MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 204 , the end of the day (for the leader to sit and watch the situation and add more

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   Chapter 204, Doomsday (Add 810 for the leader to sit and watch the situation)

   On the other side of the ocean, in the aircraft factory where the broadcast was broadcast.

Douglas walked slowly in the huge empty factory, looking at the huge passenger planes in the factory, they were like giants, standing quietly, some were just a skeleton, and some were almost completed and delivered. to the buyer.

   But now, everything seems to have pressed the time pause button, and it is forever frozen at this moment.

  The bustling factory before is now empty and all the engineers have left.

   It’s not that Broadcasting is not doing well. In fact, Broadcasting’s financial situation has always been very good. As the world’s largest passenger aircraft manufacturer, it is also one of the only two manufacturers in the world.

  Broadcasting has always accounted for about 60% of the global passenger aircraft market. It can receive more than 1,000 passenger aircraft orders every year, and can produce and deliver more than 1,000 passenger aircraft of various types every year.

  As a high-tech enterprise, the profit of broadcasting has always been quite good, and the small life is still quite nourishing.

   However, with the complete collapse of green coins, it became a pile of waste.

   Broadcasting also encountered unprecedented crisis.

The collapse of green coins has a terrible impact on the economy, which means that the huge wealth has evaporated overnight, and it also means that all contracts signed with customers have no meaning at all for broadcasting, and the other party pays green. Coins are equivalent to paying for a pile of waste paper.

   And there is no way for the broadcaster to use these waste paper to pay the employees, even though everyone’s contract still states how many, how many green coins a year.

   But employees are also human beings. They also have to support their families. They also have wives, children, young and old. If they can’t even eat enough to eat, how can they still work?

   Now the price of goods has risen to the sky, green coins are like waste paper, everyone's life has sneaked into chaos, food and living materials are extremely scarce, and eating is a problem.

   Even more hateful, although there are three of the world's four largest grain merchants here in the beautiful fruit, it is reasonable to say that the food should be the most in short supply, even if the currency collapses, at least there is no problem with the food supply.

  However, capitalists are capitalists, and they will never miss such a rare opportunity to make a fortune. They will not easily sell you food, and the price of food will rise the most.

  The collapse of order, extremely chaotic, has seriously affected the normal operation and production of enterprises.

   To tell the truth, employees also hope to come to work, because only when they go to work can they have food. During this special period, I don’t know how many people have lost their jobs and can’t find work.

  But the broadcasters only have green coins in their hands. Without the food and living materials that everyone needs, everyone still cannot get the food they need when they go to work.

   The bustling and bustling factories stopped at once.

   "It's been half a month, I hope it's really just a pause in time!"

  Douglas looked at the factory in front of him. He knew that the fate waiting here was only overgrown with weeds. Maybe in a certain year, someone would think of this place, and then start to produce and operate here again.

   It’s just that it’s no longer possible to make airplanes.

   Since Xinghai Technology announced its own anti-gravity aircraft plan, the broadcast has received countless unsubscribes, the most important of which are from the other side of the ocean.

   In the past, although the market on the other side of the ocean accounted for about half of its market demand, it was the largest customer group.

   However, the broadcast is just as arrogant as other pretty fruit companies.

   What if you were my biggest client?

   If I want to raise the price, I will raise the price. If I don’t want to sell it to you, I won’t sell it to you. What can you do?

   In the end, isn't it the same as asking my grandfather to tell my grandmother, begging me to sell you the plane?

  After all, there are only two companies in the world, Broadcasting and Shell, which can build passenger planes, and we all have the same attitude, the same arrogance, whether we like to buy them or not.

   Only now, Feng Shui turns.

   They have a better choice. With their own large-scale aircraft manufacturer, they will broadcast the broadcast to the abandoned ones in an instant. Even if it is a breach of contract, even if it is the previous deposit or something, it does not matter.

   Anyway, green coins are no different from paper now, and you can exchange them into a pile to pay you. Of course, if you can deliver the passenger plane to me, it is naturally the best.

  The passenger plane is still the same passenger plane, and it is still a valuable thing, but even if the passenger plane has already been completed, it is not willing to sell it at the previous price at this moment.

   But customers obviously don’t want to get used to your bad temper anymore. They like to sell or not. Now there is a choice. If you want to increase the price, there is no door. We will only use green coins to buy your airliner.

   Faced with the same arrogance, Douglas even personally called customers on the other side of the ocean, hoping that the other party could pay with fruit coins.

  As long as the broadcaster can get a certain amount of fruit coins, he can buy enough food and living materials for his employees, and he can make his company run again.

As long as the passenger planes can be continuously produced, there is still hope and salvation. The green coins have collapsed, but the euro coins, fruit coins, etc. have not collapsed. You can choose to pay with these currencies. With these currencies, broadcasting is still possible. Buy enough goods and use the goods to pay your employees to make it through.

   It’s just that the customers on the other side of the ocean refused. They directly refunded hundreds of orders, and the liquidated damages have already been paid to the account. It’s just that the green coins are now waste paper, and they have no meaning at all.

   This taste is very uncomfortable!

   For the first time, I felt arrogant, and I also felt the feeling of being ignored.

   "There will be no more broadcasts."

  Douglas closed his eyes helplessly. He clearly knew that the consequences of the collapse of the green coin had always been enjoying the benefits of the internationalization of the green coin, and his own manufacturing industry had been completely hollowed out.

At the moment when the green coins are pierced and the powerful force cannot be maintained, the collapse is only the beginning, and the situation to be faced will be even worse. Slowly rebuilding, but at that time, I am afraid it will be completely different.

   The headquarters of the empty shell.

  Compared with broadcasting, the empty shell is relatively much better. At least it is still operating normally, the factory is still operating, and the order is still there.

   But the impact was still very big.

   has always been wearing a pair of trousers with the beautiful fruit, and the collapse of green coins has still had a strong impact on the economy here.

  The euro is also depreciating sharply and the unemployment rate has surged. There is no doubt that this will naturally lead to a large wave of movements of various colors of clothes. The strikes are also one after another in various places, and they are getting more and more intense.

People here have been living a life of high welfare for a long time. Even if they do not work, they can still receive a large amount of unemployment benefits. The money is almost the same.

   There is no doubt that this is a morbid phenomenon. When there is no difference between working and not working, fools know how to choose, and there are more and more lazy people.

  There are fewer and fewer people working, and everyone's enthusiasm for work is getting lower and lower. Even if there is gold and silver, there will be a day of sitting and eating.

   What's more, this kind of high welfare is often based on high taxes, and the working people are working hard to support a group of lazy people who have nothing to do, even if it is impossible to last for a long time.

   has gradually become prominent in the early years. The successor is weak, difficult to maintain, and the debt is high. People's requirements will only get higher and higher, increasing wages, reducing working hours, increasing social benefits, and so on.

   But few people go back and wonder where the money came from?

  If no one works, no one will create wealth and value. In the past, it could be barely maintained by finance and technology.

   However, now, with the collapse of green coins, under the powerful impact, finance will collapse, countless banks and financial companies are closing down one after another, and massive wealth evaporates overnight.

   As for technology, the empty shell has encountered a huge crisis at this moment.

  The contracts signed by a large number of customer orders are all green coins. If you pay the customer for the passenger plane, the other party will give you green coins like waste paper.

  If you do not pay for the passenger plane and ask the other party to pay in euros or fruit coins, the other party would rather breach the contract, because the liquidated damages are also written in green coins, and you are still given waste paper.

   In the end, all I got was a lot of waste paper green coins. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was relying on the major European industries behind it to manufacture strong fruits, I’m afraid the empty shell would be broadcast, and it wouldn’t be able to support it at all.

   Of course, what is really scary is the challenge from Xinghai Technology. They officially announced their entry into the aircraft industry. With their anti-gravity technology, traditional passenger aircraft still have no competitive advantage.

The empty shell has received a large number of cancellations, and customers are watching, wanting to see the situation of this anti-gravity aircraft. After all, the economic situation is not good now, and the operation of airlines has become extremely difficult. Everyone is watching, See what happens next.

   "Anti-Gravity Technology~"

   "We must get anti-gravity technology, otherwise we will be eliminated sooner or later. The end has come, and it depends on whether we can get a new life in the end."

  Empty Shell President Enders silently pondered the situation in front of him, and he could see everything in front of him very clearly.

   Anti-gravity technology is the mainstream and trend of future development. Not only the manufacture of large aircraft, but even the manufacture of automobiles and ships will be greatly impacted, and then gradually eliminated and replaced by anti-gravity technology.

  If this technology can be obtained, the empty shell can not only survive the immediate doomsday crisis, but also gain new life.

PS: Some book friends say that I am water. In fact, I just want to express a meaning. When we rise, many pseudo-developed fruit families become more difficult. When our technology rises, then we are developed fruit family smashers. , this may be what they are really afraid of.

   (end of this chapter)