MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [番外93] The **** is a rogue, catching the bag on the spot

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However, it was said that the Tianlingen girl had not returned since she came out of the cave. Lingzhi left and waited for the right, and finally could not wait, so she decided to go out.

Ganoderma lucidum did not wait to see the Tianlingen girl, but these days, the Tianlingen girl did her best to take care of her. She also purified the whole body’s demon spirit into a spiritual power to raise her, to say that it is false. .

The person of Qin Linger is the one who is in the eyes, and the earth is big, but she is the only one. It is very annoying to get along with each other. It is true that she has done bad things, but not all.

Ganoderma believes that she still doesn't like Qin Linger, but she can't help but worry about Qin Linger. She doesn't want Qin Linger to have an accident. This is really a complicated and eccentric friendship.

The cave is very big, and the right leg of Ganoderma lucidum is not good enough to go to the hole.

She saw a white and goose-yellow figure from afar, and a beautiful cyan tail.

When she was blind, she was scared to death by this snake tail. How long did she think she was beautiful?

Ganoderma lucidum snorted, I am afraid that it is not evil?

"Qin Linger!"

Ganoderma lucidum called her, although from the age and the time of entering the Zongmen, she had to call Qin Linger a sister, but she never called it.

The other party heard her voice and slowly turned around and rushed at her, smiling softly and amiablely.

Ganoderma lucidum licked.

Is she blind? Qin Linger smiled at her?

The face is still the face, the snake tail is still the snake tail, but why... so strange?

Ganoderma lucidum looked up and down.

The other side swayed the snake tail and walked over to her. The swaying appearance looked like a melancholy flow in the flattery, and Qin Linger, who always chilled this piece of ice and wanted to owe her money. Don't worry!

Ganoderma lucidum heart bell alarm: "You are not Qin Linger!"

The other side stepped a meal, and the negative test touched the lips: "Is it discovered by you?"

This person can be turned into a Qin Linger look, afraid that he has not won the body of Qin Linger, the current situation of Ganoderma lucidum, even Qin Linger can not beat, let alone the **** who can win Qin Linger!

Ganoderma lucidum backhand touched a transfer bead.

This is not an ordinary transfer bead. It is a fairy that was given to her when she was recognized by Qiao Weiwei. She can use it when she reaches the realm of the gods. She does not know what she is today. She only remembers to come to the front of the gods. Can the knot, can be raised by Qin Linger for so long, how much, how much is growing?

She closed her eyes and poured all the remaining spiritual power into the bead.

The woman saw her to escape, and hurriedly opened an enchantment around her body. Unfortunately, one step later, the transmission beads worked, and the Ganoderma lucidum disappeared.

The woman took back the enchantment and sneered at the sky above her head: "I thought I could escape this way? There is a reiki in your body that ‘I’ lost to you. Isn’t it easy to find you?”

After all, the woman raised her arm and looked at her new body: "It’s really a match, Selangor, are you saying?"

When the sea emptiness trio found the cave, there was no shadow of Ganoderma lucidum or anyone in the cave.

Hu Sihai looked at the wild rabbit that was roasted on the bonfire. "This is still roasting the rabbit. The fruit is also freshly picked. People? Where?"

After the meditation and Yunxiao searched the Beihai Shrine, they immediately left the North Sea.

The meditation departed to the place of exile, and the imprisoned Yunfu was taken back to the middle area. Yunxiao did not go with him, but went to the former site of Yunfu.

It has been ruined for 20,000 years, and people have already gone to the sky, and they have not been defeated.

Yunxiao entered a pile of broken walls and found a fan that had been used in cloud repair.

The mana on the fan has dissipated, and the cloud picks up a glimpse of it, and it looks like a burnt ashes, broken silently.

"Big brother, give it to you! I wish you all the years, today and now!"

"Is it a fan of Auntie's own painting? Big Brother will definitely save it."

The eyes of Yunxiao suddenly had some sourness, and there was something hot in the eyes that rushed out uncontrollably.

Just as the tears rolled down, the blue light flashed overhead, and an unidentified object slammed down and slammed into the head of the cloud.

Yunxiao’s body was shocked, and he did not understand what had happened. He was black and fell straight on the ground.

Ganoderma lucidum's head squatted on the stone bench, and did not have time to struggle, and then fainted in the clouds.

When the woman pursued the breath of Ganoderma lucidum and came to the old site of Yunfu, she saw the two sons of Lingzhi and Yunfu.

The woman crouched down, the sallow fingertips licked the hair on the cheeks of the cloud, and said with a smile: "Is my luck today a bit too good? Even the Yunfu Ergong was stunned by me."


However, after saying that the meditation and the hustle and bustle parted ways, he immediately set off to the exile of the west of the gods. With his cultivation, the end of the earth is just a stone's throw away. It is the news of the gods and the demons faster than he is on the road.

When Yunfu was smashed and the news of Yunfu Shenjun regained the heavenly court, the priests there knew that Yunfu was all saved.

This God's heaven was originally built by His Majesty the Emperor of the Emperor, and later he was dedicated to spiritual practice. He also guarded the king of the gods for peace of mind. He handed over the heavenly court and stood up to the gods and commanded the gods.

The relationship between Shenzun and Yunfu in the past is very close. If this generation of gods is not a demon, it is also excellent for Yunfu Shenjun and Yunxiao.

I want to come to the old man to know what is under the spring, and I am happy to return the God Heaven to the Queen.

The martial arts of a meditation came to the place of exile, but he did not see the uncles and servants of Yunfu.

"Enlighten the gods." A sergeant in charge of the exile was walked over with a smile and respectfully bowed. "The lower official has sent Yunfu up and down to God's heaven, and they have sinned." You can return to Yunfu."

"Why don't you say it earlier?"

Still, still, still... not to give you a surprise? How can you really wait for your visitor? Isn't that too slow? Besides, are you not going to copy the home of Beihai Shenjun? Who expected that you copied it so quickly?

The priests of the priests blame, but they also understand that after all, they are slow-moving. They know that the gods have come so fast, they should send them to the heavenly court before the gods copy the Beihai Jingu, so that they can save the gods and run a mile.

"It is the next official who does not do things well, and punishes the gods." The official lowered his head and said with sincerity.

The face of the ruthless master couldn’t see a trace of expression, but the faint gaze swept away in the house where Yunfu and others had lived: "In these years, how good are they?"

The priest was busy: "Okay! The lower official swears to the gods, never succumbing to anyone in Yunfu!"

Here, there are many winds and sands all over the place, the spirit of the gods is lacking, and the gods are staying here. It is more like the phenomen's high altitude and lack of oxygen. It is inevitable that discomfort will occur, but this is not a divine affair.

Compared to the cloud that was locked into the town demon tower, Yunfu has been lucky too much.

Meditation is not a true cloud repair. Except for Yunxiaoruo and Yunxiao, he does not have too much affection for Yunfu. He rescued them from exile. He is doing his best. He has not yet reached the point where he is going to saddle for him. .

The meditation sent a message to Ni Sang: "Left but you also want to rebuild the Snow Mountain Shrine, it is better to rebuild the Yunfu."

Ni Chang’s face is green.

After that, the meditation took a trip to Long Island.

The four seasons of the gods are not as clear as the mortal world, but as long as the mana is enough, what weather is there in the weather.

Before the departure of the island, there were autumn blooms of flowers. Now, only a few hours have disappeared, and the island has snow and snow.

The scenery of Long Island is very beautiful. In the blue ocean, it is like a gemstone with black light and blue light. Above the gem, there are dragons with thousands of walls, heavy stacks, flowers and different postures. In the shuttle, the beauty is like a nine-point fairyland.

At this time, the fairyland was snowing, and the beauty was very beautiful. It was just that the group of dragons that could not spend the winter, one by one, and the womb shivered in the dragon.

"Devil and Qingshui real people?" The meditation grasped a small Huanglong who was guarding the door.

Xiao Huanglong turned into a human figure and replied: "They went out to sea."

"Have you been out for a long time?" asked the meditation.

Xiao Huang said: "Well, soon after you and the second son left the island, they left."

That said, this snow is not what they are under.

The deep gaze of the meditation was slightly moved, and he went to the palace of the demon.

Qiao Weiwei lives in the most spacious, exquisite and most golden room in the palace, the wall floor, the wardrobe appliances, all of which are the best gold.

The golden porch window was wide open, and a small square table was placed by the window. Qiao Weiwei sat at the table, holding one hand and looking bored at the direction of the small garden outside the window.

She blinked and the flowers opened.

After blinking again, the flowers will be thanked.

She is the Sixth Ice Lotus, and this is always the case.

When the meditation entered the house, Qiao Weiwei just let the flower blossom thanked the hundred and twenty times, her fingertips moved, the sky floated a bigger snow.

She wore an ice-colored dress and her waist was tightened with a golden jade belt. The waist was very thin and as thin as a hand.

The original Selangor also had the most slender waist of the gods. For this reason, she had seen her eyes more.

But he didn't open his heart, he didn't know what it was, and after simply admiring it, there was nothing to smell.

Qiao Weiwei's waist is different, so he wants to hold it, put it in the palm of his hand and play it.

He didn't know if he had opened her affection to know her good, or if she tasted her good, she finally opened her affection.

Zhu Yi came over with a refreshment and walked to the door. Then she saw the girl in obsessive look at the window. She had never seen such a **** who did not hide her emotions. The affection on her face was actually provoked her heart. They all jumped a beat.

Look at it again, she wants men!

Zhu Yi grabbed a chestnut cake and stuffed it into his mouth, containing chestnut cake, and fled!

The meditation smashed the wide sleeves and slowly entered the house.

Qiao Weiwei seems to have not come to him, always holding his head to him.

Her head is also very beautiful, round, black hair, combed a single screw, inserted a plain and elegant white jade.

The jade and her skin color are fine, white and delicate, white and transparent.

Staying close, the tip of the nose is all her heart-warming ice lotus.

The meditation stopped behind her: "Wei Wei."

Qiao Weiwei ignored him.

This child, when he was a child, was very good. When he grew up, he had a little more exclusivity for his daughter’s family. Instead, he was not so easy to smash. This heart has to be hovering for her. It’s not a bowl of braised pork, a soul. It will make her forget.

"See what I brought to you?" The meditation spread out the palm of your hand, revealing a golden lotus flower.

Qiao Weiwei did not say back: "I don't want!"

It was not accidental to meditate. He said softly: "If you don't look at it, say no?"

Qiao Weiwei screamed: "In short, don't! Don't send anything!"

The meditation is about understanding what she is dying. Yesterday, he was mad at him, and he said nothing in the mouth. He did not expect that she could really hear it, and he really came to him.

This is naturally not possible.

Qiao Weiwei whispered: "You are a liar!"

Meditation is helpless: "The human intestines are bent. There are nine meanings in one sentence. I said that it was said, but it is not literal."

Qiao Weiwei heard the clouds and turned his head. He glanced at him faintly, then hanged down: "I don't want to be a person, I am too tired, or I am a good dragon, and I don't have to follow the rules of the Terran."

Meditation corrected her words: "That is not called the rules and regulations, called the rules of the world."

Qiao Weiwei embraced her hands: "All four words, almost!"

Meditation: "..."

Qiao Weiwei said: "You said that you like me for a while, and later said that it is not the kind of love I want, then what kind of love do you like to me?"

The meditation took her face, her fingertips stroked her delicate skin, and the deep dawn fell into her clear eyes: "What about you? What kind of love do you like to me?"

His fingertips were cold, and it was hot on her cheeks. Qiao Weiwei slammed her throat and said, "I asked first!"

This girl also knows how to preemptively. If the sum of the year is not more than one day, it will make people pick the mistakes. It seems that Zhu Yi... has made a lot of effort.

I heard the bamboo in the corner and felt two arrows in the knee!

Qiao Weiwei waited for half a day and did not wait for his answer: "Why don't you talk? Do you not like me at all? If you go on like this, I will go find someone else!"

The face of the meditation has sunk in an instant!

Zhu Yifu amount, silently gave Xiaolong a root wax, so that you can back up the words, and add some drama to yourself...

Outside the house, large swaths of snow fell, like light goose feathers, gathered in scattered flowers on the flower to be placed, reflecting the snow.

The snow was reflected in the face of Shen Jun’s adult, and it was cold.

The deep dawn of the gods and monarchs came over and the dragons were stunned.

"What do you say?"

Qiao Weiwei lowered her round head and changed her mouth guiltyly: "I said... I ate you."


A meaningful sneer, spurting out from the lips of the gods, "Which mouth?"

"Well?" Qiao Weiwei looked up in stunnedly and stared at him.

Bamboo Yi is dark, flowing, and the **** is a stinking rogue!

"Which mouth?" Qiao Weiwei's eyebrows picked it up and he would have a taste. "Two are used."

Eat your **** with the mouth of Xiao Binglian, eat your body with the mouth of the little dragon.

Of course, the meditation understands that she is talking in a serious way, but she can't control her own thoughts. She wants her to be under her own body and say something that is red-faced.

The meditation pinched her cheek.

She was pinched into a beep: "What?"

The meditation hugged her up, her arms tightened her slender waist, and the twilight came deeper and said, "Don't you eat me?"

"I am talking about fun, where do I want to be... oh..."

Qiao Weiwei’s words were not finished, and he was smashed to the wall by his niche. The strong man’s breath suddenly shrouded her.

He tightened her waist in one hand, and the other hand clasped her rounded head and held her whole person in his arms.

The lips were also blocked by him.

The sweetness between the lips and teeth, one inch inch across his tongue.

Her teeth were also opened, and his pliable long tongue came in.

He overbearing and strongly kissed her, and lost the gentleness of the past, she could feel the pain in his tongue.

He held her tightly, as if to embed her in her bones.

Qiao Weiwei was out of breath, and he gently loosened her lips that had been kissed with redness and swollen, and gasped forbearing, her forehead against her.

Qiao Weiwei Jiao said: "You haven't said what kind of love you like to me? If it is not what I want, then don't touch me, I am a boned dragon!"

The boned dragon, the little hand touched his chest.

Meditation: "..."

The meditation hugged her up and fell on her soft bed with her. She fell and fell, her hair was spread out, and the blue silk was covered with brocade, which made her more white and moving.

He just looked at it like this, and he felt his throat tightening. What kind of **** things rushed to the top of his head, and his endangered reason was like the mouth of the dyke, and he ran out of the body.

Her clothes didn't know when it was messy, revealing her half-scented scent.

His scorpion, suddenly dyed the hot temperature.

"Zhu Yi said that this is very painful, really? She won't lie to me?" Qiao Weiwei suddenly said.

The meditation touched her hair and nodded. "Well, it hurts."

Qiao Weiwei sat up in horror: "I don't want it!"

Meditation: "?!"

This girl! The fire can burn the dragon, saying don't you want it? !

"Small repair." Qiao Weiwei came over again.

It’s really necessary to pick up the brow.

Qiao Weiwei’s little clumsy, clutching the buckle on the placket: “I... I can’t buckle it.”

There is no temper in the meditation.

The meditation took a deep breath, pressed down the impulse to hang up and pumped a dragon's buttocks, closed her clothes, and buttoned her, and said softly: "You listened well, I only said it once." I like you, like you, my mother..."

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao.

Shimizu's real people and demon statues have arrived home.

The two were kneeling at the door and saw everything at once.

It is obviously the action of dressing for Qiao Weiwei. It is not the same thing that falls in the eyes of two people.

Shimizu real person: "Green, what about your machete?"

The Mozu smiled casually: "How much more is the knife?"

After all, I took out a bombardment.

------Off topic ------

Ask for a monthly ticket, do a talisman for Xiu Ge, what?

Read The Duke's Passion