MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 320 Light and dark

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Chu Xingzhou and Ronglan spent their darkest days after the earthquake with their hotels as their base. At that time was the peak of human death. Dead bodies were everywhere, bitten, starved, frozen, infected and died. Not long ago, live humans now hang on the streets like wild dogs, and the entire city is like a human. hell.

Due to the accidental discovery of the mutation ability, the two can at least guarantee that they will not be starved. They will choose to go hunting when the light is good during the day, and stay at the hotel at night. Because the food cannot be stored for too long, they can almost only Have a meal. After a week, the hotel stopped water. They had prepared a lot of water, but the water started to smell after three days, forcing them to leave the hotel and find a place near the flowing water.

The two packed their backs and left the hotel uneasily. They decided to go to the expressway first to find a car that can drive. Since all sections of the urban area were either blocked or covered by weeds, they could not pass vehicles at all, and they could only expect that the expressway was still clear.

They escaped several waves of danger along the way, but still encountered several attacks by mutant animals, which were all solved by Chu Xingzhou. Chu Xingzhou ’s power is increasing day by day. Although this rapid expansion can make people more and more powerful, after all, it is too fast, and they are worried about whether this power will suddenly backfire.

After walking for more than an hour on foot, they met today's first living person-a young woman. The woman ran towards them from across the street, unkempt, and her white dress was so dirty that she walked like a slump, as if she would fall at any time.

Then, I saw four or five men running after her, chasing unbearable swear words while chasing.

The woman fell to the ground all of a sudden, crying desperately on the ground, and the man behind him rushed to catch her and dragged her into the corner.

Rong Lan cursed, "Animals."

Chu Xingzhou took off his backpack and threw it to the ground.

When a man saw Chu Xingzhou, he said fiercely, "Don't bother, who cares who?"

Chu Xingzhou didn't bother to tell him a nonsense. He slightly raised his hand, and the man fell on his knees on the ground, as if there was an elephant on his body, and he spit out blood.

"what happened?"

"This kid is a mutant, you all fling away!" A thin man came over, he touched his nose, smirked and looked at Chu Xingzhou, "I haven't met my opponent yet, let me follow You try two. "After that, his muscles suddenly swelled up, and the whole person became as gorilla-like as gorilla.

Chu Xingzhou said for a moment, Rong Lan shouted, "Xingzhou, be careful."

This is the first time these two people have encountered mutants other than Chu Xingzhou in so many days. It seems that they guessed very well. There are also mutations in humans, but the number is obviously much smaller than that of animals and plants.

Chu Xingzhou looked at the mutant muscular man coldly. When the muscular man rushed towards him, he didn't move. At the moment when the muscular man's fist was about to hit his face, the muscular man's The action suddenly stopped like a slow-motion playback, the **** action was forced to stop in the air, and the waist was unconsciously choked down, as if being oppressed by something.

The muscular man's mouth left saliva unconsciously, his eyes burst, and he laboriously said, "You ... what did you ... do ... what ..."

Chu Xingzhou chilled: "In fact, I'm not quite sure, but based on my summary of the attack methods these days, I guess it may be related to the manipulation of gravity."


Chu Xingzhou kicked him to the ground, his eyes were like looking at a dead man, "I haven't killed anyone yet, but garbage like you will only harm more innocent people by living."

"No, don't kill me, please ..." The muscular man turned blue with fright. Since he found himself becoming a strongman, no matter whether he is a human or a mutant animal, no one is his opponent. He I never dreamed that this man didn't touch him even if he touched him, making him feel like he was crushed with huge stones and no resistance!

Chu Xingzhou removed his eyes from him. The muscle man's head burst like a watermelon the next second!

This scene scared his accomplices, and they knelt down to beg for mercy.

Facing this uncomfortable scene, Rong Lan frowned slightly, but he did not sympathize with this beast.

Chu Xingzhou can gradually feel whether there is any mutation energy in other people. He knows that except for this muscular man, the others are ordinary people. Even if they don't kill them, they can't live long without the protection of the muscular man. He fled with a crawl and escaped.

Rong Lan came over and patted Chu Xingzhou's shoulder. "Xingzhou, are you all right?"

Chu Xingzhou turned his head and looked at the corpse on the ground calmly, "I'm fine, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later ..." He looked at Rong Lan with some anxiety, "Brother, I did nothing wrong."

Rong Lan patted his shoulder. "You're right."

Not far away, the woman in white clothes was lying on the ground, sobbing softly, it seemed that the blows in recent days had scared her stupid.

The two walked over and Rong Lan squatted. "Miss, are you okay?"

The woman shivered and slowly raised her head.

Despite her messy hair and a dirty face, Rong Lan felt familiar.

"Rong ... Brother Rong?" The woman blurted out in surprise.

"Miss Sun?" Rong Lan was surprised. This woman turned out to be the rich man who had dinner with them the night before the end of the world. It was also because of her that he and Chu Xingzhou would quarrel that night.

"Brother Rong!" Sun Qingqing grasped Rong Lan's sleeve as if she saw a life-saving straw and burst into tears.

Rong Lan sighed and saw how embarrassed she was. She also knew how bad she had been for more than a week. It was a miracle that a fragile woman could live in such a purgatory place to this day.

Chu Xingzhou also squatted and saw that she really was that Sun Qingqing. Although he didn't like her, it wasn't her fault that they quarreled. Besides, although they had only had one meal, they were also acquaintances. Leave it alone.

The two held Sun Qingqing aside, and Chu Xingzhou pulled out water and a vacuum-packed biscuit from his backpack. Sun Qingqing's eyes were bright and he grabbed the biscuit and gorged. At the dinner that day, the cultivation and talking were quite outstanding. At this time, it was just a hungry victim.

Rong Lan reminded her: "You eat slowly, don't hold back."

Sun Qingqing burst into tears while eating, looking pitiful. After she was full, her emotions stabilized, and she intermittently told her experiences during this time.

After the last days, she and her father kept hiding at home and did not dare to go out. Later, she was so hungry that she had to find food on the street, but her father was strangled alive by a kind of weed. She wandered alone for several days. The reason why she didn't die was because she also mutated, but this mutation ability can only protect herself and has no attack ability.

"You mutated too? What is your mutating ability?"

Sun Qingqing said: "Smell, my sense of smell has become extremely sensitive, and I can smell dangerous things across a few streets, so I have escaped those mutated animals." She choked, "But I forgot ... ... and people who are not as good as animals. Fortunately, I will meet you, otherwise ... "

Chu Xingzhou murmured, "There are so many ways to mutate."

Rong Lan patted her on the shoulder. "Miss Sun, although you cannot protect yourself, you can still play a very important role, can help me avoid danger, or hunt in a targeted manner. Will you go with us? ? We will also do our best to protect you. "

Sun Qingqing nodded hard with tears in his eyes. "Even if you don't let me follow, I will follow, otherwise I won't be able to live for a few days."

Chu Xingzhou was not happy about the addition of such a light bulb, but he had no reason to refuse. Rong Lan was right. Sun Qingqing's ability was very useful and could greatly increase their chances of survival.

They found a suit and shoes for Sun Qingqing from her backpack and asked her to change.

She changed her clothes, wiped her face with water, and **** her messy hair, revealing a small face that was not very beautiful but beautiful, such a clean, whispering, thin woman, It can arouse a man's desire for protection. Chu Xingzhou saw Rong Lan being so kind to her, and was panicked. He knew that Rong Lan was different from him. Rong Lan didn't like men. Man, he might kill her.

Sun Qingqing saw both of them watching him, and shook her hair embarrassedly. "I'm in a mess now ..."

Rong Lan smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter, we are all half-hearted."

She cleared her throat, "Brother Rong, Brother Chu, thank you for saving me. I owe you a life, and I will try my best to help you without making myself a burden."

Rong Lan admired such a clever woman, and he nodded, "Let's live together."

Sun Qingqing said: "What are your plans for next? My dad ... has passed away, and there is no one I care about in the family, so I can go anywhere."

"We want to go back to Shanghai. Now we plan to go out of the city expressway to see if we can get a usable car."

Sun Qingqing sighed, "I just saw a couple who came back from a high-speed port two days ago. There are almost no cars available, even if there is a gas pump at the gas station after the power failure. He broke down halfway. Listen to them, the highway is almost virgin forest on both sides, and everything is more dangerous than the city. "

Chu Xingzhou and Rong Lan looked at each other, Chu Xingzhou said: "The gas station can not be refueled, we can get fuel from the mailbox of other cars, but this does not guarantee that we have enough fuel to the next city."

Rong Lan nodded. "Yes, the road is full of uncertainty. If it really breaks down in the suburbs, it will be too dangerous."

Sun Qingqing said: "I understand how you want to go home. If you must go, I will follow, but I suggest you not go now. My sense of smell is evolving every day. Every day is more sensitive than yesterday. The scope of perception is farther. Brother Chu, your ability is definitely growing. In this case, why don't we wait until the ability becomes stronger and make sure we can leave before we can save it. After all, life-saving is the most important thing. "

Chu Xingzhou said: "You are right, and I have an idea."

"what idea?"

Chu Xingzhou glanced disgustedly at the headshot muscle man. "It seems that small groups with mutants as leaders have appeared in the city. Since this garbage can be found by people, why can't we. The strength of the three of us is too great. Weak, human beings are social animals. By gathering enough different types of talents, they can exert a hundredfold power, improve their chances of survival, and fight against mutated animals and plants together, as long as they can form a certain scale, whether it is food, cars, or gasoline, There will be a solution. "

The author has something to say: Do you have any impression of this woman? She appeared in Fanwai

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