MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 6 Please, are you a Werewolf?

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Lily sneaked into the back of the sofa, and before that she had become a werewolf form.

She squatted behind the sofa, cautiously slid out half of her head, and the long silver hair fell to the ground, and the shivering silvery white ears shook and shook, and it was ready to fight. Hao Ren saw that the mysterious creature still had half a noodle and green vegetables in his mouth. This thing seriously damaged her somewhat "majesty", and it was still the next move of Lily: she was holding chopsticks. Pointing to the black and white cat at the foot of Hao Ren, the tone almost cried out: "Cat... Cat!"

"Hey?" The black and white cat curiously looked at the uninvited guest who came out of the house. This oyster let Lily squat twice, but then the cat ignored Lily with the graceful attitude of a comet. .

Hao Ren looked at it all with a stunned look, and his mind turned around in a circle to realize what it was. He looked at Lili, who was the enemy, in an incredible way: "You... afraid of cats?"

"I... I am not afraid of cats!" Lily looked up reluctantly, as if she were a proud fighting dog. "I am a hairpin."

"This is not the same!" Hao Ren felt that not only was the three views not enough, but even the brain was not enough. He even ignored the other party as a werewolf, and he was a newly known werewolf, and he pointed at Lily with anger." Please! Are you a Werewolf?!"

"I am a werewolf!" Lily seemed to finally realize that her reaction was a bit shameful, and it might be that Hao Ren’s eyes and words made the werewolf girl a little irritated. In short, she was brave enough to slip out from behind the sofa. Then pretend to go back to the table, but actually squatting along the wall of the living room and slid a large circle around the other side of the living room. "Are you sure this cat is safe?"

"There is nothing unsafe," Hao Ren slammed the black and white cat. "I have never seen such a good cat, is it, roll?"

The black and white cat immediately snorted softly and looked very gracious. Hao Ren looked at the situation and suddenly rejoiced. He got up and took the food bowl for the cat to fill his pet and put it on the ground at the table: this is This cat's dining place. At the same time, Hao Ren also pointed to Lily to introduce to her cat: "She is Liu Lili, a werewolf... The amount seems to be meaningless to you. In short, you know that she is a new guest. You will directly depend on the food in the future. How much rent can she pay, and do not know how to pay respect to the Lord?"

The black-and-white cat seemed to be able to understand the human language. He looked up and nodded Lily, nodded, and nodded. He said that he accepted it and then continued to bow his head.

Lily seems to have determined the harmlessness of the black and white cat. She carefully slammed back to the table, but still took her own noodles and changed the safest point farthest from the cat. Then she suddenly remembered something like: "You just called What about this cat?"

"Roll," Hao Ren looked down at his current "family". "It's called rolling, three-point water, that's rolling."

Lily's silver hair and wolf ear slowly receded with the emotions (to tell the truth, Hao Ren feels a little regrettable), and his face is amazed: "How can you call such a strange name?!"

"This cat came to my house last year," Hao Ren smiled and introduced the origin of his own cat. "I don't know what kind of breed. This place is deserted, wild cats and dogs are in disaster, and occasionally one or two monks are not paying attention. It’s normal to go to people’s homes, but this cat will not leave when I come. I’m useless for a few times...”

"So you named it ‘roll’, hope it will roll early?” Lily asked with a wink.

"No, it likes to suddenly jump to the bed when I watch TV. Every time I slam the 'roll' and drive it away, it just started to work, but after a long time, I will shout it and it will be special. Come here - this cat thinks that he is rolling. Then it is really rolling."

Lily opened her eyes and listened. She bowed her head and ate quietly. After a while, she muttered: "I feel a strange place."

Hao Ren turned his eyes to the sky: Is there anything more strange in this house than you? A great Werewolf lady who completely subverts common sense!

After eating more than nine o'clock, the "rolling" activity time came, the black and white kittens ran to the second floor to patrol their own territory, Hao Ren threw the dishes into the kitchen sink, soaked in preparation, etc. Wash again tomorrow. Then he ordered a cigarette and sat in the living room to start staying - continue to comb the experience of his own day, and sigh by the power of his acceptance.

The werewolf was running around in the spirit of upstairs and downstairs. He was familiar with a new home that he would rent for a while in a near-rude way. Every time she went to a place, she would pump her nose hard. It seems to be remembering the smell. Although she is currently in human form, Hao Ren can't help but fill her brain with a pair of pointed ears and a tail that is smashing. In normal times, if a tenant is so self-satisfied, he will still manage a few words, but now he does not want to say more: a wolf, it is normal to demarcate the site after going to a new place. Now I only hope that this werewolf The sense of the site can be combined with human common sense, as long as it is always remembered that it is actually someone else's home, and she is just a tenant, considering the character that Lily is currently showing should not be difficult.

Anyway, no matter what happened, Hao Ren confirmed that he could not beat this werewolf.

Is it right or wrong to put a high-combat creature that is not human?

After calming down again, Hao Ren still couldn't help thinking about this problem, but in the end he still felt that he had chosen the right one, and to be honest... he was quite a bit worried about what would happen next.

This is a very dead state of mind. A normal person should learn to avoid disadvantages, instead of being curiously contacted with a mysterious new world that may have his own life, but Hao Ren’s boring life has passed. It’s been a long time.

He likes to read novels, likes to watch TV, and likes to watch all kinds of bizarre fantasy stories. This is the life of every vacant unemployed person who wants to live alone, and he will almost certainly have a living state, even though he is not in the middle. The brain hasn’t felt unbearable for the boring days. Even when it’s really popping up with a “yes” or “ok” dialog box, his first reaction is definitely to pull the power, but this can’t stop him. In the face of certain "new stimuli", there will be a mentality of eagerness to try. This is the most common hunger psychology of people. Some people will be stunned when they are satisfied with the hunch, but another part of them...

Probably will react with Hao Ren.

And anyway, he has to beware of the strange and dangerous big bat, although I don’t know why I’m being stared at by that kind of strange thing, but things have become a reality and can only be followed, Hao Ren is not an escape from reality. People, he will actively find ways to improve their safety factor: for example, the fighting power looks very strong, and the seemingly good talking wolf is left.

"To the landlord, give you rent!" Lily went upstairs and downstairs for several laps (the middle meets "rolling" narrowly twice, all screaming out), finally remembering his current identity, so with a kind of joy The spirit of the gods returned to the house to take the wallet out, and counted the rent to the hand of Hao Ren. "According to what you wrote on the advertisement, pay the three-month rent, how much is the meal?"

Oh, not only is it good to talk, but it’s still a werewolf who will pay the rent – ​​which book has this kind of good thing?

"The meal is free," Hao Ren found that Lily frowned when she smelled the smoke (the dog's nose was easy to use), so she consciously took off the cigarette. "There is no big impact on you anyway. The landlord’s landlord calls, I have a name, you call me Hao Ren.”

"Know the landlord."

"Call me Hao Ren..."

"Good landlord."

"...Forget it, I will go back to the house to sleep first, you will be fine. You don't want to mess in the locked rooms. Others are casual." Hao Ren sighed and got up and went back to the house. Lily also turned away, but she just walked halfway. There is another new topic: "Is it right for the landlord, you will not come to the night to attack me? This house seems to be two people, I rented a single male landlord's house for the first time..."

Hao Ren almost squatted on the ground, then turned his head and glared at the annoying wolf man: "For my own life, I will never attack you at night, you will put a hundred hearts!"

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