MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 287 ordinary students

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Ordinary people study the 5,000-year heritage from Blue Star. Of course, they all study natural sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and those so-called humanities. used in the state.

Under Xiao Ai's all-round monitoring, the latest theoretical physics, mathematics, various new technologies, and new discoveries from all over the world will be collected in the database at the first time.

Of course, these have nothing to do with those ordinary students, because they are just a group of ordinary college graduates after all, and what they have studied is also some basic courses, at least not very related to the world's most advanced academics.

These people are not geniuses. Such people have already entered higher institutions of higher learning, and even became graduate students at worst, and began to study with their tutors.

But with the addition of spiritual energy, and in the atmosphere of concentration carefully arranged by Xiao Ai, they regained the energy they had in the first three years of high school and started studying again.

You must know that those who can be admitted to university must at least have an online IQ. Many smart children are always messed up in their studies, all because they are not focused enough.

Once a person enters the state of concentration and no other distractions, the efficiency of learning can be multiplied several times in a blink of an eye, especially in the participation of spiritual energy, the operating efficiency of their brains is operating at a multiple of the blue star.

In the past three years, almost everyone has made great progress.

Especially for some of the students, they are studying liberal arts, which in itself means that their foundation in science is extremely poor.

At least the students of the Chinese Department, although they also need to learn advanced mathematics, but their textbooks are much simpler than the mathematics of science and engineering, and advanced mathematics is the foundation of the entire science and engineering.

There are also linear algebra, probability statistics, numerical analysis, discrete mathematics, complex variable functions, probability theory, these are just the foundation.

If we want to correctly understand the glorious achievements of human beings in the past few hundred years, the general theory of relativity and quantum theory are two mountains that cannot be avoided.

And these are inseparable from mathematical tools.

The mathematical formulas derived from the general theory of relativity are fairly simple, but when it comes to the microscopic field, it is necessary to use some front-end mathematical tools such as matrix mathematics.

The geometry of space in general relativity is Riemannian geometry.

The social division of labor in the past has divided the natural science system into smaller and smaller parts. A certain category of natural science and a certain direction of engineering are enough for a person to spend his whole life doing research.

Modern science basically cuts off the possibility of a person becoming an all-rounder.

However, at the Moon Palace base, these people are taught all the basic knowledge, whether it is physics, chemistry, or biology, and there is basically no difference.

Of course, mathematics is the foundation. Everyone here, the depth of research is about the same as a doctoral student majoring in mathematics.

Of course, there are also geniuses in this. When studying mathematics in depth, they solved five of the seven major mathematics problems in the new century.

Among them, the NP-complete problem, the Poincaré conjecture, the Hodge conjecture, the Navel-Stoke equation, and the BSD conjecture have all been thoroughly proved.

Even Riemann's hypothesis has been advanced to the last step, or it will be thoroughly proved one day with a flash of inspiration.

These students, who are less than twenty-five years old, are all strong contenders for the Fields Medal.

However, for the Moon Palace Base, although these century-old problems have been proved and made public, it does not mean that they will go to the United States to receive this award.

These conjectures have been proved, which means that the assumptions made by people based on these talents have become general conclusions, and some even become axioms.

These are only achievements in theoretical mathematics. Although they are all foundations, their applications may not appear until hundreds of years later, but they provide powerful mathematical tools for future research.

After the basic knowledge is completed, these people finally come in handy.

As mentioned earlier, the equipment for manufacturing braided carbon nanotubes was improved by three students and made by Xiao Ai.

Because now Xiao Ai’s computing power is extremely powerful, and she can almost create a metaverse. In the world created by Xiao Ai, this kind of experiment can even be directly simulated, and the results are almost exactly the same.

In fact, another reason why Yang Qing asked these students to return to Blue Star was that they had reached the age of marriage.

Among the students, the number of girls is very small, only more than one hundred. Even if they are all digested internally, there are still more than seven hundred vacancies that need to be filled.

After three years, their salaries have increased substantially. Ordinary people earn a monthly salary of 100,000, while those special contributors earn at least 300,000 a month, and because of their research results, they get between 5 million and 100,000 yuan. Don't wait for bonuses.

The Moon Palace Base has a huge planting and breeding base. All kinds of crops are planted in factories. Reasonable fertilization, long-term sunlight, and the temperature that is most likely to deposit nutrients make the food, fruits, etc. in the base have the best taste. , Optimized nutrition.

And their growth cycle, the shortest is only one month, and the longest is no more than two months, and there is no seasonal restriction at all. After one season is harvested, the next season can be planted immediately.

Different from the Blue Star, not only the seeds, but everything in the plants can be used here.

The rhizomes of plants can be made into fertilizers, or they can be decomposed by catalysis to extract plant fibers and made into clothes. They can also be used as roughage and fed to livestock.

Clothes made of plant fibers, because of the improvement of processing technology, are even more beautiful than cotton and silk, and can also achieve their functions of keeping warm and modifying.

The most important thing is that these things are not only produced in large quantities, but also provided completely for free. They are equivalent to living in a communist society, and they don’t need to worry about food, clothing, housing, transportation and other issues. What they need to do is to find their own interests and study hard. Go long as you can make results, you don’t have to worry about not getting rewards.

Here, a person is equivalent to a factory, because with the improvement of authority, she can command more robots, and the laboratory that can be controlled is also larger. The most important thing is that the test equipment here fully supports personal customization. .

As long as your brain hole does not break through the sky, then there will be no phenomena that cannot be produced by the base.

So now everyone has at least a few million deposits, and many have reached tens of millions.

Although on the short video platform, the per capita property has reached tens of millions, and there are several houses, which collect rent in turn, but in fact, the average salary in the country is only a few thousand yuan, and a large number of people can earn money every month. Earn one or two thousand dollars.

So when this large number of millionaires and multi-millionaires go back, as long as they are not too picky and insist on looking for rich and wealthy Bai Fumei, they are actually very popular in the blind date market.

Even if there are many homeboys in this group, it doesn't matter if they can't find them. Yang Qing also resorted to another trick, which is to buy human germ cells at a high price.

That is, the male's sperm and the female's egg.

Unlike men's easy sperm retrieval, women's egg retrieval and preservation is not a small operation, and it is also very harmful to the body.

Xiao Ai improved this technique, making egg collection as easy as sperm retrieval.

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