MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 260 , return to Earth (reward 10 for sitting and watching Fengyun League leader

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   Chapter 260, Returning to Earth

  Moon, an anti-gravity vehicle flies rapidly over the moon.

   "This moon is actually very boring. All planets without life are similar, and there is nothing to see."

   Driving the aircraft towards the Moon Palace base, Liu Yuan also felt a little bored.

  I was planning to continue to collect some collectibles, but I suddenly felt so bored, so I just went back and forget about it, there are a few collectibles that are almost the same, too many are not interesting.

As for Qian Xia, she has been livestreaming for several hours, her voice is hoarse now, but she is reluctant to turn off the livestreaming. Now there are more than 10 million people in the livestreaming room, and this livestreaming also made her a large number of fans. It has risen by tens of millions, such a great opportunity, how could she be willing to turn off the live broadcast.

   Even if your voice is hoarse, you still have to stick to the live broadcast.

"Family, I have been walking on the moon for a few hours since I landed on the Houyi on the earth. Now my voice is hoarse and my whole mouth is dry. For the sake of my dedication, everyone will give me a free follow. , and then be careful."

"Now we're going back to the Houyi. I'm really tired. Wearing a bulky spacesuit is really inconvenient. I want to throw this spacesuit away and have a good meal. , have a good night's sleep."

   "I don't know what it's like to sleep on the moon."

"This time with Liu Yuan on the moon is also very rewarding, and I also promised the fans that I will draw some lucky fans in the next live broadcast, and collect some rocks, soil and beauty that I collected on the moon side. Some of the items left by the fruit people who landed on the moon were given to everyone as gifts."

   "So, if you want to get the gift I sent, everyone should follow the live broadcast immediately, and I will draw a gift for everyone during the next live broadcast."

   "Among these gifts are the screws and nuts of the Eagle lander, as well as the shovel and wrench used on the moon during the second lunar landing, and a pair of boots that I don't know who used it."

   "These things, although they are ordinary items, are quite memorable. If you want to get these items, please follow the anchor, and I will draw them when I return to Earth to start the live broadcast."

   There is no doubt that Qian Xia is an excellent anchor who can always find ways to attract more people to pay attention to her.

  Liu Yuan listened to her live broadcast and couldn't help but smile and shake his head slightly.

   This time, I brought a lot of things back to Earth, and I brought the shovel and wrench that Armstrong used for my son. He likes to dig sand and will use this shovel in the future.

   Soon, Liu Yuan returned to the Ocean of Storms area where the Houyi was located. At this time, the vicinity of the Houyi had changed a lot.

  A huge and wide platform has been built, all of which are paved with special alloy materials, and will be specially used to start and park various aircraft in the future, so that the spacecraft will not be parked directly on the soil of the moon.

   At the same time, a huge base appeared on the desolate surface of the moon.

The scale of this base is very large, it stretches across a large area, and there are dozens of rooms. It is already possible to see people taking off their bulky space suits inside, just like on Earth, wearing light clothes and constantly inside. Busy, talking and laughing.

   Not far away, the engineer team is still busy, constantly expanding the Moon Palace base to build laboratories, vegetable growing rooms and so on.

   In the next few months, they will also build a rare earth smelting plant, a gold smelting plant, etc. here, which are specially used to mine rare earth and gold.

It is too far from the earth, and it is not an easy thing to travel to and fro, so it is best to smelt directly on the moon side, and then bring the finished product back to the earth. In this case, the cost is relatively lower. The key is to Smelting rare earths and gold on the moon does not seem to be taxed, because it does not belong to the jurisdiction of any Guojia.

   Parked the aircraft, and Liu Yuan ordered people to transfer the collections he had collected to Houyi, and brought them back to Earth when he went back, while he came to the Moon Palace Base.


   When he took off his space suit, Liu Yuan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

   Wearing a spacesuit is just too inconvenient, too bulky, with too many, too many dislikes and discomforts.

   Now that I have taken off my space suit, I feel much more comfortable.


   Liu Yuan came back, and Sun Zilong, the person in charge of the moon, also hurried over to report the work.

   In fact, there is not much to report, because everything is carried out step by step according to the plan that has been made in advance.

   And it is also under the command and remote control of the earth control command center at any time, so Sun Zilong does not need to worry too much.

   "All the items in the Houyi ship have been transported out. At present, many samples are being collected and transported into the Houyi ship. This time, there are many samples collected, and it may take an hour to complete."

   "After completion, Houyi can set sail and return to Earth at any time."

   "The construction progress of the Moon Palace base has also been completed by about 30%. It has been tested in various aspects. The main functional cabins have been completed and the conditions for independent operation have been met."

  Sun Zilong reported all aspects of things to Liu Yuan in detail.

   "Have you carefully explored that gold mine?"

   Liu Yuan didn't care about these things. If there was anything, he would have known it long ago, so he also asked about the gold mine.

"I have ordered people to investigate carefully. It is estimated that there are at least 300,000 tons of gold, and the distribution is very concentrated. In such a small area, the mining difficulty is also small and easy to mine. I estimate that it may not be necessary. All the gold can be mined in a year.”

Sun Zilong reported to Liu Yuan in a low voice. This matter has been classified as a secret. Except for the main senior management of Xinghai Aerospace Group and the people in the resource exploration team, the information other people know is very limited. information after processing.


   "This mine will be mined quietly. After the mine is finished, all the gold will be temporarily stored on the side of the moon and not shipped back to Earth."

   Liu Yuan nodded, and after some thought, he ordered.

   "Why not ship it back?"

   When Sun Zilong heard this, he immediately asked in confusion.

   If this is not shipped back to Earth, it is just a pile of iron lumps, and it cannot be exchanged for money at all.

   But soon, he thought about it carefully, and all of a sudden he understood the key.

   For Xinghai Technology and for Liu Yuan, money is no longer an important thing. If there is too much money to Liu Yuan's level, it doesn't make much sense any more.

   Even if this batch of gold is transported back to Earth, it is of little significance to Xinghai Technology and Liu Yuan. On the contrary, it may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble and make people jealous.

   All mined and stored on the side of the moon, the outside world does not know, naturally there is less trouble, and when the key comes, it may still play a big role.

   "I understand, boss~"

  Sun Zilong nodded, and then took the matter to heart.

   "The fewer people know about it, the better, and keep it all confidential."

  Liu Yuan look at Sun Zilong, you know a hammer.

   The reason why I mined it and didn’t ship it back was not only because I didn’t want to have more trouble, but also to prepare for a long-term plan.

  Gold is a hard currency. Countries around the world reserve a large amount of gold to stabilize their currencies. Only when there are enough gold reserves can the currency you issue have sufficient credibility.

   What if there are many people who do not have gold reserves?

   In the past, it was directly linked to the green coin, and the amount of the green coin reserve was correspondingly issued, and the green coin was ultimately linked to the gold reserves in the beautiful fruit.

If you want to go it alone in the future, you will not be able to do it without some gold reserves. Moreover, although the total reserves of gold in the universe are huge, gold is still a cherished resource in general, because its production is It is related to the first and second generation of stars in the universe.

   In addition, the world's currencies are constantly depreciating. If Xinghai Technology changes gold into paper money, it will be a real fool. With gold in hand, wealth is relatively more valuable.

   Anyway, Liu Yuan doesn't plan to transport this batch of gold back to Earth. It is now placed on the moon, and will be transported to the colonized planet in the future.

   "Understood, boss!"

  Grandson Long nodded solemnly and replied.

   After the report, Liu Yuan took a rest for more than ten minutes and began to stroll around the Moon Palace Base.

  Each room on the Moon Palace base, of course, is also called the lunar module. All of them are independent, with independent life support systems and alarm systems. This is to fully ensure the safety of the Moon Palace base.

   Once something goes wrong in a room, you can also evacuate to the next room urgently without affecting other rooms.

   Of course, this design also makes the communication between the various rooms not very convenient, and it is necessary to pass through two gates and a connecting corridor in the middle.

   But fortunately, each room is large enough, and the interior is divided into multiple small rooms, small spaces, etc., making full use of every inch of space here.

Two hours later, Houyi was loaded with rocks and soil samples mined from the moon and was about to set sail back to Earth. Unlike the rocks and soil brought back by the beautiful fruit when it landed on the moon, the Descent carried it this time. After collecting nearly 10,000 tons of rock and soil samples, and preparing to return to Earth, we will conduct tests on these samples and carefully analyze the distribution of resources on the moon.

   "Moon Palace, Moon Palace, Houyi request to take off!"

   "Earth Command Center, Earth Command Center, Houyi requests to return!"

   "Granted to return!"

   "Granted to take off!"

   Soon, with the transmission of the order, the huge body of Houyi slowly lifted into the air like a light feather, and soon flew into space. After flying around the moon, it went straight to the earth and returned home.

  PS: I still owe a reward from the leader of the Fengyun Gang, and I still owe the nine chapters from the leader of the Hua Gu leader~~ I owe a lot of debt!

   (end of this chapter)

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