MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1695 Mission

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Charlemagne exchanged a look with his sister.

The situation... some exceeded expectations.

Unexpectedly, after Ivana seriously investigated, I was still being monitored, which led to great passiveness. Now the identity of the two may not be exposed or may have been exposed, but this is no longer important. What is important is the front. What do these mysterious people want to do, and whether they are related to those pirates.

This is a warship warship with two words that make Charlemagnes stab in the back.

There are some mysterious things in the world that are unclear. For example, ancient wizards who have been hiding for hundreds of thousands of years suddenly swayed through the city with mechanical dragons. For example, some ruins suddenly ran out of the control of the magical soldiers, as well as some Charlieman once thought that this silver-white giant ship was one of the above-mentioned situations, but it was a warship.

Hao Ren saw that the man named Charlemagne was changing his face, so he did not give the other person too much time to think: "I don't know what you are doing in the brain, but I first declare that we are not hostile, with yours. It’s a complete accident to encounter and intervene in this attack. We did save you from the pirates by chance. At least there is nothing to hide.”

Charlemagne’s eyebrows shook a bit: that is, these people are not connected to the pirates? Is this really a coincidence?

But how much credibility is there?

But when Charlemagne also weighed the pros and cons, Avona took a step forward: "We are from the royal family of Issos, and Her Majesty is our father."

Charlemagne immediately whispered with some dissatisfaction: "Avenina!"

Elvina’s face was as calm as water: “Brother, we are on their boat, everyone is on their boat.”

This sentence immediately reminded Charlemagne, he realized that he had overlooked some things, and Avenina actually understood more than he saw.

The two brothers and sisters are on the ship of others, and the ship is still floating above the cracks of the world. In this situation, as long as the "suspected suspiciousness" of the two people is known by the owner of the ship, it has already There is no initiative at all. And the phrase "everyone is on their boat" is not just worried that other crew members will be threatened as hostages, but also reminds Charlemagne that the crew and passengers may also leak information even if it is not intentional. .

Instead of it, it is better to cooperate with one point. Anyway, compared to the real secret, the identity of the two is not a big deal.

After hearing Evana’s words, Hao Ren was a little surprised. He did not expect that he had saved the accident and saved the two special characters when he came to the planet. When he wants his own things to force the attributes, he will instantly get up. As for the identity of the two princes and princesses in front of him, it seems to him that there is no such thing as a tight princess. So I have to study and write homework to sleep at night, watch comics playing games and accidentally tear down home appliances and have to be farted. . Stocks, he is still the sun king of Arim, do not fight for the two ribs with a husky every day?

However, he is still very interested in these two special characters: "The princess and prince of the ancient country of Issou? How can such a special person appear on a separate passenger ship? And it was attacked by pirates..."

"This is a secret messenger," Charlie Mantle said with some indignation. Anyway, the identity has been exposed, and some less important things are said to have no effect. "I and Aventina are secret agents from Isso to Germany. Lagun empire, and those pirates..."

Waiting for him to finish, Vivian has taken the second half of the sentence: "It seems that those pirates are not really pirates."

Charlemagne took a deep look at the woman who suddenly interrupted: "...some deviations, but those pirates are not pure."

Hao Ren looked at Vivienne a little unexpectedly. The latter did not carelessly waved his hand: "I saw more things like a broken thing. When the pirates in the European seas ran for a while in the open sea, half of them were eating royal food. I I was almost tempted to be a pirate, but when the ship sank, it didn’t happen..."

Hao Ren was shocked: This female count actually has such a history? I really went back in a hurry, and I missed a lot of details!

"Cough," noticed the curious look of Charlemagne and Avignon. Hao Ren rushed to cough and slammed the subject back. "I understand, that is, you two are secretly going from the country of Issu to the tribute of the lagoon. As a special envoy, but the action is not only exposed, but there are still people who want to go black, so you are attacked by pirates. No wonder you both give me the feeling that I am a bit guilty of paranoia."

Ai Wenna’s face was a bit curious: “What is the paranoia?”

"It’s a suspicious person. If someone else sneezes, you all suspect that you are in the secret code. When you eat a meal, you are always worried that people will summon the cup and call out five hundred knife axe." Hao Ren waved his hand, "To tell the truth, with this state." The people who deal with it are particularly tired. If you say a word, you can make up the 200,000-word sword and sword. Oh... don’t say this, you used to worry about our connection with the pirates?”

"To be honest, I am worried now," Ivana said calmly. "But look at your attitude... I don't think so."

"...just when this is a compliment," Hao Ren sighed. "So, the so-called white pearl passenger ship and the one on board is a disguised ambassador?"

"Not all," said Charlemagne. "The White Pearl is indeed a passenger ship. It is indeed an ordinary passenger. It makes the group just mixed in."

In the mind of Hao Ren, the old captain of a white beard and a pipe appeared: "If I didn't guess wrong, at least that Captain Boken is an insider, right?"

"It seems that you have been in contact with him," said Charlemagne. There is no concealment. "Captain Boken has always been the captain of the White Pearl. He has been operating the passenger ship for more than 20 years, but he served the royal family of Issou. For thirty years."

"It’s been a long time to cultivate... It’s a pity that the ship and the captain,” Vivian shook her head a little regret. “Without this, his career and future are basically equal.”

"What is the purpose of your trip this time?" Lily squinted and listened for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask.

Charlemagne's look was particularly vigilant. This is the most crucial secret, and it belongs to the secret that only he and Avenina know, so it is no longer within the scope of "cooperating": "This is hard to tell." ”

Lily nodded. "Oh, then don't need to say it, I am curious to ask."

Then she turned back and took a drink from the side, inserted the straw into it and began to blow bubbles.

Charlemagne: "..."

The inner volatility of His Royal Highness is very complicated: this is... no question? Actually tm is casually asked! Why don't you play cards according to common sense? !

"Cough, don't think too much, she really just curious to ask," Hao Ren felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and quickly said, "So, you are going to the Dragong Empire... to see that there is a huge The emperor of the Dragon Soul?

"Is this related to you?" Charlemagne's expression of caution and alertness did not weaken at all, even more obvious than just now. "I don't know your identity until now, if you want to say "open and honest" Talk, I think you should at least introduce yourself at this time."

After a few conversations, he finally decided not to answer the next question, but wanted to understand the origins of these people in front of them, whether or not they are real, at least inquire.

"Oh, this is our negligence," Hao Ren said with a smile, then pointed at himself. "We are from the World Tree Temple. You can call me Hao Ren. The next few are..."

He didn't take out the complicated system about the Greek gods and the examiners. Because it was not necessary, and he had to explain a lot of background settings, he simply arranged a "World Tree Temple" for himself. Born, and in a way, this is really not a lie: they are really starting from the world tree shrine...

"World Tree Temple?" Charlemagne frowned. "I have never heard of this sect or organization..."

"We are isolated from the world, never intervened in the affairs of this world, let alone you, even your father of the king may not know the existence of the world tree temple," Hao Ren said with great sincerity, "So You don't have to be so wary of us: we are uncontested."

Charlemagne did not believe in this set of rhetoric, but a reclusive organization that never intervenes in worldly things and is named "the temple" is not entirely impossible. Although they have a "warship", this is amazing, but perhaps this It just proves the foundation and financial resources of this hidden organization, and the peculiarity of this ship just proves that the other party is "isolated".

At least for a civilization that has not yet entered the space age, the world's hidden organizations are easier to understand than the extraterrestrial visitors in the universe.

He chose to be dubious, but he was very serious when he spoke: "A hidden sect? You are isolated from the world, why is this sudden life?"

Hao Ren sighed and sighed, and said that he could finally tell the key points: "It’ s coincidentally, we have to go to the Dragon empire to find the emperor of the Dragon Soul but I didn’t expect it to cross the world. When I met the White Pearl, I didn’t even think that the two pearls on the White Pearl had to go to the empire’s secret agent. It’s unbelievable, but it may be a kind of fate.”

At this time, Elvina couldn't help but open her mouth: "You also go to the Dragon Empire? What are you going to do?"

"It can be considered a trip," Vivienne mimicked Charlemagne's tone. "But the specific purpose... this is hard to tell."

"All in all, we have a common purpose," Hao Ren clap his hands. "If you don't mind, maybe we can go together?"