MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 35] two more

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"Ganoderma lucidum" was injured, and it hurts a bit. It is not a place. Dafa has sent a disciple who knows medicine. "Ganoderma lucidum" is not allowed to see.

The disciple who knows medicine has glanced at the place where "Ganoderma lucidum" squatted. He suddenly screamed and returned to the yard, opening a box of hemorrhoid cream to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan looked at the above words: "..."

The dragon scorpion is something that can be hurt even by the dragon. Qin Xuan is even more so, not to mention that his body is weak and he pokes in. He almost fainted on the spot and woke up alive.

If he had a life-saving remedy, he had already put this life here.

Qin Xuan took the medicine and stayed in bed to rest.

Qiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu went out hand in hand.

Easy-shaped beads could have been maintained for half a month, but it was injured last night by the dragon, only a few hours left. He had to get Longdan before dark, otherwise he would be exposed, then don’t say Longdan, he It is difficult to tell if you can leave the Millennium.

But he is hurt now, afraid that he can't dig Longdan...

what can we do about it?

Just as Qin Xuan was puzzled, a middle-class magic repair came to the door.

Since the establishment of the Zongmen, the Millennium has not received a lot of difficult tasks. Usually these tasks will receive a certain amount of compensation. If you encounter poor people, you can also get free.

It can be a magical repair, it is unheard of.

The reception of the magic repair is the three-protection method Lu Yuanzhang, Lu Yuanzhang after learning the information from the magic repair, immediately went to the courtyard of Xu Zongzhu.

Xu Zongzhu was meditating and saw him coming over in a hurry. He stunned him with a look: "Lu Yuanzhang, you are so far away to find the lord, wouldn't you want to talk about the magic business?"

Lu Yuanxuan said: "The demon is really poor. He had a long time in the past few years. He was stunned by the thunder. Although he had returned a life, he injured the foundation. His brother has been waiting for Bodhi in order to cure his injury. However, this year, Bodhi did not move at all. His brother heard that a strange berry in the iceberg could cure his injury, so he sneaked away. He saw his brother’s letter after several days. His younger brother went to such a dangerous place. He came to the door this time, just hope that we can help him find his brother."

Xu Zongzhu hated the magic road. He listened to this touching story. Not only did he not move in the slightest sense, he snorted: "Why don't he go to the regional alliance? Why not go to the Vientiane?"

Lu Yuanzhang pointed out that Xu Zongzhu: "He said that he came from the name of your old man."

Xu Zongzhuo smashed his wide sleeves and said with great resilience: "Let's tell him that our millennial sect is a decent, not a business of magic repair!"

Lu Yuanzhang: "One thousand Shangpin Lingshi."

Xu Zongzhu: "But human life is not a matter of righteousness."

Lu Yuanzhang: "..."


The magician surnamed Zheng, when Qin Shizong took over the business of Zheng Moxiu, Qin Xuan knew that his chance came.

The iceberg is located on the border of the middle area. Turning over the mountains and then going east is the boundary of the Mozu. It is a very dangerous place. If you want to find people there, the millennial sect does not send all the masters. Once they are all gone, He can do whatever he wants.

Sure enough, at noon, Xu Zongzhu and the Lai Zun, Da Hufa, Er Hufa and San Huo Law collectively dispatched, leaving Liu deacon to sit in the town.

Qin Xuan took a vacation to Liu’s deacon: “...I am much better. I want to bring Weiwei down the mountain to buy something. I don’t know if I can?”

"Of course." Liu deacon answered quickly, "Do you want me to find a carriage for you?"

"Well?" Qin Xuan stunned, this year, there are still people riding a carriage?

Deacon Liu smiled and said: "He does not love Yu Jian."

This reminds Qin Xuan that the two children are inseparable. He only has one, which is too strange.

He gratefully glanced at Liu’s deacon, and smiled awkwardly: “That would trouble Liu’s deacon to help me prepare a carriage.”

Liu’s deacon said, this child is also polite on weekdays, but he is not so sweet...

Liu’s deacon still prepared the carriage. In the afternoon, the snake would wake up with Qiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu.

Qin Xuan forced the two children to the carriage.

The coachman is a servant of the Millennium, and there is nothing to repair. It is only a mid-term training period. It is not difficult for Qin Xuan to solve him.

"Uncle Ganoderma, where do you want to go today?" asked the coachman.

Qin Xuan’s eyes flashed and he looked at the sweet-smelling child. The lips sneered a sneer: “Where do I go, go where I am today.”

The driver said: "That is our shop?"

Qin Xuan smiled and said: "Well, let's just shop."

"Well!" The driver waved the whip in his hand and the carriage drove slowly.

Everyone is a monk who can defend the sword. This mountain road usually has no one to walk around, and it is quiet all around. In addition to the hooves, it is the creaking of the rut.

The coachman is squatting on the little song.

Qin Xuan is like a hunting wolf, staring at him for a moment.

Until the carriage came out of the thousands of land, Qin Xuan suddenly smashed a law, the driver and the horse were settled.

Qin Xuan resisted a severe pain that could not be said, and pushed the driver down to the ground. Then, Qin Xuan took out a green conveying bead and entered the transmission array.

Joining him in the transmission array is the two-tailed red eagle that has been on standby at the foot of the mountain.

The place where Qin Xuan is going is the Mozu, but the Qianzong Zong does not have a direct transmission to the Mozu. There is one near the League, but he does not dare to use that one.

This bead is a space passage built by his father's hand, and it is exported to the iceberg, not far from the Mozu.

No accidents, he will not encounter thousands of people in the past.

He was lucky. Qian Qianzong first took the flying boat to the middle area, and then used the transmission array of the middle area to enter the iceberg. Not only was the time later than Qin Xuan, but the location was also on the other side of the iceberg.

Qin Xuan perfectly avoided the threat.

The carriage was parked in a white valley.

The young monks were afraid of the cold, and they changed themselves to a thicker coat with spiritual power: "Less Lord, what do we do now?"

Qin Xuan’s eyes said coldly: “Without the token of the Mozu, no one can smash the border without permission. Even if I am the Lord of the Mozu, I can’t wait here. I’m using Master’s transmission array. She must know that I am coming, and I will find it soon."

The young monk looked at the face that Qin Xuan gradually came back: "The Lord is you..."

Qin Xuan’s pale face: “The timeliness of Yijianzhu has passed.”

It is faster than he estimated. Fortunately, he has a foresight. Otherwise, this will be revealed in the original form of the Millennium.

"Less Lord, I am so cold." Young monk said.

The two-tailed red eagle is a fire-fighting magical bird. The ordinary ice and snow is poured back, but it is close to the sea of ​​death. Apart from the ice of the mountain itself and the suffocation of the sea of ​​death, he is somewhat uncomfortable.

Qin Xuan did not feel much better. In fact, the monks below the realm of the gods would not be too good here.

Ji Xiaoxiu was awake.

He opened his eyes and found himself lying in the carriage of the Millennium, and Qiao Weiwei was lying beside him.

If he remembers it right, it is summer, how can he freeze and tremble?

A northerly wind blows over and blows up the curtains of the carriage. Ji Xiaoxiu sees the outside of the curtain through the gap of the curtain.

A piece of white, snow and ice, and hopeless.

There was a chill in the air and a sigh of death.

"This is... the iceberg?"

The glory of Ji Xiaoxiu has cooled down. He does not think that the people of the Millennium will bring two children who are not long-haired to this place.

He explored the cold little hand and picked up the curtain in front of him. As a result, he saw two young monks rising a bonfire in the open space not far away.

The two men are facing Ji Xiaoxiu. The monk on the left is lighter and has a clean face. The face is exquisite and the color is slightly pale. The right monk has a red hair and is tall and lean. He is long. A hook-and-nose nose that is different from ordinary people, a pair of sharp eyes can seem to penetrate all the eyes, it is not a person at first glance.

Ji Xiaoxiu’s gods went out and entered the underworld to see two people: “The knotted magic repair, the two-tailed red eagle, the **** is locked? Oh, interesting.”

If the Yuanshen is locked, it means that you cannot take it into the underworld to kill.

Ji Xiaoxiu woke up Qiao Weiwei.

Qiao Weiwei opened his eyes in a confused way and made a small yawn.

Ji Xiaoxiu was busy holding her mouth, and compared with a squeaking gesture, she took her hot little hand and sneaked out of the carriage.

------Off topic ------

Well, not far from the truth, are you ready for a big wave of dog blood?

Read The Duke's Passion