MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 218 , aircraft manufacturing industry (for the leader to sit and watch the situation fight

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   Chapter 218, Aircraft Manufacturing

"The latest news from this station is that Xinghai Technology and Biyaty Group jointly announced that they have reached a strategic cooperation agreement. Xinghai Technology will invest 50 billion in Biyaty Group, accounting for 10% of the overall shares of Biyaty Group. The group provides technical support for anti-gravity engines and aero-engines as well as manufacturing aircraft."

   "Biyaty Group announced that it will vigorously enter the aircraft manufacturing industry, and strive to officially launch the first aircraft manufactured by Biaatti next year!"

"The latest news from Tianfutai, we Tianfu and Xinghai Technology recently signed a cooperation investment agreement. Xinghai Technology will invest 50 billion to build an anti-gravity aircraft production line in Tianfu. Once this base is completed, it is expected to be able to produce one million anti-gravity aircraft in the future. The annual output value exceeds one trillion fruit coins!"

"The latest news is that Xinghai Technology and SAIC Motor have reached a strategic cooperation agreement. Xinghai Technology will invest 50 billion yuan in SAIC Motor Group, accounting for 10% of the total shares. At the same time, Xinghai Technology will provide SAIC Motor with anti-gravity engines and aero-engines, as well as manufacturing aircraft related products. Technical Support."

   "SAIC Motor announced that it will vigorously develop the anti-gravity aircraft manufacturing industry, focusing on launching its own brand, and strive to officially launch an anti-gravity private aircraft with completely independent intellectual property rights in the first half of next year."


   One good news after another keeps coming out.

  Xinghai Technology has reached important cooperation and investment intentions with many places, and plans to build several large bases in various places, which are no longer limited to Ningcheng County.

At the same time, it has also reached a cooperation agreement with many automobile manufacturers in the fruit. Support for related technologies.

The reason why    should be done is because Xinghai Technology wants to maximize its benefits, and it is impossible to give you this great opportunity to make money in vain.

   There are so many car manufacturers in the world, why do I have to give it to you?

   I am the only one with Xinghai Technology who can produce anti-gravity engines, and cars are bound to be phased out gradually. If such conditions are given to auto companies outside the fruit, it is estimated that they do not need money, and the other party is willing to give a certain percentage of shares.

  Liu Yuan felt that he could not take advantage of the fire, so the investment was made according to the current market value assessment. Everyone is very happy to see that Xinghai Technology is willing to give a certain percentage of the assets.

  Xinghai Technology does not require a high proportion of shares, only 10%, and it is willing to contribute capital, which is something that cannot be asked for.

   Everyone has cooperated together, and the cooperation will naturally become more intimate in the future, and the layout of the large aircraft manufacturing industry also requires a lot of funds.

  In addition to Xinghai Technology’s strong financial resources and so much money that there is nowhere to spend it, other companies may not be the same as Xinghai Technology. Every tens of billions or hundreds of billions can be easily taken out.

   On the other hand, Liu Yuan also considered that eggs cannot be put in one basket to diversify investments and assets.

   Not only has a certain percentage of shares in numerous suppliers through capital contributions, but also cooperates with these auto companies now.

  There are still several trillion fruit coins on the account of Xinghai Technology, and it is still growing at a terrifying rate. These money are just a string of numbers in the bank, and they have no meaning.

   If you invest it, you can not only make more money, but also optimize your asset allocation, and it will be safer under a diversified structure.

   At the same time, the funds in hand can be used to invest, drive production and development, and promote the economy and employment.

   With the promotion of Xinghai Technology, many automobile manufacturing companies and local officials, a large amount of funds have been concentrated and transferred to the new aircraft manufacturing industry, and have been continuously sprinkled on the entire land.

  Because of a series of actions in the layout of the aircraft manufacturing industry, it also began to have a major impact in many aspects.

   First of all, a stock with the concept of aircraft manufacturing industry directly appeared in the stock market. The stock of this concept includes many car manufacturers, parts suppliers and the basic steel industry.

   The stocks of related concepts have also ushered in a wave of sharp rises, and they have continued to rise sharply. Many stocks have even doubled in just half a month.

It has become the hottest and hottest investment field, not only attracting many investment institutions and individuals in Guoguo to invest heavily in stocks of related concepts, but also overseas funds have begun to enter on a large scale, and they have expressed their optimism about the large aircraft manufacturing industry. Investing in stocks related concepts.

   On this point, as long as the discerning person can see, it has almost become a trend for private anti-gravity aircraft to replace cars, and it has become the trend of the times.

   The automobile manufacturing enterprises and related supporting industries in Guonai, which have natural advantages, will have a good opportunity for rapid development.

   As long as we can seize the opportunity of this development, the huge market of aircraft manufacturing will eventually be divided up by everyone, and the automobile industry has become a sunset industry at this time.

   The inside is booming, while the outside is bleak, both are plummeting and plummeting. No one is optimistic about the future of the auto industry.

  Under the soaring world of aircraft, automobiles are destined to gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

  Everyone thinks about the aircraft manufacturing industry, a lot of money has poured into this industry, and the stock market rally is just the beginning.

  The aircraft manufacturing industry is associated with thousands of supporting industries, which can drive the development of many industries. At the same time, because it is a manufacturing and technology industry, it can also greatly promote the development of employment and technology.

   This is also one of the reasons why everyone is optimistic, because now Guojia is vigorously supporting industrial transformation and the development of high-tech industries and manufacturing.

  The aircraft manufacturing industry is undoubtedly a perfect fit for all of this, and it is very helpful for stimulating the economy and driving employment.

   Now real estate is becoming more and more useless, and it is becoming more and more powerless, and many industries related to the real estate industry are also developing less and less stamina and motivation.

As soon as the    anti-gravity aircraft came out, it gave the real estate another blow.

  The stocks related to the aircraft manufacturing industry are skyrocketing on a large scale, but the real estate industry and related stocks have ushered in an unprecedented plunge.

   In a short period of time, almost all the houses in major cities could not be sold.

   Countless people who are going to buy a house wisely chose to wait and see, holding the funds in their hands, and after the large-scale popularization of anti-gravity aircraft, the price will drop.

   They can work in the city and live in their hometown in the countryside without any pressure, and they don’t need to work for the bank with 30 years of mortgage loans.

   And the video on Xinghai Technology's press conference is very popular, and countless people have begun to yearn for such a life.

  People who own houses in the city are now constantly selling their properties, and the prices are cheaper than each other. Who will buy a new house?

   As a result, the real estate industry has completely fallen into a cold winter, the house cannot be sold, and even the price of second-hand houses has begun to plummet.

   In just a few months, the decline in many places has even exceeded 30 to 40%, but even if it fell by 30 to 40%, there is still no one taking the order.

   Everyone is not a fool, just have money in hand and wait to buy an aircraft.

  In rural areas, almost every household has built a small house. With an aircraft, work is very convenient. Not only can you work in the fruit, but you can also look for jobs all over the world.

   And living in the countryside, as long as you don't compare yourself with others, and don't dislike the poor rural education, you can be very relaxed about your child's reading education.

  Education in the city is better, but children and adults are under a lot of pressure. The countryside is relatively easier. Children are happy and adults are relaxed.

   As for the medical treatment, you don’t have to worry about it. With the aircraft, you can go to the whole fruit at will, and worry about medical care.

   So as long as there is a choice, there is no need to go to the city to buy a house.

  The real estate has fallen into an unprecedented cold winter, and the key is this time, the government seems to have no plan to rescue the market at all, and let the real estate enter the cold winter.

   In fact, everyone knows very well that real estate cannot continue to expand. It is good for a fruit family, but it does not have much benefit for the common people.

For the Guo family, with the development of urbanization, enough houses have been built to live in billions of people. There is no need to build houses desperately. A lot of fertile land has been occupied, and no one has built the houses. It's useless to live there.

For ordinary people, as house prices are getting higher and higher, buying a house means carrying a heavy burden. To pay off the mortgage in 30 years, you need to work conscientiously, not to get sick, not to spend money, or to lose your job. , the pressure is too great.

The key is that for young people, the rising housing prices bring despair, because you may not be able to buy a house if you work hard for the rest of your life. Even if you have emptied six pockets, you still have to bear heavy mortgage pressure. How desperate is this?

And often houses are linked to marriage and fertility. If you can’t buy a house, you can’t get married, and you won’t have children. Our marriage rate, fertility rate, and population births are all falling off a cliff. A large part of this is the reason. All because the price is too high.

Young people are afraid of marriage, very afraid of marriage, because thinking of the huge pressure they will face after marriage, young people are afraid to marry and have children. Raising one child is already tiring enough. Having a second or third child is simply not enough. impossible.

   So this time, with such an opportunity, the government will of course not take action to save the market, and plan to seize this opportunity to transform and get rid of its dependence on real estate.

PS: I personally think that the housing price is really too high. For young people, the pressure is too great. This may be an important reason for the low marriage rate, high divorce rate and low birth rate. Urban life is full of competition. Compared with the pressure, life in the countryside is much easier. When I was a child, I was very happy and happy to read every day, because there was no homework or anything, and there was no need for parents to tutor. After school, I was everywhere. Play, look at my daughter now, who is in kindergarten, parents and children are tired, don't know whether this is good or bad? What is your opinion?

   (end of this chapter)

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