MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 240 Luna 2

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With excess energy, enough processing robots, and enough titanium alloy materials from Blue Star, Xiao Ai finally managed to manufacture a spaceship within ten days.

From the beginning of the moon day to the end of the moon day, Yang Qing could already see the dark silhouette in the distant sky.

During this time, not only Xiao Ai, but even him and Zhao Yuxi were being squeezed.

The new spaceship still uses the spirit stone furnace as its energy source.

It’s not that the base no longer has materials for fusion reactors. In fact, not only the core pressure chamber of the fusion reactor, but also the most consuming fusion material, Helium III, has been continuously extracted during this period of time, and the production speed has also increased by far The speed of super consumption has accumulated nearly one million tons.

The biggest disadvantage of the fusion reactor as the energy source of the spacecraft is that it has no way to stop it.

Once stopped and restarted, the energy consumed is enough to make it go back and forth between the blue star and the moon.

After all, in a short period of time, the traffic between Moon Palace and Blue Star cannot be normalized yet, and it can only be a fixed flight every ten days or so. It is more convenient to use the spirit stone furnace.

Now on the moon, there are two fusion reactors and large-scale solar panels. The production of spirit stones has become normalized, especially on the moon. After finding the production materials for spirit stones, the Moon Palace’s dependence on Blue Star has once again increased. significantly reduced.

Now the daily output of Lingshi in the Moon Palace has exceeded one million standard blocks per day, and the daily consumption is less than half a million. After all, in many places, the consumption of various rune arrays is the main source, and it is not personal cultivation. Many applications can directly introduce the original aura from the talisman, without worrying about the influence of the transparent energy.

After many experiments and observations, the transparent energy that is tightly combined with the aura is quickly integrated into the surrounding chaotic energy after the aura is consumed, and it seems that it cannot exist alone, which also avoids the harm of this transparent energy .

In fact, in an animal and plant laboratory at the base, Yang Qing and Xiao Ai are conducting experiments on the original aura, experimenting with the changes of animals and plants in the state of the original aura.

Although this experiment has only been carried out for a month, it has already shown the gap.

After using a low concentration of original aura, there is no essential difference between plants and aura emitted by spirit stones, that is to say, transparent energy has little effect on plants.

But animal experiments are different. Animals in the original aura environment, no matter mice, rabbits, chickens, ducks and other poultry, although the growth rate is not fundamentally different from creatures in other environments.

But they are more active, seem to be slightly stronger, and more aggressive, this should be the effect of transparent energy on animals.

However, since the base did not bring primate creatures with them to conduct comparative experiments, it is not certain whether the original aura state will affect the brains of the creatures.

As for human experiments, it is even more impossible. There are only two people in the entire base. Maybe after this time, with enough people, this matter can be done.

Obviously, this kind of experiment cannot be done on people who show spirituality, but even people without spirituality are still talents. After all, there are so many universities in the country, and only a dozen percent of them are double first-rate.

Perhaps it is possible to find a few prisoners to do this experiment after the cooperation with Huaguo has stabilized.

In fact, this experiment will not be very cruel, because even if it is transparent energy, it will not directly kill people, it will only eliminate the spiritual power released from the human body, and it will even have a powerful obliteration of the monk's spiritual consciousness and spiritual consciousness, just like It is the same disinfection behavior that monks are no longer welcome in the whole world.

In fact, it is also very correct. If it is limited to the blue star, a monk who can possess a soul will definitely have a much stronger destructive power than a monk who only has a body.

Fortunately, all of this will have to wait until the cooperation with Huaguo is further deepened. Yang Qing also wants to know what benefits a strong body will have on the human body without the characteristics of monks such as spiritual consciousness or spiritual consciousness.

Of course, the premise of all this starts with owning a brand new spaceship and fulfilling the agreement with Huaguo.

Because there are more and more spiritual stones in surplus, and as time goes by, the number will increase. Even if there are more than a thousand people in the future, their contact with spiritual energy should be the same as in the breeding area. Starting from a low concentration, the consumption of aura is not much.

With so many spirit stones, there is a risk of failure after a long time. Of course, they will be consumed. This is one of the reasons why this spacecraft does not use a fusion reactor.

Of course, after using the fusion reactor, the fact that the construction completion time will be extended by one month is not humane.

After all, this is the first cooperation with the country. For a monk like Yang Qing, keeping promises is a basic quality.

I won't mention it in the prehistoric world, where the way of heaven is high, and the promise is violated. I don't know when, the inner demon will come out, and it will specifically destroy the human heart.

Although Blue Star's way of heaven is weak, it still exists after all. Although there are no demons here, and there is not much harm, it is already terrifying just to make people's luck bad.

So on the tenth day, the brand new spaceship, the spaceship named Luna II, has been officially outfitted and ready to fly.

Luna is the name originally used for the Moon Palace Base, which was given by Zhao Yuxi.

It's just that after landing on the moon, the name was replaced by Yuegong, but Zhao Yuxi was obviously unwilling to let the name he chose disappear in vain, so he put the name of the Luna on the only transportation boat at the Yuegong base.

With the completion of this spaceship, in order to avoid the trouble of naming, Xiao Ai named the first spaceship Luna 1, which naturally became Luna 2.

Naturally, the name was not in vain. The name of Luna II has been engraved on the shell of the spacecraft in the form of countless dots by the laser engraving machine. With the fluorescent coating, it can be used even in a vacuum environment. See its twinkling light. UU reading

Under the continuous scanning of Yang Qing and Xiaomei's consciousness, it can be said that the entire Luna II spacecraft does not have any major hidden dangers, that is to say, it can be put into normal operation without strict test flights at the moment of completion up.

Just like the Moon Palace Base, it does not have any flight test procedures from construction to take-off. Even if it is larger and has a greater load capacity, some minor problems are insignificant for a one-time aircraft, let alone It is said that there are tens of thousands of robots in the entire spacecraft, waiting for maintenance at any time.

Of course, if one day Xiao Ai and Yang Qing cannot personally participate in the construction of the spaceship, then the necessary flight test procedures will still have to go.

Of course, besides the mature design of Luna II, the other most important reason is the wide application of nanorobots.

In addition to medical treatment, nano-robots are most widely used in industrial fields.

They are extremely small in size, and when gathered together, they can completely form a strength not inferior to that of large steel structures. There is no problem in repairing the hull, engine, and of course the spacecraft.