MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 70

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When Guo Heng came out of the kitchen, Guo's mother said, "I'm tired after driving all morning. Go take a nap and rest."

Guo Zhi opened his mouth and was about to speak, when Guo's mother smiled and said, "You and Guo Heng sleep in the same room, the bed in his room is one meter five." Guo Zhi is old He shut his mouth honestly.

Guo Heng pouted and said to Liao Yuan, "This room."

Liao Yuan dragged the box and followed Guo Heng into the room without squinting.

In fact, Guo Zhi is twenty-eight years old, and the whole family knows that Guo Zhi and her boyfriend can't do nothing like Xiaoqing. But we Chinese people, this cultural atmosphere is like this. Some things can be done and cannot be said.

Although we know that you two are living together, but under the eyes of your parents, you two give me an honest

That's it.

Guo Xiaozhi's eyes are infinite.

Liao Yuan and Guo Heng entered the house, opened the suitcase, and took out a set of home clothes. The shirt was pulled from the pants, unbuttoned, and turned around

"What's up"

"No" Guo Heng forced himself to look away with a dull gaze.

The bite marks on the back

His sister

Guo Xiaoheng's eyes are infinite.

Liao Yuan has always had the habit of taking naps in his daily routine, and soon fell asleep. Guo Heng, who was in bed with him, stared at the ceiling and couldn't fall asleep.

He is twenty-four years old, and he has not broken yet. Seeing that winter is coming, the year is coming to an end.

Are you really waiting for next year to find a lady?

Guo Xiaoheng bit the horn: "嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤"

During dinner, Liao Yuan rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen to help.

Guo's mother is also polite: "No, no, you can play with Guo Heng."

Guo Zhi said carelessly: "It's okay, Mom. You let him go and give you a shot."

My daughter said so, Guo's mother will not refuse. In the kitchen, I secretly observed, choosing and chopping vegetables. The kitchen knife was well used, and the cucumber slices were thinly sliced. At first glance, I was familiar with it. Guo's mother nodded secretly.

Liao Yuan doesn't want to dominate, so he starts, and Guo's mother is in charge. But with his help, Guo's mother still felt a lot easier.

I think of what my daughter said, Liao Yuan cooks delicious food and cooks soup for her every day. Mama Guo feels that her daughter's life is very nourishing.

Suddenly I remembered this time, the girl looked so good

Mother Guo glanced at the tall young man's eyes.

Turn off the lights at night and get ready for bed.

Guo Heng said: "You go to bed first."

Liao Yuan: ""

I saw Guo Heng sneaking out, but the living room was not lit.

Liao Yuan: "" I couldn't help but go to the door and take a look.

I saw Guo Heng sticking his **** to the corner of his parents' room.

Liao Yuan: "" silently returned to the room.

Come on, brother-in-law

I don't know that Guo's mother and Guo's father, who have ears on the wall, are talking about Guo Zhi and Liao Yuan.

"What do you think?" Guo's mother asked.

"No." Dad Guo vetoed it.

"" Guo's mother said, "don't kill you with a stick, didn't you just meet."

"Graduated from high school." Dad Guo felt unhappy when he thought of this.

Guo's mother was speechless and sighed: "Indeed, the education is a bit low."

"However," she changed her words and said, "Education is not so important for him to do this."

"If you have a serious education, you won't be able to do this." Guo's father said.

Guo's mother couldn't refute. In fact, most serious people still look at industries such as models and actors with tinted glasses. This is also the general view of most people.

"Let's take a look." She could only say, "I don't think the guy is bad. Hey, what are you doing?"

"Drink water, whether you drink it"

"Bring me a glass."

Guo Heng stood on tiptoe and flew back to his house. With a swipe, he burrowed into the bed.

Liao Yuan: "" feels very skilled. It shouldn't be the first time this has happened.

When the sound in the living room disappeared, Liao Yuan asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

"It's okay." My brother-in-law reported the good news but not the bad, "I think you're okay."

Liao Yuan was obedient, knowing that his future parents-in-law were not satisfied with him. He sighed softly and looked at the ceiling.

"Hey, Liao Yuan, you and my sister," Guo Heng asked implicitly, "is it first love?"

Liao Yuan: ""

He asked vaguely, but Liao Yuan was also a man, so he understood immediately.

"No," he said, "I've had girlfriends before."

Guo Heng also understood.

His eyes instantly sharpened: "How old was your first girlfriend?"

"Eighteen, less than nineteen."

Guo Heng received another 100,000 critical hits.

Bite the quilt, heartbroken.

"It's all right." His young lady comforted him, "Twenty-four or five is not too big."

" "Fuck "how do you know"

"Your sister told me."

How can you advertise anywhere

Although his heart was stuck in his sister's mouth, Guo Zhi got up early the next morning, and Guo Heng came to report on tiptoe.

"I think his education is low, and his job is unstable. It's mainly what my dad means."

"Oh" Guo Zhi brushed his teeth. Sure enough, what parents care about most is Liao Yuan's education and work. "what did mom say"

"Mom thinks it's okay, let's take a look."

Guo Zhi spit out the mouthwash, washed his face, and wiped it dry with a towel: "Where are my parents?"

"Dad went to the morning exercise and mom went to the morning market."

"Where is Liao Yuan?"

"I went to the morning market with my mother."


"I know the route of my mother-in-law." Guo Heng smiled. "Hey, don't do it, don't do it. Do you think I'll help you listen to the corner at night?"

"I said Guo Xiaozhi," Guo Heng brought out the breakfast to his sister, "you really think it's him"


"What does it mean to be similar? Can this life event be so vague?"

"It's true." Guo Heng said, "But you are really a genius. You don't want so many men, you find a nineteen."


"Okay, twenty." Guo Heng rolled his eyes, "That's four years younger than me. Why do you like a child. Tell me, where do you like him?"

"Well" Guo Zhi dragged a long tone, "Good people will take care of people"

"Fuck me, you can." Guo Heng looked contemptuous, "I don't know you yet, just look at his good looks."

"I know you asked."

"No," Guo Zhi took a gulp of soy milk and swallowed the fried dough sticks, "Guo Heng. Do you think we are so different in age?"


"Do you think this is particularly bad?"

"It's okay." Guo Heng was noncommittal.

Guo Zhi struggled for a while and asked, "What does it look like, Liao Yuan and I, do they look much different from the outside?"

She actually wanted to ask someone to ask this question for a long time, but as soon as she said it, it would reveal the lack of confidence and worry somewhere in her heart.

Master Guo is not used to exposing such weaknesses to others. But for Guo Heng, it doesn't matter.

"That's not it." Guo Heng took a closer look, "You have good skin, you don't look as old as your real age, oh shit, if you kicked lightly, do you still want me to help you listen to the corner at night what"

Guo Zhi snorted: "Just say it, do you think me and Liao Yuan can do it?"

"I think it makes sense, then you have to think it's good for you" Guo Heng complained while rubbing his legs. "It's as if my opinion can be decisive. Let me ask you, if your parents don't agree, how are you going to break up with Liao Yuan?"

"Of course not" Guo Zhi answered without hesitation.

Guo Heng said: "Then it's over."

"You don't understand." Guo Zhi said sullenly, "There is a difference between those who have parents' blessings and those who don't."

"Then let Liao Yuan go the route of his mother-in-law. I think Mom has a good impression of him."

"What about you"


"What do you think"

"It's okay, but I'm too young, which makes me a little awkward. Hey" Guo Heng gossips, "He has other girlfriends before."

"You thought they were all like you."

"Hey, scolding people, don't expose shortcoming. I haven't settled with you yet. You spread everything out, and it's boring for you to tell Liao Yuan about my affairs, you."

Guo Zhi laughed: "I was chatting with Liao Yuan back then, and I said he would teach you a few tricks, so I said it casually."

"Let me tell you," Guo Zhi smiled, "Let Liao Yuan teach you how to flirt. Liao Yuan can flirt."

See it. Even the 28-year-old driver like you has done it, can you not flirt?

Guo Heng's infinity vision.

After breakfast and watching TV, Mama Guo and Liao Yuan came back.

Guo Zhi saw the eyes of both of them were red at a glance.

"What's the matter, this is" she was a little confused.

Liao Yuan sucked his nose and said nothing.

"It's okay, it's okay. Sigh" Guo's mother took the things in Liao Yuan's hand and went into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Guo Zhi dragged Liao Yuan into the bedroom.

Liao Yuan was a little embarrassed: "I chatted with my aunt, and my aunt asked me something about my childhood." He lowered his head, a little ashamed.

"So you cried again, and even brought my mother to cry" Guo Zhi was speechless.

"En" Liao Yuan bowed his head in shame. Tears are low or something, I really can't help it.

When Dad Guo came back from the morning exercise, he and Mom Guo changed clothes and packed up a bunch of things.

"Why are you going?" Guo Zhi asked.

"Go to your uncle's house. Are you going?"

"No," Guo Zhi said firmly.

The three daughters of my uncle and grandpa are really a bunch of women. Every time I see her, I'm always like "Why don't you have a boyfriend", "I'm not too young", "I can't put it off any longer" and so on, it's annoying. It has been two or three years since she has been to her uncle's house except for the Spring Festival.

"Then stay at home. Guo Heng" Guo's mother called her son, "You cook at noon"

She doesn't expect Guo Zhi to cook. Guo Zhi entered the kitchen, and I would be grateful if I could not burn the kitchen down.

I don't know how hard it is to wash hands when relatives come back from a walk in the afternoon. The son came to report on tiptoe like a thief.

"The meal that Liao Yuan made at noon. It's delicious"