MTL - The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse-Chapter 189 Treasure

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Gray feathers, huge volume. Luo Xun stood at the gate of the metal door that was not newly built, and extended from the gate. From the railings that were specially left out, they looked at the mutant bird that was "robbed" by everyone last night.

"It seems to be a bird of the geese." Luo Xun is not sure. He observed it carefully and asked for evidence.

There is no such thing as a study of this animal. Even if someone is interested in the animal world, it may be carefully examined, carefully studied, and carefully discerned in each period. It is very good to be able to tell that this guy is a waterfowl.

At this time, the non-manipulating metal lifted a claw of a mutant bird and hoisted it. After raising it to a certain height, it began to shake its body.

Ploughing, brushing and pulling, in the scuffle last night, it is inevitable that something may be on the bird. What vines are broken by the vines, and what is stuck in the pebbles.

There was a loud voice coming from the sound of the earth, and there was something more messy on the ground.

After shaking off these things, Yan Fei only manipulated the big bird to "transport" to everyone.

There are still migratory birds in the sky that continue to migrate from south to north, and the number is huge and exaggerated. On the ground, the huge metal cover once again obscured the big bird. The people wearing various protective clothes surrounded the big bird, and after carefully examining all the wounds and feathers on it, they were relieved.

"no problem."

"The wound is normal in color and should be eaten."

"The feathers are very clean and there is nothing to bring with them."

"Decompose it? Decompose it?! Can you eat bird meat this evening?!"

"This guy is a firepower! Xu is blessed this time!"

Since the last chapter has absorbed the crystal nucleus in the wind sheep brain, we have already confirmed that the crystal nucleus in the brain of the mutant animal is huge, but it is generally a nucleus of the second grade, but the amount of energy contained therein is huge. It is almost possible to push a abilities that need to be accumulated by a abilities that are to be rushed to the apex. After pushing to the apex and then finding a higher level of crystal nucleus, they will be able to successfully level!

This fire crystal nucleus just allows Xu Mei to absorb and turn back to find the five-level crystal nucleus, and she can directly rush to the fifth level.

I confirmed that the big bird itself had no problem, and did not bring anything that should not be brought. Everyone was plucked, disassembled, and sent home to store it.

When everyone handled the mutated bird almost, Luo Xun took Xiao Xinran and pointed to the things that were shaken from the big bird not far away: "Although all the things are brought together, then we throw them into those plants. Let's go inside." They are not sure what is in the things that shake off. The safest way to deal with it is - where to come back. Xiao Xinran's ability to handle these sundries is more appropriate.

Little girl nodded, manipulating the sand on the ground, and moving those things into the sand and slowly moving outward.

...... "Wait! Let's get those things together, let me see!" Luo Xun suddenly felt that his eyes were flashed by something, and there was a guess in his mind that quickly made Xiao Xinran get things to himself. an examination.

A pile of tattered things scattered in front of Luo Xun, who took two metal sticks that he had made for him, broken the variegated plant debris, dirt, bird feathers, and - his target items.

Seeing Luo Xun pinching out a thing from inside, Xiao Xinran also looked at him curiously with a pair of eyes, and his small mouth grew very big.

Luo Xun took a deep breath and tightened his hand to the palm of his hand. He pulled a few more pieces of debris, and sure enough, he found two more! !

"Of course, let's go to dig treasure!" Luo Xun squatted down, grabbed the little girl's shoulder with both hands, and his face was obviously excited.

"Digging treasure?" Xiao Xinran his head, and suddenly smiled at the things that Luo Xun put aside, "dig this?"


A group of people rushed into the refrigerator all the time. Xu Mei left a large piece of breast meat according to the old rules. He prepared to add food to everyone at noon or in the evening, and put the piece of meat left in the cold room. .

Yan Fei turned around in the hall but did not find the trace of Luo Xun. He browed and took a few steps back to the newly made martyrdom at the gate.

One big and one small, the two are at the end of the martyrdom, Luo Xun is pointing in a certain direction to Xiaoxin: "Yes, just get it..."

"What are you doing..." Yan Fei said halfway, suddenly saw a small pile of things at the foot of Luo Xun, and the pupil instantly shrank. "Where did these... get it back?!"

Hearing his voice, Luo Xun smiled and looked back, grabbed the little girl who laughed and giggled, patted her shoulder: "Happy to dig the treasure and dig it back!"

In the room, everyone was sitting around a large table in the kitchen hall on the first floor, and the small pile of things that looked light on the table and looked at the table with a slight stagnation.

Luo Xun took Xiao Xinran to wash his hands and walked back. He stood at the table and coughed twice: "I didn't shake the body before I dealt with the big bird. Is it afraid that it carries something dirty?" Excited to see myself, Luo Xun cleared his throat again. "I just let them collect the things, and I want to throw them into the devil vines and find that there is something reflective inside, and let her get those things over..."

"Is there a crystal nucleus inside!!" Wang Hao couldn't help but ask excitedly.

Luo Xun nodded and picked up a crystal nucleus with a beautiful blue color like an unpolished sapphire: "Yes, I found three crystal nuclei in it. I thought, I haven't seen the zombies in the vicinity." These birds have been flying in the sky for a long time. These nucleus will fall off when it shakes. When and where did it get there?" Luo Xun said and looked out the window. "I tried to make it small." I am glad to help get back some of the mud back, try not to shake off the things attached to it, and I found so much."

There is a small pile of things on this long table. Everyone who is present in the scene is very familiar with it. It is exactly what I got every time I went out of the base to kill the zombies - the nucleus!

And the crystal nucleus placed in front of everyone is big and small, from the first level to the fourth level! !

"So, these devil vines will ‘eat’ people, ‘eat’ mutant animals, ‘eat’ zombies. But they only don’t eat crystal nucleus?!”

"God! How many crystal nucleus will accumulate under these mutant plants!!"

All the people exclaimed and looked at each other with excitement.

Luo Xun took a deep breath and pointed to the outside: "Don't forget, we are now in the innermost of these plants, you can find so much if you look for it. If there are some crystal nucleus near the roadside and the street outside?" ”

The last zombie tide, how many zombies were killed in these mutant plants nearby! !

Thinking of this, all the people present at the scene lit up and looked at Luo Xun with anticipation.

Luo Xun smiled and made a gesture of comfort to everyone: "This is a meticulous work. We have to consider that the part that is too close to the middle is too small to be able to take it. It is not convenient to take it. Let us use the free time first. It’s good to take time out every day to crystallize the nucleus.” He paused, his eyes glowing with excitement. “It seems that it’s really much more to plant some mutant plants nearby...”

This thing is good! Can help kill zombies, intercept mutant animals, block other passing people from spying on the secrets here, and will not consume crystal nuclei! ! It is simply a weapon for the nursing home!

Luo Xun now only hates the rice in his hands and the seeds of wheat are too few. It is not enough to eat it at home, let alone some of the mutant plants. As for the mutated plants to breed themselves... He is not quite sure how the devil vines are proliferating. It is impossible to study in depth in the last life, so these things can only come slowly.

With more devil vines, if there are more zombies in the vicinity, you will get more zombie nucleus, and the efficiency of going out to play nucleus!

However, before they could think about how to get the crystal nucleus in the middle part of the field.

Xiao Xinran's ability to operate the distance is limited, and in some places, if there is no way to see, she is even more difficult to carry out detailed operations, which is related to her relatively young age and relatively weak control.

Xiao Xinran's limit operating distance is almost ten meters, which is enough for general farmland, but it is not easy for those with long length and irregular shape, and the field around Luo Xun's location. It is so irregular.

"We can collect the crystal nucleus on both sides first, and there will be some sand crystal nucleus inside. If the **** is upgraded to the next level, it may be able to arrive!" Wu Xin patted Xiao Xinran's shoulder.

"Yeah, this method is good!" Only those nucleus that Luo Xun and Xiao Xinran had just got had all kinds of crystal nucleus of various colors and various sizes. Maybe it was the same as Wu Xin suggested. When they filter the crystal nucleus on the land that can be obtained nearby, they can make up the number of crystal nuclei that Xiaoxin Ran can upgrade!

I just don't know if there are any five grades in these crystal nucleus, or is there any five-level zombies in the zombie army that passed by?

Luo Xun has reservations about this, but the methods are all people think of, maybe you don't have to wait until Xiao Xinran upgrades them to find a way to get the crystal nucleus hidden in the depths of the mutant plants. . Now, they can get the nucleus that they can and can reach. It is already very good!

The migratory birds in the sky still can't see the tail at this time. Luo Xun is worried because if he let Xiao Xinran only act with one or two people, he will decide after the discussion. They will take one day during the day. About an hour? Send a few people with strong fighting power to **** the little girl, first look for the nucleus from the open space. The rest of the time is still busy with the work of the basement, which is also a combination of work and rest, but also to ensure that everyone's safety, work and digging treasure are not delayed.

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