MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 284 comet

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However, it is imperative to go to the Ke Yinbo belt to find asteroids.

Because it is different from the asteroid belt between wood and fire, the asteroids in the Ke Yinbo belt receive almost zero sunlight and are in a frozen state all year round.

It is at a low temperature close to absolute zero all year round, and it is filled with nitrogen ice and water ice. Pluto, the largest dwarf planet, is the best example. According to detection, it may even have a liquid ocean inside.

The water on Pluto alone can meet the needs of Mars in the future.

Of course, with the current technology, there is no way for the Moon Palace base to drag this entire dwarf planet into the inner solar system.

Even if it can be dragged in, there is no way to place it, after all, it is too big, and there is no way to merge with planets like Mars.

However, the asteroids in the Ke Yinbo belt are still very rich in water resources, and most of the comets in the solar system originate here.

Except for those comets that we can see that can pass through the barrier of Jupiter and go deep into the inner solar system, most of the comets are actually orbiting in the outer solar system. Because they have never been close to the sun, their comet tails are almost invisible and cannot be displayed. reveal their identities.

In the universe, water is actually not a scarce resource, but clean water that is suitable for drinking is really rare.

Yang Qing plans to capture more than 100 small comets with a diameter of more than one kilometer at least in the Ke Yinbo belt, and send them to Mars to serve as water sources.

After all, water is the source of life. Without enough water, even if Mars is transformed into a planet with a suitable air temperature, it will not be able to establish a self-circulation process.

Under the combined effect of Yang Qing's target and Xiao Ai who had broken free, the appearance on the moon suddenly changed with each passing day.

Just on the side of the moon facing Blue Star, in just three days, more than 10,000 square kilometers of solar panels were laid, and this speed is still increasing at a rate of 5,000 square kilometers per day.

The consequence of this is that it is difficult to cover up the brilliance of the moon during the day.

The mirror-like solar panel, while absorbing photons, also re-reflects more than 30% of the sunlight and returns it to the universe.

Although this reflection has been completely scattered after a distance of 380,000 kilometers, and there is no dazzling light, it also makes the moon much brighter.

A little bit of dazzling patches look even more dazzling against a large dark background.

Some mines that have been developed long ago are also fully accelerating production this time. The raw materials produced, such as pure titanium, aluminum and iron, are continuously transported to the base.

Aluminum reserves are very rich. Under the background of lack of oxygen on the moon, the deep-buried bauxite is also doped with a large amount of elemental aluminum or aluminum alloy.

In fact, under vacuum conditions, the physical properties of aluminum are absolutely no worse than titanium.

It is lighter and the alloys it consists of are also as hard as steel.

More importantly, its cutting performance is far better than that of titanium alloys, and the production of aluminum is relatively simple.

Therefore, under the background of fully expanding production, new robots are mainly made of aluminum alloy.

Now that there is enough supply of raw materials, under the guidance of only life, the robot factory has demonstrated unparalleled efficiency.

The number of robots produced on the first day was only 1,000, which was already the maximum capacity of the robot factory.

The next day, that number doubled to two thousand.

On the third day, four thousand units.

On the fourth day, eight thousand units.

The number of bots is almost exponential, climbing the Internet.

The newly assembled robot immediately loaded the energy module, which is a spirit stone energy conversion core, and immediately started working.

Now what restricts the further increase of the number of robots is no longer the production of the robot body, but the reserve quantity of energy cores inside it.

Fortunately, the talisman array in the energy core is not too complicated. After laser engraving, it is activated by a disciple who has entered the Qi refining stage.

A disciple in the Qi refining period can activate a thousand such talisman arrays in one day, and there are more than 30 Qi refining period disciples in the base, and they can only activate more than 30,000.

So this balance was directly broken on the sixth day, and the talisman array was no longer enough to meet Xiao Ai's production needs, so the gut-wrenching robots were neatly placed in the workshop, waiting for energy After the module is filled, it is put into use.

Fortunately, at this time, most of the mining sites on the moon have been occupied by Xiaomei, and solar panels have been laid to prepare for the next mining work. All the robot miners do not need to be in place at once, just fill them slowly. .

At the same time, the construction was far more than that. Not far from the base, excavators and bulldozers began to level the land again, and the sky was full of smoke and dust, covering the moon palace with a thin layer of lunar soil.

There will be a large industrial area, and not far ahead, there will be a spaceship area.

In the future, more than a dozen large-scale platforms on Mars will reflect sunlight to increase the temperature of Mars, increase the gravity of Mars, and interstellar spacecraft docking areas. All components will be produced here.

These large-scale platforms may also undertake part of the processing of space materials in the future. After all, after the transformation of Mars in the future, except for those biomaterials that can be recycled, the mining of its own minerals will obviously be minimized.

After all, it is a planet that gained weight with great You can’t dig it up again, right?

The spaceship area produces small spaceships that can tow asteroids.

In order to take into account the quality of the spacecraft and the minerals of the moon, the hulls and main components of these spacecraft will be made of iron alloys.

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After an unknown number of tests, the iron alloy that can withstand low temperatures close to absolute zero was applied to the outer hull of the spaceship.

Although the strength of titanium alloy is comparable to that of steel, this time, the new iron alloy formula has left titanium alloy far behind in terms of strength for the first time.

The reason why titanium alloy is important in aerospace is because it is light enough, which is indeed a huge advantage for traditional rocket engines.

However, in the face of a gravitational engine and a fusion reactor with almost unlimited energy, this advantage becomes gone.

Although even in space, a spaceship with a small mass has the advantage of maneuverability or fuel saving, but this advantage has no greater significance in the inner solar system.

The lunar soil excavated by the forklift will be sent to the collection room immediately for high-temperature distillation.

The helium 3, water, and certain easily decomposable minerals inside will be collected separately during the high-temperature distillation process.

In the future, helium III will be concentrated and the water will be electrolyzed. A small amount of tritium and 20% deuterium will be liquefied separately and used as nuclear materials.

According to Xiaomei's prediction, the base plans to produce more than 10,000 spaceships this time, and the nuclear materials needed are also massive.

After all, in order to tow asteroids, their reactors are very large, with two fusion reactors of 10 million kilowatts.

To go to the asteroid belt with an empty ship, it is enough to turn on one reactor, but when towing, two reactors must work together.

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