MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 198 , it's not easy

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   Chapter 198, it's not easy

   "Boss, regarding security, this is really a very important thing."

   "The number of anti-gravity aircraft flying around in the sky is small. Once there are as many as cars, a complete regulation system needs to be formulated and advanced technology is needed to ensure it."

   Hearing Liu Yuan talking about safety, Tang Peng also nodded his head.

   "In my opinion, we must build a super accurate GPS navigation system to provide accurate flight navigation for all our aircraft."

  Wang Chen thought about it and said.

   "There is no problem with this at all. With our technology, we can create the most advanced and accurate satellite positioning and navigation system, and this is also a fee-based item. You can also sit and collect navigation fees every year."

  Sun Zilong showed the expression of a profiteer.

   "Haha, I can have this, along with a few seconds of advertising when it can be activated."

   When Lu Yong heard this, he immediately smiled and nodded.

   "In my vision, security needs to be done in multiple ways."

   "The first is the global positioning and navigation system, which must be established as an independent system and controlled by a supercomputer."

   "The second one is the flight mode. We have to set up two flight modes, a low-altitude low-speed flight mode and a high-altitude high-speed flight mode."

   "The two modes have different control methods. In addition, it is necessary to combine the density of aircraft in the surrounding range to set the modes of automatic intelligent flight and manual flight."

   "In the urban area, a towing device will also be invented. Once the aircraft enters this area, it will be automatically controlled by the towing system, towing flight and parking."

   "The third one is speed control. The speed of the anti-gravity aircraft is too fast. If it accelerates and decelerates too fast, it will form a huge pressure. If the overload is too large, ordinary people can't bear it."

   "So in terms of acceleration and deceleration, we have to control, always control at a uniform acceleration and deceleration, reduce the overload burden as much as possible, and invent equipment to reduce overload to reduce pressure."

  Liu Yuan thought about it and said the relevant techniques and methods he had learned in the inheritance of seeds.

   Once a civilization develops to a stellar level or above, private anti-gravity aircraft will be very common, and even when the civilization has developed to a river system level civilization, private spaceships will be very common.

  In some important planets and information, if there are too many aircraft, problems will easily occur, so it is necessary to control related aspects.

   One of the most important is the traction control system.

The traction control system is set in important areas such as cities and high-rise buildings. Once an aircraft flies into the traction range, the aircraft is no longer controlled by the pilot, but is controlled by the traction system, and the migration system controls the flight of the aircraft. Height, speed, direction, etc., to ensure safety.

   This is also a common aircraft in sci-fi movies, as soon as it approaches a large spaceship, it will immediately be pulled by the tractor beam to the designated landing platform to land.

  The development of anti-gravity aircraft is definitely going to develop, because this is a trend, and it is also a sign of the development of a civilization to a stellar civilization.

  The parent star civilization can only operate on the parent star, but the star level civilization can operate in the entire planetary system, running around and surviving.

   However, once the number of anti-gravity aircraft is large, problems will easily occur, and it is necessary to establish a strict relevant system and study relevant technologies.

   "Boss, we can now conduct relevant data simulations and drills in the computer, and constantly summarize good solutions."

  Wang Chen thought about it and added.

   "Yes, this requires us to constantly explore and practice, and constantly improve it slowly."

   "Right now, our production capacity is limited anyway, so we can develop and accumulate experience at the same time."

   Liu Yuan nodded in agreement.

   "Professor Tang, if our Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Base is at full capacity, what level of output can it reach?"

  Lu Yong asked after thinking about it.

   "At the Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Base, we have three production lines for super-large aircraft. If all of them are turned on and the supporting facilities can keep up, there is no problem with the annual production of 3,000 aircraft."

"Because of the anti-gravity technology, it is much easier for us to build large anti-gravity aircraft than for them to build large aircraft. The core anti-gravity and the supporting aerodynamic system are enough, and the rest is relatively easy. It is completely possible to modularize the design, and then hand over the unimportant and low-tech ones to other companies.”

   "As for small private anti-gravity aircraft, our industrial base has more than a dozen production lines. If all are turned on, there will be no problem with producing 1 million private anti-gravity aircraft per year."

"I really admire the boss. When I built this, I thought I had already taken this into consideration. In the past, I always didn't understand why the boss wanted to build such a large base and so many car-like production lines. , I understand now."

   "It turns out that the boss was already planning for today."

  Tang Peng replied after thinking about it.

   "The annual output of 3,000 large-scale anti-gravity aircraft and one million private anti-gravity aircraft is an extremely huge systematic project that requires a large number of supporting industries and related enterprises, as well as a large number of skilled workers."

   Lu Yong pondered and said, "I estimate that we may at least recruit more than 100,000 skilled industrial workers."

   "In addition to related supporting companies, we may need tens of thousands of supporting manufacturers. Among them, the most important auxiliary power aero-engine, the world's total annual output may not even be a fraction of what we need."

   "We can build aero-engines by ourselves, and our requirements do not need to be as high as those of fighter jets. In the case of anti-gravity power, ordinary aero-engines are enough to provide super power."

   "Actually, it is best to use all anti-gravity power, but this consumes more power, and now there is no strong enough battery to support it."

  Wang Chen said very confidently when he heard it, the anti-gravity technology has been researched, and building aero-engines is nothing.

   "We have to research and build aviation engines ourselves, and we need to burn gasoline and diesel like cars, not aviation fuel. That's too expensive to burn."

   "Gasoline and diesel are much cheaper now. It is better to burn bio-energy oil based on our bio-energy oil, so that it is cheaper."

   Liu Yuan immediately added when he heard it.

  The current output of this bioenergy is getting bigger and bigger, it has begun to enter the high yield period, and the planting area on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is getting bigger and bigger.

  In the future, the output will be larger and larger, which can be used for private anti-gravity flights. The most important thing is that it is cheap, and its price will continue to fall.

  The larger the output, the lower the price. It is also needed for export, but it still needs to be used for consumption.

  An anti-gravity aircraft flies in the sky, and it is at least hundreds of kilometers or thousands of kilometers in a casual flight. This will definitely use a lot of fuel. This is a big customer and a big demand.

   "You can have this, otherwise where would you use so much bio-oil?"

   Zheng Yuan immediately grinned and nodded.

   "If it's just an ordinary aero engine, and the requirements don't need to be so high, with our technology, it can be made by ourselves, and it is completely feasible to use bio-oil."

   "The combustion of bio-oil is very stable and sufficient, with very little carbon deposition after combustion, high calorific value, and not easy to volatilize, so it is a very ideal fuel."

  Tang Peng, as a scientist in the aerospace field, naturally has the most say in this regard, and he also expressed his affirmation after pondering.

The R&D capability of Xinghai Technology is undoubtedly very strong. There is absolutely no problem in building an aero-engine that is not too demanding. The key now is to be stable, to have output, and to burn bio-oil. This needs to be done well. Go do some research.

   "Haha, after such a casual discussion, I feel that building a private anti-gravity aircraft is not an easy task. There are still many places to be considered and studied."

   "On the contrary, it is easier to build a large anti-gravity aircraft. After all, it can be combined with the current flight system."

  Lu Yong listened carefully to the discussion, and said with a smile.

"Of course, this is not an easy task. Private anti-gravity aircraft need to involve many aspects, and there are many places to consider. This is an extremely huge industrial chain. Otherwise, how can it become a supporting industry for Guojia? "

   "And with our technology, a small amount of production is completely no problem. If you want to make it on a large scale, you need to do a lot of homework."

   "We need a large number of professional and technical workers, we need a huge supporting industrial chain, we also need to study the core key equipment, and we need to carry out a series of layouts."

   "Many things are not technical issues, but need to negotiate and cooperate with many parties, and can only be completed with the cooperation of many industries and enterprises."

  Liu Yuan nodded solemnly. If private anti-gravity aircrafts want to replace cars, they must form an extremely huge industrial chain like cars, and only a huge industrial cluster can replace the automobile industry.

"But we can take it slow. We will first make a private anti-gravity aircraft. The output does not need to be too high. It is enough to produce hundreds or thousands of aircraft a year. Anyway, it will be more expensive to sell. ."

   "Large anti-gravity aircraft can be mounted first. This is relatively easy. Let's do this first and make some money first!"

  PS: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~~

   (end of this chapter)