MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fan outside 39] recognize each other, face scum male

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The arrival of Shimizu’s real people made the Mozu adults completely annihilated.

Ganoderma lucidum stood on the flying sword, and half of the water spirit was still condensed at the fingertips. It was found that all the enemies around it were like the beans, and they fell down.

Ganoderma lucid and stunned.

On the other side of the hillside, Qin Xuan, who also witnessed this scene, was shocked and could not speak.

The one hundred demon guards are all his master's confidant, and the worst is the mid-term magic repair. The most powerful one even has a master of Yuan Yingjing, who is blinking and makes people clean.

Who is the man who appears out of thin air? !

Qin Xuan stared at the back of the other side, while the other party just quietly looked at the little dragon who rolled over and rolled over. Qin Xuan felt that he had a clue, but he did not want to admit Xiaolong and one. Such a powerful man has a too close relationship.

Yes, he is jealous.

Qin Xuan looked at the priestess next to him. He prayed that Master could handle the man and swear at his master. It seems that there is no such plan.

He opened his mouth: "Master..."

The priestess' eyes fell on the man's back, and he did not move to him because of his voice.

The priestess raised her hand and interrupted him: "I still know what you want to say, but now is not a good time."

"Why?" Qin Xuan puzzled.

The priestess screamed sharply: "It's not far from the Mozu. If there is such a big thing, the family will get news soon. We better stay ahead of it and think about how to pick ourselves up."

Although Qin Xuan is unwilling, he has to admit that Master is right. The people of the Mozu are coming, and they will surely investigate what happened. If the Mozu knows the existence of the dragon, they have all plans. It’s all gone.

Now, they can't delay the time, they have to evacuate as soon as possible, they are evacuated, and the master and Xiaolong will also withdraw.

But he is really not willing!

"Master, just let that little dragon escape?"

Priestess said: "Otherwise, how are you? His strength has also been seen. For the division to fight with him, for a moment and a half, I am afraid that there will be no winners. At that time, the people of the Mozu will come. Did the Mozu explain the little dragon?"

Qin Xuan took a deep breath and pressed down his heart. He said slowly: "Master, who is he? I have never heard of such a person in the middle."

There are not five in the middle of the field. Every time he has seen it, this man has only given him a back, but the stock seems to burn his fairy god, so that he can be sure that he is not his. Any of the five and a half cents.

The priestess blinked: "Maybe... he is not in the middle."

What Qin Xuan still wants to say, the priestess grabbed his shoulder, threw the conveyor beads, and entered the transmission array.

But she obviously went in, or was hit hard by that powerful scent. She only felt that her back was hit by a huge log, and the internal organs were displaced.

She vomited a blood!

Qin Xuan was so scared that she helped her: "Master! Master! Master -"


After the war, some places were quiet. The valley was filled with the body of the Mozu army. The air should have a strong blood flow, but the ganoderma lucidum smells all the faint, clear lotus.

The little magic dragon knew nothing about the things around her. She turned over in the spiritual power, fell over, and her head fell to the bottom. The small tail moved and turned a little.

Shimizu’s real person was fixedly watching her, and the gentleness of her eyes almost came out of the water.

Seeing her have fun, the clear water brought a cloud.

The little magic dragon slid into the cloud, and most of the dragon body was wrapped in the clouds, leaving only a flexible little tail, excitedly placed.

Did not hold for a while, the small tail did not move.

The little magic dragon squatted in the soft clouds and fell asleep long.

Shimizu lived in the past, and the little magic dragon was fished out of the cloud. He raised his hand and took off the golden circle that was placed around her neck. The little magic dragon slammed into a shape.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at the child in the arms of Shimizu, and opened his mouth in surprise: "Wei Wei?!"

Soon, Lei Zun and Lu Yuanzhang also arrived.

They came to see Xu Zongzhu. They remembered that Xu Zongzhu was given this band by Tianlei. How could he not feel his breath?

The two flew down the valley.

Lu Yuan squatted on the land. The soil in the valley was really good, soft and flexible. He stepped on it, stepped on it, and stepped on it: "Wow, it’s so comfortable! Ray Zun, the sovereign will not die?"

Xu Zong, who was stepped on his butt: "..."

Suddenly I didn't want to talk to this kid.


The matter of Shimizu's real people and the little magic dragon spread in the millennium, and no one expected that the daughter of Shimizu's real life was not a talented Tianlingen girl, but a firewood bun, Qiao Weiwei. Of course, no one expected. Qiao Weiwei is not a small waste wood, but a small dragon.

Ask what is more bizarre, and see the benevolent see the wise and see the wisdom.

After the Tianlingen girl knew the truth, she shut herself in the house, dripping rice into it, and washing her face with tears.

Before the second law, I went to comfort her: " not good for the teacher, admit mistakes, and you will be happy."

Tianlingen girl sobbed: "How can I admit the mistake? I am the root of the spirit, isn't it only the blood of the immortal that will be the root of the spirit? And... the master did not measure the me, and said to me. Does it really have the smell of Shimizu?"

"This..." The second law does not know how to explain to her. In fact, how sad she is, the second law will only be more difficult. When she tried to find the child, she did not hesitate to violate the rules and got her into her own name. I thought that I could finally win her sister-in-law once again, and she was still beaten by her sister.

The second law is wronged, the heart is stuffed!

Tianlingen girl cried: "Master, you talk!"

The second guardian sighed: "I started at first... I don't know how big the children of Shimizu's real life are. The people in Shimizu are afraid that some people are not good for their children. They don't reveal the child's information too much. They are only a daughter. At that time, many sects were helping to explore. The whereabouts of his daughter, I happened to meet you in the Qin family. I found that you have the smell of clear water. I asked your family and learned that you are a mother. When your mother was born, the child died unfortunately. Your father feared your mother. Sad, so the trustee bought a child, this child is you. You are neither a Qin family nor a Qingshui real person... I brought you back to the millennium, and later you are Tianlingen I am more and more determined that you are the blood of Shimizu."

The Tianlingen girl said sadly: "So why am I not?"

The second law said: "When Shimizu is looking for a child in the next session, he has treated an abandoned baby."

The twilight of the Tianlingen girl trembled: "Me?"

The second law nodded.

The Tianlingen girl is hard to set the channel: "So my spiritual roots... my breath... all..."

The second guardian sighed and said: "All the people who are clear water are saving you, and they are left for you. He has no time to keep you, so he will leave the fairy, let you heal slowly. But you can grow Tianlingen is also your creation. The people of Shimizu have treated countless patients in the next session. Among them, there are many roots that grow out of the roots. Only one of them grows into a spiritual root."

The Tianlingen girl fell on the table and cried sadly.

The second law understands that no matter what she says, she will not make her better. What she has lost is not a father, but an identity, a completely different future. If she is the blood of the immortal...

Where is there in the world?

I have been so arrogant that the child has suffered such heavy results and consequences.

The second law took out a peace sign and gently tied it to the neck of the Tianlingen girl: "Apologize for the teacher."

The Tianlingen girl cried even more fiercely.

The second law of protection returned to his house, and Da Dafa, Xu Zongzhu, and Lei Zun, Lu Yuanzhang all waited for a long time.

Xu Zongzhu’s **** was a little swollen and didn’t sit down.

He does not sit, and others do not dare to sit.

Since the truth of the little demon dragon is white, the things of the Tianlingen girl can't be hidden naturally. On the way back, in order to find out the truth of the year, Shimizu really told them everything.

Qin Linger... is not an ordinary abandoned baby.

When Shimizu was going to transform her roots, she was totally trying to save her life.

"Is the peace symbol worn for her?" Xu Zong asked.

The second law nodded and said: "I put it on."

Xu Zongzhu looked at the boundless night: "What happens behind, look at the child's creation."


On the day of the day, Qiao Weiwei woke up, sitting on the edge of the bed, shaking the chubby legs, grabbing a small bottle, and sipping the milk of the beast.

As her only small playmate, Ji Xiaoxiu also got a bottle of spirited milk.

Ji Xiaoxiu’s heart is actually rejected!

How old he is, he can drink such a naive East like this -

"Oh, it’s delicious."

The three-year-old Ji Xiaoxiu holds a small bottle and can't resist the needs of the body. He drank it.

Shimizu’s real person came in and took Qiao Weiwei, who was sweating and went to the backyard.

Ganoderma lucidum was meditating in the backyard, heard the footsteps, and quickly received the interest, got up, and gave a tribute to the real people of Shimizu: "God."

I also looked at the child in the clear water of the real person, and stopped talking.

In the past, she was only a small orphan girl who no one wanted. She never thought that she was a child of the immortal. Ganoderma lucidum was somewhat at a loss.

Qiao Weiwei twisted her small buttocks and twisted herself from the water of Shimizu’s life and walked to the front of Ganoderma Lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum hesitated and hugged her up.

Shimizu really said softly: "I am coming today, I want to thank you for taking care of Vivi, and have nourished her for so long with spiritual power."

Ganoderma lucidum: "I don't have it."

Qiao Weiwei bowed his head in guilty conscience.

When Ganoderma lucidum looked at her like this, she knew that she had a ghost in her heart. Ganoderma lucidum raised her eyebrow: "Do I really have it?"

Qiao Weiwei grabbed the small bottle and didn't dare to look at the eyes of Ganoderma lucidum: "I... I asked you, you said yes, I only sucked."

This information is a bit big, Ganoderma lucidum tried hard to remember, finally thought of something.

That is, Qiao Weiwei has just been taken home by her mother-in-law. Qiao Weiwei is in her arms, and her little nose is sucking on her neck: "Ganoderma lucidum, you are fragrant, I want to **** you."

She was also a child who was not properly expressed, and said that she had become a sucker, so she said cheerfully: "Okay."

"How much can I smoke?"

"Of course."

"Do you smoke every day?"

"Yes, you can!"

So she is really sucking, she gave it permission!

This little fart, how can it give people a set? !

Ganoderma good wanted to hit her!

Qiao Weiwei felt the murder of Ganoderma lucidum, hurriedly jumped to the ground, ran back to the real person behind the clear water to hide, grabbed the small bottle and explored a rounded little head.

As a thank-you, as a compensation, Shimizu sent two sets of Ganoderma lucidum exercises and a fairy. This fairy can only be used until Ganoderma lucidum enters the realm.

Ganoderma lucidum does not blame the spiritual power. She is just very angry and let her a little fart child give a routine. Her pig brain has never responded!

This guy never showed her when she took a shower, but she thought it would be secretly turned into a dragon.

Why isn't she aware of the clues?

Ganoderma thinks that it is really necessary to look at the brain.

As for Qiao Weiwei, who is Xiaolong and is on the line, the whole millennium has been known. Then the millennial sect began to wonder. As far as they know, the demon dragon has gradually disappeared thousands of years ago. It was the last adult dragon. She only gave birth to a child, the son of the vice-president.

So... what is this little dragon?

It was a matter of great importance. Xu Zong temporarily blocked the news, but the paper could not hold the fire. The little dragon was still leaving.

The most surprising thing is the Vientiane sect. The Vientiane sect certainly knows that the little magic dragon is the real lord. Qin Xuan is a fake, but they never dreamed that the little magic dragon was not the vice-owner’s birth, but the clear water. !

What happened in the past? A fairy, a demon, how do you get together? !

The news spread to the regional alliance, and the head of the deputy leader became the grassland.

The deputy ally insisted that someone was posing as a flesh and blood, so he decided to take a thousand ancestors.

He first sent the elders of Bi and the elders of Liu back to the Mozu, and then with their own confidants, appeared in the Millennium.

Xu Zongzhu personally received him: "I don't know the vice-presidents are coming to visit, there is a far-reaching welcome, but also Haihan."

The deputy leader coldly said: "I heard that someone pretends to be the flesh and blood of me and can have this?"

"This..." Xu Zongzhu cleared his throat and took a cup of tea. He said without saying something, "Is it pretending to be a bit too..."

The vice-president slaps on the table: "Xu Zongzhu! What do you mean? Are you going to be an enemy of the regional alliance? Don't think that you can find a half-scenario pretending to be a fairy, you can get through the alliance and the demon. Eyes! This thing, I will definitely check out the water!"

Xu Zongzhu has a headache. To be honest, he does not know what the child is. The demon statue is clearly a husband. The demon statue is also obviously ruining the fairy world. How to see it, the demon statue and the Shimizu real person are not able to mix together. Go.

But Shimizu is true, and the little dragon is not fake.

Ok, he is confused.

"Where is that man?!" The vice-president asked with anger.

Xu Zongzhuo gestured: "After the mountain."

Shimizu is in the back hill to treat the little dragon to treat the injury.

On the body of the little demon dragon, in addition to a dragon scale that he unplugged himself, he also knocked a lot of it. A beautiful dragon is almost so disfigured.

Shimizu is really distressed and angry, but he did not let the little magic dragon come out.

He used his spiritual power to repair her dragon's body a little bit. The repair process was a bit painful, but every time it was repaired, the dragon scale would grow a little longer.

The little magic dragon looked at the three new dragon scales on the tail and excitedly groaned.

There are still a lot on the back and neck, and there is a small piece missing from the head. The loss is that the long dragon has not yet started. Once the dragon's horn has fallen, it will never grow out.

Shimizu and the human spirit repaired the dragon scales on the tails of the two small dragons. At this point, the tails are all intact.

Throughout the process, the little dragons held back the pain, not crying or calling.

Shimizu really touched her head: "I am brave, just like your mother."

The little magic dragon stretched his head and signaled that he would fix her head first. She was a dragon with a head and a face!

Shimizu’s real person repaired the dragon scales on her head.

The little magic dragon ran to the spring water, took a photo of the "mirror", and saw that he was beautiful again, and smacked a nap.

When Shimizu Shimizu was preparing to repair the dragon scales on his stomach, Xu Zongzhu led the murderous deputy leader.

The light of Shimizu’s real life was cool and cool, and an enchantment was opened by hand, and the little magic dragon was covered in it.

Except for himself, no one can see what is in the enchantment.

After Xu Zongzhu brought the person to the place, he left the star.

The two men looked at each other coldly, and there was a strange murder in the air.

The deputy ally is also a beautiful face, and the whole middleland can't find a few more beautiful than him. But this man in front of him, the perfect appearance of the ice lotus, the temperament of the celestial bone, the tall figure, the wide shoulder and the narrow waist and leg Long, to the **** temper of the child, if it is really hit, in all likelihood will be confused by this male fox!

The vice-president was originally unbelievers, but the meeting was sore and painful: "You are the guy who pretends to be a fairy?"

The expression of Shimizu’s real person is very calm: “I am me, no need to pretend.”

From the first sight of the deputy leader, he knew that he was not impersonating. Half a fairy and a fairy, although only one word difference, can not be compensated by the use of remedies, instruments or any factor, even if the water is true. His own cultivation is suppressed, and the scent of his body is not what half of the fairy can have.

The deputy leader coldly said: "I heard that you have found a little dragon to pretend to be a child."

Shimizu is human: "She is a child of green."

"Qing 鸾?" The deputy lord sneered.

Shimizu’s real cloud said lightly: “Forgot to tell you, I don’t like dragons very much. I want to approach me in disguise, pretending to be a green dragonfly, staying at my door day and night...”

The vice-president rushed away in an instant: "Stop! You won't do this! She is a demon!"

What she hates most is the bird. How could she become the most annoying thing for a male fox? !

No matter whether he believes or not, he is sure to look at him. He said unceremoniously: "You are a surname of Qin. You have listened well. You and Qinglan have no husband and wife. Your son is a fake. Your son gets it. I hurt my daughter, I will not forget this account, I will bypass you today, but you remember me, it belongs to Weiwei, unless you She doesn't want it herself, otherwise, I will kill all of you, and give her as much as she can!"

The vice league has left the air!

He thinks that this man is sick, he is a husband and wife, how can they not have a husband and wife? His son is the flesh of the devil!

From the first sight of Xuan Er, he felt the connection of blood, Xuan is his son, he will not admit his mistake.

In a mountain range of the Mozu, Qin Xuan was on the side of the priestess until she had finished all the injuries before she stepped forward and asked with concern: "Master, are you okay?"

The priestess licked and still had some faint chest: "I care."

Qin Xuan said: "Master, who is he, why can you even hurt?"

The priestess said arrogantly: "I just made him hurt, and I really didn't fear him."

The two-tailed red eagle flew in and turned into a young monk. He whispered a few words in Qin Xuan’s ear. Qin Xuan’s face was changed: “Master! The news of the little dragon has leaked out, my father, he... ...he is looking for a thousand sects!"

The priestess screamed: "Your father can't remember what happened in the past, but if he remembers that you are a child he had with another woman, your position... I'm afraid it's hard to say."

Qin Xuan shook his head: "No, my father hurts me."

The priestess said: "I know that he hurts you, but I am afraid that he will show his feet. Wait until he waits. If you don't want to wait, you must immediately change shape and get the magic before the elders find the dragons back to the Mozu. The inheritance rights of the family."

Qin Xuan worried and said: "But we did not get the inner dragon of Xiaolong."

The priestess opened a box and dialed the dragon scale inside: "The inner Dan is the best, but with so many dragon scales, plus the mana of the division, it should be enough for you to reach the end."

------Off topic ------

In the next chapter, Xiaolong comes to the game, HiAHiAHiA~

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