MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 234 misfortune

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At this moment, the enthusiasm of most countries in the world was attracted by the United States.

Because they were the first to achieve a breakthrough in thinking, opened the age of great voyages of global plunder, and thus triggered industrial, especially scientific revolutions. The Anglo-Saxons have been occupying a leading position in this world for hundreds of years.

As the so-called non-ethnic people, their hearts must be different. Among the Anglo-Saxons, there may not be such a saying, but the practice is the same.

Some laws have been deleted from the legal texts in the last century, but the secret behavior has never been interrupted.

Unlike blacks, blacks have never had a strong and stable country, and they are not a threat at all.

And East Asia, represented by the Hua Kingdom, is vigilant by those countries because there is a thriving country behind it, fearing that they will regain their glory.

Because Honghuang Technology is a Huaguo company, it is natural that it appeared on the boycotted list.

It's good that such technology doesn't exist in the United States. They hold their noses and can only choose to cooperate with Honghuang Technology. After all, controllable nuclear fusion is really delicious.

However, since such technology exists in the United States, the cooperation with Honghuang Technology becomes less urgent.

They don't know the technical route of Honghuang Technology, and they are also very afraid that they will be left by Honghuang Technology, just like what they did to Huaguo in the early years.

The route for the United States to achieve controllable nuclear fusion is much clearer, still focusing on Tokamaka, while also taking into account stellarator.

Tokamak is suitable for large fusion reactors, while stellarator is more suitable for small reactors. In addition to being more difficult to process, it can even be used as the core power of spacecraft in the future.

The whole world has studied this route for more than half a century, but the reason why it has not been successful until now is because the materials are not up to standard.

However, with the gradual improvement of the experimental plan, the international cooperation on the bright side has achieved positive energy output. As long as the internal materials can withstand the test of fast neutrons, it can be formally commercialized.

Almost all countries in the world are stuck at this step. Obviously, the accumulation of materials in the United States has allowed them to go further, and it has reached the eve of commercialization.

At this moment, Yang Qing's phone was dialed again.

Seeing the name above, it was a certain office director who had just contacted him, so he hurriedly connected.

"Mr. Yang Qing, I'm really sorry. We have received the notice from above. The cooperation between us can only be carried out in secret for the time being."

"What do you mean?"

Yang Qing frowned slightly and asked.

"Because of international pressure, our cooperation can only be limited to the non-government level, not government-led cooperation."

Isn't this a scam? I send this and that again, and this is the result?

A stream of air in Yang Qing's heart rose into his head and circled around.

"I don't care how to cooperate. Does the one thousand college students you promised first count?"

"Of course it counts. Not only this, but also other demands, but they are all in the name of the people. The government absolutely does not recognize these transactions."

Yang Qing laughed a little angrily.

Gu "That is to say, you want to gain benefits without taking responsibility?"

"Mr. Yang, you have to understand our difficulties. Huaguo is still dominated by export-oriented exports, and the internal circulation has not yet been established. If it is just a non-governmental behavior, we can still shirk it, but if it is truly state-led, I am afraid. There will be sweeping sanctions."

"You hang up first, we need to think about it."

Yang Qing hung up the phone, rubbed his forehead, took a deep breath, and let himself re-enter the calm state.

"Xiao Ai, do you calculate, if the Huaguo government cooperates with us, how likely is it to be sanctioned?"

"Master, although Hua Guo's military strength has been increased, the possibility of military conflict is very small, but if you think about Hua Guo's nickname, you will understand that the title of the world's factory is not for nothing, even if it is nearly Over the past few years, many manpower-intensive enterprises have relocated abroad, but most of the cheap industrial products are still produced domestically, and the market is all outside. After being sanctioned, the losses must be huge!"

The losses caused by the sanctions are huge. This is certain. If you don’t believe me, just look at the Iraqi country that was under international sanctions in the last century. It can’t even guarantee food. It can only rely on oil for food again and again to maintain it.

The period when Huaguo was just founded was also extremely difficult.

Yang Qing also knows the determination of the United States to impose sanctions, because with the controllable nuclear fusion technology, Hua has the foundation to surpass the United States.

If it is just non-governmental cooperation, it may also cause retaliation from the United States, but in any case, it is impossible to unite all countries in the world. China also has its own allies, and there are many people who need industrial products.

"Master, aren't those people what you want? As for how to cooperate, it doesn't have much to do with us, does it?"

One sentence reminded Yang Qing that his request was actually to provide some people to come over, preferably in rotation all year round, so as to screen out the part that could awaken spirituality.

In this world, there are actually only two countries that can provide enough population, one is Hua Guo, and the other is Ah San Guo.

In fact, there are more young people in Ah Sanguo, but the strange caste system, the personality of the mainstream population, and especially the attitude of hostility to Huaguo are destined not to be a suitable source of manpower.

Together, the countries in Central Asia and North Africa that can be compared with Huaguo Asan are not suitable sources because of the issue of, Yang Qing does not want to dye her own moon palace.

As for other countries in the world, it is black people who support population growth.

Blacks naturally also have a good side, but it is an indisputable fact that the education level of the crowd is generally low.

Perhaps this is also related to the environment in which they live. Neither Africa nor the United States has a qualified educational environment.

Now in the Moon Palace, there is no need for those simple-minded, well-developed body-training cultivators.

Therefore, the East Asian country where Huaguo is located is the most suitable source of population, because among these people, they have the best foundation in Chinese and the highest level of education.

As long as enough people can be obtained, it will be easier to cooperate individually. At least Yang Qing doesn't have to deal with people from other countries.

"Hello, we have already discussed it, and we will follow your method, but you need to provide the venue and personnel!"

"It's natural. We are researching suitable locations for mutual cooperation. In addition, the leader would like to ask whether the nano-robots you mentioned in the live broadcast room really have the effect of explaining them?"

"The effect is certain. When we return to Blue Star, we will provide you with a sample of one kilogram of nanorobots for research."


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