MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-Chapter 2 】Starting a new life

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When the sky is not bright, Qiao Wei wakes up, blinking, and seeing the two little buns lying on his own body, his heart has a warmth.

On the faint morning light of the sky, Qiao Wei walked inside and outside the thatched cottage.

There is a large empty yard outside, there are water wells in the water tank, and some tools that have rust. The kitchen is next door, the pots and pans are sloppy, the leftover noodle soup in the pot, the rice tank has bottomed out, and two less-fresh carrots are poured in the vegetable basket.

Qiao Wei first cleaned up the kitchen, fired water from the well, and disinfected the pots and pans. Then, the rusted kitchen knife was sharpened and bright. She can do anything about it, but she can't do it.

After a while in the kitchen with a serious attitude towards the operating room, the chimney floated out of the smoke and went straight into the sky. The villages under the mountain gradually drifted out of the smoke, and the mountains were covered with clouds. It was impossible to tell whether it was clouds or smoke.

When Qiao Wei got ready for the porridge and went back to the house, the two brothers and sisters woke up and ran to the kitchen one after the other.

"Mother!" The little girl squinted into the arms of Qiao Wei. She is soft, her hands are warm, and she is attached to Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei touched her daughter's head, fearing that the porridge in the bowl would be hot to her and said to her: "Go to the house with my brother first, and the mother will be right soon."

The little boy took his sister out of the kitchen.

Qiao Wei put the porridge in the room, and the two brothers and sisters have already placed the small square table.

Oh, this is too embarrassing.

Qiao Wei couldn't help but happily put the tableware on the table. Originally, she wanted to give the children a spoon, but I couldn't find it for a long time: "I will give you a spoon first, and I will give you a spoon later..."

After the words were not finished, the brothers and sisters picked up the chopsticks and snorted and ate.

After the meal, Qiao Wei told them that they had hit their heads and that many things were not remembered, including their names.

The brothers and sisters were so embarrassed that they immediately reported their names. My brother is Joe Jingyun and my daughter is Joe Wang.

Tigers and valleys are born, dragons and Jingyun. [Note 1]

Before the hope of Shu, the pioneers smashed, and then flew to make the genus. [Note 2]

It should be a scholar who named the two.

From Xiaojingyunkou, Qiao Wei also knows that this village is called Rhino Village. It is not far from the town. The three of them were in the town. They were robbed of money and flowed here. The villagers are kind, and the mother-in-law lives. In the house halfway up the mountain.

This was originally the place where the Shoulin people lived. The villagers gradually fell down at the foot of the mountain and planted the fields. They rarely went up the mountain, and no one kept the forest.

After eating breakfast, Qiao Wei cleaned up the dishes, and then repaired all the tools in the yard. The iron shovel, shovel, hooks and sickles were polished.

The two children have never seen these things, curiously squatting and watching, and they feel that the mother-in-law suddenly becomes capable.

Qiao Wei cleaned the tool, sharpened the blade, and stored it in the kitchen. Then, he took out the iron shovel to open the snow in the yard, dug a pile of mud, and poured hot water.

In this ancient times, where productivity and technology were very backward, cement was not born. Only bauxite and raw soil were used. The reinforced concrete was called rammed earth, and the natural one was raw soil. The soil that has been smashed is large, strong, and has few gaps. It is better to build a house. The foundations of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang are bauxite. However, Qiao Wei will not be embarrassed, but has to retreat to the next and use raw soil. The raw soil paste window is still alive, at least not airy.

At this time, how can Qiao Wei grow up in an orphanage, if she is a beautiful lady, how can I understand these ways of survival? Fear of giving her a chance to cross, she also starved to death in this mountain.

Picking up a good house, Qiao Wei took a sickle and a shovel to see if he could dig some fruit in the mountains.

The little buns are far behind and behind the mother, making two small tails that are happy and excited.

When I saw that the three had just walked to the door, they were stopped by a woman wearing a black cotton trousers and a purple floral short plaque. The woman took a stick and didn't look at the person. She shook her head and said: "Small bastard, you stole my stuff again?"

Qiao Weiben thought that the kind villagers came up to see their orphans and widows, who expected people to come to the truss. Qiao Wei’s face fell cold when she was on the scene: “Who are you squirting your mouth?”

The woman didn't want to talk to the earth: "What happened to me with your mouth squirting?" After I finished, I found myself smashing myself, and immediately blushing, 狠瞪乔薇 said: "Hey, you wake up. I am when you fall to death, and no matter how good your son is, go down the mountain and steal things!"

Qiao Jingyun said: "I didn't steal anything!"

The woman dismissed: "You didn't steal anything, my pickled chicken cockroaches are gone? One less day, I saw it! You stole it!"

"I didn't!" Qiao Jingyun blinked red.

The woman’s eyes glimpsed: "You still don't recognize?"

"Enough, what is it for me to come, don't murder my son!" Qiao Wei will protect Qiao Jingyun behind him, and the woman's resentful sorrow will not be merciless.

The woman was shocked by this sudden gas field. In her impression, Joe was not so embarrassed...

Qiao Jingyun was so anxious to cry: "Mom, I didn't steal anything, I really didn't..." He was not afraid of others scolding him, but he was so afraid that his mother would not believe him. He was not a bad boy, the mother said it, starved to death. If you are poor, you can’t steal it. He remembers, always remembers...

Qiao Wei patted his son's shoulder: "Mother believes in you."

The woman returned to God and felt that she had just been shocked by a shameless abandonment. She was so embarrassed that she raised her wooden stick and said: "Let’s give the old lady a pity! Give the old lady's chicken out!"

Qiao Wei said: "We didn't take your things, how can you give it to you?"

The woman took a sip: "Want to take the account? Well, don't let me find it!"

Qiao Wei does not give way: "Do you say search? I agree?"

"I want to search what can you do with me?" The woman raised the stick, and a pair of Qiao Wei would not let it go, she killed Qiao Wei's posture.

Where is Qiao Wei afraid of her? Stretching her hand caught her wrist, and she used the skillfulness to make the woman cry and shouted at her.

The huge movement disturbed the nearby Luo Auntie, and Luo Auntie rushed over: "Little Joe, you are fine... Hey? Liu Cuihua?"

Liu Cuihua, known as Liu Xiezi, is a famous shrew in the village.

I thought that Xiao Qiao was bullied, and she was her. Luo Auntie looked at Qiao Wei in a wrong way: "Little Joe, what's wrong with this?"

Qiao Wei can see that Luo Auntie is not malicious to her. She said the thing that happened just once and for all: "If she really came to find something, I don't mind helping her find it, but if she is looking for it, then I am welcome, I am welcome."

Look for their opinions, but don't put a face that "I think you are a thief." Their mothers are not right, they can't be bullied.

Luo Auntie: "Cuihua, this is why you are wrong. What did you throw down the mountain and ran to the mountain to discuss what?"

Liu Xiezi said: "I have seen it, that is, he stole it! He has been running in the village for a few days, is not stealing things?"

Qiao Wei sneered: "Do you see my son stealing your chicken, or just see him into the village?"

Liu Zizi stunned.

Joe Jingyun turned his eyes to Luo Auntie. Luo Da Niang nodded at him and turned to Liu Xunzi. "You really want to know where your chicken is going, just ask your man! No one knows him except him!"

It is obvious that Lao Liu took the chicken for a drink, and did not dare to tell his mother, only to lied that the chicken was stolen. This confused Liu Cuihua is relying on the heads of orphans and widows!

Luo Auntie had a husband who worked as a permanent worker in the county. Even the village head gave her a few thin faces. Liu Zizi did not dare to cross her, and ran away.

Qiao Jingyun went to Luo Auntie and screamed "Larma Grandma", then took Luo Auntie's hand to Qiao Wei: "Mom, I really didn't steal anything. I went to the village and went to find Luo Grandma. ""

It turned out that yesterday’s gimmicks and chicken legs were given by Luo Auntie. Not only that, but during the days when the original master was in a coma, the brothers and sisters had been relying on Luo’s relief.

Qiao Wei, who knows the truth, did not say that she stepped forward and bowed deeply to Luo Aunt.

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I don't know if anyone will find me updating.

[Note 1]: From "Huainanzi·Astronomical Training"

[Note 2]: From "Chu Ci Li Sao"

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