MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1759 Organization needs you

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Rift Nebula, the Star of Purgatory.

For the aborigines living on this planet, the earth beneath their feet and the sky above their heads have exceptional significance. The myths and legends about heaven and earth have a long history, and these myths and legends are closely related to reality. I am afraid the world. No mortal race has the same experience as them - the land beneath them is essentially the corpse of a giant planet, and the sky above their head was once covered by the leaves of this super creature, they experienced it personally. Living in the era of the lower crust, and then witnessing the upper crust being stripped and opened by a powerful mining starship, the strange starry sky is presented to these aborigines...

Then there is the Yugudo Lahir space chain that comes to the planet, linked to the planetary system, and the nebula whirlpool that is said to lead to another universe in the night sky...

These great changes, which have been difficult to experience in ordinary races for thousands of years, have occurred in just a few years, and this will inevitably and profoundly affect the cultural and religious concepts of the indigenous people on the Purgatory Star. In fact, this aspect The impact has now become apparent – ​​about the changes in the heavens and the earth, and the alien continents that have emerged in the sky, the elders and wise men of all tribes have given explanations that are enough to convince the people, and these explanations There is no doubt that it will become part of myths and legends many years later.

The myth that lives and is placed in front of people.

I think that I am one of the generations who have experienced these myths personally. It is even possible to leave my own name in these epics. Even the tribal warriors who have experienced numerous storms and tempering, Gezer can’t help but give birth to some The feeling comes.

He couldn't help but think of his wife who had just married with him a year ago, and his unborn child. In this era of great changes in the world, he can personally experience the miracle of the miracle of "walking with God." The glory continues to his son?

There was a distracting thought in his mind. In the next second, he was hit by a golden light, and he was beaten and flew out, and he turned around in a moment.

After leaving a long trace on the ground, Gezer finally stopped. He struggled to prop up his body and saw that the golden armor was not far away and was rubbing to his eyes. Gorgeous and elegant, like the legendary gods, but there is nothing in the armor, only the light of water flows between the various parts of the armor, his right hand is attached with a long sword wrapped around the flame, the left hand is positive Exploring to yourself.

"Thank you..." Geisel held the other's armor with some shame. After being pulled up by the other side, he took a look at the situation around him. The huge performance field was divided into separate areas, one in each area. The Warriors and the "British Warriors" who were practicing with the Warriors, he was not the first to fall. At least half of the tribal fighters in the line of sight were leaving the platform with frustration, but what is frustrating is that he did not insist on the last: there are still The tribal warriors on more than a dozen platforms are hard to distinguish from the heroic soldiers.

"You lost your focus," some ethereal voices from the golden armor, let Gezer's attention shift back from other platforms. "Otherwise you can support longer - you are the best here." One of the soldiers."

"I will remember this lesson." Gezer said with respect and respect, as if he had been as respectful as his martial arts mentor for many years.

As a tribal warrior admired by the tribes, Gezer rarely needs to face others with such a respectful attitude. However, in front of these heroic warriors, he is quite happy: these heroes from the "Aurora World" are all Powerful and unparalleled warriors, who have experienced the souls of endless martial arts and the fighting skills of far superior mortals. It is said that each of them has won at least one hundred victories before their death. Such soldiers are worthy of respect in any case.

And more importantly, these warriors from the heavenly voyages of the mainland have brought a variety of useful machines to the earthly world. Their life forms between the living and the dead also help the ancestors of the town of the soul. The spirits completed the ritual of soul solidification, and they also brought a lot of knowledge and technology related to the transformation of the soul.

Although the earthly world uses food and meat to exchange these things, the elders of the family often say that knowledge is the most valuable asset, so Gezer has a special advantage for these foreign warriors called "British spirits". Respect for the layer.

Food grows out of the ground every year, but knowledge is different.

On the edge of the martial arts field, on a high boulder platform, Benny quietly looked at the daily routines underneath. After two years, the once-innocent tribal saint of the fire has slightly faded from childishness. Although she can still see some immature places, she is already a person who can be independent. Therefore, she can The identity of the representative of the tribal alliance stood on this stage of the martial arts where the elite tribes of all tribes gathered, and together with the Valkyrie from the Aurora world, reviewed the best soldiers.

Bernia temporarily removed her gaze from the martial arts field and looked into the horizon of the distance - there is a dark green pillar like a tower of heaven, just like the giant pillar of the Tianzhu, and the pillar of the dark green The roots are faintly able to see some newly built settlements. At the top of the pillar, you can see a vaginal shadow that spreads like a vine. The shadows are interspersed between the clouds and the illusion of the stars. They are connected to the continents suspended in the sky. From time to time, you can see Bright light flashes between those continents, and that is the machine left by the "God" to maintain the operation of the Aurora world.

"Yugudo Lahir has been completely stabilized," noted Bonia's gaze, and the tall woman standing beside her said, the latter's voice was very nice, but with an inorganic wonder. It feels like the “machines that can be thought of” left by God. “Is there any vibration in the tower of the sky recently?”

Bonnie glanced at the alien woman, known as the "Valkyrie". She knew that the other person had a name called "Valkyrie", but neither Valkyrie nor Valkyrie seemed to be the real name of the other. It feels weird, but people from the Aurora world seem to be somewhat weird.

The faint gleam and the temperament of the Valkyrie made the young saint slightly stunned, but Bonia quickly reacted and shook her head slightly: "The Tower of Heaven has been calm, black and white recently. The two-children said that the 'tactile' has been successfully rooted, and will not change unless there is an accident or a need in the future. The elders of the tribal alliance are currently negotiating open-minded caravans and allowing civilians to climb the tower of their own. - As you appear more and more on the land, many people in the tribe are very interested in the Aurora world."

"It is Yugudola Hill." The Valkyrie corrected the situation very seriously.

"But this pronunciation is too difficult for us," Bernie spit out her tongue. This immature movement must have been chanted for a long time if it was seen by the elders. "On the ground, the name of the Aurora World is more general-- After all, you are always shrouded in an aurora."

"Yes, after all, we are also calling you the "ground world" with the vacant country," the Valkyrie nodded. "For us, you are the ones floating in the sky."

Bernia sighed softly: "The power of God... is really amazing."

The Valkyrie did not make a sound - although the name contained a "God" and its former master Odin was considered a member of the gods, today the Valkyrie understands that the true God is greater and more Unimaginable creatures, if you have to say it, only the giant nebula vortex that continually rotates in the night sky (the door to the dream plane) is a little bit of the power of the gods, and such distant things are difficult. Explaining to Bonia, in fact, even she herself could hardly understand these things, so she simply chose not to answer.

Bernia’s silence on the Valkyrie seems to be very accustomed to it. She has nowhere to transfer the topic: “I say that the amount of food you need this month is 30% less than in the past. What happened?”

The Valkyrie gently nodded: "The natural environment of Midgard is rapidly improving. The land that humans have developed has been officially produced. We will only need less and less food in the future."

Bonnie couldn't help but frown and thought: "You don't want food, what are we going to exchange after that?"

The Valkyrie looked at Bonia and had a slight smile on her face: Although this young saint is very talented in rune spells, she is also very good at knowledge of ancient civilizations, but it is obviously very good in other fields. Immature: "As long as Yugudola Hill and your world are still developing, trade will only be more and more, there will always be new products where one side is wealthy but the other side is in short supply, you don't have to If you are worried about this, leave it to the elders who specialize in this matter."

"Well, let the grandfathers of the town soul city worry about it." Bonnie said with a swaying head, then looked at the performance of the martial arts field below: the tribal warriors have all retired, and this time they are replaced by various tribes. The young warriors who have the potential to become "warriors", the English warriors from the Aurora world began to practice with the young warriors in a teaching manner, and their combat intensity dropped several times in an instant, but they still beat the latter. The former tribal warriors who were also beaten down were on the edge of the martial arts field, and looked at the younger generation who were being trained with the expression of gloating.

"The spirit is really amazing..." Bonnie couldn't help but sigh. "There is no need to rest... our most powerful fighters can't beat them."

"It is very difficult to become Enkhria. Every Enheria is a warrior of yum before his death. We collected thousands of years of souls on the most brutal battlefield to form the Enheria Army." Said, "So the power of these spirits is inevitable, no envy - if you can gather all the best warriors for thousands of years, and then have more powerful weapons and equipment, then they will not compare with Enkh How weak the ria are."

Bonnie is very curious: "You collect the most powerful fighters like this, and continue to train them. What kind of enemy is it to deal with?"

“It used to face the dusk of the gods,” said the Valkyrie, quietly. “But now...for our new owner, in order to destroy the enemies in front of our new owners.”

The tall, elegant Valkyrie, who was wearing a silver armor, said as he looked up at the distant sky and looked at the direction of the nebula vortex that led to the dream plane.

In her view of the various aiming scales, auxiliary lines, and information windows floating in it, suddenly striking text emerged:

"The Lord of the Nine Kingdoms issued a decree: the Enheria Army immediately prepared, and went to the Asgard-Golden Palace for forty-eight hours to assemble.

The spirits, the war is about to begin. ”

Read The Duke's Passion