MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 313 Wither 0 array

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Although the cores of these asteroids were born five billion years ago, when the solar system was just born.

However, just as radioactive elements still exist on the blue star, the core of the asteroid, which is dominated by heavy elements, still has a sufficient amount of radioactive heavy elements even after several half-lives.

Although these radioactive elements are actually a very scarce resource, the amount of such resources on Mars is too much.

More than 10,000 asteroids and comets, although not every one has a core, but at least half of them have a core.

In fact, this is not a problem. Before Mars can live, a large number of robots will dig them out of the crust of Mars and gather them together as spare raw materials.

However, it will take hundreds of millions of blue star years for the natural evolution of Mars, which resembles a prehistoric blue star, to meet the conditions for the emergence of living things.

This is something Yang Qing can't tolerate anyway.

No matter who it is, as long as they haven't become immortals, they can't live for more than 10,000 years, let alone hundreds of millions of years that have far surpassed the history of higher life.

That's why Yang Qing's trip to Mars came about.

He came this time to perform a small operation on the core of Mars, so that it can not only absorb spiritual energy on its own, but also accelerate the seasonal changes on Mars.

In fact, it is a simple version of the withering circle, the same as the one used in the cultivation area of ​​the Moon Palace base.

This withering circle can drive part of the power of time, which is commonly known as the power of time.

Of course, the ability of this elementary magic circle is very poor, and it can only shorten the growth period of four or five months of crops to less than one month.

But this is not all due to the passage of time, but the result of the power of the magic circle, which speeds up the metabolism of the crops.

So its impact on time is actually negligible.

But this is the result Yang Qing needs.

Because once this magic circle is engraved on the core of the earth, it will last for thousands of years before it becomes completely invalid.

If time is accelerated too fast, it will also affect the lifespan of people who will immigrate to Mars in the future.

Fortunately, it was still controllable in the early days. In this world, there is still one person who can control its acceleration.

Yang Qing will adjust this magic circle to the maximum at the very beginning, so that one day on Mars is equivalent to two days on Blue Star.

This acceleration will last for three years, and then it will be completely destroyed and become a normal magic circle.

However, in the future, even if the plants that grow on Mars are of the same species as Blue Star, their growth period will be reduced to one-fifth of the original one.

The growth speed of animals will also be greatly increased than before, and even the growth and development speed of humans will also increase.

Perhaps this is sad news for children, because their childhood has been greatly reduced without knowing it.

The neutrino detector has already found a location on the surface of Mars.

There, the crust is opened, and the hot magma is below.

This molten state will continue to the lower mantle, and there is no obstruction until the core.

This is not a volcano, because the magma of the volcano has to go through hundreds of turns in the earth's crust, and rise to the surface through many eroded gaps.

Under the control of the autopilot aircraft, they were not blocked by the heavy rain and flew straight in a certain direction.

At the moment when they were about to arrive, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Originally, in the world of heavy rain, there was darkness everywhere in the line of sight.

All sunlight has been covered by a dust cloud more than 80 kilometers thick, and the world below the cloud, except for the occasional lightning that can cut through the sky, hardly has any light.

But at this moment, their eyes lit up.

Although the visibility still did not exceed five meters, the surrounding raindrops changed from dark to milky white, and even more dazzling light came from there.

The almost pervasive fog instantly surrounded the aircraft.

At this time, the aircraft stopped here and waited until the light began to fade before moving on.

However, the craft seems to have passed through a wall and entered a circular bright area.

This area is not large, only about 500 meters in diameter, and a wall made of rainwater has already been formed beside it.

When I looked up, there seemed to be a hole in the sky above my head. Although the raindrops blown by the wind were still continuous, the sky and the sun could already be seen above my head.

Although much farther away than the blue star, the sun appears smaller than the blue star, like a small point with a blazing light.

However, the sunlight is still strong, or because of the large number of reflectors, it is a bit stronger than that on the blue star.

At this time, the aircraft had slowly descended and stopped at a distance of more than ten meters from the ground.

In the middle of this 500-meter area, it looks like about 50 meters.

The ground has long since disappeared, as if the lid had been lifted, it collapsed suddenly, exposing the red-hot magma inside.

The terrain here is relatively high, and stagnant water cannot flow in. Although the floating rain did not give up here, it was all turned into gas by the hot magma, and it didn't turn into milky white steam until it was far away from the magma pool.

This place is not a volcano, and it is far away from an active volcano. There is only one reason why this land can turn into magma, and that is the lasers that keep falling from the sky.

Although the laser is not continuous and does not have any color, the rain that swept away from the path still exposed its existence.

"Okay, the laser heating depth has reached the flow layer below fifteen kilometers, we can act now!"

Yang Qing unfastened his seat belt and said to the two people inside.

Their job is actually very simple, that is, to come to this magma pool, assemble a few talisman accessories, activate them, and throw them into the magma pool, it's over.

Several people tidied up their space suits, and then got out from the door of the aircraft.

Fortunately, they have all achieved success in cultivation, so they can stand in the void without relying on any other equipment.

"Are you ready?"

"All right!"

"All right!"

Yang Qing reminded, UU Reading www. After got the answer, he led two people around the magma pool and stood in a triangular position.

Then he patted his pocket and took out a few Nawu Talismans from it.

The storage bag cannot be made too large because there is no suitable material.

However, the storage talisman is only related to cultivation, it can be made very large, and it can also store some things that cannot be stored in storage bags, so even if they are still disposable items, they still have great uses.

The five Nawu Talismans were carbonized and destroyed immediately, and then the contents fell out.

Within the scope of Yang Qing's consciousness, they floated, and then combined in order to form an extremely complicated talisman array with a diameter of only one meter.

Regardless of Yang Qing's body shape, Zhao Yuxi, the incarnation of Xiao Ai, had already created a pattern of talisman seals in the first place, turning into rays of light, and falling on the talisman array.

Yang Qing's speed was much faster than theirs. Without the need to meditate, rays of light flew out of his body and shrouded the remaining three talisman arrays.

After repeating this for nearly ten seconds, the five talisman arrays suddenly shone brightly, and then combined with each other to form a brand new talisman array. Under Yang Qing's control, they fell into the magma pool and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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