MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 46

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Guo Zhi grabbed Alex's phone and said angrily, "Why, I'm not a child, so I have to be accompanied by someone. Go, I've already made an appointment with someone, right?"

"What about you"

"You worry about me. I'll either watch the show or go out for a walk later. I'm not thinking about it."

alex hesitated for a moment, then asked tentatively, "Sister Guo, do you want to come with me?"

"Ah" was an unexpected option. It was not in Guo Zhi's consideration at all.

alex thinks it is not impossible. He said cautiously: "The people who play together all know each other on the court, and they are all students."

It means that he and Guo Zhi are not in the same circle. Guo Zhi doesn't mind being known by others. This kind of thing will basically never happen.

"Sister Guo, come and see me play" Alex looked at Guo Zhi with a little expectation.

Guo Zhi was a little hesitant at first, but when he looked up and saw Alex's shining eyes, he suddenly couldn't bear to refuse. Seriously, since getting to know alex, he doesn't seem to have made a request about himself. Even about Shengyuan, he didn't say anything in the end, or she forced him to ask him, and finally gave him that project.

He always put her first in everything.

Thinking of this, Guo Zhi softened and agreed: "Okay, let's take a look."

Alex's face overflowed with a happy smile as if a child got a beloved candy. He has always been a decadent teenager, and what he lacks most is the sense of sunshine that a young man of this age should have. Occasionally bursting out the joyous smile that his age really deserves, it seems rare and precious.

Guo Zhi's heart was so soft.

"Go drive." She hurriedly covered up.

"Mmmm." Alex nodded happily.

The place where Alex plays is in the second ring road, next to the famous **** park in the imperial capital. It's not too far from Guo Zhi's house, and it takes less than 20 minutes to arrive.

Those children are really young, and they are still students at school. They are all wearing vests like Alex's, which look like team uniforms.

They greeted Alex and looked at Guo Zhi.

Alex really wants to tell others that this is his woman. But he knew that the days of being able to introduce Guo Zhi to others in this way were still a long way off.

"My sister," he said.

The boys politely called "sister".

Guo Zhi's social experience makes it easy to deal with these half-old children who are still in the ivory tower. Smiling and nodding one by one, she made herself look like Alex's sister.

She also just went to the gym today, also wearing sportswear, she also looks younger than usual, and it seems that there is not such a big age gap between her and Alex.

"Just waiting for you" a boy said to Alex.

"Immediately" Alex began to warm up.

Guo Zhi saw it: "You guys are going to play the whole game"

"Yeah. I have a match." The boy laughed.

I made an appointment for a game, but he didn't say he didn't go. Guo Zhi glanced at Alex.

Alex smiled, turned his head away, and stretched his body.

It's not a real game, it's just a group of fans hanging out with themselves. Speaking of which, he really prefers to spend more time with Guo Zhi.

Although he is secretly working hard, his days with Guo Zhizhi are really not guaranteed. Alex actually knew in his heart that the days of living together like this might end at some point.

Especially that bvlgari bracelet gave him a great sense of crisis

The other team was older and looked like office workers. There is an obvious difference between the team and the alex team in terms of body size.

Really, there is no way to do this. Physiological factors determine that men at Alex's age are basically lean and lean, except for those who deliberately exercise muscles. Except for Alex, all the kids in Alex's team are like bamboo poles. The team of office workers is completely different. When you get old, if you don't have the will to keep exercising for a long time, you will be a handsome guy when you are young, and you can also wait to gain weight. All of them are fatter than the boys in Alex's team.

It seems that they are all regulars here. They quickly cleared the whole game, and many onlookers came to watch the game.

Guo Zhi sat on the bench beside the court and watched leisurely.

As soon as the two teams came on the field, she only saw Alex shining there.

Really, the boy will shine

Among so many people, she could see him at a glance, and only see him. The others were all blurred into background panels.

This world of face

Alex is indeed a person who has played the school team, and is technically excellent. Coupled with his excellent looks, he is dazzling on the field.

Just like a Rukawa maple.

"Liao Yuan Liao Yuan"

"Come on Liao Yuan"

Guo Zhi was pierced by the scream. Turning to look, several girls were on the bench next to her, cheering for Alex constantly.

Screaming every now and then, and getting up and jumping.

That is the excitement and youthfulness of young girls of this age. Although Guo Zhi watched the game with relish, she really didn't have the enthusiasm to dance and scream.

These girls called out Alex's name directly, and she couldn't help but glance at them.

"Sister, did you come with Liao Yuan?" One of the short-haired girls quickly noticed her and chatted up.

Guo Zhi nodded and said "um". Not enthusiastic, not cold.

"Sister, what's your relationship with Liao Yuan?"

Guo Zhi paused and said, "I'm his sister."

The short-haired girl gave a wow and said, "So it's my sister."

"Sister, my name is Xu Dan. I'm Zhao Xuan's girlfriend." The short-haired girl introduced herself enthusiastically. Seeing Guo Zhi, she seemed a little confused. She pointed at a boy in the field and said, "Well, That's it. That's my boyfriend. He often plays with Liao Yuan."

Guo Zhi smiled and said "oh". Typical polite but detached attitude.

The short-haired girl didn't seem to notice, and pulled another girl with a ponytail and squeezed onto the bench of Guo Zhi.

"Sister, why haven't I seen you before?" she asked enthusiastically.

Guo Zhi is actually a little unhappy. When people reach a certain age, they gradually lose the enthusiasm and simplicity of their youth. If you meet someone again, you will habitually keep a certain distance. This social distancing gives people a sense of security. Most adults who have entered the society will be careful to maintain a safe distance from others.

This girl broke the social rules and invaded the safe distance.

If she is a real adult, with Guo Zhi's somewhat prickly personality, she must say a few words.

But she was just a student at school, and Guo Zhi felt that the social rules of those adults should not be applied to these children.

In these children, although there is rashness that does not understand the rules, there is also the simplicity and enthusiasm that adults have lost.

Guo Zhi thinks those things are beautiful.

She endured it.

She moved Alex's gym bag inside to make more room for them. He smiled and said, "I usually have to go to work."

There seems to be an inexplicable yearning for "going to work" in her tone.

Guo Zhi smiled. When she was still a student, she was always curious and longing for the adult world. I feel that it will be exciting to leave the campus and enter the society.

I really left the protection of the ivory tower and entered this colorful society. Only then did I know how sloppy this society was.

Infighting, infighting, office politics. Relationships can sometimes make you nauseous.

But these kids don't understand yet. They think that the society outside the school gate is colorful and desirable. Their eyes, bright and clear, flashing and flowing, are the simplicity that is unique to young people.

Without the calculations and sophistication she saw in her own eyes when she looked in the mirror. No matter how ruthless her temper is, she has been honed in the workplace over the years to gradually lose its edges and corners and become smoother.

Guo Zhi looked at these young children, inexplicably lost.

She nodded, didn't answer the question again, and turned to watch the game.

Alex is so handsome on the court. Sweat slipped from the temples and occasionally flickered in the sun, adding a bit of sexiness.

Occasionally lift the clothes and wipe the sweat with the t-shirt, revealing the strong abs. The screams of the girls around him could almost shatter Guo Zhi's eardrums.

Makes her a little funny and a little smug.

It's a little dark.

Hey, I'm really naive. Guo Zhi couldn't help laughing to himself.

She followed Alex as she moved around the arena, slowly seeing some flavors.

For a long time, she always regarded him as a half-year-old child, always felt that he was young, immature, unsophisticated, and even criticized his innocence.

But that's a bit biased. Because Guo Zhi is measured by the mature and sophisticated adult men she interacts with on a daily basis.

When alex is compared with these children of his age, who are not really grown up, and are still well protected in ivory towers, it will be easy to see that he and Theirs is different.

Compared with those children, Alex's eyebrows are more quiet, and there is even a vaguely unfinished city government. That is the taste that can only be experienced after experiencing social torment.

He was clearly different from these children.

He has left his parents and is alone in a strange metropolis.

Facing the bizarre society and supporting yourself.

Although he is young, he is really, already a man.

Guo Zhi's eyes were chasing after him, unable to move away.

"Sister, Sister"

The voice of the young girl recalled Guo Zhi's sanity, she made a "hmm" and turned her head.

The people around her changed positions at some point, the girl with short hair moved away, and the girl with ponytail sat next to her.

She is the most beautiful and eye-catching among the girls watching the battle. There is beauty in the pure, and there is a bookish air between the eyebrows.

Guo Zhi She is a face control.

The so-called face control is not just a fan of handsome guys. But to control all the beautiful face.

Faced with such a beautiful girl, Sister Guo was full of pity and love from the bottom of her heart.

"Well" she smiled, and was very angry, "What?"

The "sister" girl blinked, a little shy, but a little bold, she mustered the courage to ask: "Liao Yuan, does he have a girlfriend?"

Guo Zhi: ""


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