MTL - The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse-Chapter 179 Sweeping street professional households

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&nb A body full of mottled traces, some with horrible scratches on the body, one of the worst-looking cars actually lost half of the tail... Look at the gap, definitely what strength A lot of things were hard to pull down. Fortunately, the rear wheels of the car were not pulled together or the people on the car could not escape.

&nb Luo Xun they silently joined the back of the team, by the way to inquire about the news. At the moment, many people in the first few cars got off the bus and were waiting for the vehicles in front of them to check in. Luo Xun, who loves gossip here is Wang Hao. When the goods are seen, there are gossips that can be inquired. Even the Queen of the House can not care for them. When they open the door, they will go down until the first few cars enter the base. I still have not returned to my car.

&nb checked that the members of the car were not infected with the zombie virus, Luo Xun they successfully entered the base, after those cars temporarily parked in the base gate, the car looked a few more, did not stop and hurried back Home community.

&nb lock the car, go upstairs, check the situation of their own confirmation and there is no long-term come here to move the manual foot, everyone came together to ask Wang Hao about the door just now.

&nb "They all go into the city to do the squad task, it seems that the base is assigned to go to the city to find something. The result has not yet entered the urban area, they have encountered zombies ambush ..." said Wang Hao's eyes are bright and his voice is low. "It is said that this is not the first time. Now there are many places outside the base. There are many zombies hiding in the snow, waiting for the passing cars to come out. It is said that everyone started. I thought it was a coincidence, and the people who could escape came back to each other. Almost all the people who went out had met these zombies! The whole team went out and didn’t come back! Now the legends are in the base. I will also dig traps and catch people!"

&nb everyone immediately remembered the zombies they had hidden in the snow when they first came out of the base, and they looked at each other - it was not a special case?

&nb "Can we come back and go out several times, and no more zombies!" Song Lingling suddenly remembered this matter, watching Luo Xun seeking answers.

&nb Luo Xun is not a zombie, how can he know why the zombies disappeared afterwards? But before he even opened his mind, Zhang traced suddenly: "Maybe you have gone with the zombie tide."

&nb last time they encountered a large range of zombies, according to the traces they saw when they returned to the base, the edge of the zombie tide is indeed closer to those where the zombies lurk.

&nb "...It's also possible. Just don't know why the zombies will follow the big zombies." Luo Xun frowned, and the zombies now clearly have a certain sense of unity. No matter what it is, it is very unfavorable news for those who need to play the zombie nucleus.

&nb went out like this several times, they almost never encountered scattered zombies, even the nucleus could not play. The only time I encountered a zombie, I encountered a zombie tide... I would like to start thinking more about the nucleus.

&nb "This thing, even if we want to come up with some possibilities, there is no way to verify it at the moment, or let's fix the move first." Since I can't think of the reason for a moment, I will quickly get the most important thing for them now. really.

&nb moving is a big project, they are going to drive out four cars, each one is full, but there are still a lot of things left in the house waiting for them to slowly move out... Luo Xun, they found out now, how many things did they get back? There is no problem with the two floors. It’s really bad, and it’s hard to help stabilize the stairs. God knows how many times they have to go to move things all over?

&nb just when Luo Xun rolled up his sleeves and was ready to pick up the things he was going to take when he moved out, the text message prompted everyone to come back - oh, almost forgot, they came back not just to move I have to come back to do the task.

The &nb base seems to be very keen on all kinds of cleaning activities, or maybe they think the name of the otaku team is too embarrassing? I can only do the work of sweeping the streets, so I really like to send such tasks to them? Or is there no other team in the entire base besides their team that is willing to do this kind of obviously "lower" work?

&nb In short, when listening to Luo Xun said that the task they received this month is to sweep the street, the expression on each face is absolutely brilliant.

&nb "Where is this sweep?"

&nb Luo Xun carefully looked at the information on the message, but the brow wrinkled: "Outside the base, it is the only way to enter the city before winter." Although the zombies were evacuated, they did not level off. There is little snow, and even the snow under the wall is basically gone, but this does not mean that there is no snow on all the roads outside. In particular, there are some roads that people used to use before the end of the world. When the zombies came and went, they didn't pass by, so now everyone has to clean up if they want to use them.

The recent snow in &nb is indeed melting, and it is more dangerous to daytime and the ground at night. At least the text message sent to Luo Xun to clean this street is like this.

&nb people looked at each other for a while before looking at the phone on the table.

&nb "This place is some distance from the base, and close to the city, it is not allowed to encounter zombies."

&nb "When you encounter a zombie to nothing, you are afraid of encountering a zombie that was suddenly buried in the ground..."

&nb "This is also good to say, you can explore the road ahead of time, the problem is that the distance of this road is a bit long..."

&nb group of people's brows are slightly wrinkled, and they look at each other with some discomfort. In fact, this is mainly because everyone is now concentrating on the "moving out" base, and they are extremely disgusted with all the unexpected and time-consuming tasks that will affect their efficiency.

&nb "This task is best done only during the day and after the sky is completely lit." Luo Xun did not have much opinion on this, although he also wanted to move quickly and clean up the house over there to arrange them. New home, but since they are not prepared to give up their home in the base now, it is better to do a better job - to do the task honestly, not to attract the attention of the base. Fortunately, the tasks they have received are still relatively simple. "The tasks in the base are limited, and the base will not give the team a simple one. The luck of the last two is better. Now..." said Luo Xun, "If the base sends out, it is the kind that lets us Looking for something in the city...not more trouble?"

&nb listened to him saying that other talents no longer complained. To be honest, they knew that the base would force the assignment of tasks in the base, or they would have been accused of going to the city to find things when they arrived. get ready. This time it is only because I am more anxious about other things, I will complain. Isn't it snow cleaning? They have done less of this task? I have had a lot of experience!

&nb slightly cleaned up the crops at home - these things are everyone's rations, even if they are ready to move away, they can't care about these plants. Everyone will go back to each house to wash and rest.

&nb the next morning, packed up the things in the house, with a variety of self-defense weapons and other things, the group once again ran to the mission hall to prepare for the task, the base to sweep the street.

&nb sweeps the street once, their equipment is almost the same as every time they go out for a long time, even the number of weapons on their body far exceeds the normal sweeping of the street, and the task inside and outside the base is different. If they encounter a large number of zombies, they are still counting on these weapons and ammunition to survive.

&nb took the task out of the base, and confirmed before and after going out that they did not pay the crystal nucleus after going out and returning, Luo Xun they dared to go out - if you do this base assignment task you still need to pay the crystal nucleus, Then they simply gave up the task!

&nb for efficiency reasons, plus the number of people who really dared to go out of the base recently, so Luo Xun they decided to discuss it - directly use the ability to clear the road.

&nb use the ability to clean the road is actually very simple, Xu Mei is a fire abilities, Song Lingling is a water system abilities, and the two ladies can join hands to clean up the snow on the road. The rest of the debris and garbage are all on, and it will not take long for them to get their mission.

&nb The red flame continues to float above the snowy road, and every time some snow water melts, it will be quickly transferred to the roadside by Song Lingling. For the sake of subconscious self-protection, they did not speed up and immediately took the road they needed to be responsible, slowed down some speeds, and saved the base from giving them deliberately improving the difficulty of the task.

&nb because this task basically relies on two ladies to clean up, other people lose the most debris on the road, throw in the snow with long-range weapons in advance to explore the hidden zombies below, so everyone is consistent in the task It was decided before the start - most of the income was given to the two ladies, and the remaining part was rushed into the public use of the team.

&nb, but the road was cleaned up in a little more than half a day, and it was time to take back the magical shovel when they had a car passing by. Its practical ability to clean up the snow is not a secret that needs to be hidden, just because they have never used this trick before when they were in the base, and they are afraid that if the task is completed too soon, it will be deliberately assigned the task that is more difficult next time. Delayed for a moment.

After the task was settled, Luo Xun only took the car and climbed the car - this time they only opened two cars.

&nb "Our luck is good, actually did not touch the zombies." Several people began to laugh after getting on the bus.

&nb "Do not crow mouth." Han Li said, slap a hand and photographed Wu Xin's head.

&nb "Hey, anyway, I am going back soon. Even if there are zombies coming out, there is nothing." Wu Xin didn't care, his hands crossed his head, and he lifted his legs and shook his legs.

Several people in the &nb compartment were laughing and joking. Luo Xun drove the car back to the base gate, registered, checked, and prepared to enter the base gate. At this time, two military vehicles were also opened from the outside of the base. They looked up and looked at Luo Xun and saw the captain Guo, who was sitting in the co-pilot position.

&nb with his elbows squatting around Yan Fei, Yan Fei also looked down at his gaze, the captain Guo over there also appeared to the place, the three looked at each other, Guo captain just ordered Underneath, without saying anything, the two men squinted their eyes twice and looked at the base gate in front of them.

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