MTL - The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse-Chapter 250 Digging

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Yan Fei saw Luo Xun’s headache about how to heat the mushroom juice in the trap. He quickly advised him: “We can also dig tunnels. The specific situation can be reviewed later. It’s not difficult to do. We have to dig the trap first. it is good."

"Yes, let's dig up the traps in the past few days." Luo Xun, although he had been squatting for a while, could soon regain his spirit. “After a few days, the food at home should be harvested in large areas. When we are busy with this, let us concentrate on getting traps.”

The recent weather is getting colder every day. Since entering September, the temperature outside every autumn rain and the autumn wind will drop a lot. It’s October, don’t see that they can sit here and sunbathe, but the temperature is actually quite cool once they go out.

The migratory birds flew overhead on their heads for nearly a week, and in the later period the birds in the sky became sparsely scattered. In this week, the two silly wolves had twice rushed back to the body of a total of four mutant birds.

Luo Xun, they gave the birds a craniotomy, a hair removal operation, and then helped them to store the bodies of the migratory birds. They saw the crystal nucleus of different colors. Everyone doubts that the four big birds are the two. Stupid caught? Still die in the hands of other animals, and they are backed up by two of them?

However, because the prey itself is very fresh, and the fatal wound on the neck of the prey is indeed a tooth print, perhaps these two guys have entered some mutant animals that can hunt their own abilities.

With the suspicion of two stupid wolves, Luo Xun they decomposed several large birds and frozen them up. These two guys sometimes stalked their prey, fur, and even some weird but they I feel that something very precious comes back, such as a big bone stick or something. Luo Xun can't, they can only give them a separate "bedroom" in the tunnel, allowing them to store some things they like, and let them sleep at night.

Of course, this "bedroom" is Luo Xun. They dug them out when the metal is very rich and they need to increase their own basement area.

Now there are more “rooms” in each of the basements in the base, which are used to load things or cultivate things. After all, the “members” in the family have increased, and the consumption of vegetables and food has naturally increased.

In a few days, the first batch of food in the family needs to be harvested. This batch of crops were transferred from the base home when they left the base. Although it was not too good to let them grow for a few days in the middle, it seems that the output is still very good.

The second batch of food is expected to be harvested in November or even December. Fortunately, the base has been rebuilt by them very well. It is not afraid of the upcoming winter. The insulation function of their base is definitely a lever. of!

This time, about half of the crops they produce are rice, about half of which is wheat, and a part of it is high-quality mutant rice!

The golden wheat ears and the scent of the grain are filled with the entire planting room, making people feel good when they look at it. These two crops add up to about one mu. They put the special harvester on the shelf and turn it on. The harvester can start automatic harvesting, and it can also pack rice straw and wheat straw! It is really convenient and convenient.

You have to know that the previous vegetables had to be picked by hand when they had a good harvest! Think about the horror of the hard work of harvesting food in the base last year, and then look at the help of high-tech machines. Now the situation is so happy!

However, although harvesting, collecting straw and other things do not require them to handle it, it is still necessary to take care of the harvested food, drying, shelling, etc., and it is very time-consuming to do these things once they are busy. .

Tossing the grain of the house, grinding the powder, changing the shell of the shell, and sprouting the germination. Wait until the new seedlings are made and the soil is replaced with fertilization. After the empty shelves are filled with new seedlings, the time comes to October 21.

Early this morning, after checking the latest satellite photos and checking the nearby situation, Luo Xun finally went out again and embarked on a journey to dig a trap.

Autumn is so cool... No, the temperature is already very low today, especially the autumn wind, and the trees, flowers and flowers in the vicinity are all withered and yellow, and the road is full of golden yellow leaves and grass leaves. When Luo Xun passed by the pond, they saw that there were no traces of waterfowls around them. Even the number of mutant animals began to decrease greatly. There were depressions and waters covered with leaves everywhere.

Everyone went out to drive only one electric car. They had already drawn the scope of the trap before going out - a large circle around the farmland outside their own base. Yes, yes, there are so many metals that they collected before they went out! !

As long as the time is rich, Yan Fei said that he can fill all the surrounding areas with traps, but considering that in the unlikely event that the base has a metal ability to make a fake, they decided to keep a low profile. Just the last lap.

When they went out, they only drove a car, but they kept up with the "car" made of four pure metals! These are all necessary materials for building traps.

When I arrived at the destination, Xiaochan began to dig up after watching it. Nowadays, for Xiao Xinran, who has already had five levels, the work of digging holes can't be simpler. Not long after, a square pit about three meters deep and about six or seven meters long and wide was dug up. Yan Fei quickly used a metal in a metal car to make a large "box" inside, and the metal wall of the box was still sandwiched.

Seal the lid, spread the sand, pour the water, and make a large metal box.

In this trap, Yan Fei did not make anything like thorns, because they have repeatedly tested that the mushroom juice can start to corrode as long as it touches the skin, and it doesn't matter if there is no wound. In this case, what do they do for that thing? Looking back into the inside filled with mushroom juice is not good?

A trap starts from digging and ends with filling and watering. It only takes half an hour and half a metal car. Luo Xun counted the efficiency and smiled at everyone: "In this way, we only need to do about ten a day, and we will be able to arrange all the traps before November."

"You can do more." Yan Fei calculated the back of the metal they collected.

"Well, look at the situation. Let's go every morning and afternoon, and do as much as we can before the end of November." After all, the temperature after entering November will definitely turn cold quickly, and they are no longer suitable for frequent Going out - there is no shelter from the lush trees on the roadside, and their outings will become very conspicuous. If they are taken by satellite, they will be noticed if they are not allowed to shoot.

Before, Luo Xun found a trace of their own people in a photo. At that time, they were going to collect metal in a nearby place. Fortunately, when the photo was taken, they were on their way away from their own base. It is not a big problem to be seen.

Everyone quickly got busy. From this day, the otaku team came out one morning and came out in the afternoon. In the morning, they would come out after taking care of their own crops. Usually they would go back to eat after two hours or so, after lunch. Come out at two in the afternoon and go back to dinner three hours later.

They often go out, and they lead the two wolves who go out every day during the day and come along. The little guys are playing with the two guys nearby. Others are responsible for vigilance, while watching Xiaoxinran and Yanfei The pits are traps, and from time to time, look at the three stupid dogs and spread them in the distance.

Most of the traps that Luo Xun placed in them were concentrated in places where there were no mutated plants. Although there were mutated plants in the back, they would be placed, but the number was not as large as other parts.

Having said that, Luo Xun is worrying about another thing - cultivating the devil vine.

In fact, this idea has been there since long ago, but there was not much food in their hands at that time. It is not enough to eat it at home, let alone use it to plant the devil vine?

Later, there are more things that need to be busy, and it is not so easy to plant these things. I have to keep an eye on them. I have to be very careful when I plant them. I must not be too close to the wild devil vines. I can be far away but lost. Part of the effect. In short, until now, after the harvest of his own food, Luo Xuncai raised this idea - you can try it when you start spring next year. Just think about how to plant? Where can I protect my own base and not affect the mutant animals?

After ten days passed, they placed a trap on the surrounding circle, and they added a few more to the south.

It’s just that these traps can only affect the ground zombie forces at most. In the sky, they need to deal with other directions later – if these zombies can smell the base.

In the past few days, the weather outside has been cold for one day, and the temperature at night has dropped below zero. Now the base has finally started to fully start the plumbing equipment.

Yes, the underground and even the walls of the entire base are covered with water pipes, which is enough to maintain a certain temperature for the entire base. It will never let the plants and animals inside be affected by the cold air outside.

Honestly, the temperature adjustment effect of this new base is much better than that they used to make in the base. After all, except for the building where they live, the rest of the place is full of metal rooms, and the temperature can not be controlled. Simple!

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