MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 222 , to create a virtual world

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   Chapter 222, Creating a Virtual World

  Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, in Liu Yuan's office.

Liu Yuan called Lu Yong, Yi Han, Tang Xiaohui, Xie Xin, Ran Haoyu, Wu Dan, and Weng Yiyang all from the company's executives. At the same time, from the scientific research institute, Li Chun, Zheng Yuan, Jiang Wannian, Song Cang, Tang Peng, Wang Chen, Sun Zilong, Wang Wei, Xu Yunpeng, the heads of the Zhou Tongtong Research Institute, the main scientists of various branches and laboratories also called over.

   "Boss, what kind of meeting is going to be held today, there are really enough people."

Tang Peng was the furthest away and the latest to come. As soon as he came in and saw a room full of people, all of them were important executives of Xinghai Technology or the head of the research institute, he immediately realized that this meeting might be possible. very unusual,

   "Well, everyone is here."

   Liu Yuan nodded with a smile, looked at the crowd and said, "First of all, I would like to emphasize that all the contents of this meeting are listed in the highest level of confidentiality, and no relevant information and content shall be disclosed to the outside world."

   Hearing Liu Yuan's words, everyone immediately took out their mobile phones, turned them off automatically, and put them on the table. This is the rule for Xinghai Technology to hold important meetings.

Because many technologies in Xinghai Technology are the world's leading technologies, any one is enough to have a huge impact, and it is related to huge economic interests, even anti-gravity technology, chip technology, bio-energy technology, etc. The important interests of the fruit family.

   Therefore, many meetings in Xinghai Technology are highly confidential meetings, and no one can leak any word. Once relevant information is leaked, the possible consequences will be very serious.

   Just like this time, the reason why Liu Yuan called everyone over was to discuss the matter of creating a virtual world.

  The two major problems of virtual technology, the team led by Xu Yunpeng and Zhou Tong have basically researched, and only need to be continuously improved, this technology can be put into use.

   If it is only connected to the current Internet, it will not take long to launch a virtual machine and announce this great achievement of Xinghai Technology to the world.

   But obviously, Liu Yuan did this virtual technology not to develop the Internet, but to develop the virtual world.

   It is completely possible to connect to the Internet by using virtual technology, but the Internet cannot fully reflect virtual technology. Virtual technology and virtual world are the real perfect match.

Moreover, the basic framework and settings of the Internet are in the hands of the other side of the ocean. If nothing else, now whether it is a computer or a mobile phone, the system is controlled by people on the other side of the ocean. In addition, most of the industrial software, office software and other basic Sexual things are also in their hands.

   So in the Internet field, they are invincible, no matter how you fight, you can't turn over their palms.

  Liu Yuan must create a virtual world, replace the Internet with a virtual machine world, and the most important thing is to create the construction and infrastructure of the virtual world.

   At the same time, some important things in the virtual world are created first, such as industrial and office-related software, and virtual technology is used to make industrial software and office software, and comprehensively upgrade the existing Internet.

   Doing so will inevitably have a huge impact. Once the news is leaked, Xinghai Technology is very likely to face huge pressure now, and has to be forced to open up the cooperation and architecture of the virtual world.

   For Xinghai Technology, the loss will be extremely huge, so it must be kept confidential and no relevant information can be leaked out.

   When Xinghai Technology has finished building the framework, structure, system and some basic things of the virtual world, then you can choose the right time to announce this great technology and invention to the world.

   Of course, virtual technology also involves the current mobile phone manufacturing industry. If the news leaks, then Xinghai Technology’s chips will not be sold.

Xia Wei, Dami, Opal and other mobile phone manufacturers will definitely break the door of Xinghai Technology. It's only been two years, and you Xinghai Technology have created a virtual machine, and you want to put all of us. Play to death?

  How can we make mobile phones play?

   In addition, if some basic architectures, systems, software, etc. are prepared in advance, many of the current Internet giants will definitely collapse completely at that time.

   Like the prestige of chatting software, Facebook, like some treasure, some east, Amazon, etc. that sell goods, they will inevitably be greatly affected and impacted, and may even go out of business.

   And all of these involve extremely huge interests. Xinghai Technology has worked hard to create a virtual world, and naturally it will not let go of these basic, simple things that can be of great value and benefits.

  If this news leaks out, it is estimated that Xinghai Technology will not think about peace. If people from overseas don’t come to the door, the Internet giants in Guo will come to the door and turn you into a mess.

   It doesn't mean that Liu Yuan can't let go of these interests, mainly because Liu Yuan thinks that the current Internet giants are basically listed overseas, and the major shareholders are outside institutions or individuals.

   If the virtual world develops rapidly, then it can sweep the world and let billions of people use the same virtual world, and the value of related things will increase greatly.

  Because their main shareholders are overseas institutions and individuals, this also means that such a huge increase in wealth will be cheaper for outsiders, which is unacceptable to Liu Yuan.

  The virtual world that I worked so hard to build was not to cheap outsiders, but to stuff this pot of meat in my own pot.

   "This time, everyone is called for a meeting, mainly to discuss creating a virtual world."

   Liu Yuan looked at the crowd and spoke slowly.

"virtual reality?"

   Lu Yong, Yi Han, Tang Xiaohui and others were immediately puzzled when they heard it.

   They are responsible for the daily management and operation of the company, and know very little about technical matters. This is also the principle that Liu Yuan has always adhered to. Technology and management are separated.

   The company's top management cannot know the specific technology, and even within the scientific research institute, different laboratories and different research institutes are not aware of each other's projects and technologies.

   Unless you are involved, you don’t know the specific technology.

   "Xu Yunpeng, Zhou Tong, you send things to everyone, so that everyone can experience the magic of virtual technology."

  Liu Yuan nodded to Xu Yunpeng and Zhou Tong and said, the two also took out a watch-like thing, indicating that everyone wears it on their wrists.

  Everyone was also very happy. After getting it, they put it on their wrists, and then at the prompt of Zhou Tong, they gently pressed a button on the top.

   "I'm going~"

As soon as the    button is pressed, it will start immediately, and the relevant information will immediately come to mind.

  Lu Yong, Yi Han, Weng Yiyang and others were startled immediately.

   Because a mobile phone interface screen appeared in his mind.

   "This is too amazing, isn't it?"

   Yi Han said in disbelief: "Why does the mobile phone interface appear in our minds?"

   "Yeah, why does the mobile interface appear directly in our minds?"

   "And it seems that we can directly control this interface with our thoughts, and can also open related software?"

   "The content of the video playback can also be directly transmitted to the mind."

   "There is also music. I have never felt that music is so beautiful and can instantly resonate with people."

  Other people also quickly discovered the magic of this thing. They didn't need Liu Yuan to explain anything, and they all became addicted to it all at once.

  Sit comfortably on the chair, close your eyes, you can be completely immersed in it, you don't need to control it with your hands, and you don't need to see it with your eyes.

   All kinds of content can be directly reflected in your mind, what you need to do, just a thought.

   "It's so cool!"

   "Is this a virtual world?"

   "This technology is amazing, incredible!"

   "It's unbelievable. Wouldn't it be possible to get rid of the screen, keyboard, mouse, etc. in the future, whether it is used to surf the Internet or to work, it is too convenient."

   "There is also this confidentiality. All information is known only to you, and outsiders don't know what information and content are in it at all."

  Everyone felt the power and magic of virtual technology.

   Liu Yuan, Xu Yunpeng and Zhou Tong looked at each other and laughed immediately.

   This is just using virtual technology to connect to the Internet. If you create a virtual world, it will be completely different, and you can even say that a virtual world is completely created.

   After experiencing it for more than an hour, they reluctantly took off the watch-like thing and looked at Liu Yuan with fiery eyes.

   "Boss, is this virtual technology?"

  Lu Yong was also the first time to experience it. He felt the power and magic of this technology and asked hurriedly.

   "Yes, this is virtual technology, the product of the combination of biotechnology and electronic technology. Its appearance is absolutely epoch-making!"

  Liu Yuan nodded solemnly and said, "Just now, everyone just used virtual technology to experience the traditional Internet. Everyone has been amazed at the magic and power of this technology."

   "But the Internet is the Internet after all. Although virtual technology can also be used on the Internet, it is not a real virtual world after all, and our virtual technology is naturally the most perfect match with the virtual world."

   "We have mastered virtual technology. Naturally, we cannot rely on virtual technology to make money. More importantly, we must master the virtual world, create a virtual world, and construct a brand-new virtual world that can fully display virtual technology."

   "That's why we called everyone here today. Our next focus is to create a virtual world!"

   (end of this chapter)