MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 538 Witness history

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The holographic game hall is finally shipping. The limited edition of the star chart was finally successfully cracked under the efforts of the abyss, and the real thing appeared. This is the real thing that can be bought, not in a holographic game hall as a play project, long queues to enter.

However, this stuff is expensive. A little higher than the price of vr, it really makes the average player stop. And the game support list proposed by the abyss, if there is not more than a dozen holographic games supported by Zhou Yu, it is really a blank.

After all, the production of holographic games, Zhou Yu has this technology and experience. One hundred days of fishing and the abyss, this holographic game machine can only be used as a brick.

However, this little money is not a thing for the local tyrants who are not bad money. It is a matter of urgency to buy the world's first holographic game console. As a result, the ‘Abyss Holographic Masters Dreams Sale Conference’ held in the small amusement park is still full of people.

Not only the Chinese, but also many foreigners have joined the battle. In the past few days, the flow of people in Luhua Village has soared. They all live in the village of Luhua, waiting for the days when the dreams are released. Some of the more radical people even took out tents at the entrance to the amusement park and started queuing a few days in advance.

Being able to take the first step into the amusement park, you may be able to grab a dream. After all, there will be only 3,000 inventories in this sale. Bookings via the Internet will not be shipped until next month.

Zhou Wei was speechless to these avid players. The earliest tent was one week ahead of schedule. Your sister’s blockage did not enter at the entrance of the amusement park, waiting for the first day of the sale to enter the amusement park. Then the tents that followed the dragons continued to extend, and a tent queue was automatically formed. Zhou Wei could only send personnel to manage.

If you have more people, it will be easier to get things done. If you don't manage, you can't. Most of the gangs are playing together and discussing whether the performance of this illusion is as good as the propaganda, which can reach the level of the star chart in the holographic game hall.

The main game of the Dream Dream Host is naturally the "Star Map", of course, it is limited to the duel part. The card sales are a complete set of fixed-race decks, all of which are civilian white cards tested in the star map. It can be said that as long as you buy a pack, you can play with other people.

If you want a better card, you need to buy a random package. This kind of random package is the squandering goods of the bet, and the abyss will definitely limit the shipment of good cards, otherwise everyone will be a bunch of strong cards to fight the world. Among the 3,000 sets of the host's bonus items, there is a 7-star rare card 'Queen of Food and Beverages'.

The prototype is the one in the fishing movie "Unintentional Girl" of Zhou Yu, who is wearing a seven-armed building baby, and is still in the chain version of the prisoner. When the queen of the food equipment got the equipment card 'seven kinds of food utensils', it will evolve into a fallen angel, and the fighting power will be further improved.

What surprised Zhou Yu was that someone actually came over this card.

After all, as long as you can wait for another month to buy a dream, there is no need to dine in the wild, but the first batch of hosts have some bonus items, so you can't help the players. Looking at such a hot situation, the ‘Queen of Food Arms’ may be able to sell a sum of money, so there is no loss.

The enthusiasm of this group of people has also brought an unprecedented consumer group to Luhua Village. After all, this group of people is not really eating instant noodles or cold water with bread. In the amusement park, the validity of the queue is confirmed, and after the tent can replace the order of the team, they will not be in the same place, but will run to In the village of Luhua, Hu eats Haisai, and even went to Wutong Village.

It is a good income for thousands of people to eat and drink.

Such a carnival picture naturally attracted many reporters to come and madly report on the tent. In particular, some of these foreigners are the main body of the report. I always watched some people who lined up to buy mobile phones all night in foreign countries. Now, there are also Chinese products that let foreigners run away.

This kind of craze has opened the eyes of the abyss. Zhou Wei is a little bit of a sigh while he is happy. If the fisherman can use the force to make the star map out, then the big cake is not a place to eat in the amusement park, instead of eating it with the abyss.

Merchants, when giving up the benefits of the mouth, always feel particularly distressed.

Zhou Yu, but standing in the highest place in the amusement park, in the small villa of Lingyan Pavilion, used a telescope to watch the tents that entrenched in the entrance of the amusement park, and praised it.

There are too many people who are fanatical. Wouldn’t it be the gunmen who asked the uncle or the abyss to make a sound? It is said that some online red stores are so playful, spend money to ask people to line up to sell things, artificially create an illusion that this store is very hot.

Isn't there a star chart? There is a better virtual female boyfriend system in the holographic game hall, and even the holographic studio has not been taken out. If it is taken out, is it better?

Zhou Yu shook his head and returned to the studio to continue his shooting. It’s about to go to the 2nd TV festival. This festival is a carnival in the audio-visual world. All kinds of good movies will be attacked in this period of time. This year’s new-style Luhua tv must not lag behind other opponents.

What's more, this year's best performance award, the designation is in the hands of Aloe Tv. When the factory is receiving a prize, it is very pleasant to be disgusting and disgusting.

However, the most dazzling Xiaojinren's best TV station is still competing between starlight and fall, and Luhua TV and other TV stations are just a spectator.

At this time of the year, other TV stations were just a holiday carnival, dedicated to promoting various good dramas and good idols. As for the entire awards conference, there was a lack of interest. After all, every time all the medals are not starlight or fallen, no one can take a place at all.

However, this year is different. The magical Aloe Tv has suddenly risen and swept the Western Region, the North and the South Sea. It has won the Best Performance Award with the largest span of the leap. It is definitely worthy of the name. Although everyone's performance on the Aloe Tv is mostly embarrassing, but seeing the starlight and the fallen for many years on the podium, this opportunity is not always there.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of TV stations around the world to participate in this TV festival is very high.

Can see the three forces of starlight, degeneration and chaos on the same stage, maybe it will become a historic moment, and don't witness it how to do it?