MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 597 Vampire king

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The old man walked away with ease, but he wanted to leave two unnamed mothers. They couldn’t see the 2nd dimension, and they couldn’t understand that the old man was not really dead. Xiaoyun Xiaoxia feels that this is unfair to the mother, and she must not let go of the old man.

I saw that the old man still lived in the air, and he didn’t mean anything. He saw that his birthday was getting closer and closer, Xiaoyun couldn’t help himself, and Xiaoxia, who was still preparing for the exam, said: You, Xia Er, are you not worried?"

Xiaoxia had no choice but to stop the pen and asked: "What do you want to do, tell the mother that their old birthday is going to return to heaven? And don't say that they believe it or not, even if they believe it, what can they do? Their triangle relationship can end early." It will not be dragged to the present."

Xiaoxia actually thought about this question carefully, but there is no answer. The low emotional intelligence of the old man is already horrifying, and the mothers seem to be inconspicuous. It is impossible to let the three of them break in the remaining months.

"Things are artificial, I don't believe that there is no treasure in the 2nd dimension that can make the old man open instantly. I heard that in Dongyang City of Nanyang, there is a secret medicine that can stimulate people's passions."

This Xiaoyun is simply against the sky, actually thinking about giving medicine to the old man, I don’t know if this will make Zhou Yu listen to it and laugh. Xiaoxia actually agreed with the nod, but thought it would not work: "It’s useless, the thief king is always with the old lady, and it is basically impossible to get medicine."

Sister, can you not discuss the problem of medicine so seriously?

Finally, this medicine plan still fell through, and then Xiaoyun made some suggestions, but basically no eggs. Although two people can be said to be the goddess of the masses, there is no love experience, let alone to help others fall in love.

And they didn't understand a problem. Even if Zhou Yukai wanted to talk about a love before he died, he didn't have the ability to talk to two girls at the same time. This is a hobby that goes directly to the advanced picture than a novice. Waiting for him can only be blamed for being crazy.

Just as the two little sisters plotted, a voice suddenly sounded behind them, scaring them to smash like a frightened kitten.

"Well, the two of you are actually trying to rebel!"

Xiaoyun Xiaoxia, who was scared, looked back and turned out to be the rock sugar sister of the underground research institute. The underground research institute originally specialized in how to open the door of the free people. Now that the task has been completed, the objects they study become random and they want to study what they want to study.

After seeing that it was rock sugar instead of the thief king, Xiaoyun Xiaoxia was relieved, and then smiled and held the candy. The sugar candy has strong hands-on ability, and often develops some strange props for them to play. It can be said that it is a military sergeant behind the scenes, and it brings a lot of troubles to Zhou Yu. It is here today, and it is ready to bring ‘surprise’ to the city owner.

"Two little fools, if you encounter problems, don't come to me first, you should waste your limited brain cells to think."

This rock candy doesn't know what's going to become a poisonous tongue. It's better than the cold ice in the ground. It's probably sunburned under the sun for a long time.

It’s a common occurrence to be damaged. Xiaoyun Xiaoxia didn’t care too much. Just listening to this meaning seems that there is any way to solve the problem at the moment, so I will come over and listen to rock sugar.

Just listening to the sugar candy continued: "After opening the door of the free man, my research direction has become how the free person was born. When the crack in the dimension opens, a free person will be born. Generally speaking, they are all chosen. High, and only one. However, I have been studying the possibility of a second free person, and this research has already achieved certain results."

The second free person? This research is really amazing. Xiaoyun Xiaoxia, a descendant with free human ability, has been amazed. I didn't expect that the sugar can actually create a second free person.

"Really? Isn't it all over the street?"

Xiaoyun Xiaoxia exclaimed at the same time, and then imagined that picture, the big guys all can see the world of 2 dimensions, what would it look like?

It should be said that it is too dangerous, and the softness of such a dad will only be used to satisfy some of his childhood dreams after having such a convenient ability. As long as a person with a little bit of evil thoughts gets this ability, the consequences are unimaginable.

Xiaoyun Xiaoxia is no longer a child. I naturally understand why the old lady is so worried about her two daughters, for fear of doing something strange with her power. Everything else can be laughed at, but this is a red line, and you can't touch it at any time.

I saw the face of Xiaoyun Xiaoxia, and I knew what they were thinking. I chuckled and said: "Don't worry, it's not just a bunch of free people. I have very strict restrictions on this method. And only those with the first generation of free human blood can create a second free person."

When I heard this, Xiaoyun Xiaoxia also let go of her heart, and then asked Sugar Sugar what it meant. What is the causal relationship between the second free person and the parent's triangulation that is constantly changing?

"The 3 dimensional empire can't be broken, but by the 2nd dimension, everything is natural."

This is the way of rock sugar, turning the millet and the path into free people, and then following them into the free world. Things that are unclear in the 3rd dimension will continue to be entangled in the 2nd dimension. Anyway, the time here is almost equal to infinity, and there is always a chance to solve it. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Xiaomi and Xiaomi have found their true love in the 2nd world.

Xiaoyun Xiaoxia thought about it. It seems that this is the truth, so he asked in detail.

The sugar candy took out the imprint of the vampire ancestor of one of the props he studied. As long as Zhou Yu, who has the first generation of blood, wears it, he will grow 2 yuan of fangs. Whoever will use this tooth to mutate becomes free people.

Well, it really is a vampire.

Xiaoyun Xiaoxia was a little excited. She took the imprint and rushed to find the old man, but waiting for them, it was the cold words: "Hey!"

That's right, it's just messing around.

The ultimate life of free people is only 48 years old, which is unchangeable, as is Xiaoyun Xiaoxia. Zhou Yu likes 2 yuan, so the life of 3 yuan is dispensable for him, but how do you know that others are willing to exchange their life expectancy for 2 yuan?

People are different and cannot be forced.

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