MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fan 23] Come here? (two more)

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After winning the demon repair, the talent of Ganoderma lucidum was remembered by the masters and disciples of the whole Dabu. When the third monk in the middle of the foundation was on the Ganoderma lucidum, he was lost to the Ganoderma lucidum because of his hands and feet. It is.

Ganoderma lucidum won three rounds and was qualified for the rematch in tomorrow.

After she got off the duel, she was called to the flying boat by the big guard.

This is a tea room. Except for Dafa and Ganoderma lucidum, no third person is present.

The Dafa method looked at her seriously: "Are you practicing other exercises?"

Ganoderma lucides his lips and bows his head.

Da Dafa said: "You only have one kind of spiritual root, so that trade and rashly go to other exercises, it is easy to get mad."

What kind of spiritual practice is to practice what is the same, so that people who practice two kinds of exercises often have double roots, or they are the roots of the heavens, except that the roots of heaven have a unique advantage. In addition, the rest of the double Linggen is not as fast as the one who is alone.

The more Linggen, the more unfavorable it is to cultivate.

Da Dafa said: "You have come to the Qianzong sect for so long, you can't even understand this truth? You are a single spiritual root, you are destined to step into the fairy path earlier than the disciples of Shuanglingen and Sanlingen. What do you have to do to practice other exercises? It will not be worth the candle!"

Ganoderma lucidum said: "Why can she practice two kinds? If Shui Linggen is really the best spiritual root, she will choose the water root, but she also chooses a gold system!"

She said so, the Dafa method knows everything, and the daring is that the girl is more energetic than the apprentice of the second law.

Da Dao said: "That is because she wants to mutate into Rellingen. In this world, there is no double roots that is more conducive to cultivation than single roots. She is suffering now, and she will still be like you in the future. Linggen has gone on."

Ganoderma lucides biting the lip.

Da Dafa said: "Ganoderma lucidum, you are all good, it is too strong to win."

Ganoderma lucidum looked to Da Dafa: "But I can learn it clearly. I didn't feel discomfort, and my realm was not affected."

The Dafa Law has been settled. To be honest, this is even a surprise for her. The monk’s practice is based on his own spiritual roots. He has not heard of any monk who can practice exercises other than attributes. The law is over, but it is the fire system, the fire is not allowed, how did she not have an accident?

Could it be that she is -

The big guardian shook his head, impossible.

The big law protects the thoughts and looks at the Ganoderma lucidum. The words are long and heavy: "You have just started to practice, there will be no big influence. If you learn more, the spiritual power of the fire will begin to win your water power. At that time, your spiritual roots will be broken, and the repairs will be dissipated. If you listen to the teacher's words, don't take risks."

Ganoderma lucidum responded lowly: "Know, Master."

After the Dafa method left, Qiao Weiwei squatted down the chair and grabbed the little purse and walked in: "Ganoderma lucidum."

Ganoderma smiled and hugged her: "I heard that you met the Vientiane people today, is it okay?"

Qiao Weiwei shook her head, opened the little purse and handed it to her.

Ganoderma lucidum looks at it: "What is this? Cherry?"

Qiao Weiwei thought about it, those adults were so called, she nodded: "Hmm."

"I picked it," she added.

Ganoderma lucidum smiled, this little short leg, can still get the fruit?

Ganoderma lucidum asked: "Have you eaten?"

Qiao Weiwei said: "Well, I will leave it for you."

Ganoderma lucidum picked up one, was about to put it in the mouth, the Tianling root girl came to the door, she was called the flying boat by the second guard, and then she will watch the game on the flying boat.

She looked at the wild fruit of Ganoderma lucidum and said, "I don't want to eat some dirty things, it's a big deal. If you eat bad stomach, no one can help you."

Ganoderma lucidum gave her a look: "I want you to manage?"

The Tianlingen girl screamed proudly: "It is a single spiritual root, but it is worthy of the East! You think you are me?"

Ganoderma lucidum came to the millennial ancestor to understand the literary words. She hasn't learned the idiom yet. I don't understand what the four words mean. But it doesn't matter if the other party doesn't look at it.

Ganoderma lucidum licked the fruit in his hand, and smiled lightly: "If you want to eat, just say, I will not give you, why should you run to sour me?"

The Tianlingen girl disdain shouted: "Who wants to eat? A few wild fruits, don't give me away!"

Ganoderma lucidum made a face.

The Tianlingen girl left coldly.


In the evening, the last duel was over. The first day of the preliminary round came to a successful conclusion. A thousand disciples, after three rounds of confrontation, ruled out the monks who had won but were too wounded to play again. One hundred and three.

Among the one hundred and three people, there is no name for the brothers and Lin Biao.

Lin Biao is not strong enough. He has just built a foundation and is still unstable. He has no chance to run into a middle-class disciple.

Yu Shixiong is more unlucky and has encountered a powerful demon repair. The realm of the other side is the same as his own. It is a small perfection. It is reasonable to say that the same level of the righteous monk is not a magical repair, but Yu With his superb swordsmanship and amazing reaction, the brothers forced the demons out of the duel circle.

Unfortunately, the second one is the magical repair of the foundation.

Yu Shi’s brother’s spiritual power was too high. Although he won, he was slightly injured.

The third, unfortunately, is the magic repair.

He is the only monk who has suffered a magical repair in three rounds today, and each of the magical repairs is not under him. The final result is self-evident, but he is defeated.

No one felt that he had lost face. On the contrary, when he dragged his fleshy body away, many monks cast a positive eye on him.

The rules for tomorrow's rematch are somewhat different from today's, but also three rounds, but the total ranking, such as three-game winning streak is the best, followed by two wins and one loss, only 15 people entered the final.

Just tonight, all the monks' opponents were announced.

The three people who fight against the Tianlingen girl have a magical repair of the foundation. This magical repair is the highest in the middle of the big repair. The Tianling root girl is only in the middle of the foundation, and he is separated by two. The distance of the level, to be honest, the odds are small.

In comparison, Ganoderma lucidum's luck is much better. The three opponents who decided for her lottery are all the righteous monks in the middle or below of the foundation. One of them is the disciple of the Vientiane. With the strength of Ganoderma lucidum, there is almost no pressure to win.

"Master! This is not fair!" After the Tianlingen girl learned of her opponent with Ganoderma lucidum, she was almost angry and spit out a blood!

The second law says: "Time is also, the potential is also, the transportation is also, the life is also, luck is also part of the strength."

Tianlingen girl frowns: "But..."

The second law interrupted her: "Get some rest early, and fight hard tomorrow, no matter whether you win or lose, you won't blame you for the teacher."

But I will blame myself!

The Tianlingen girl clenched her fists and looked back at the courtyard prepared by the League for them.

When she was halfway through, she was stopped by a beautiful figure.

Both of them wear a veil, a white, a purple, a fairy fluttering, a smart and delicate, no one loses the momentum, but if you look at the eyebrows, the Tianling root girl is more unspeakable. Beautiful.

Wan Ziyan hated all the women who were more beautiful than themselves, but quickly suppressed the dissatisfaction of their hearts and slowly walked toward each other: "Miss Qin, I am a beautiful woman."

The Tianlingen girl certainly knows that she is a purple child. When she was playing in the town with Ganoderma lucidum, she was on the sidelines.

"What is Miss Wan?" asked the Tianlingen girl.

Wan Zi smiled and smiled: "Long Miao Qin's name, I have always wanted to be friends with you, but our relationship with the Zongmen is not very good, I think you know."

The character of Wan Ziyan is more honorable, and the Tianlingen girl is going to fly up with her. She will not put the daughter-in-law of a vice-president in her eyes: "Do not talk nonsense, what do you want to do?"

The dawn of Wan Zi is cold and cold, and the daughter of Shang Xian is terrific? I dare to talk to her like this!

"You don't say that I am leaving." The Tianlingen girl said, she must step away.

Wan Zixiao smiled and opened his mouth: "I know that you really want to win. In fact, with your strength, no one can be your opponent except for the magic repair. It is not a coincidence. You will be right to him tomorrow. With him, you are unlikely to enter the finals. Even if you are lucky enough to enter a tail, the final game will still lose to him. It is better... How can I help you solve him?"

The Tianlingen girl suddenly looked over!

Wan Zixiao smiled and said: "The magic repair and my fiancé have some friendship, let him lose to you, but I am a word."

Tianlingen girl cold voice: "You are cheating, let people know, Vientiane will be excluded."

Wan Ziyan smiled faintly: "Don't you hear that you are daring, starving and timid?"

The Tianlingen girl looked at her with vigilance: "Why are you helping me?"

Wan Zixiao smiled and said: "Because I am also busy, I want you to help me."

"What do you want to do?"

"The one called Ganoderma lucidum, I don't want to see her on the duel tomorrow!"

The eyes of the Tianlingen girl fell on her right hand with a bandage.

Wan Zi said: "I am not for myself. There will be a Vientiane disciple who will attend her tomorrow. I don't want her to win."

Tianlingen girl said: "I can't help you."

Wan Ziyan took out a white flower from the wide sleeve: "You don't have to take it out yourself. You just put this thing into her house. This is a kind of calming flower in the middle field, which can make people feel dizzy. Sleeping, she smells all night, and the second day must be physically weak. You can rest assured that this kind of floral fragrance does not harm the body, she can raise it in a few days."

Tianlingen girl angered: "Do you want me to be driven out of the Millennium?"

Wan Zixiao smiled and said: "You think about it yourself. Your first opponent tomorrow is the magician. Do you want him to lose to you, or do you want him to fight you again? The next test, all depends on your own choice."

After all, Wan Ziyan will be in her hands and will not go back.


In the other house of the Millennium, Qiao Weiwei raised a small bucket and watered the flowers in the yard with a spoonful of spoon. Whenever she went, she especially liked to water the flowers and plants.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at her.

There are new disciples around, and they continue to congratulate Ganoderma.

"Ganoderma is not really good, can defeat the magic!"

"Ganoderma lucidum master will also fire the exercises!"

"How did you learn from Master Shu?"

"Uncle Shi will definitely win tomorrow?"

Ganoderma lucidum observed these opponents, there is no suspense for tomorrow's victory, she smiled and nodded: "should not lose face to the millennium."

Ganoderma lucidum is good, temperament, generous and gregarious. Compared with the Tianlingen girl who has eyes on her head, everyone actually wants her to win.

The Tianlingen girl stood not far away, as if she saw that she had lost a mess, and the Ganoderma lucidum wins.

She took the fingers of the flowers and squeezed it bit by bit.

"Ganoderma lucidum I have to pee." Qiao Weiwei put down the bucket and licked his little butt.

Ganoderma lucided a few new disciples and took Qiao Weiwei to the huts.

As soon as she left, the disciples also dispersed.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Xiaoxiu asked Lu Yuanzhang to call in the past and rest in his house. Therefore, Ganoderma lucidum and Qiao Weiwei left, and there was no figure in the yard.

The Tianlingen girl quietly entered the house, and she pressed the flowers on the pillow.

She walked out of the door.

The moon is as cool as water, and is transmitted obliquely from the wide open door.

The Tianlingen girl folded back again, took a few deep breaths, took out the flowers, and threw them out of the window!

She thought she was throwing flowers, but I didn't know that under the pillow of flowers for a little while, a golden worm flew out...

Qiao Weiwei ate too much Bodhi in the daytime. When she came back, she always wanted to urinate. She urinated several times before going to bed, and she woke up in the middle of the night.

She slammed out of bed, got up, and habitually went to the latrine.

A small golden worm flew to her eyes.

Qiao Weiwei opened his eyes in confusion.

The little golden insect flies.

She reached for her hand.

The little golden insect flew away.

Qiao Weiwei took a short short leg and half-awake followed.

Xiaojin worm flies out of the villa, outside the villa, there is a path of inaccessible, there will be no one at this time, but on the other side of the trail, two men in black slowly open A huge cage.

This cage is specially designed to catch dragons, which is much more powerful than the dragon chain.

Black man A: "Hey? Don't you say that you are a kid? How is a girl?"

Black Man B: "Hsu is that kid looks like a girl!"

Black man A: "Is it?"

Black Man B: "Hey, don't make a noise, let people find out that when you come to the vice-president, we can die, and the Lord has told you to let the deputy master know this little dragon."

The black man hurriedly snorted.

The two took out the invisibility, stuck it in the cage, and the cage was invisible. The two men were afraid of the atmosphere, and they took a law and reached a hundred meters away.

The little golden worm flew into the cage and sent out the most brilliant golden light, which attracted Qiao Weiwei to come here.

Qiao Weiwei stretched out her hand and stalked the trail in a confused way. Just as she wore half of it, the carriage pulled by a beast fell from the sky and almost fell on her.

The coachman hurriedly tightened the reins, and the beasts were hurt!

"What?" There was a low and gentle man's voice in the carriage.

Chevron said: "The deputy leader, there is a child."

The vice-president paused: "Xu is a disciple who participated in Dabi, and you sent it back."

"Yes!" The driver should be down, and he is going to send Qiao Weiwei away. Qiao Weiwei has climbed up.

Qiao Weiwei stood on the rut, and the small hand opened the curtain, and the small head explored it.

------Off topic ------

Quiet Mimi, I am coming~

Is it very early?

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