MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 98

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The day Liao Yuan came back, it was already the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, and the Lantern Festival was over.

According to their custom, he spent the first seven days for Teacher Wu before catching the train at 9 o'clock in the evening, and returned to the imperial capital at almost 8 o'clock the next night.

Guo Zhi heard the sound of the door opening and walked over with his shoes on.

Liao Yuan dragged his suitcase and stood at the entrance. He looked a little haggard and unshaven, as if he had matured several years in a few days.

"It's back." Guo Zhi unconsciously lowered his voice.

Liao Yuan looked at her silently.

Guo Zhi felt that there was something different in those dark eyes.

Liao Yuan's hand let go of the trolley case.

I hugged Guo Zhi.

"I'm back" he said. She buried her face in her neck and took a few deep breaths.

It's all her breath, so good.

Guo Zhi's mouth curled up and hugged her boy: "Just come back."

"I just wanted to say thank you to her."

After taking a shower, Liao Yuan put on the new pajamas that Guo Zhi had just bought for him during the Spring Festival, and sat cross-legged on the bed with Guo Zhi face to face. His mood was still low.

"I didn't have time." He said, "When I arrived, my teacher didn't wake up again. Later, the situation got worse and I had to go on a ventilator. The hospital asked me to pay the deposit first, and I The teacher's son has run out of money. The whole family is a teacher, my son and daughter-in-law are not as good as my teacher, they are all in the town school."

"I'll put it all on first." He looked up at Guo Zhi. Money matters, he will explain to her clearly.

"Well. It's good." Guo Zhi touched his face and affirmed, "At this time, don't talk about money, people are the most important."

Liao Yuan was silent for a while, and said, "I got on a ventilator, but I couldn't save him in the end."

"At the end, it really came back. I opened my eyes. Although I didn't speak, I opened my eyes for a while. But it was just a little while, and the time was very short. For the family It's not enough to say goodbye, I can't push me forward and stand behind. But I always feel that the teacher seems to have seen me. I don't know if it's an illusion. I don't know, even if she sees me, can she still see me? recognize me"

"I just feel bad and want to say thank you, but there is no chance" he said, his eyes were red, but he held back his tears.

His teacher went quiet and deserted. It is not like the sung in some movies, the unknown rural teachers are full of peaches and plums. When they died, hundreds of students came from all over the country to express their condolences.


She is just an ordinary teacher in an ordinary small county. The students she teaches are also ordinary, and there is nothing very promising.

When she left, besides her family, there was only one student by her side.

That child is Liao Yuan.

She only served as his head teacher for one year. But the county town is really small, and the people here know a lot of each other. She had heard gossip about the child's parents from relatives and knew about his family situation.

She has also seen boys occasionally take off their school uniforms and have holes in their autumn clothes.

She was sympathetic.

But she is just an ordinary teacher with a meager salary and has no ability to give this child material help.

She accidentally saw him mingling with unemployed young people outside the school, as a teacher, she did not stand by. She went to ask the young physical education teacher who lived in the school and asked him to help her watch the child.

A good thought and a little teacher's morality corrected Liao Yuan's life trajectory.

She herself may have forgotten the child Liao Yuan later.

But for Liao Yuan, what this teacher, who he is not familiar with, has done for him is enough to make him cherish for a lifetime.

He regretted that he didn't even have the chance to say "thank you" to her face to face.

Life is so fragile.

Losing is so easy.

This is the first time that Liao Yuan has faced death at such a close distance. The separation terrified him.

Guo Zhi saw that he suffered a lot of mental shock, she comforted him gently, hugged him tenderly, and kissed his cheek affectionately.

"Pricked to death" she complained. When I touched it with my hand, the side of my chin and face was full of stubble.

"Shave and then sleep, it pricks," she said.

Take his hand and drag him out of bed and into the bathroom. He pulled out his razor from the drawer.

I found it tiring to raise my hands.

Guo Zhi supported the water table and sat on it, but it was still low.

"Come down," she said.

Liao Yuan supported the water table with both hands and leaned over slightly.

The electric shaver was bought by Guo Zhi. It is a very good brand with very low noise. But when he and she didn't speak, the very slight voice could still be heard clearly, and it rang on the tip of his and her nose.

The young man's chin was completely smooth.

Young skin is elastic and slippery to the touch, Guo Zhi doesn't want to let go.

Liao Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Guo Zhi.

Her eyes are warm.

He was wearing the new pajamas she bought him. It was washed before he came back. Same laundry detergent, same conditioner. The breath on him and her smelled very similar.

He touched her cheek as well, thumbing her soft lips. He bowed his head and kissed softly.

"Guo Zhi" he called her softly.

"Yeah" Guo Zhi looked up at him.

Her eyes were as moist as spring water. With his nose tip to nose tip, breathing can be heard.

Liao Yuan untied her nightdress. In the smudged light of the downlight, the skin was radiant.

Guo Zhi was not shy, raised his face slightly and closed his eyes.

Liao Yuan stared for a while, then lowered his head to kiss.

It's been days since I left her

Not too intense.

Slowly, deeply. Feel the scalding temperature of life.

The heat is fresh and full of vitality. Slowly dyeing and scalding his body, the young man started to burn, and the burn became more and more intense.

Finally, he buried his head in her neck, breathing quickly, and opened his eyes. The mirror was blurred by the vapor from the two people.

He smeared a smear, reflecting the snow white and slender. Under the extreme slenderness, there is a startling turning point.

He hugged her tightly and refused to quit.

This soft and warm woman, at this moment, belongs to him.

Don't want to let go

The next day, Liao Yuan, who had been on personal leave for many days, finally showed up at the company.

"Are you back home?" Assistant Huang asked.

"Very good." Liao Yuan smiled, "There is a delay."

"Go and say hello to Brother Lin." Assistant Huang said, "There are many waiting for you."

He went to Limbaugh's office.

"Are you okay?" Limbaugh asked the same. "It's over"

Liao Yuan nodded.

"That's fine. Do you know what's going on with the data?"

"Got it."

"Then take care of yourself and enter the state. Please take such a long vacation, and then you can't be lazy." Limbo said.

Liao Yuan looked directly into his eyes and smiled: "Of course not."

Limbo felt that he was different, but couldn't tell.

In March, the down jacket can no longer be worn, and the temperature rises little by little.

In this day when spring is coming, Guo Zhi is defeated.

She lost to Gu Qingxia

Guo Zhi really wants to kneel for Gu Qingxia

Gu Qingxia is pregnant, the child is not Li Sheng's

At the end of last year, she said that she wanted to break up with Li Sheng, but she didn't share. Li Sheng later began to appear frequently at the company to pick up and drop off, and the two of them seemed to be business as usual. Guo Zhi always thought they were reconciled.

She didn't expect that things were not what she saw at all.

For a long time, she recovered from the shock, and stammered and asked, "That, that, that, that, Mr. Li?"

"He knows." Gu Qingxia said calmly.

"Then Mr. Li, what do you mean?" Guo Zhi asked tangled.

Gu Qingxia thought of Li Sheng, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "He wants to marry me and be a father to this child. I didn't agree."

Guo Zhi's mouth could not close again. "What the **** is going on"

"Didn't you want to break up before, it was only during that time." Gu Qingxia said.

Guo Zhi wakes up: "Then you guys reconcile later"

"then now"

"It's really reconciled now."

Guo Zhi really felt the pain. She always felt that she was a 28-year-old woman looking for a 20-year-old little fresh meat to be a maverick. She did not expect that the pair of Gu Qingxia and Li Sheng would completely defeat her.

"No, I said Qing Xia, Gu Qing Xia" she asked painfully, "What do you mean, why can't I understand it?"

Gu Qingxia put down the cup and concluded: "One, I'm pregnant. Two, I plan not to get married. Three, Li Sheng and I are now reconciled."

Guo Zhi understood these three points, and let out a long sigh: "You really think that raising a child alone is not easy."

"I know." Gu Qingxia nodded, his eyes widened. "It will be difficult, but it is not impossible. I will try my best to give this child a happy growing environment."

"You can" Guo Zhi sighed, "How dare you"

Gu Qingxia smiled. Her smile now looks stretched and bright, even a little less cold than before. It was as if pregnancy had brought her new life.

Can the child change a woman like this? Guo Zhi thought of her friend who seemed to have completely changed for the child, and she worried that Gu Qingxia would become like that too.

But if Gu Qingxia wants to raise her children alone, she can't lose her job. So, probably not.

But Gu Qingxia is more aggressive than she thought.

"Guo Zhi." She asked, "Have you ever thought about leaving the company to go it alone?"

Guo Zhi's eyes became sharp in an instant. When she mentioned this, she immediately got rid of these love affairs and raising children.

"Why do you have an idea?" Her eyes sparkled. "tell me the story."

"In the early stage, you can make a studio first, and then make it into a company when it grows in scale." Gu Qingxia slowly talked about her idea, "The connections in my hands plus the resources in your hands. , it's only a matter of time before it grows bigger."

Guo Zhi's mouth twitched into a smile, whenever this happened, she and Gu Qingxia felt that their auras were very compatible, which was why they became good friends.

"I actually had an idea before, just after you were promoted to deputy director, I guessed that you won't have the idea of ​​going it alone for a while, so I didn't mention it." She said . "To tell you the truth, I actually even made a feasible plan."

"I don't have the idea of ​​leaving now." Gu Qingxia said, "It is not necessary for an organization to have two leaders. Especially in the early stage, when the scale is still small, it is even less necessary, it is enough to have you. The two of us are not together, it is a waste of resources. I plan to only invest, not to participate in the operation and management. This way, you have more room to play. "

Guo Zhi's eyes brightened. That's the best way she could have expected to work together. With her personality and work style, she is indeed more willing to be the master of the house than to be restrained by others.

Someone glanced at the table next door, and saw two high-spirited women. There is firmness and confidence in their eyes. The kind of self-confidence that comes from their own strength has added a few different styles to their already good looks.

Before leaving, Guo Zhi couldn't hold back his curiosity: "So the child's biological father is"

"You don't know, don't ask." Gu Qingxia said softly, "Irrelevant person."

Gu Qingxia didn't want to talk, Guo Zhi didn't ask. Gu Qingxia's matter was so complicated that it made her head hurt.

But before she left, she sighed and said to Gu Qingxia, "You should be nice to my brother Li."

She thinks that Li Sheng can endure this kind of thing, this eldest brother has become an immortal, right?

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