MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 262 iron ore

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Such a precious thing is not enough for cultivation, let alone use it as the energy core of a robot.

The reason why low-grade spirit stones are flooding is entirely because Xiao Ai can also refine them, and there are more elementary spirit stones that can do it, and its materials can basically be produced industrially, so it is qualified to become a basic energy source.

Near each small base, there is generally a small fusion reactor, plus dozens of square kilometers of solar panels, which produce aura, which is used as the energy source for those mining robots.

The solar cells of the Moon Palace base, together with those of other countries, especially those countries that have not achieved controllable nuclear fusion and whose energy sources are completely concentrated on solar energy, will build more solar panels.

Now when people look at the moon from the blue star, they can not only continue to see the moon, but also add dots of light like mirrors. If they don’t know the inside story, they will definitely make people think that they are the lights of the moon civilization. Just like the lights of Blue Star City at night.

It's just that the lights are too small and sparse, but it also means that the flowers of human civilization have already bloomed on the alien planet, even if this alien planet is just a satellite of the blue star, only three miles away from the blue star. 180,000 kilometers.

Not to mention the adjacent galaxies calculated in light-years, even other planets calculated in astronomical units, there is no comparison, but after all, it is a big step for mankind to enter the universe. If there is no Yang Qing, this step may have to It took a long time to open it.

Xiao Ai didn't intend to have people stationed in such a small base, although these bases, if well utilized, can accommodate hundreds of people, and can also establish a small ecological circle and farm here.

In fact, among the small bases all over the moon, there are only a few bases that can accommodate thousands of people, and a few people are stationed in turns to operate and maintain here.

Others are mainly used for mineral mining, and simple refining is carried out locally. The personnel stationed here are mainly robots. Of course, large-scale excavating machines are also unavoidable for mineral mining.

Outside is a deep mine pit, and inside is a large-scale spirit-gathering array used to replenish the aura of spirit stones. Humanoid robots that shuttle around will hold spirit stones and replace them for giant excavators whose aura is exhausted, just like Lan Xing Refueling an excavator online is no different.

Probably the only difference is that the energy level of these spirit stones is higher, and the digging machine can last longer.

In other countries, due to energy constraints, smelting on the moon is basically limited to the state of the laboratory.

Because of the vacuum, metal smelting in a low-gravity environment is a brand-new topic for all countries in the world. Heating is nothing, but heat dissipation is a huge problem. They don't have Yang Qing's frost circle to cool the furnace. A huge thermos, if you don't pay attention, it will melt down with the furnace.

The current mainstream solution is naturally to add a set of liquid-cooled water jackets to the furnace, and use the convective circulation of water to take away the heat.

It's just that this kind of heat dissipation can only be carried out by burying it deeply in the ground and taking advantage of the eternal low temperature below the moon's surface.

However, not every place has metal mines that are conducive to heat dissipation, and most of the lunar rock and lunar soil are poor conductors of heat, requiring a large area, and because of the lunar environment, the depth cannot be too shallow , at least fifty meters below it.

However, such a large project is also extremely difficult on the moon, unless the furnace is small, the construction can be completed quickly.

However, apart from the Moon Palace base and the country of Hua, other countries actually do not have a very urgent need to obtain minerals from the moon.

The reason why Huaguo lacks minerals is entirely because the size of Huaguo's industry is too large, so large that a buyer will be manipulated by the seller to the extent that the price of raw materials.

Gu JinBecause apart from a few of their companies, there is almost no country in the world that can meet the needs of Huaguo.

But since the Moon Palace base opened three consecutive spacecraft flights to and from Blue Star, transporting iron ore or crude iron from the moon has become a profitable business.

Because the spacecraft uses spirit stones as energy sources, there is a protective cover outside, which can resist the rays and meteorites in the universe, and can also resist the high temperature of the friction of the blue star's atmosphere.

Because there is no oxygen, most of the iron ore on the moon exists in the form of simple substances, and the iron ore with high content has an iron content of more than 80%, especially in several large lunar marias, the earth-moon The region from which mantle material gushes out.

In the mantle material, in addition to iron, there are also a large number of various relatively heavy alloys, especially there are a lot of uranium ore in it.

According to scientists' speculation, there must be a lot of radioactive substances in the blue star's core and mantle, and their continuous emission is the reason why the mantle and core remain liquid.

This may also be a proof of this hypothesis.

The content of lunar iron did not require iron smelting furnaces in ancient times, and only simple forging was needed to obtain suitable ironware.

Although the surface load capacity of the three Luna spacecraft will not exceed 20,000 tons, don't forget that Yang Qing still has space technology, otherwise the 20,000-ton load capacity is not cost-effective, even if every round trip of the spacecraft , except for slight mechanical wear, there is almost no consumption.

Spiritual stones can be refilled multiple times. Although the number of refills is only about 50 times, the production cost of spiritual stones is actually not high. UU Reading www.uukanshu. All the materials in com can be found on the moon, and the only thing consumed is the mining cost of the robot.

Yang Qing specially made a batch of storage equipment for them, which is the kind that uses aura to charge. When it reaches the ground, when the aura is stopped, the goods can be squeezed out by themselves.

So in one month now, the raw material iron shipped to Blue Star has exceeded 500,000 tons.

Huaguo's average monthly steel output exceeds 60 million tons, and this 500,000 tons is actually just a drop in the bucket.

But it can't stand its high quality.

The iron produced on the moon, because of the different refining methods, is almost pure iron, with a purity of more than sixteen nines, and because of the use of deep mining, it is no different from the iron of Blue Star, and the radioactivity is almost the same .

Such pure iron ore, combined with the same pure alloy elements transported from the moon, can be matched to produce extremely precise alloy steel.

You must know that in many cases, it is not that scientists cannot research material formulas, but the gap in industrial capabilities makes it impossible to carry out precise production. We can only use experience to conduct research after the materials come out. Know what's coming.

Now such a pure element is a great benefit for material research, because I know what is added, and there will never be too many impurities to disturb it.

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