MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 83

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"I will observe and observe again, and I will tell you later." Guo Zhi said with a fascinated smile.

Work starts as soon as the break is over.

Guo Zhi watched the whole time, with that weird smile on the corners of his mouth. Liao Yuan occasionally glanced at her in the gap, and when he saw the smile on the corner of her mouth, his scalp tingled.

With his understanding of Guo Zhi, what's wrong with holding back?

Liao Yuan's eyes flickered when he thought of her bad taste.

When it was time for lunch break, Liao Yuan wanted to say hello to the director, and then went to lunch with Guo Zhi. The filming location is on the dining street of the development zone, which will not delay the start of construction in the afternoon.

In the end, Guo Zhi said: "Hey, no. I made an appointment with a friend. She lives in the development zone and asked me to go to her house for dinner. , let's have a good dinner tonight."

After she finished speaking, she waved and drove off. Before leaving, he lowered the car window and shouted, "I'll pick you up after work, don't go by yourself."

As soon as she stepped on the accelerator, she went to the appointment happily. Leaving Liao Yuan to eat the soil

Did you really come to see me?

It's a real heartbreak

Guo Zhi came back at about four o'clock. At that time, the crew was filming at the other end of the restaurant street. Guo's smartphone located Liao Yuan and drove directly to find him.

"What's the matter?" Liao Yuan looked at Guo Zhi's face.

"Let's talk to you later" Guo Zhi was happy to go to the appointment, but came back frightened. "Indescribable"

She was there until the end of work. Fortunately, today's progress is very good, there is no delay at all, and the work is finished on time.

"Sister, bye bye sister" He Kai also came over to say hello with a smile.

"Today is great, I'm in great shape" Guo Zhiqiang cheered up and gave him a thumbs up, "I feel very involved in the play"

"Hahahaha, sister, you're embarrassed to praise me again"

After saying goodbye to He Kai and the crew, they didn't drive, they just found a restaurant on the dining street of the development zone.

As soon as he sat down, Guo Zhi turned on the powerful rant mode.

"I can't believe it" she said, "I tell you, you don't know what she used to be. We go shopping, I wear wedges and flats, she never It's an eight-centimeter stiletto heel, and she definitely dresses up like she's going out on a blind date."

"I almost didn't recognize her when I saw her today. It's been four months since she gave birth, and she still seems to be swollen. It looks as if she still has one in her stomach. Terrible"

"I said why don't you lose weight, she said, you can't lose weight, if you want to breastfeed, if the mother eats less, there will be no nutrition. What I forgot, that is to say, such a milk child will have diarrhea after drinking it.”

"The clothes she wears are all fat and she looks like an aunt. I made an appointment with her yesterday. I thought I would see an elegant hot mom, but she didn't even have a head. It's more than just washing her head, I feel like she hasn't even washed her face."

"And she has spots on her face. It's terrible. I said how come you have spots. She said, it's scary."

"But do you know what's the most terrifying thing is that she has spots on her face, she doesn't care at all she doesn't care at all"

This topic is too far away from Liao Yuan, he can't pick up on it at all, but he sees that Guo is really frightened, so he can only listen patiently. Occasionally "um" or "oh" sound.

And Guo Zhi's complaints are not over yet.

"There are still children, you can't think about it, he eats as he says, pulls as he says"

“When I go to the toilet, the door can’t be closed, I always feel like I hear a child crying”

"This kid, it's too scary, just change the diaper as soon as you open it"

Guo Zhi waved his hands, spread them out on both sides of his head, and made a gesture similar to an explosion: "As soon as he heard a bang, he squirted and squirted."

Guo Zhi still has lingering fears: "The whole thing is a fan-shaped spray, the bed railing is all over the ground, it's fortunate that I'm standing next to me, or else you can spray me all over"

"My friend is covered in **** and she doesn't scream. When I saw a dog on the ground, I used to cover my nose and walk away"

"She was very calm, first wiped the child, changed diapers, then the child made the bed, and then cleaned the crib. Finally, she changed clothes by herself. She didn't even take a bath, she just changed clothes"

"" Liao Yuan looked at the crab roe and tofu in the basin, and took back the spoon he stretched out.

"I just can't figure out how she looks like a different person. She now sees all children, and doesn't have herself at all" Guo Zhi was still excited.

"Why don't you look for auntie?" Liao Yuan couldn't help but ask, "Is your friend's economic condition not good?"

"Okay," Guo Zhi said, "Although she has resigned now, her husband is also making money. She said that she is worried that when she can't watch, her aunt will abuse her children. She said this kind of thing. old"

Guo Zhi said, scooping a large spoonful of crab yellow tofu into his mouth. She ate several mouthfuls in a row, but she couldn't soothe the fright she received today, and she was still distraught.

Liao Yuan forced himself not to look at crab roe tofu, only looked at Guo Zhi, comforted her and said, "It's okay, if you don't like it, we won't have a baby."

Guo Zhi put down the spoon, stared at Liao Yuan, and said fiercely: "Is it right?"

"Liao Yuan, I don't want to have children, it's really terrible Every morning I go out early and come back late, in the name of earning money to support my family, I start to engage in extramarital affairs, cheating on my third child, giving birth to illegitimate children, and disgusting me as a yellow-faced woman”

In front, Liao Yuan nodded as he listened, but he heard a black line behind him.

"I won't talk nonsense" He quickly said that he didn't take the blame

"Many men will know if you will. It will take ten years to see whether it will be known. It is too early to say no"

It's really getting farther and farther, Guo Zhi is really stimulated

Liao Yuan lay the gun innocently and said helplessly: "I really don't know"

"It's not your fault, Liao Yuan." Guo Zhi stared at him, "If I really become like that, let alone you, I'll despise myself when I look in the mirror. A person has no self. , I don't love myself anymore, how can I let others love her?"

"But can you blame her? She told me that I won't understand what a child means to a mother until I give birth. She said what she used to think was important to her now. It doesn't matter if you don't have children"

"She really, really loves her child, I can feel it with my eyes. And you really can't blame a mother for this kind of love for her child"

"Thinking about my mother, I bet my mother loved me so much, I can still remember a little of Guo Heng's childhood. Really my mother did nothing less for us than she did for her child Do you think I can blame my mother for sacrificing too much for us?"

"Definitely not." Liao Yuan said helplessly.

"Yeah, of course not" Guo Zhihu brushed his hair and said regretfully, "I'm so unfilial for not going home to see my mother this weekend"

Liao Yuan: "" Blame me.

He sighed, took Guo Zhi's hand, looked into her eyes, and said, "It's alright, don't be afraid. This matter is actually easy to solve, we just need to not give birth. "

"Is it really okay not to have children?" Guo Zhi is not sure. She has always been talked about by her mother. She is twenty-eight. She should get married and have children quickly. It is not good to have children too late.

"Well. I won't give birth" Liao Yuan smiled and clenched her hand.

Liao Yuan is just 20 years old, and some girls who are full of maternal love at this age can already imagine being a mother. But boys rarely think about being a father.

Liao Yuan had fantasized about home before, in which he had a daughter, a son and two children. But it was actually just a fantasy derived from his subconscious imitation because of his yearning and envy for the Guo Zhi family. And in this fantasy, those "children" are clean and beautiful, and they are all at an age where they can take care of themselves and be obedient.

Like Guo Zhi said, a fan-shaped magical creature sounds like an alien visitor to him.

Because of this, Liao Yuan, who was only twenty years old and still too young, easily made a promise to Guo Zhi of "no children".

This made him very regretful later.

Seeing that Guo Zhi seemed to get some comfort, Liao Yuan changed the subject and asked, "You haven't said it yet, why did you tell He Kai that you are my sister today?" He said Very dissatisfied.

Guo Zhi took a cup of tea and poured a sip of tea, and was still muttering: "Don't have children to me"

Liao Yuan: "" It seems that he didn't hear the question just now. It seems that he was really stimulated today.

Sighed, also picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Guo Zhi didn't know she didn't hear it, but the inertia of her emotional outburst just now wasn't over yet.

After taking a sip of tea, she calmed down, and then let go of her big move: "He Kai is really gay."

Liao Yuan got stuck in his throat with a sip of tea

Guo Zhi sent out two kills without stopping: "He likes you"

"Pfft" Liao Yuan turned his head at a critical moment, and a sip of tea was sprayed on the ground, spraying out a fan shape.

Guo Zhi's mental stimulation this afternoon finally recovered.

She smiled and looked at the frightened Liao Yuan, a book full of satisfaction

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