MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 130

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"Mr. Guo, are you still leaving?" asked Xiao Zhao, who was in charge of administration.

"Immediately." Guo Zhidao, "Xiao Feng and the others are gone"

"Well, the flight was after six o'clock in the evening, and I left in the afternoon. I informed the housekeeping department to clean up the bedding. You are alone in the apartment today."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Then I'll go first, Mr. Guo. Goodbye."


The girl in charge of administration left, Guo Zhi dawdled in the office alone until his stomach growled, and then went out to forage with his bag.

The nearby Chinese restaurants and fast food restaurants are all tired of eating. While eating, I miss Liao Yuan's craftsmanship. He always mixes meat and vegetables well and pays attention to nutrition. Because she had a stomach problem, he used a simmering beaker to cook a spoonful of rice every night before going to bed. The next morning I woke up with a warm cup of crispy, glutinous rice porridge. Let her take a few sips in the morning on an empty stomach to warm her stomach.

Speaking of which, she hasn't had a stomach problem for a long time

Guo Zhi had no appetite to settle a dinner and walked to the apartment. When we got back to the apartment, it was completely dark.

Guo Zhi leaned in the elevator and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was expressionless, and his face was lonely and empty.

Alas. Can not help but sigh.

Don't be pretentious, buy a plane ticket and go back tomorrow. Make a good confession and have a good talk with him.

What are you doing here

Guo Zhi, you were not like this before

Guo Zhi absentmindedly took out the key while walking. It's all Liao Yuan's fault, she thinks, it's all Liao Yuan's accustomed to her, she's about to become a prostitute.

Turning in the corridor, her footsteps stopped suddenly.

In front of the apartment, a handbag was thrown.

The young man with long straight legs sat on the ground with his back against the tiled wall. There was a cigarette in his mouth, but he didn't light it, he just chewed and chewed in his mouth to pass the time, and chewed up the filter.

The lines of the profile face are as good-looking as before, but the eyes are sparse, as if in a bad mood.


He came

Accidental? No, not at all. Just like every time before, he bowed his head first, then softened first

Guo Zhi, is this what you want?

Is this what you wanted him to be when you decided to be with him?

Hearing the voice, Liao Yuan turned his head and saw Guo Zhi standing at the end of the corridor, staring at him dazedly.

He hurriedly puffed out the smoke and stood up.

"Guo Zhi" he called her.

But Guo Zhi didn't answer him.

She stayed outside for half a month and refused to go home. She didn't even give him a call or send a message. You can imagine how angry she was. Now, is she still angry?

Liao Yuan lowered his eyes and blamed himself. He should have come to find her long ago.

He overcame so many difficulties to finally be with Guo Zhi, to live a happy life with her, not to make her unhappy.

He sucks

Guo Zhi suddenly stepped forward, his footsteps were sonorous.

But what he received was a slender and delicate body. Guo Zhi almost ran into his arms. The impact of the rushing made him subconsciously hug her tightly, and he was tightly hugged by tight and strong arms following his neck. As if afraid he ran away

"Bastard" Guo Zhi pressed tightly against his neck, scolding. "Just now"

Liao Yuan's depression, loss, and self-blame were instantly evaporated, and tenderness filled his heart.

"Whoever told you to run for half a month, don't give me a call."

The corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily.

Guo Zhi hummed and didn't say anything. He squeezed his neck even tighter. Taking a deep breath between his neck, he smelled a familiar smell. The soft aroma of the shower gel at home, and the unique body odor of men, mixed together, is the smell of Liao Yuan.

This smell, she couldn't sleep because of this smell.

Liao Yuan sniffed in her hair: "The taste has changed."

"It smells bad," he complained.

"Bullshit" Guo Zhi buried himself in his neck and refused to raise his head, scolding. "The shampoo here is of course different from the one at home."

"It still smells good at home."

That's for sure, Guo Zhixiang. Whether it's shampoo or shower gel at home, he and she picked it up hand in hand.

"Guo Zhi" Liao Yuan opened his mouth to say "I'm sorry", but Guo Zhi covered his mouth with his hand.

"Don't say it, Liao Yuan" Guo Zhi was always buried in his neck without raising his head. "don't say"

Liao Yuan blinked, not knowing why.

Guo Zhi rubbed between his neck, raised his head and looked at his dark and clear eyes, and said in a low voice: "Liao Yuan, I'm sorry"

Liao Yuan was slightly startled and took her hand away from his mouth.

"Why are you apologizing?" he said, "I was wrong."

He and she have too many things to say and want to have a good talk with each other.

"Go in and talk." Guo Zhi let go of his arm and took out the key.

Liao Yuan picked up the travel bag and followed her into the room. There were no lights in the room, it was pitch black. Guo Zhi closed the door and turned on the light in the entrance.

"No one" asked Liao Yuan.

"We've all gone to the next stop to give a roadshow to customers." Guo Zhi said, walking towards the living room.

Liao Yuan just said "oh".

Put down her bag, stretched her long legs, and caught up with Guo Zhi in two steps. He stopped at the waist and hugged him back, bent over and bent his legs, and hugged him horizontally.

"Which room" he asked. In the darkness, some hoarse voices revealed a trace of impatient desire.

"That room." She pointed.

The purse was thrown casually on the floor, and the bedroom door slammed shut. After all, it is not in his own home, and the door lock is also screwed.

How much to say and what to communicate. Who's right, who's wrong, who should bow their heads first, doesn't matter now.

The unresolved lovesickness for half a month, the harmony of life integration is the most important thing

When Lin Bo's phone call came, Guo Zhi still lingered on Liao Yuan's chest and closed his eyes for a nap.

Liao Yuan stretched out his arms, and after a few times he reached the phone, and quickly picked it up: "Brother Lin"

"Okay, Liao Xiaoyuan." Limbaugh's voice was gloomy, "You will learn to play big."

"Brother Lin, I'll go back and pay you back. I really have something very important. I'm afraid I told you that you won't let me go, so"

"That's why you have to kill Lao Tzu first and then play" Limbo's teeth grinding voice can be heard across the phone. "I have an appointment with Producer Cao and Director Li for dinner, and I want you to meet and chat with them. You're good. If I have lunch, you will go to heaven."

"Brother Lin, I really have something very important," Liao Yuan defended.

Lin Bo snorted and said, "Isn't that Guo Xiaozhi who ran away from home? I know it."

Speaking of which, his problem of adding "small" to other people's names was learned from Guo Zhi.


Guo Zhi opened his eyes with a "swoosh", moved up, and lay on Liao Yuan's shoulder. Limbaugh's voice could be heard more clearly on the phone.

"You really let me down. Liao Yuan" Lin Bo hated that iron was not steel. "I told you a long time ago that women can't get used to it, and they start doing it. You see, Guo Zhi and others have started doing it. Dawei said that she had been gone for half a month. Let me tell you, she really didn't do this before, you are used to it, and you are so disappointing. I deliberately put you in the wild survival show, and threw you into Wuling Mountain for a week, I just didn't want you to have another It's better to go to subdue you first, keep silent, show your face at a meeting in the morning, and you will fly at noon. I just made a mistake in my eyes, so you ran to her and bowed your head again. Did I say what you want me to say? Say it"

From Limbo "I told you a long time ago", Liao Yuan wanted to open his mouth and tell him, don't say it, bro, Guo Zhi is listening with his ears, but Guo Zhi twisted him hard For a moment, he blinked, decided to choose the lesser of two evils, and obediently shut up.

Guo Zhi couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Liao Yuan's wrist, dragged his hand and put the phone to his ear: "Mr. Lin, long time no see."

There was a moment of deathly silence on the phone.

"Mr. Guo" After a few seconds, Limbo said calmly. "It's been a long time indeed, where are you free to have a meal together?"

"It is necessary." Guo Zhi gritted his teeth and smiled, "Mr. Lin takes care of our family Liao Yuan so much, and I don't have to say it in public affairs, but in private life so earnestly. I have to invite you to a meal to express Thank you, otherwise it would be too much work, wouldn't it?"


Guo Zhi almost gave his **** to the phone.

Lin Bo also knew her very well, and hurriedly said: "Hey, let's not talk about it, Director Li is drinking a little high, I have to hurry up. Come back and remember to have a meal together. I'm dead. ." Slap, quickly hung up the phone.

Guo Zhi: ""Mom

Angrily, he lay back on Liao Yuan's chest. Liao Yuan was shaking with laughter.

"You laugh, you laugh" Guo Zhi poked his fork.

"Don't make trouble." Liao Yuan took her hand and pressed it on his chest. He smiled and said, "Your voice, Mr. Lin, through the phone, I can feel Brother Lin tremble all over."

He said, and couldn't help but laugh.

Guo Zhi did not smile.

She sighed. Wrapped in a towel, she sat up and looked at Liao Yuan.

"Liao Yuan" she asked, "Do you think that what Limbo said is right?"

"What?" Liao Yuan asked. He also propped himself up, with one leg bent and his arm resting on his knee.

Guo Zhi pondered for a while, and finally faced up to his own problems. She said, "Lin Bo is right. Liao Yuan, you spoiled me, did you find out?"

Liao Yuan looked at her for a while, then touched her face: "Of course."

He said softly and proudly. "I did it on purpose."

I am the only one in the world who is so accustomed to you, following you, pampering you, and treating you as the most important baby.

You are used to being accustomed to, being followed, and being spoiled. Without me, you will feel that something is missing.

Slowly, you can no longer leave me. Or leave me, how can you get used to other people

So, Guo Xiaozhi, just be honest, accept your fate, and live a lifetime with Liao Xiaoyuan.

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