for male artists.

This is not a good or bad thing right now. But Guo Zhi felt that Lin Bo's personality and moral bottom line were not too bad.

Besides, Guo Zhi is also happy to be able to buy that 199 flat set. After all, it was the house she and Liao Yuan used to get married.

"When will the contract be signed"

"An appointment for tomorrow afternoon."

"Will I accompany you"

"No, Dawei just accompany me."

The intermediary they are looking for is L family, which is the largest real estate intermediary in China, and its reputation and reputation are all acceptable. Guo Zhi was not worried, and didn't ask more about buying a house.

The next morning, Dawei drove Liao Yuan in his car, and the two went to the South Railway Station together.

After waiting for half an hour, Guo Heng appeared as scheduled.

In the afternoon, the three of them went to L's store to sign the house purchase contract.