MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-Chapter 8 】First purchase (1)

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Qiao Wei couldn't ask why, and her eyes fell on her daughter. Joe looked shook his head comfortably. She didn't know. She and Xiao Bai were playing side by side, and my brother suddenly played with them.

At the beginning, Liu Xiezi still had some guilty conscience. How is Jingyun's temper she is clear, she will not blame anyone, and her son's urine is clear, and she loves it. I am afraid that my son did not worry about Jingyun. Jing Yun only beat his son in anger. But this will not be heard, and the guilty conscience of her heart disappeared without a trace.

She straightened her waist and smugly said, "How? Can't you ask? It's your son's loss, madness and hitting people! The iron cow hurts you to show me clearly, it is your son and the little animal." This thing, I just told the village head, can't count it!"

The village head is her distant house, and she has no five clothes. The village head will be biased. It seems that it is not difficult to speculate. What's more, she is a foreigner who bullies the village, even if she is right.

For the first time, Qiao Wei felt the difficulty of survival. It was not that there was no food, no money, but the feeling of no return. There was never a feeling of home... She struggled for twenty years to get rid of this. Uneasy state, a blink of an eye back to ancient times, she has to start from scratch.

She took a deep breath and pushed the rolling emotion back to her heart. She said to Liu Xiezi: "What do you want?"

Liu Xiezi said with a sigh of relief: "Your son has hurt my son, how can I lose some money! The little animal is not sick or sick. I have to take my son to the town to find a good doctor. Cheap!"

To put it bluntly, I want to pay some money. Qiao Wei, who was dull and stunned, suddenly smiled: "What about your son’s account? My son is still so small, I don’t know if you have a good foot on it. I just want to bring it. My son is in the town, why not?"

Still have a fart together? Liu Xiezi was tickle.

No one is responsible for this matter, but it is really pursued. Liu Xiezi’s foot is the most unworthy. Xiaobai’s group is biting, and Jingyun’s beating is that the iron cows let their friends encircle Jingyun. That's all the children's broken things. Even if Liu Xiezi wants to teach, he should also teach the little beast. She did not dare to provoke a fierce little snow, but took Jingyun out of gas, she actually knows the loss. Only she was used to it, and she was unbearable.

Qiao Wei opened the purse and threw out a pair of silver and threw it into her arms: "This is not a medical bill. It is because your son is poor and buy him some sugar to eat."

Liu Xiezi was prepared to go empty-handed. He got a silver or two in a vacuum, and it was a long-term decline. He immediately smiled.

Qiao Wei was too lazy to look at her face again and took two children to leave.

Along the way, both children were very silent.

Qiao Jingyun is thinking, and Qiao Wangshu is not clear.

Qiao Wei does not say anything, a family of three, rare quiet.

Finally, still Qiao Jingyun could not help, whispered: "Mother, I am sorry."

Qiao Weiyun said lightly: "Is sorry what? Sorry, I hit someone, or I am sorry, I can't tell you why I beat someone?"

Joe Wang Shu looked at his brother curiously, but saw his brother clenched his lips.

Qiao Wei said: "If you don't want to say it, even if you don't force you, mother is still the same sentence. I believe that you are not a child who is irritating. If you do this, you must have a reason to do so. When do you think about it? Tell the mother again."

Qiao Jingyun’s words and thoughts ended, and he struggled for a long while, but he still couldn’t say it. What I thought of, the words turned, said: "Mother, why give them money?" It is not easy to make money, and they will give them to the bulls at once...

Qiao Wei actually feels bad about the money, but the iron cow is indeed injured. No matter who is wrong, the son’s pet has scratched the person, and the son must bear the responsibility. She does not want her son to grow into a person who wants to do what he wants. How many criminals in the world, and which ones do not have their own difficulties? But can you let them escape responsibility and consequences?

The son is still young, Qiao Wei does not know how to explain with him, and for a moment, he said: "Sorry, when Liu Xiezi came to the mountain to find trouble, the mother gave you a wrong demonstration. Mother should not be her Hands-on, you also learned to do it to people."

In fact, this is only her guess. She is still not sure if her son has learned to work with him. However, no matter what, he will learn from others and avoid some of his son.

"Do you want to... isn't it?" Jing Yun asked.

Qiao Wei thought for a moment and said: "When it is time to watch, when you are very dangerous, in order to protect yourself, you must do it."

"Today, I am not dangerous, so I should not do it." Jing Yun finally realized his mistake.

Qiao Wei nodded comfortably. "There are many ways to solve the problem. If you want to learn, you can teach them all. Now, you can tell the mother, what happened?"

Jingyun nodded and said the cause and effect of the incident.

It turned out that it was only because of her meal with Xu Dazhuang.

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