MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1705 Freak

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Black pine forest.

The towering giant trees obstruct the sunlight, and the dense shrubs form a wall with the vines. The life cycle on the land forms a closed energy field, completely blocking the breath outside the forest. After the mysterious jungle, everyone feels as if they are stepping into another world.

And this feeling does not seem to be an illusion.

"Fog?" and other cars gradually slowed down. After entering a stable state, Lily looked down at her back. In her sight, there was a weird fog. The fog was between the trees 100 meters away. Thick, like a gray liquid, the mist slowly flutters with the breeze in the forest, through which you can hardly see the outline of Greenway's green barrier: you know, the magnificent barrier is in number It can be clearly seen from kilometers away.

But now it can only be vaguely seen that there is a strange shadow hiding behind the fog.

"Weird...the imperial soldiers didn't chase it..." Charlemagne realized another unusual thing after he calmed down. "No, they are not so easy to give up..."

Vivian watched the prince's temple: "In any case, now we can finally determine who wants your life."

"The Black Sword Knight directly obeyed the Emperor of Dragong. In addition to the emperor himself ordered, no one could call them," Hao Ren took the words. "Looking at their attitude of killing, they obviously have confirmed your identity. And it was ordered to chase after you, which is the offending of the emperor?"

"I don't know," Charlemagne replied very simply. "To be honest, after coming to the territory of Dragon, the situation has completely separated from my expectations and control. Everything that happened in this country has not had any rumors before... I can't help with intelligence."

Hao Ren grinned and looked at the direction of the other two caravans: the third caravan had switched modes, and now the folded partition wall has not been restored, which makes it a convertible with a bunker "So it is easy to observe around. He saw the guards on the other two caravans safe and sound, and the shield on the car was running very well.

After realizing that these vans had strong shields, the guards shrank their bodies into the shields in time, except that at first a rotten guy leaned out to meet the enemy and accidentally was scratched by a spear. Everyone is safe and sound.

"I didn't expect these cars to have such a powerful magic barrier installed," Elvina said with amazement. "Your ‘World Tree Temple’ seems to have a very great skill.”

"We have always mastered cutting-edge technology," Hao Ren waved his hand in disapproval. "The key question now is what do you want to do next? The Black Sword Knight is chasing you, and the order behind it must be the Dragon King Emperor Berendin. So the emperor must not go to your "secret ambassador" to continue?"

In Hao Ren’s view, the development of this matter is equivalent to the breakdown of the tribute of the Dragu empire and the Iso, regardless of the reason why the Emperor of the Dragon Soul is going to start against the Charlemagne brothers and sisters. It is equal to declaring war. In this case, the task of "secret-sending" has no meaning.

But Ai Wenna shook her head after a moment of indulgence: "No, we must complete the mission."

"Hah?" This time, even Lia, who was blindly studying with her eyes, couldn't help but open her eyes and looked at the past. "You are kidding! The Emperor of Dragong wants to kill you, are you going to find him in the emperor?" ”

"No, let's go to the Emperor Constance," Elvina said very seriously. "Through the emperor, you will continue north to the six northern provinces..."

Hao Ren opened his mouth, but he still didn't say that Charlemagne had taken the initiative to open his mouth: "Sorry, our mission is very important. Of course, we have no position to ask you to continue with us. Our brothers and sisters have been taken care of by you on this road. I can’t ask for more. After leaving the black pine forest, everyone will..."

"Wait a minute, I haven't talked yet," Hao Ren immediately interrupted the other party. "You are going to the North to find the Princess Constance, right? No problem, anyway, for whom are we looking for?" All the same, just go to the North with you."

This time it was Charlie Man’s turn, and he looked at Hao Ren with a stunned look: “So... can you? You are not shouldering the mission of the World Tree Temple. Do you have to go to the Emperor to find the Emperor of Dragong?”

"Don't worry, we don't have to look for that kind of burgundy, or we don't have to go to him first," Hao Ren laughed. "In fact, now I am against Constance. The curiosity of the emperor is no less than that of the Emperor of the Dragon Soul... Maybe she can answer many questions."

"And there is one more thing," Vivian added a faint sentence. "With your own strength and the status quo that has now been revealed, if you don't have our help, can you really arrive in the six northern provinces?"

Charlemagne flashed a glimpse of imperceptible flaws, but he nodded silently: "So... then I have to continue to bother."

"Cooperation," Hao Ren smiled, but his eyes fell on the tall, "carcass" of the armor in the middle of the carriage. "Since it has not been pursued, let us know about these black sword knights." ......"

The topic is here, and Avona and Charlemagne have a hint of tension and fear in the face. The latter is still calm, but the former jumps directly to the other side of the carriage and takes two steps, and that looks like The "corpse" that lost its vitality opened up enough distance.

"I don't know how you got rid of this knight in a moment," Charlemagne said confusedly. "I saw all the other battles. Although your magic is weird, there are still many traces, but this knight. Just now it was..."

"I didn't shoot him," Leah lifted her eyelids and said lazily. "I just ruined his sword and he just fell down here and didn't move."


The scene before the battle also reappeared in Hao Ren’s mind: the black sword knight and two imperial soldiers stepped into the compartment to check the passengers, and behind the caravan rushed ten murderous pursuers, the battle broke out After Lia returned to God for the first time, the Black Sword Knight and the two imperial soldiers slashed her weapons and then disintegrated themselves because of the Shenwei. Then the two Imperial soldiers were killed by Vivian and Lily, but the Black Sword Knight ......

He was not attacked. He fell behind himself after the mechanical sword became a fly ash.

Lily curiously followed Hao Ren to the side of the "corpse". Looking at the body with no scars but no motion, she couldn't help but poke: "The landlord, you said he is not Because we broke the equipment that he had come to, so the fire broke out and died."

Hao Ren swept up the Huskies girl and said: "This forest is a bit hot, but your intelligence is not so degraded so serious?"

Lily’s throat immediately threatened: “呜嗷呜呜”

Hao Ren did not take care of her, but placed his hand on the side of the black sword knight's helmet, looking for the buckle to open this armor: "Let me see how long he looks... It is really tight to say that this thing is closed. They usually have to take a break for a meal..."

With his embarrassment, the buckle between the helmet and the visor was first groped, followed by a soft bang, and the black steel visor slightly bounced slightly, revealing a narrow gap between the visor and the helmet. A narrow gap comes.

Hao Renshun took off the other's face.

The face under the visor caused almost everyone to take a breath.

Even Lily picked up: "I don't think I want to have dinner..."

Under the visor, it is not the appearance that human beings should have. It is a completely deformed, stacked, twisted face. The facial features and muscles seem to melt and then flow freely. The wax usually forms a horrible form and solidifies. On the skull that has collapsed and deformed, the position of the eye is two black holes that are hollowed down, with a little red light shining inside, and his mouth has degenerated into a small crack. Seeing this mouth Hao Ren can be sure One point: These black sword knights are usually not eating, at least not eating like normal humans...

Not only do they not eat, but they also use their faces to stop others from eating.

Well, people didn't deliberately stop it. After all, Hao Ren took his face and took it off.

"This is the Black Sword Knight?!" Vivienne pressed down the discomfort in her heart. Although this face is really long and unpretentious, but she has seen a ugly face in the past few years, so she got used to it. It’s still very fast. “Is this the result of biochemical transformation? Or... magic transformation? The ace of the Dragon empire is this kind of transformation freak?”

"How could this be, it shouldn't be..." Ai Wenna frowned, and although her face was almost pale, she still forced the nausea and nausea, even with a hint of inquiry. The heart began to check the formation of the black face knight's mutated face. "I have seen other black sword knights, and I have seen their true face... It is no different from normal people..."

Hao Renyi said: "The black sword knight you have seen is the same as the normal person?"

"Yeah, the Black Sword Knight is just a special kind of unit. It is only a person in the end." Ai Wenna nodded. "They can't be wrapped in armor for a lifetime. Naturally, they have to show their true face." ”

Lily touched her chin: "Maybe we happen to meet the ugliest one..."

"Do you believe this, do you believe it yourself," Hao Renbai glanced at her. "And it doesn't matter whether it is naturally formed or not. Who is congenitally deformed and can participate in the fight against the military and the military, this eye has become The black hole is smashed."

At this time, the data terminal floated from the shoulder of Hao Ren: "This is a more surprising change in the body than the variation on these surfaces."

Ai Wenna and Charlemagne looked curiously at the data terminals that were floating in the air. They have been interested in this stuff for a long time, an amazing "magic couple" that can move and be intellectually high. This technology looks at the whole Rah Ryan never heard that the elf craftsmen and the runes and wizards would look forward to similar things when they were blowing each other, but now there is a real one. How can this not be noticed?

Only now is obviously not to investigate how many black technologies in the world tree temple, the brothers and sisters quickly regained their attention and listened to the scanning report of the data terminal.

The data terminal stopped at the black sword knight's chest. After a static in-depth scan, it finally had a clear result: "Half of the guy's body is mechanical, and the other half is hard to say or biological."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes