MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 545 Half-domestic university

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The imaginary half-home city should be an absolute benchmark of 2 dimensions, and a dilemma of 2 dimensions is right. However, in addition to this transfer point, all that you can see and see is just an ordinary 3 dimensional small city. Even the original Luhua Village has a two-dimensional atmosphere than here.

If you have to say that there is nothing in the real world, it is the pedestrians coming and going on the road. All kinds of terrarium planting species and even the strange giants can be seen. In particular, the TV festival opened. In addition to the 18 TV stations, some lucky people from all over the world received invitations and were invited to celebrate here. The strange people are even more.

As an important person invited, Zhou Yu and his party were arranged to the half-home TV station, and this will be the starting point for the best idol of the year. After two days of rest, two days after the TV festival officially opened, it is time to start a long-standing battle.

In these two days, you can take a good stroll around this half-home city.

This is a strange city. Its center is not the residence of the city government or the half-domestic immortal, but a campus called the half-house university. Centered on the campus, there are four cities in the southeast and northwest, which are filled with various neighborhoods. Overall, the square is very neat, and you may even see the walls and towers, which are quite retro.

The principal of Bansho University is probably a half-house immortal. There will be a banquet at the school tomorrow night, which is to entertain 18 TV stations. It is just a good time to look at it. At that time, the legendary half-house immortal will also appear. After the banquet, the small wooden pear and the cultivation will be finished. Bai Mo embarked on the stage of "The First Idol of the World" and confronted masters from all over the country.

Half-House University is a place dedicated to cultivating brokers. Xia Wei has read books here and later became a first-rate broker. However, there are also brokers who are born in this wild path, and they are equally dry and colorful.

In the half-domestic university, the last meaning belongs to the herb garden. In this herb garden, a group of scientists and scientists are studying a variety of strange plants there, and even a strange tree with thousands of different fruits on a large tree is surprising.

Not only that, but Zhou Yu also saw a bigger tree than the thousand fruit trees. It was a big tree with a huge umbrella cover that almost covered the entire half-domestic university. When I saw it, I found its name. It is 'Nvwa God Tree'.

A big tree is making people? Well, people are disappointed.

However, after walking under the tree, I was scared. I saw that there were some fruits on it, and these fruits were very familiar.

The fruit of the idol contains ten kinds of idols. The fruit of the brave contains 3 kinds of brave species, the fruit of the equipment, and contains 5 kinds of equipment. Among these fruits, a large part of Zhou Yu has been planted, no I think there are so many here, half-home city is also yelling some?

"Ha ha ha, are you the first time to come to a half-domestic city?"

A strange person jumped out of the tree and stood straight in front of Zhou Yu. The age is almost thirty, but the body has a mature taste, like the experience of many things, and Zhou Yu, who is still mixed with the heart of a child.

The thieves king is very nervous to guard in front of Zhou Yu, although it is strictly forbidden in the half-domestic city, but after all, the Luhua City and the starlight have fallen into hatred, they are also the children of the half-house immortal, now it is not certain that the half-house immortal will not smuggle .

"The thief king, rest assured, he is not coming to hurt me."

Zhou Yu can't tell why, this person feels very comfortable for himself. The two are like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years. Naturally, they have a sense of closeness.

The thief king silently retired, but still guarded by Zhou Yu, staring at the man in front of him. The middle-aged man did not mind, and reached out and said: "Hello, my name is Zheng Lu. You should be the new king Zhou Yu of the Luhua Kingdom. It is really young."

You are not too old, why do you have the tone of an old man?

After some chat, Zheng Lu was a teacher at Bansho University, and he also taught Xia Wei. It is already a fate. However, Xia Wei’s age is similar to Zhou Yu’s, but how can he become such a young student?

Then think about it, it will be obvious. I almost forgot that this is a 2nd dimension, and the age cannot be judged from the appearance. Just like Yang Lan is an old man, but also one of Zhou Yu's children, Zheng Lu seems to be young in front of him, but the actual age is unknown.

In this way, Zhou Yu, under the leadership of Zheng Lu, had a good tour of this magical half-domestic university, and also learned a little about it. For example, the tree of the son-in-law, the fruit on the top is not reserved for the half-domestic city. After the fruit matures, it falls, and the soil is drilled. Finally, it is randomly born anywhere in the 2nd dimension. In other words, the strange fruits that grew up in the 2nd dimension world are all dropped from here. Even because of various tasks or rewards that are drawn, it may be shaken from here.

The tree of the son-in-law is worthy of the name.

Just because there is no good cultivation in the wild, most of the wild idols are not highly qualified, and only a few lucky ones will have high quality.

In addition to the underground facilities of Half-House, Zhou Yu has almost gone to the half-house university. The environment here is really the same as that of the general university, but it is more beautiful and beautiful. In the end, Zhou Yu even went back to his home with Zheng Lu to eat a meal, and saw his spiritual wife who only had spiritual existence.

After saying goodbye, the thief king said behind Zhou Yu: "The lord, the man of the lord is not so simple on the surface, my detection is actually not effective for him, and the home is calm, but there are still a few masters hidden, even I can't find the hidden person."

The thieves king is already a master of several, even the people who are close to the feet can not detect, it is obvious that the opponent is definitely the top master, even above the thief king. Can an ordinary half-house teacher have such a strong guard?

Half-domestic city, it really is an unfathomable place.

Shortly after Zhou Yu left, Zheng Lu’s family came with two more people, and the two men were the two brothers and sisters of the Starlight Queen and the Fallen King.

I saw that the two of them have no previous rivalry, but you are not willing to talk to yourself, like a child who is afraid of being reprimanded by the elders.

Zheng Lu’s face sank and he patted the table and said, “Go out for so long, come back and put on the spectrum of the Queen and the King, give me a sneak!”

I dare to talk to the Starlight Queen and the Fallen King. Who is this Zheng Lu?

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