MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2373 So beautiful and so sweet (9)

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Fanfanzi pupil shrank suddenly!

He wasn't really sick, so it was impossible to notify the family.

Today's play is only performed for Vanni alone, and Fan Yu reasonably cannot appear.

But now, Fan Yu is here ...

It came as no surprise, surprising.

For a moment, Fanfan didn't know how to deal with it, even because she just confessed to Fanni, she was too guilty to look directly at Fan Yu.

Until I saw Fan Yu stepping in front of them, I saw Fan Ni sitting in his car from the window, and shouted in surprise: "Little Ni, when did you return home?"

Vatican: "..."

Fanny: "..."

Fanfan took a deep breath, reached out and pushed the door, and took Fanni out of the car.

Actively shouted, "Dad."

"Dad." Fanny followed and shouted, without explaining why she appeared here, but turned to look at Vatican.

Fanfan's thin lips were slightly frowned, and he was brewing in his heart how to open his mouth. Before he thought about it, Fanyu's eyebrows had been tightened, and his lips were opened.

"What's wrong with your two brothers and sisters? One by one is weird. Xiao Ni doesn't know anything, even if you do n’t understand, Fanfan, you are an elder brother, you are not feeling well in the hospital, you do n’t tell the family, and you intentionally hide your parents Behavior? "

Had it not been for the Fanshi Group's cooperation with the hospital, his assistant had by chance heard that Fanfan was hospitalized, and he is still in the dark.

He was worried that Qiao Yuanfei would worry that he would come to see the situation first, hiding his wife.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital entrance, he met Fanfan.

Fanfan is also with Fannie who should be abroad ...

In this scene, Fan Yu, who was not surprised at all, could not return to God for a moment.

"Dad, actually I ..." Fanfan was about to say he was okay, and a car stopped next to them.

The door opened, and the assistant hurried down from the car, holding a bouquet of fiery roses in his arms.

I didn't see Van Fan and Fan Ni standing beside, and went straight to Fan Yu.

Fannie hurried to tear Fanfan's sleeves and beeped quietly: "This flower seems a little familiar ..."

The voice didn't fall, the assistant had started to report: "General Manager Vatican, I just heard from the hospital, the young master has been discharged from the hospital, I don't know what happened, but I went to the ward where he lived and saw no one I saw the petals of roses in the ward, and there was such a large bouquet of roses on the bed, and I didn't know what happened. "

Fanny's concerns were confirmed and she helped ...

At that moment, both people's bodies became extremely stiff.

Fan Yu: "..."

Fan Yu's eyes swept across the roses in front of him, and then vanished in front of him, Van Fan and Fan Ni, standing side by side.

Capturing the guilty conscience in their eyes, a flash of white light flashed through their heads!

Heartbroken ~ ~ how unwilling to believe.

"Vanfan, do you say, why are there so many roses in your ward? Did a friend come to see you and brought you specially?"

Vatican: "..."

Fanfan: "Dad, actually I and Xiaoni ..."

"I like my brother. I have to be with my brother. If my dad is angry, he will hit me!" Fanni said in front of Fanfan.

What this said is so clear that Fan Yu can't pretend to be deceiving himself.

The speculation was confirmed and he was almost out of breath.

Reached out to take the rose from the assistant's hand, and threw it to Vatican severely: "Just such a bunch of flowers, you are going to turn my daughter?"


ps: good night ~

Read The First Vampire