MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 33] two more

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The underworld is the most special existence among the six worlds. The people or things in it cannot go to the other five circles at will. Even if it is gone, it is only the **** or the soul. Cui judges are certified to be employed, with the exception of another exception. It’s just a snake.

Teng snake has been used as a ancestral ancestor. He is generally used as an ancestor. In addition to checking whether it is safe every month, Xu Zong will not come over to disturb it at other times.

It occupies a whole mountain by one person. Not only does it have mountains and trees, but also water. When outsiders do not come, it does not need to maintain the appearance of Xiaoqinglong, and it appears in the face of the snake.

Although there are snakes in the name, the snakes are actually closer to the dragons. They also have very strong scales on their backs. They have a pair of wings on their backs. It is said that some powerful snakes can grow their heads on their heads. That is more like a dragon.

When Ji Xiaoxiu and Qiao Weiwei walked hand in hand to the back hill, the snake was lying half-loathing on the lawn, and the tail was soaking in the water, with a fresh fruit bowl and a basket of freshly delivered meals. After the small point - the middle domain crayfish.

Qiao Weiwei saw the crayfish: "Hey?"

I opened the hand of Ji Xiaoxiu and ran over.

But before she can stop her mouth, the snake will put things away.

Teng snake is very fond of eating alone!

Ji Xiaoxiu's hands are behind his back, and he swayed and walked over the road: "Teng snake, you set up an enchantment, I want to take her training."

Teng snake rolled his eyes.

Ji Xiaoxiu smiled and sprouted: "Xiaofeilong~"

Teng snake said that his heart is actually rejected, but can not resist the temptation of being called "Little Flying Dragon"!

"Hey!" The snake flew in the air in excitement, and the mighty and domineering spit out a light wave. The light wave filled in the air and instantly covered the whole mountain.

Ji Xiaoxiu took a clap with satisfaction: "Okay, then no one will find out what we are doing! Who, Xiaolong, come over!"

He didn't go back and hooked his finger. He didn't respond for a long time. He turned around and saw Qiao Weiwei, who should have stood behind him, somehow suddenly disappeared!

He lifted his small head and the snake was gone.

Speaking, there was a scream in the small hole in the side of the house.



"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Ji Xiaoxiu walked to the Dongfu with a small short leg. As soon as he entered, he saw Qiao Weiwei’s little hand grasping the tail of the snake, and squatting down.

The snake was swollen with a bruised face, a stunned head, a white foam at the mouth, and a golden star in both eyes.

Finally, a large wave of crayfish fell out of the invisible Qiankun bag of Teng Snake.

Qiao Weiwei will throw a snake, go over, bend down, one hand a crayfish, eat it up and eat.

Teng snake curled up in the corner of the wall, and the small wings hugged the head of the pig's head and burst into tears.

On the cost of eating a single food.

After Qiao Weiwei was full, the dragon tail bar ran out.

She shook her tail cheerfully, learned how to take a snake, lying on the grass by the pond, and slid a small belly.

Ji Xiaoxiu is not bringing her to the belly!

Although the belly is white and round, the poke is soft, and it can make people's hearts come into being...

The three-year-old Ji Xiaoxiu cleared the scorpion and took back his hand. He reminisced about the soft palate that remained at the fingertips. He said in a serious way: "The advantage of the innate physique of the dragon is born to be the strongest, and there is no need to practice the exercises. You don't have to rely on the instruments and the spirits, just use your potential to continually motivate yourself. You have two kinds of bloodlines: the Ice Dragon and the Fire Dragon. I remember that your mother is a fire dragon, you It’s also in all likelihood. Come and try the fire.”

Qiao Weiwei does not move.

The three-year-old Ji Xiaoxiu’s father sighed and said with enthusiasm: “A monk of a fire root can mobilize the fire power between heaven and earth, but the fire dragon itself contains a huge fire power, than the heaven and earth. The fire power between the two should be several times or even ten times more pure. If you can spurt fire, you will be as good as your mother."

Ji Xiaoxiu exaggeratedly said.

Qiao Weiwei looked at him with ignorance.

Ji Xiaoxiu thought that she might not understand, so the rushing snake hit a ring: "Little dragon, fire!"

Teng Snake opened his mouth and a big fire spurted toward Ji Xiaoxiu. Ji Xiaoxiu was burned...

A cool breeze blew, Ji Xiaoxiu couldn't help but spit out a black smoke: "I let you spray fire... didn't let you spray me..."

The little magic dragon can't spray fire.

After all, it’s still small. This is not a skill that can be played at birth. Ji Xiaoxiu decided not to be too hasty. He first started from the most basic skills: “The monks often use the sword to fly, and your demon dragon seems to be born with a cloud. You will be in the clouds, you can't beat others, you can run."

Flying with the dragon and walking with people is a truth. You don't have to deliberately inspire it. Basically, Qiao Weiwei can walk, and the little magic dragon after the transformation should be able to go to heaven.

"This is easier than fire-breathing. Come, you try."

Ji Xiaoxiu did not dare to let the snakes do the demonstration. He personally brought the little magic dragon to the top of the mountain: "You will fly from here later."

The little magic dragon shrank back.

Ji Xiaoxiu picked up her toes and gently touched her head: "Don't be afraid, I am waiting for you below."

Ji Xiaoxiu snorted and ran away, standing on the green lawn, waving to the little dragon who kept shrinking backwards: "Fly down!"

The little dragon does not fly.

Ji Xiaoxiu took out a small jelly bean from the purse.

The little magic dragon smashed out!

"This is right." Ji Xiaoxiu happily evoked the lips, but he was not happy enough, the little magic dragon in the sky fluttered his claws, and the melon fell down!

When Ji Xiaoxiu was too late to escape, he was dragged into the pit by the unbalanced little demon dragon.

Ji Xiaoxiu fainted on the spot...

Qiao Weiwei became the first chubby dragon in the history of the dragon to lose weight due to weight.


Here, Ji Xiaoxiu secretly trained with Qiao Weiwei. On the other hand, Ganoderma lucidum went to the new discipleship with the wooden system that he won on the new disciple.

She almost knows the words on the exercises, but she can connect them. There are several places where she doesn't understand what it means.

"Uncle Ganoderma!"

"Uncle Ganoderma!"

The new disciples saw her and greeted them very eagerly.

A female disciple came forward: "Uncle Ganoderma, is there anything you have come over today?"

Ganoderma lucidum licked his lips and said, "I have something to look for, you are a master."

The female disciple smiled and said: "He is practicing swords, and the Ganoderma lucidus waits for him. I will call him!"

Ganoderma lucidum held her: "No, I go."

The female disciple took the road to Ganoderma lucidum.

When Ganoderma lucidum entered the coaching field, Yu Jie had already finished training. He had just put down his weapon, sweating his head, his cheeks were reddish, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and his breath was vigorous and powerful.

Ganoderma lucidum is just the age at which it is only open, and she can't understand the things that have more desires. She only thinks that this man is very good looking, and it looks good everywhere.

Yu Jie heard the sound of footsteps, turned his head and looked at it for a moment, and soon, a warm smile came out: "Is the Ganoderma singer uncle, is the uncle coming to me?"

Ganoderma lucidum nodded. I don't know when I saw him. I would be embarrassed to see him. She lowered her throat and said lowly: "I... can I come in?"

Yu Jie smiled and said: "Of course."

This is the place of martial arts, anyone can come.

The disciple of the organic spirit took the clue and took the companion and left with a smile.

Only the Ganoderma lucidum and Yu Jie are left in the vast venue. Ganoderma lucidum is even more difficult.

Yu Jie looked at her gently: "What does Lingzhi Shishu look for?"

Ganoderma lucidum bowed his head and put the show of the horns behind his ear: "When no one is there, you can call me Ganoderma lucidum."

Yu Jie smiled and said: "The ceremony cannot be abolished."

Ganoderma lucidum licked his mouth: "That's okay." He said, handing him the practice in his hand. "I have a few places I can't understand."

Yu Jie glanced at the five big characters above - fighting the seven lotus roots, and said: "This is the practice that you won on the big ratio. I can't easily see the eyes. You can ask for the big law."

Ganoderma lucidum said: "It doesn't matter, this is the woodwork, you just need it."

Yu Jie is the firewood double spirit root, this set of exercises is really useful to him, but this is not his thing, he can not see.

Yu Jie smiled and said: "My uncle's kindness is my heart, but this is the skill that the uncle has won with his life. I can't enjoy it in vain."

Ganoderma lucidum said: "I don't know how to enjoy it in vain. You have helped me so much, and sent me so many things. It's just a practice. You don't have to worry too much."

Yu Jie smiled helplessly: "Does the teacher know that this method is important? Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang, the most powerful exercises of Qianzong is just a metaphysical product. It’s a mysterious top grade. If someone who created it has no fame, it should have been a local level.”

The prefecture-level exercises are simply rare in the middle, and it is said that even the regional alliance can not get a few books.

These Ganoderma lucidum know that Ganoderma lucidum just wants to show him.

Yu Jie’s attitude is very determined.

Ganoderma lucidum can't, just gave up: "Well, you don't see the exercises. It's okay to teach me to recognize a few words. I don't know what it means. I am afraid that Master laughs at me." Stupid, I dare not go to her old man."

Yu Jie has refused Ganoderma lucidum once, not so good to refuse the second time, laughing should be down.

Ganoderma lucidum eyes lit up: "So I am looking for you in the afternoon?"

Yu Jie paused, and said with a smile: "I have to go out in the afternoon, tomorrow, I will be here for you tomorrow."

Ganoderma lucidum smiles sweetly: "Well!"


After the appointment with Yu Jie, Lingzhi quickly went out of the new discipleship. When she walked out of the door, she remembered that she had forgotten to ask about the red fruit. I don’t know if he had eaten it or not.

In the afternoon, Ganoderma lucidum was on holiday. Ganoderma lucidum wanted to bring Qiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu to the streets. I couldn't see anyone for a long time. I asked the next talent in the yard to know that the two children went to Houshan to find Xiaoqinglong.

Ganoderma lucidum thought about it and decided to go down the mountain.

Ganoderma lucidum took Lingshi to the north town.

The Qianzong Zong also laid a shop in Beizhen, mainly selling musical instruments, spiritual plants and receiving some difficult tasks.

The news of the millennial collective breakthrough has spread. Ganoderma lucidum and the Tianlingen girl have achieved remarkable results in the new disciple. There are many people who come here, and the shop is a little busy.

Ganoderma lucidum is taking time to get a hand.

When she first entered the shop, she saw a familiar figure in the backyard: "Yu Shixiong?"

Why is he here? Doesn't it mean something in the afternoon?

Is it... he also came to the shop to help?

Ganoderma lucidum felt that the two were too close, so that they could all run into it. She walked in the mood and walked to the entrance of the hall. She saw another familiar figure opposite Yu Jie.

"Thank you, if you do the task, I can do it alone, without the teacher." The Tianlingen girl smiled lightly, and the yellow veil danced gently in the breeze, lining her beautiful eyes. It is like moving in the clear spring.

"That... I have nothing to say before I go." Yu Shixiong said, turned and walked towards this side.

Ganoderma lucidum rushed into the huts of the side.

In the huts, a man just took off his pants.

the man:"……"

Ganoderma lucidum: "..."

Ganoderma lucidum red ears out of the huts.

The Tianlingen girl walked in front of her and she grabbed her cough and licked her wrist: "What are you just saying?"

"What is saying?" Tianlingen girl glanced at Lingzhi, her eyes swept in her hand, and smiled. "Oh, you said Yu Shizhen."

The Tianlingen girl throws a thing.

Ganoderma lucidum raised her hand and caught it. She fixed her eyes and looked at it. It was the red fruit she gave to Yu Jie.

This kind of fruit, the Tianling root girl once saw Ganoderma lucidum eaten, guessed that Ganoderma lucidum was given to Yu Jie.

Tianlingen girl smiled cheerfully: "I didn't expect it, you are thinking about going to Bajie, turning your head and borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, cheeky and knotting me, this thing I am not rare, you give it back to me, by the way, you tell me He, I am the blood of the immortal, not a man can climb high."

Ganoderma lucidum's face was hot and hot. I never felt like this at the moment. I felt that my whole face was torn off and I stepped on the ground.

Ganoderma lucidum clenched his fist: "If you don't want it, why don't you refuse? Why don't you tell him?"

"I refused, you can't see this good show?" Tianlingen girl took back the shackles caught by Lingzhi and sneered, "I don't learn well at a young age, learn what men and women love." , long snacks!"

------Off topic ------

Tiger touches Lingzhi sister for a second~

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